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How to Leave a Comment?

Can someone please reply to this post and tell me how to leave a comment on anyone else's blog post? I used to be an "encourager" on the old site, but I cannot figure out how to leave a comment on this new site. When I click on "leave comment" and type in my comment and then hit "post" or if I hit "reply" or anything else - NOTHING happens - arghhh - frustrating! Thanks for your help bandsters :-)




Fill #3

Third fill today and so far so good. Liquids only today and tomorrow and soft foods on Sunday. My doc is pretty conservative and I like that. He does his fills under x-ray, so can tell when it's tight enough. I am now at 6 cc in a 10 cc band. Again, liquids only today and they are going down just fine. I'm hoping to feel less hungry between meals. Have a great day all!




Almost Six Months

Well . . almost 6 months since my surgery, but it has been 6 months since I started the pre-op diet on July 1st and I've lost 70 pounds. I love my band (which I've named J. Giels - the J. Giels Band). I hope you are all doing well . . . where are all my "old" band buddies? We've lost each other on this new site design.




Lab results - I'm perfect - well almost

I'm so thrilled about my recent lab results. Cholesterol and triglycerides, which I've fought for years, were perfect - how exciting is that? The ONLY thing out of line was my uric acid, which the doctor's office said is caused by eating high amounts of protein - yep, that's me. They were not concerned. Before surgery, I took 11 pills in the morning . . now I take 1 Prevacid and a chewable Flintstone's vitamin. My blood pressure is normal too. I LOVE it! I'm at a point where people at work are complimenting how I look. I tell them, "thanks", but go on to explain that I FEEL good and am HEALTHY and THAT is so much more important to me. I'm so appreciative of this opportunity and this tool. Thanks for "listening" all my band buddies - have a good night.:smile:




2nd Fill-Easy Squeezy Lemon Peazy

This fill did not hurt at all. The first one was .. .uncomfortable. I still would not call it painful, but I felt it. This one . . .piece of cake! Now hoping for the feeling of restriction . . .liquids today and tomorrow and soft on Sunday . . .now at 4cc in a 10 cc band. Have a great weekend everyone!:smile2:




My Band Does Have A Name

Someone posted earlier asking if we had named our band . ..I have. I haven't shared it with anyone but my husband, but for you, my friends, here you go. My band's name is J. Geils . .and you would have to be as old as me to get it. The J. Geils Band . . .goofy I know, but it keeps me amused!!:cursing:




My son's chicken recipe - yumm

My son called me earlier in the week and told me of the chicken dish he had just made and how good it was. It sounded good, so today I picked up the ingredients and I am enjoying it now as I browse the recent posts. Here it is if anyone would like it: Filet a chicken breast (split it down the middle), lay it flat and pound it to flatten. Cut up whatever veggies you would like to stuff in the chicken - I used cabbage, green pepper, onion, garlic and mushrooms and I squeezed a little lime juice on too along with salt and pepper. Stuff some in the chicken breast and close it. Pre heat a fry pan sprayed with cooking spray. Put the breast in the pan and cover with a lid. Cook 15 minutes and flip (medium heat). Cook another 15 minutes, but in the last 7 minutes, put more veggies in the pan - and I added som spinach at the last couple of minutes too. So cook 1/2 hour all together(I checked w/ instant read thermometer to ensure it was up to temp). The chicken is juicy and delicious (I'm eating 1/2 today and saving 1/2). It's wonderful to learn from our kids! Have a great weekend everyone.




Had My First Fill

Yesterday was my first fill and it went just fine. Not quite painless, but not a big deal either. My doctor does this with the xray tech. So he initially put some in, checked with the x ray as I swallowed, then removed some. Left me with 2cc. I was on liquids after the fill and then all day today, soft foods tomorrow and back to food on Monday. I am being super careful - small swallows. I don't want any trouble. In fact when I went in, I asked him to be a bit conservative with the fill because I've been doing so well and didn't want to go extreme. I am hoping this will jump start my weight loss again. I know my weight loss is long term, and I'm in it for life BUT we do have a family wedding on the 16th of this month and I have a certain dress in my closet I would like to wear . . .however, I do have a back up dress in case it doesn't fit . . I tried it on last night and my hubby and I were both pretty skeptical . . I'm in it, but I certainly would not wear it anywhere looking like that! Oh well . .little by little and decision by decision . .. we'll get there. And I thank you all again for posting your first fill experiences - I was so at ease because I knew what to expect - piece of cake! Have a great weekend everyone.




Diet Restrictions On Fill Day?

My doctor's office has told me there are no dietary restrictions on the day of my fill. I've read here that many of you cannot eat/drink before your fill. Do you know the reason for that? I am wondering if I would do better to restrict my diet even if the doc's office doesn't require it?:smile:




First Fill Friday

After all the debating and thinking and thanks to all of my band buddies who added their thoughts, I scheduled my first fill and lo and behold, my doctor could do it this Friday - wow! Janet'sjourney made a comment that made so much sense to me. She said that fills are part of the process with the band. Well, yeah, they are. So I'm going to ask for just a small fill. I still don't get "starving" between meals, I'm just stalled and needing a little boost with my weight loss. I still journal my food and my portions are still within range. I'm just not losing . . .I guess that's what fills are for, huh? I am so appreciative of those who have posted the experience of their first fill - I feel prepared and not nervous because I know what to expect, so thanks! And to update on my last post about being under the weather . . I'm pulling out of it . . .rest is the best medicine, I think - still have a cough, but feeling much better overall. And thanks for all the well wishes . . . you're the best!




I'm a sicky pants

I'm definitely under the weather with cold/cough/congestion - yuck. I had to go into the office and do some work on Saturday and was so glad when the day was over. I crashed at home Saturday night and all day Sunday. I would not have gone into work today (I hate to spread stuff around when you're sick), but had a project that had to be done, so worked four hours and came home and slept. From Saturday morning to Sunday night I used up an entire BOX of Kleenex - wow. Now my nose is slowing down, but I'm coughing. Ughhh, but this too shall pass. I'm just bummed that I haven't been able to get my walking in, but I am still eating on plan and drinking lots and lots of water.:smile:





I haven't posted since my post about the acid bothering me. It lasted a week and 1/2 and hasn't bothered me since. I really think it was the stressful week I was having. I'm still on plan . . I'm still walking every day . ..I'm not losing much weight. I'm ok . .remember my motto "I don't care if the weight comes off slowly, as long as it stays off". I still believe that. I am considering, though, that it might be nearing time for my first fill. I don't want to rush it. Things have gone so smoothly so far and I'm afraid of all the "what ifs" involved with a fill . .. what if it's too tight and I have to mess around with not being able to eat properly, and what if I need an "unfill" and what if it kicks up the acid reflux again? All things to consider . . I am still losing slowly - ounces rather than pounds . .. I don't know, lots to consider. Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for all the responses to my acid post - everyone was very helpful. :thumbup:





Ok, I have put off writing this post because I just don't want to admit I have a problem . . but if anyone has suggestions that may help, well . . I just have to ask. I used to have pretty bad acid reflux before surgery. Since surgery I have cut the Prevacid in half (only one a day instead of 2) . . but I've increased it back up to 2 for the last week because I have this feeling - not of acid in my throat like I used to get, but my chest hurts near my sternum (band I assume) and a weird fluttery feeling . . .I had it one time before surgery and actually went to ER and was admitted .. . after a hundred tests for heart, they told me it was my acid reflux. So I'm not happy that it's back . .. actually I was extremely happy that it was gone! I don't want the acid to affect my band. Anyone else have this trouble? Today is the third episode I've had recently for no apparent reason and I've been dealing with it all day today (ok, so I say no apparent reason . ..it probably is stress related - very busy time at work right now and I was in meetings from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) . .I've tried adding Tums as well as GasX . . but I'm not getting it under control - - -help me out here band buddies . ..what do ya know about it? Thanks!!





Well .. I got brave and uploaded some before pictures that I had taken "before" . . ughh. But it keeps me honest and reminds me of where I am going - feel free to check them out.




Here I am!

I was finally able to get a picture of myself in a format I could upload, so .. . here I am! Nice to see all of you :smile:




Happy Labor Day!

Hello everyone and happy Labor Day. We are spending our day . . . well, laboring. We are going to cut wood this morning. I have laundry to catch up on and I actually brought home some work that I have put off doing all weekend, so I need to dig in and get it done and I need to get over to my mom's and do some cleaning. I will take time for a good walk and that will feel great. No cook outs today and that's ok, I'm really not missing it. How about you? Whatever you do to celebrate Labor Day . . .I hope it's a successful day for you. Be mindful of food choices and get in some exercise, you'll feel great for it tomorrow.:smile:




Call me Alice . . . I'm in Onederland!!

It wasn't a white rabbit I chased And there's no Cheshire Cat. The only grin is on MY face. And in this new amazing place, Each day unfolds With new possibilities to embrace. My journey began so long ago, With ups and downs, I'm sure you know. But now in ONEDERLAND, I know I will NEVER return to TWODERVILLE!!:tt2:   My husband and I were stuck in a car for several hours and got bored . .. hence the poor attempt at poetry!   I have reached onederland (granted this is my early morning, in my birthday suit weight - but I'm there!!) . . .and I know I have a long ways to go yet in onederland (I am only 4' 11"), but I am so thankful for this opportunity with the band and I'm also thankful for my new found support on this site - we all share a common journey and goal with similar highs and lows along the way - it's just great how we support each other.   So, today is a good day - hope yours is too. God bless!




Closet Shopping

Yes, I went closet shopping today. I've lost 30 pounds and it was time to make a change. Some of my clothes were just too big - wow, what a great thing to say! And you know, I've read posts on here by people who have said they completely got rid of their "big" clothes. I struggled and debated about this all morning . . . I just can't do it. I put most things in a box to give away (I have lots of friends and relatives who will be glad to get them, I know). But the dress clothes for work that cost sooo much . .. I put away. It makes me a little sad, but I just can't trust it yet . .. I am losing weight, sure, but the weight has ALWAYS come back - ALWAYS. Will the band be enough to really allow me to keep off the weight this time? That IS my goal and that is the reason I got the band - I've posted here before that I truly don't care if the weight comes off slowly, as long as it stays off. I don't know, what do you think? Does this make me a pessimist to think that the weight might return? I hope and pray that when I reach my goal weight I stay there . . . I'm just not sure. For today, it was encouraging and fun to pull a smaller size out of the closet (I have multiple sizes in multiple closets like most of us). I'll keep working and making healthy choices and see where this road takes me . . I'm lovin' it so far! Here we go . . :biggrin:





I am looking for breakfast ideas. I am having the same thing every day . . . egg whites scrambled with some low fat cheese and I also have 2Tbsp. of yogurt in which I crush up and add my medication. I would love to have something I could eat on the road as I have an hour drive to work. Ok . . . whatcha got?:thumbup:





Yesterday marked the end of my third week post surgery. I was off work for two weeks and returned to work last week. I finally feel as though I'm getting into a routine with what I need to do and eat - and it's a good thing. It feels good. My face looks thinner to me and clothes are fitting differently. I did not have any bathroom scales at home before surgery, so I'm going by my doctor's office scales. I stopped in there today for a weight check and have lost 20 pounds (pre and post op)- I am thrilled! I have said since I started this that I truly don't care if the weight comes off slowly (not that I call this slowly, but I know it will slow down), but my main focus is to have the weight stay off. That has never happened for me. I'm so thankful for this site and for all the help and encouragement I read here every day. God's best to you all, my fellow bandsters . . here we go . . :tt2:




Not Enough Calories?

Hey, all of you helpful bandsters . . a little advice please? I was banded 7/15/10 . . so I'm in my third week and just went to solid foods. I have been concentrating on getting in my 60 gm of protein, so have not looked at calories - until today. I added up the calories I'm consuming and it's only around 500 - yikes! The plan from my dietician says over the next 2 weeks, I am to try and cut out in-between snacks and have just the 3 meals/day. How do I increase calories while maintaining the 60 gm. of protein? And bear in mind please that I am NOT a fish eater .. . I can tolerate tuna, but that's about it. Thanks for your help . . . the dietician at the doctor's office is not available until Wednesday.




My Hands!

I've been looking for signs of my weight loss. Yes, some weight is coming off, but I refuse to get hooked up on the numbers - they can be so deceiving. So I've noticed that my pants are a little looser. I've noticed that of all things, my glasses fit more loosely on my face. I've just been waiting for some sort of confirmation, ya know? Well, bless my husband's little pea pickin' heart! We were walking and holding hands yesterday and he told me that my hand felt smaller in his hand. Awww, I melted! Just what I needed to hear - totally unsolicited and totally sincere. Ahh, strength to carry on!




8 Days Post Op And Pain

OK, so it's not horrible pain, but I still have to catch my breath on occassion. I have significant pain at my port site. It is still swollen. Is this how it was for most of you? I saw the surgeon on Wednesday and he said everything looked fine. I'm still using liquid Tylenol twice a day on average and last night slept in a chair 'cuz I just couldn't get comfortable in bed. Everything else is going great . .. I'm eating what I'm supposed to, I'm walking every day, I'm losing weight even. Just wondering when I'll be pain free ?




Today is Better!

Thank you fellow bandsters for your words of support and encouragement when i posted yesterday with the pain and nausea I was experiencing. I'm feeling better today and am able to drink or eat something every hour as I was instructed to do. Pain is subsiding, although I'm still using the pain medicine .. .ahh well, that's why it was given to me, right? I just thought I was going to sail through and not need pain medicine - boy was I wrong. So I'm giving myself permission to go slow, use the pain medicine as needed, and sleep when I can. I am walking every hour around the house too. My temperature was 100, but that has come down too. Definitely a better day. (I was banded on Thursday - so this is day 2 after banding). THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!!




Spoke too soon

A little help please. Banded yesterday, was doing well .. .. now fever of 100, lots of pain, probably gas from what I've read. I am walking and using gasx. Not eating or drinking much or get nauseated. I tried to be prepared, but this is pretty bad . . . suggestions?



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