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Lap Band Life Changes and Pregnant

It's been a year since I've been on this website, well so much has happened over this past year and I have so much to talk about. Well my last post was about my band being taken out, well thank God that didn't happen and since then I was able to get more fills. My band is a size 14 CC and I am filled to 10 1/2 cc's; I had not had a fill since then because I am pretty tight. The unfortunate thing is, although my band is tight; I have not lost much weight. I lost a total of maybe 50 pounds and maintain that weight since then, I wish I can say the band is fully working for me but I just can't; it is only helping me maintain the weight I had already lost.   Also, one of the worst things happened over the summer; my awesome doctor had passed away at such a young age (in his 40's). He passed away doing one of his passions in life (building fueled model planes). I didn't even know it happened until I went to my appointment. I first notice that something was wrong when my appointment was pushed back a few days later and when I arrived to the appointment everyone was in a sad mood and of course that is when the news was given to me. He had passed the day of my original appointment. I went to his service and all I could do is cry; a lot of his colleagues, patients, friends and family were there; it was a blow to everyone. Now I have his partner who also worked in the office as my doctor, he did my last fill and I did not like him; he is not even close to how my former doctor was; he is brash, not patient, he does to give enough care to his patients or to me, at least. So I have not been back needless to say.   Finally, my company has been brought out by another company so I will be moving out of state come late summer or early fall of 2012, so my husband and I decided to have a baby before we leave because do not want to be pregnant starting my new career in this new place. We are so happy that we will be having a baby; this is his first and my second child. I am concern and worried about these new changes in my life, it's been over 10 years since the last time I was pregnant, so I feel like I am starting all over again with having a baby and it is even more nerve wrecking that I still have my band on and filled to10 1/2 CC's. Has anyone gone through some of these issues and if so can you give some advice or knowledge through your experience? Thanks for reading!  

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


Back in for Surgery after 4 months with the Band...

I am so upset and sick to my stomach from the news I received today. I was scheduled for my fourth fill today. My doctor was having trouble finding my port and he couldn't understand why when he hadn't had problems before. He stuck me four times before deciding that I go to fluoroscopy (some sort of live x-raying machine) so he can see my port. Even under the X-ray machine he was having trouble with adjusting my port. It was the most painful experience since getting my monthly fills. After I told my doc that I was feeling too much pain, my doctor had the senior x-ray doctor come in to look at my band. They both came to the conclusion that the band had either come off or is embedded in my stomach. He wants me to have surgery this week but I just cannot do it right now. I told him I will have to do it next week because there are too many work related things going on that I cannot neglect. Also, my doc informed me that if he encounters the worst case scenario he will need to remove the band and schedule me for the gastric sleeve. I just can't believe this, considering the holidays are near... :smile2:

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


Changes I Can't See...

I have not purchased clothes in about 4 years because, I struggle the sizes and get severely depressed when I go to stores so I try not to go to them as much. I decided to go to Avenue's to see their fall collection today; I wanted to see if I had made any progress with my weight loss because I still look the same. Now, usually I would fit in a size 30 or 32 but for some reason I wanted to try a smaller size. I tried on a size 26 pair of jeans, they fit snug but I can button them without issues. I started to cry out of anger because I am not seeing the changes and I could not bring myself to purchase those jeans nor any others, I had to leave that place right away. I am sure some of you may be asking why am I upset when I seem to be losing weight but here's the thing; although I don't post on here as often, I look at other blogs and pictures and see people who have lost more weight and is progressing much better than I. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not necessarily comparing myself to anyone in particular but I think I should be a lot further along than I am now. I just want to see the changes and right now I DO NOT. I have an appointment to see my doctor for my third fill and I am going to express my thoughts on this progress because what I have now is just not working how I imagined it would. :frown: :w00t: :ohmy:

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


6cc's in a 14cc Band

Today I received my second fill, I can't believe how easy and fast it went this time. Although I had to have it in Radiology he had no problems at all; infact he told me that he really didn't have to use it because he was able to feel the port without problems (see previous blog for explanation). I haven't lost much weight from my first fill but hopefully this will make a difference.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


I Can't Shake this Weight!!

I am going through some serious depression right now. No matter what I do, I can't get this weight down. I had my surgery on June 28th and my first fill on August 5th. I have a 14cc band (the biggest band) but was only given 4.5cc's.   I work out three times a week (high impact aerobics), I measure what I eat and keep up with my calories by using this calorie counter website. I haven't lost a pound, infact I am were I am right after my 10 day fast. I don't know what to do at this moment; I spoke to my nutritionist about the problems which I stated in my last post but nothing is working.   My next fill is the first week in September and hopefully my doc will give me half of the total intake of the fill (7cc's)...Maybe I can lose the weight.:wub:

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


I have the largest band and not enough fill

I spoke to my nutritonist on Thursday to receive some pointers and encouragement. She really helped me out and gave me that boost that I needed. So, when I was speaking to her, I asked her if she knew what size my band was because although I received 4.5cc's I didn't feel that it was enough. She told me I have the largest band which is the one they use on men which holds 14 maybe 15cc's. (A woman’s band is usually 10cc’s) I was kind of shock to hear that my band was bigger but she explained to me why he gave me the size that I have but that’s neither here nor there. So although I feel restriction it is just not enough. She told me that on my next appointment they will give me about 3 more cc’s and I am so happy because I am not losing the weight expected.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


I'm concerned....

I had my first fill last week and I feel restriction but I have notice that my weight hasn’t changed in fact I have put on 3 pounds. I am eating right and doing the right things but to no avail. I think I'm going to call my nutritionist and see if she can offer me help or give me some pointers.  

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


Just got my first fill....4.5 CC's... YAY!!!

Today I finally got my first fill; it was somewhat successful but not without a hitch. I had to go to radiology so my doctor can find my port without incident like the last time. So anyway even with the X-ray it still took him 3 tries to find the port. It did not hurt at all, just felt weird when he was entering the port. The first time he entered, of course with the X-ray he was having a few issues entering the port so he had to try again but the machine was in the way of the needle so he had to use a smaller needle to enter the port while the machine was over me. Anyway it took about 35 minutes for the whole procedure. Never the less I am happy and so excited. My doctor told me I should be down about 30 pounds by my next appointment which is in 30 days from now. This was the best decision I have ever made.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


First fill was a complete failure

I woke up this morning very excited about my first fill. I spoke to my nutritionist and finally my doctor came in to give me the fill. My doctor had this very long and thick needle that was so scary looking but I knew I could handle it because I figure that I've gotten this far, how bad could it be. So the doctor asked me lie on the the bed and lift my head and feet at the same time while he tries to find my port. He finally, after a few minutes found it and proceeded to insert the needle in the port area but when he went in he would lose it. Well, this went on about 5 times; the insertion of the needle didn't hurt but when he'd miss he'd poke my stomach muscle which is the worst pain ever. He finally gave up after 5 tries and he told me that the reason why he was having trouble is because with the weight I have (the thick stomach fat) I should’ve gotten the gastric bypass and because I opted for the lap band he had purposely place the port further back than usual. So to make a long story short I have been rescheduled on Thursday at radiology so he can see where the port actually is and he can avoid poking the hell out of me. I can’t wait!!!

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


Almost my 1 month Post op anniversary and nothing

I got my band on the 28th of June and of course in the first week or two I lost weight, but once I started healing and was able to eat a little normal than I began to gain some of the weight back but I have sustained since.   Anyway, so for the past few weeks I have been having this pain where my band is and I've been experiencing major gas in the upper part of my belly. Also, I've been eating and it's crazy because I would take maybe 3 bites of something and feel full... I'm not sure if I supposed to feel that way when my band isn't fill.   Speaking of fill, I was scheduled for a fill on the 17th of August but after going through a little depression because I haven't lost weight I finally called my doctor and begged him to push up my fill date and thank GOD they agreed. I will be getting my first fill on August 3rd. I'm glad they are allowing me to come in sooner because I have not dropped a thing.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


I want to cry sometimes....

It is soo funny to hear from people who haven't seen me in a while to say, wow, you've lost weight. It's crazy because I have not been seeing many changes except for my upper body because the scale says something totally different. I still work out, I watch what I eat and listen to my band although it is not filled yet. I just can't wait to have my fill because I feel that will give me the boost that I need.   So anyway, I took a trip to Baltimore, MD last weekend and had a great time. I did so much walking that by the end of the day my feet were swollen and I was so worn out. Did I tell you I did a good job eating or so I think. I ate eggs and bacon for breakfast, clams, Oyeters and crab legs for lunch... one round only and not too much and I got back to the hotel so late I couldn't have dinner so I skipped it. Anywho, to make this long blog short I am really feeling depressed bacause I want to see a change but I'm not feeling or see much and it's driving me crazy. UUUGGGGHHH, I NEED MY FILL!!!

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


2 week post op milestone?

I am 2 week post op and finally I was able to see my doctor and dietition today. When I was told to get on the scale I was hoping for good numbers but to my dismay I had put on weight. I weighed myself on day 6 post op and at that time I weighed 368, which mean that I was down from the date of surgery 20 plus pounds. The nurse told me I was at 375, I really wanted to cry but when the doctor came in to talk to me, he informed me that gaining a little weight after I’ve healed is normal. That made me feel a little better but he also said that now that the swelling has completely gone down I must maintain a good eating regimen and work out as I was doing before. Also, I am officially on mushy foods which means, per the dietition that I can pretty much eat anything that can be cut with a fork. The clarification that I got from her is anything except for steak, chicken breast, breads and sweets. So when she told me that, I went straight to Denny’s for breakfast and ate scrambled eggs and sausage. Tonight I had a Chicken Caesar Salad from Boston Market. That salad was sooo good that I could not just put it down even though I was full. I felt so horrible when I was finished but I'm going to have to jog it off tonight. I don’t want to go down that horrible path so I really need to put in the work. I can’t wait to get my first fill… Come on August 17th!!!

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


I know it?s soon but it?s time for a fill?

I was banded 7 days ago and so far have lost about 15 pounds. I would probably say I’m about 85% healed and so far I’ve been doing very well but I’m kind of scared again because I notice that I am able to handle solid foods or eat more liquids like today I cooked my husband a small meal of BBQ chicken that was baked in the oven, Mac & Cheese and bake beans. I was so tempted that I tasted it. I had a little over a quarter cup of each and a very small chicken drum stick and scarily it went down with no problem and I was able to finish it… Now of course I’m super stuffed but it has gotten me down and upset with myself. I can’t wait to see my doctor because I may need help. I have been drinking my protein shakes, liquids, and everything else but this is not good. Tomorrow I am going to work my ass off and get back on track … I’ve got to do right if I want to lose this weight.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


Day 3 post Op...

It is day 3 and I have already dropped 9 pounds. I'm still swollen, but things are getting much better.   Did anyone have swollen hands or arms from the needles? OMG, I have the smallest and worst veins in the world and my hands and arms are like a pin cushion, full of needle holes and supper fat. I've been putting bagged ice on them to get rid of the swelling but they are in so much pain I just can't stand it. Over the course of the 24 hours I was in the hospital I encountered about 12 different nurses who had trouble getting a vialble vein and they all poked me about 2 or 3 times.   Another question... All day, all I notice is my stomach constantly make these funny noises like gurgling, bubbling, rumbling and much more especially in the morning? That gets so annoying to me. But oh well, I guess that comes with the territory.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


Day 1 Post Op...

Went into the hospital on June 28th, the surgery took longer than expected because my doctor nicked my gall bladder and of course I was bleeding so the doctor had to take care of that.   I'm still a little sore but I'm happy. I'm scared to have liquids because when I have a sip of something I'm not sure if I'm full or if it's just soreness. Have'nt experience nausea or major illness. I overall I'm doing okay.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


These will be a few of my favorite things...

Short skirts, bikinies, beach vacations, roller coasters, being able to fit confortable in an airplane seat, more flights, bicycling, running, jogging, confidence, more fun in life, shopping, shopping, shopping, hanging out with friends, lots of energy, fun with the hubby, looking sexier, more pictures of me instead of others, more time in the gym, having more time and physical activities with my daughter, learning a new hobby and swimming... These will be a few of my favorite things!!   What will be your favorite things??

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


24 hours before the surgery and I gained weight

This is rediculous, my surgery is in 15 hours... I stepped on the scale and noticed that I have put on 6 pounds. Yes, I cheated on Friday by having a sub and on Saturday a salad from Longhorn Steakhoues but I've been working out, really hard. I just can't believe it, I's ashamed and embarrassed to see my doctor tomorrow. This is why I need the surgery so bad.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


I'm getting banded...yaaayyy!!!

I can't believe it, it has been a little over 6 months of working hard to lose this weight, following doctor's orders, testing and waiting for this very important moment. OMG, I will be getting banded on Monday, June 28th.   I am somewhat nervous but I know I can do this. My husband is very nervous and scared because I'm his rock but I told him that this is for us and we will get through this.   Wish me luck!

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson


I can't wait...

On Friday I went for a lot of testing. I had the Esophageal Manonentry, UGI, and blood testing...It was all horrible but I got through it. I start my fast on the June 7th and I am scared but I'm sure I can do it. If 50 cent lost 54 pounds in 9 weeks on a liquid fast than I am sure I can do it for 2.

Mrs. Stevenson

Mrs. Stevenson

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