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I'm alive! ALIVE!!! *muwahahahaaa!!*

And officially a Bandster!!   This will be long, I apologize in advance. :tt1:   Surgery went REALLY well. I went to Day One Health in Chicago and everyone there is phenomenal!   I got there are 5:00am (half hour earlier than scheduled) and NO ONE was there! The place was dark! Ha! But not for long. We got let in a few minutes later and completed the rest of the paperwork, then went back to prep for surgery. Again, I cannot stress how awesome everyone is there! I think I am going to get them a thank you card and bring it Friday for my follow-up.   ANYWHO--once they wheeled me back into the O.R., another nurse came in singing a Michael Jackson song-- "You are not alone...I am here with you." I said, oh that's good! They started to "strap" my arms onto the boards and I said "and this the part when I'm asking myself 'what the heck am I doing here?'" My anesthesiologist (sp?) said "one time I actually had someone jump off the table and say 'forget this' and leave!" That made me laugh. Then he gave me something to "relax" and I woke up in recovery!   I was very sore, but asked for some pain meds and that was NICE. Once I got the thing out of my nose, I decided to walk--a LOT. And this really does help! I lapped the area countless times. Started very slowly, but was jogging a while late. J/K! Yeah right! But I was walking at nearly "normal" speed. Everytime I would pass the nurse's station they would ask if I was ok and if I was nauseous. I NEVER got nauseous (yay!) and haven't had any gas pains yet either. (Hopefully I can avoid the majority of that.)   Didn't get to leave until about 2:30 because I was waiting for the doctor to do my swallow test--which tastes like butt, by the way! Ha! They gave me a little can of apple juice to get the taste out of my mouth. That juice could have been a steak dinner! It was amazing!!   Got back home around 4 and had a little chicken broth, SF popsicle and liquid Vicadin. Called my parents and they were really surprised how good I sounded. I may have talked their ears off. LOL But my dad is considering the surgery as well, so I talked in depth about everything! Finally took a nap from about 6:30 till 9. Will go back to bed soon, but was able to have a jello cup and TWO cups of hot tea (no milk!) And some Vicadin for dessert!   Who knows how I will feel tomorrow, but I do not regret this so far! Even with the pain in the incisions. That will pass and I'll be on my way to a new life.   The name of the clinic is very fitting...Day One. I feel like it's my birthday!!   Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and well wishes! I will post again tomorrow--hopefully as upbeat as I am right now!   xoxo   Maggs




Just some thoughts...

I called a LAP-BAND® doctor here that takes out of town patients and he has some BIG restrictions for post-op rules! Not like my doc. My surgery was June 14th and I had my first fill on July 19th. His requirement is no first fill for 8 weeks after surgery, so a second fill can't be for at least 90 days after the surgery date. That means the earliest I could get in would be the day before I'm supposed to go on vacation to Florida! They went on to say there is no way I could fly with any liquid in my band. I've never heard THAT before! In fact, my doc in Chicago said I could fly 24 hours after a fill. Who to believe...I think I'll believe the doctor that I KNOW and TRUST already.   So, I called another place up here in the Minneapolis area. It's actually a bit closer to me anyway. They require a meeting with a dietician to assess where I am at this point, but I could get in this week! I scheduled an appointment for next Monday afternoon. We'll see what they say, but I already like how much more helpful they were than the other place.   I would really hate to have to drive 6 or 7 hours back to Chicago for a fill at the end of the month, but I can not wait until OCTOBER for a second fill! Sheesh! I want to start losing more weight, for cryin' out loud.   I've only lost about 5 pounds since my fill. (Right, "only" can be excluded, I know. At least the pounds are going DOWN, not up.) But I also haven't been able to work out at a gym with the move going on. I plan on joining the gym in the next week or so. Waiting for payday! :thumbup:   So, loving Minnesota so far! Not looking forward to winter, but I'm prepared as much as I can be for it! Haha!   How is everyone else doing out there??   ~ M




Oh, so much...

I haven't posted in a long time...first, I was busy with the crazy holiday season at work. Then I went to England for Christmas. I actually got a fill the day before I was flying overseas! Not recommended, by the way! I hardly ate anything before I got on the plane and not quite half the (awful) meal on the plane. Mainly drank water the whole time. But it wasn't until after I landed that I really felt the restriction! I got to my in-laws' house and my husband's mom had prepared this huge meal! Ugh!! Roast chicken, veggies, mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes...I ate some of the chicken and some of the veggies...and then had to throw up! It was awful. I was so tight from the pressure on the plane, I guess. It was just that one day, but wow...rough at first!   Well, I lie...it was rough food-wise the whole time! His mom cooks the most rich food you can imagine!! And even though my portions were smaller, it was packed full of fat (I'm sure) and carbs and generally good-tastin' stuff! Ha! I gained about 4 pounds in the 2 weeks I was there! When I got home, though, I had the WORST cold/flu I've ever had and lost it all in 3 days.   On the 3rd day after I got home, I got a text message from my husband's mom saying Mark (my husband) was in the hospital with a chest infection. (He still lives there because we are waiting for his greencard.) So I called the hospital the next morning to find out how he was. He had taken a BIG turn for the worse and was in the ICU, sedated and ventilated. They advised me to come over as quickly as I could. So I booked a ticket BACK to England and flew out the next afternoon. Crazy. I was so sick, coughing, sniffling and trying not to eat much (because of my last experience) all at 36,000 feet above the Atlantic. It was hard trip! But it was harder once I got there. Mark's mom was in tears when she saw me. We drove straight to the hospital where he had been sedated for 3 days at that point.   Tests found he had swine flu of all things! He had cancer a few years ago and now has a lot of lung problems. Anytime he gets an infection or virus, it sits in his lungs and he can't clear it. So it developed into pneumonia. Now, nearly 4 weeks after getting the initial call that he was in the hospital, he is STILL in ICU over there. I came back after about 10 days over there. But there were a few times while I was there that we were very close to losing him. He developed other infections while they were trying to clear the H1N1. He had to go on dialysis because his kidneys were failing. His heart rate was 125bpm and his temp was 104. We watched other patients in the ward DIE of this while I was there. SO hard! Thank God he started to improve a little bit before I left. He's had a few bad days since, but more ok, than bad. They had to do a trach and they finally stopped his sedation a couple days ago. Now it's a matter of his waking up...though he it still on a ventilator.   So...between the stress, the trips back and forth to England and super rich food over there, I haven't lost a flippin' pound since my fill in December! Well, I did gain 4, lost 4, gained 3, lost 3...now I'm stuck.   And I am frustrated. But I am also finding that I'm literally getting "stuck" a bit too often. So, I might not get a fill on Wednesday when I go in...or I might even have a slight UNfill...ugh.   It's just been a really crappy month. And I am mad at myself for eating "junk." Even though I HAVE been going to the gym every other day. I am still not losing much. And I'm still worried about Mark.   Oh sheesh...sorry to ramble on and on...   ~ Maggs   P.S. Attached is a photo of me, Mark and our niece, Freya from our trip up to Scotland right after Christmas.




I'm Moving!!

I got a call today at work offering me a promotion of sorts...in Minneapolis!!! I am SO excited!! I've been wanting to get up for so long because that's where my corporate office is and my dream job is to work in photographic development at the home office. This is a HUGE step closer to that dream!!   So, I have to talk to my doctor and see if I can get a referral to somewhere I can get fills in Minneapolis. I'm only sad about that. Because I LOVE my doc and my clinic. I will miss them terribly. I have to move by August first!! Yikes!   So, any bandsters in Minneapolis??? Any recommendations??   Thanks for reading my short little blog! I just had to announce this publicly--and I can't say anything on Facebook yet because my work colleagues don't know yet!!   xoxo   Maggs




1st follow up--and great news! (not band related)

I had my follow up with my surgeon today. He said everything looks great! I've lost 4 pounds since Monday, not including the 4 pounds I gained in swelling and lost by Wednesday. So, yay for that! He said everything looks good and that my surgery was very straight forward and easy.   My first fill is scheduled for July 12th and I get to start on mushies on Monday! Woo!!   On to my "great news!"   K, so I am a photographer--mainly children, seniors and families--and every year my company has a contest for what they call the "Chairman's Award." Basically that's a fancy title for photographer of the year. The prize is $25,000!! That's right, 25k! Last year I was a finalist and placed 4th. Still really cool to have been a finalist. This year the competition is a LOT tougher!! We've moved from in-studio sessions only to on-location photography as well. About 1,300 people entered this year (as opposed to the 460 last year) and......I'm one of the 8 finalists again!!! PLUS one of my images is up for top prize in its category!! :confused: (And I'm the only finalist that has been a finalist before! If I don't win, I'm going to call myself Susan Lucci! LOL)   I am just SO excited and I had to share this news!! I got the call as I was driving to my doctor's appointment today. It made for a very good visit to the doctor! LOL   So that leads me to a question. I am scheduled to have my fill on July 12th. The meeting/awards ceremony is July 15th and they always serve dinner and drinks, etc. Should I just wait an extra week for my fill since I'll have to be on liquids during my time up there if I don't wait?   What do you think?





...from this site!   I haven't been on here in a day and half! LOL And I didn't blog yesterday, oh my! I'm trying to get things squared away for my move and I'm only just now starting to wrap my head around this. I'm moving in 5 weeks!! Aghhhh! Who wants to come help me pack? Ha!   Yesterday I had to go to a buffet for a birthday dinner. I flashed them my LapBand card and was only charged the children's price! Sweet!! I mean, I normally could have eaten 3 full plates, or just about, plus a big plate of dessert. But I had a total of about 1 plate. And made sure to eat mainly protein. I splurged and had some of the marshmallows on top of the sweet potatoes, though. Yum. Then I had a piece of sugar free cake for dessert. And it took me about an hour or more to eat all that! Didn't really finish it all completely, but ate only till I wasn't hungry. It was good experience for me. I'm relearning how to eat in a healthy way!   Though I still cannot wait till my first fill to really feel more restriction. Until then I'm trying not to worry too much about the weightloss. (Though I am still losing, it's slowing down a bit.)   Anyway, I felt like a needed to blog for a quick minute. Don't want anyone thinking I've disappeared!   Going to a baby shower tomorrow! Should be a fun day! Hoping they have some healthy snacks. If not, I'll bring something to be on the safe side.   Blessings!   xo




Up North! And other news...

Well, I've been offline for a few days looking for a place to live in the Minneapolis area. And I found a really great place about 12 minutes from where I will be working! SO happy about that!! Right now I drive about 45 minutes to work. Bleh. Done with it!   My first fill is a week from tomorrow!! I am excited! A bit nervous, but looking forward to some real restriction and (hopefully) seeing some weight come off.   This weekend is D-DAY! It's the awards ceremony at work...I hope I win SOME money! Even 3rd place gets $2,500...that would be a tremendous help. But that $25,000 is still my ultimate dream!! *praying!* I'm up against some ridiculously awesome photographers, so we'll see! It's a tough one.   I still have 3 more days scheduled up here to looks for a place! What on earth am I going to do with my time! I think I'll go out to some parks and take a walk or something. Maybe walk my friend's dog for her. :rolleyes2:   Anyway, it's been a while, so I just wanted to post SOMETHING to let people know I'm still here!   Blessings, all! xo




Little Red Dress

Super quickie post tonight. I took the famed "mirror shot" of myself in the red dress I bought for a casual cocktail hour at the award ceremony for work. It's two sizes smaller than I would have bought a month ago, but I think I will also shrink even more into it by the time have to wear it for work. (A little less than a month from now.)   This is also 9 days post op! So, not much difference from "before," but what do you think of the dress anyway?   And (to the ladies) what SHOES should I wear with it?? Ha!!   xoxo   ~ Maggs




Early Sunday Morning

I'm not sure why I woke up so early on a Sunday, but I was wide awake by 6:30am.   AGH! In less than 24 hours I will be in surgery! :frown: Maybe that's why I woke up so early! My body knows I have a heck of a lot of stuff to do today! I want to make sure my place is really nice and clean before I go, plus I've had a lot of good suggestions from people on here that I want to do to beforehand.   First things first, maybe I'll head to church since I'm actually up in time today!   xo




4 more days till my "b" day!!

I've still been doing pretty well with the liquid diet, praise God! I wasn't sure how I was going to get through the two weeks of liquids only!! But it hasn't been horrible.   I'm going to the gym today again. Going to kick my butt for another hour this afternoon! the other day I went swimming afterwards and somehow I think that helped to avoid any muscle aches the next day! (Might be a good idea to try that today as well if I have time.)   I've been working on this project for work--writing a photography guide for on-location work. I have set my goal to have it DONE by tomorrow even though it's technically not due till next week. Frankly, I don't want to have to worry about work stuff right away after surgery! As it is, next Thursday I've been asked to shoot a lady in a bunch of vintage dresses. We'll see if I'm up to it...I'm really not sure how I will feel next week.   Thankfully I am able to stay with a friend the night of the procedure and then come home the next day. I've also gotten some EXCELLENT advice from some people that have gone thru the procedure.   So back to work...I have to get this guide done before the weekend so I can relax (and clean my place more) before Monday--my "b" day!   Blessings!   xo :bored:





I've had one fill, just this past Monday. And I've been pretty much on soft foods (besides 2 days of liquids following the fill) since then. Had some chicken and mashed potatoes last night with no problems. Though I was making sure to chew everything a LOT! So, this being said, I haven't felt much restriction. I am getting a bit hungry between meals and I don't like that! My doc did say, however, that if that is the case, to come back within two weeks for a bit more fill.   I'm trying to establish if I'm actually hungry or bored. I'm so used to eating for boredom that it's sometimes hard to tell the difference. It's a paradigm shift, that's for sure!   Oh, I have also learned what PB-ing is! Ha! For some strange reason, I'm glad to have found this out first hand. It tells me that the band IS working! I ate half a toasted Weight Watchers pita with fat free butter and got stuck-ish. Maybe I ate too fast or swallowed a bite too big. But the stuck feeling didn't last too long, at least! Sipped some Papaya juice. Not sure that really helped, but a little burp and it was over. Though I am not eating again till dinner! Ha!!   I have lost 3 pounds since Monday! K, that's not like a size down or something, but I'm celebrating the small things.   Hopefully one day I'll BE a small thing!   xo





...to Minnesota, that is!   In fact, the movers are here as we speak. They were supposed to be here yesterday...no tip for them! 3 nights of sleeping on the floor bites...just sayin'.   So, lots of stress and having to eat out for the last 4 days (since my kitchen was packed up!) means I haven't lost any more weight! So I'm down 4 pounds since my first fill. I have to call the local doc today to try to get in for a second fill at the end of the month.   On that note, I got my op report and fille report from my surgeon back in Chicago and it was a very interesting read!! Kinda weird how they described in detail everything they did during the surgery...pulling back the liver, cuting here or there...seems unreal! Good thing I'm not too squeamish about that kind of stuff! Ha! Oh, I also found out that since my first fill, I have 3cc in a 10cc band. Good to know!   Ok, this was just an "I'm still alive, just busy!" blog. :smile: Now that I'm starting to settle in, I'll be able to get online more often.   Blessings, all!   xo   ~ M :tt2:




What to wear, what to wear...

I'm spending the night at my friend's who is taking me to the clinic tomorrow morning and I just had to pack my clothes and other essential supplies to stay over there.   The nurse said wear something comfortable and loose, so I have a cute black cotton dress and black flipflops--EASY outfit. And YES, I said the outfit is cute! I refuse to not be semi-stylish just because I'm having surgery! *flipping hair back* :frown: LOL j/k Ok, really I just picked it because it's easy to put on. :mad2: Ha!   4 more hours to eat--err--drink anything! I might call it a super early night since we have to hit the road by 4am.   Anyway, this was just a quick, nonsensical blog for no real reason. I just like this site and felt I should post one last time PRE-op! In about 16 hours I will officially be a Bandster!   Blessings!   xo




Good morning!!

And it is!   Yesterday was my surgery and although there was some pain all day, it was manageable. I had a nice night's sleep and had some hot tea and more jello this morning. Took some Vicadin again too--not going to try to be a hero at this point in the game.   Good news, though--still no nausea or gas pains! I really hope this lasts! Seems too good to be true!   I'm a bit more swollen today, but the icepacks help with that. All in all, not feeling too bad! :tt1:   I'm going to take it easy today and for the next few days, but I'm very optimistic about my healing process!   There is this TINY irrational bit of me, though, that does worry this won't work for me. Has anyone else ever had those worries? I'll feel better when I see and feel some results down the road, I am sure.   Thanks for any advice and encouragement!   Have a great day everyone!   Maggs




Day 3 post op - Full Liquids!!

I am SO glad to be able to have a protein shake!! It makes me feel so much better than drinking water, V8 Splash and jello could ever do!   My swelling is going down too, I can tell. The pain is also I think reduced quite a bit. I woke up at 4 am a little thirsty. Had some V8 juice and some tylenol and that did the trick to let me get back to sleep.   Still using an icepack, but just for comfort alone. And STILL no gas pains! I think I may have gotten really lucky with that. We'll see!   I had gained 4 pounds from the swelling and water retention from surgery, but I've lost that now. Let's hope the weight continues to go DOWN. Though right now I'm not as concerned with that I am with just healing and feeling 100% again.   This hasn't been as bad as I had imagined it, to be honest. I only hope it continues to be a blessing and not a curse.   Thanks again for all the feedback! You have no idea (well, you probably do have an idea, actually) how much it means to me to hear from all of you. :tt1:   Have a great day everyone!   xo   Maggs




The Gym

So, this has been a productive week! I found a place to live in Minnesota, signed my lease on Tuesday and found a local gym! Called...wait for it.......the Gym. LOL Really original, eh? Hulk Hogan was apparently one of it's very first members in 1979! Crazy! Anyway, it's definitely in my budget--cheap in fact! So as soon as I move up here in 3 weeks, I'm joining! The owner gave me a tour and it's just such a down to earth place. He's also going to set me up for two workouts with a personal trainer! Sweetness!   My first fill is this coming Monday! I cannot wait to have some restriction and start losing some weight! I really hope this band works for me. I still have a part of me that says it won't work. I know that I have to work for it too, but, well, ya know. I want to be bragging about some crazy weightloss in a few months!   Wish me luck! Tomorrow begins our 3-day summer meeting for work! And I'm up for photographer of the year and the top prize of $25,000! I don't think I'll win it, BUT 2nd or 3rd place would be ok...still get a couple thousand with that! So, if you're the praying type, PRAY that I win!   Heading to bed...it's going to be a long day tomorrow!   xo




Holy Buckets, Batman!

It's been a LONG time! Well, a month at least. I'm settled into my place in Minneapolis, just got back from vacation in Disney World last night and have one more day of vacation to rest at home before going back to work on Friday.   I got a second fill about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Haven't lost much weight since then, but I also was eating a lot of not-so-healthy foods while in Florida. At least I walked about 10 miles a day in the 90 degree heat! I can most certainly feel a difference in the amount of food I can eat. It has taken some getting used to, that's for sure. More than once I ate too fast and paid the price, but I've gotten the hang of it! Just have to make better choices now that vacation is over! Ha!!   I'm down another pants size! I will get new pics soon...I actually have an appointment for a photography shoot in about 3 weeks! My sister, whom I have not seen in 2 years, is coming into town for a few days and we're getting pics together!! I cannot wait! :smile2:   I've been volunteering at the theater here in Minneapolis. Got to see Wicked for free 4 times! Woo! I think I'm going to be a volunteer captain because I used to volunteer at the theater in Cincinnati as well. It's pretty fun and a great way to see shows without paying anything!   I'm going to Target House in Memphis next Thursday to photograph the kids and their families at St. Jude's hospital. I'm looking forward to it, but nervous at the same time. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it emotionally. I'm a very emotional being, especially when it comes to sick kids. I'm positive I'll be excusing myself to the restroom several times to cry. :frown: But it's all going to be worth it to be able to give these families the gift of portraits. That is something they will have no matter what.   Well, I will try to get on here more often. :smile: How is everyone else doing out there??   xo   ~ M




Busy busy--

I've been SO busy, that I haven't even been able to get on here. Looking for a new place to live while not in the city you're moving to is very difficult! And stressful!   And I'm only about 2 1/2 weeks post op and have stopped losing weight for now. I have heard that this happens, so I'm trying not to worry about it too much. But I keep going back and forth with one pound. Annoying. So I'm being very careful to watch what I'm eating and make good choices. Yesterday was not so good--I had some food from the Chinese take-away in the mall. It was SO tasty, but I'm sure not so healthy. At least I only ate the meat and tofu! (Odd combo, I know! Normally I would only get stuck eating tofu at my vegetarian friend's house!)   I'm trying to keep track of what I eat on dailyplate.com, but I have forgotten to track a couple days so far. I need to make that a priority in the evenings, I suppose. Anyway, that site is really not for Bandsters. I'm following my doctor/dietician's guidelines more than that site, but it is interesting to see how things work.   If I don't have as many calories as suggested, will I not lose weight? One would think if you had less than suggested you would lose even more. But maybe that's backwards thinking. Maybe your body needs the fuel from the calories to be able to burn more fat. Oh, I just don't know! I might have to ask my dietician about this.   Anyway, that's my update for the day: packing, plateauing, and a little panicking about finding a place to move to! It's a day full of P's for me.   Still not regretting this, just waiting for my first fill in about 2 1/2 weeks! Hopefully that helps a bit with the weightloss!   Blessings! xo




One more day till Mushies!

This week has been a roller coaster! Monday morning was my surgery. Everything went well, but of course I had a lot of pain afterwards. It has gotten better every day, though and today feels the best so far. Still sore at the port, but that will pass eventually. I am sleeping better, sitting better and driving a LOT more comfortably than earlier in the week.   Tomorrow is one week! And I can start mushy foods! I am SO ready for this. I bought mashed potatoes, oatmeal, refried beans, lowfat cheese, greek yogurt, egg beaters, tuna, salmon....anything that I can make mushy, I'm going to try! LOL It'll just feel so good to have some real food again! Though I'm tempted to stick with a protein shake for breakfast. I've never been a big breakfast person and the protein shake is the perfect amount of "food" for me in the morning.   Side question: For anyone that has been "glued" after surgery, how long did it take for the glue to wear off? One of my tiny incisions is barely starting to come off now around the edges, but I was just curious.   I hope everyone has a great Sunday!!   Blessings!   xo




Back to Basics

Ok, It has been almost 3 weeks since my surgery. I lost a bit in the first week and a half (about 10 pounds post op), but then pretty much stopped. I keep going back and forth with 1 or 2 pounds. I'm eating protein first and definitely eating less than I would have had before! But 1/2 cup does not fill me up! Not since the swelling has gone, at least!   Anyway, I'm just going to have to conciously eat less, stay a little hungry I guess. I don't know what else to do at this point. So, I'm having a protein shake for breakfast. I'll have a cup of tea at work and a protein shake for lunch. And I might bring some light string cheese as well. Or maybe I should just do the full liquid diet again? I don't know. So many people have these amazing success stories...but not me so far!   I really hope things get better after my first fill in a couple weeks. I'm TRYING to stay positive here, knowing that my band is empty and I won't feel a whole lot of restriction yet. But there is always this little nagging part that says this won't even work for me.   Ugh! Gotta get out of my head sometimes.   I'm heading up to a friend's house for the 4th. I'm just hoping they have something I can eat. Maybe a burger or hotdog without the bun. I'll figure out something, I'm sure.   Oh well, sorry for being a Debbie Downer today! I'll get happy sooner or later!   Off to work!!   xo




Oatmeal: The New Steak Dinner..err..Breakfast!

Who knew oatmeal could taste so good?! Today is my first day of mushies and I started the day with a nice bowl of oatmeal. Then I had a protein shake for a snack to complete that portion of protein I needed this morning. For lunch I'm going to have tuna and mashed potatoes. Strange combo, but what is "normal" at this point? Ha!   I'm in basically no pain (besides a little tenderness at the port site), so I feel up to working out today. Nothing too strenuous, but definitely the treadmill and bike...maybe some arms weights. We'll see how that feels.   Last night I had what I THINK was gas pain in my shoulder. Either that or I strained it somehow. But I hadn't had any gas pain up to this point. Anyway, I took some GasEx just in case and some liquid Tylenol and went to bed. Felt like a million bucks this morning, so that did the trick.   So, not much else to report today so far! How is everyone else doing today? I hope you are all well!!   xo




My BFF...

...is currently an ice pack. Ha!! I can hold it perfectly with my left arm against my belly while I type on the computer. Couldn't have planned it better myself. :tt1:   Still doing ok--no gas or nausea to speak of. Just sore and a little tired, but that's fine with me! Oh, and today I really want a piece of pizza. Haha! Not gonna happen of course, but living in Chicago, it's like a LAW to always be up for pizza. LOL   Full liquids tomorrow! And that protein shake is calling my name! (I never thought I'd ever be saying that sentence in my lifetime!)   My follow up is Friday! I hope my doc thinks I'm doing ok.   I took a shower today--best feeling!! I just stood there like....yeah...   Ok, this blog was kinda random. And I haven't even had any vicadin yet!! Haha! I think I'll keep it short tonight.   Hope everyone else out there is doing well!!   xo




Lots of sleep...

Last night I felt tired, so I thought I'd take a "nap" around 7:30. Welllll, I woke around 4am! And I figured there was no point in being awake at 4am! So I took some liquid Tylenol (I've stopped taking the Vicadin already), had some water, walked around for a few minutes, then went back to bed! Slept till about 8am! I suppose my body needed it, though. I feel a lot better today!   My port incision is still sore and a bit swollen, but it's getting better everyday. Never did have any gas pains. *yay!* And last night I sort of got to sleep on my side a little bit with some pillows behind me. Much more comfortable!   I went out briefly yesterday. Just drove to Walgreens a few blocks away for the previously mentioned liquid Tylenol. (Crushed pills are so gross!) Just that little drive took a lot out of me! Not sure I was really ready for that. Perhaps that's why I ended up being so tired so early.   Today I am staying in, besides a walk outside. Tomorrow I have to drive over an hour into the city for my follow-up. I hope I've lost something, but if not, I won't stress too much. I'm still swollen and healing. There is plenty of time for losing later.   This is still the best decision I think I've ever made regarding my health! I'm so excited to see where this goes!   Blessings!   xo





Can you sense the sarcasm?   It's not that bad, I guess. I'm not nearly as hungry as I thought I would be...and it's been one week since I started this diet. One week till my surgery! Woot!   I sure wish I could chew on SOMETHING, though. I've been chomping on some sugarfree gum to tie my over till I can eventually eat food again.   Today I had Lipton Cup of Soup, tomato flavor. I was pleasantly surprised!! It was really good and it filled me up as well.   I'm feeling full of energy for some strange reason and I might head over to my apartment's really small gym to work out for just a little bit! I hope no one is in there. :thumbup:   I am very optimistic for my future--for the first time in a while! Just can't wait to be done with this stinkin' liquid diet! Haha!




Evil, Demented and Must be Stopped!

Liquids, that is.   Right, ok, I tried to go back to liquids only! Try to re-kickstart some more weightloss before my 1st fill. It worked till lunch. Ha!! I tried, I did! But then I was just too hungry. How on earth did I do this before the surgery for 2 weeks?? Crazy.   But anyway, I had some chicken from the Chinese restaurant in the mall and felt SO much better with actual food in me. I'll be walking a lot tonight and a LOT tomorrow in the heat, so that should also help me to lose a pound or too.   I have decided to eat till I'm not hungry--not stuffing myself, but just not starve myself! What a silly idea that was. I just have to make good choices.   I have unfortunately missed the chance to go to the gym the past few days, so after this weekend I am going to hit it hard! Then next weekend I'm driving up to Minneapolis to look for a place to live! No gym up there. But I am sure I'll be walking much more than 30 minutes per day! And in the evening I'll walk with my friend when she takes her dog out.   Every apartment I am looking at has a fitness center in the community! This has to be a MUST for me! I won't be able to do this without constantly working out!   Anyway, thank you for your support! I really needed to hear some encouragement today!   Have a great weekend all!   xo



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