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Tufts ICanChange

Well I had a great end to my first week of pre-lap band land! I faxed my form off to Tufts ICanChange yesterday and TODAY, my coach Sarah called me! I was so amazed at how fast the turn around was! I had read and researched that the turn around is super slow - not for me! YAY   The awkward part is that because of the time Sarah called, my office mate- (a guy) sat down at his desk when I was on the phone. At first I was mortified. But then I realized, too bad - because we share an office and we have worked closely for 7 years, I should probably not stress too much. So I finished my phone call, hung up and told him that I was talking to a nutritionist. I will have to bring him on board when I get closer to the 6 month mark, I know that. He isn't one of those non-observant guys and he cares about me to boot.   So anyway, I think I will keep my blog updated on the ICanChange, just in case someone else has Tufts and is looking for information! (The program is a big mystery!)   Sarah told me that I will have 8 scheduled calls with her in 6 months. They will be sending me a welcome email that I should read and there are 3 requirements to having insurance approval. 1- I need to achieve 7 if 8 of my phone calls 2 - I need to complete an informed decision booklet that Sarah will help me complete 3 - I need to choose 2 measurable behavior modifications.   My measurable modifications are: - I will chew my food! I keep reading in all of the blogs that bandsters need to slow down and chew their food and not gulp. I am a big gulper so I think working on this will benefit me pre and post band. My measure will be that I take 30 minutes to eat every meal!!! - I will increase my walking - I had a bunionectomy and 2nd toe broken and was not allowed to walk for a month. I was in a walking cast for an additional 3 weeks and just was released by my doctor on Monday. Needless to say, because of the pain, I will need to work myself up to my goal of 2 laps around my street (approx 1/4 mile each lap) My goal is to do 2 laps 3 times a week.   Oh yeah, Also - Sarah said not to focus on losing weight. She said that the surgeons at the program I choose will set a pre-op weight goal for me.   My first call is scheduled for May 18 at 3:30!   WOOT WOOT!!! By the way, my mom was tickled for me and my three daughters are totally supportive




Dear Diary

Dear Diary, I am so tired of: My knees hurting, :w00t: My butt hang over both sides of a chair :smile: People staring :smile2:.   Okay so - MOO people, I get it, I am fat!   That being said, I am not a happy fat person, I hate how I look and I hate how I feel. So what are you going to do about it you say?   I say, I am going to fix it!   The first step, like any addict, Admit it out loud!   Today I made the first and second step in rescuing myself from my life slipping into a parallel universe with Gilbert Grape's mom.   I went to my MD. I started bawling as soon as I tried to speak. I am not a tearful person. I am logical and non-emotive. I guess the pain runs deeper than I think.   My doctor was very understanding and spoke of good outcomes other patients had. She filled out my insurance paperwork and gave me suggestions on food and diet.   Next step- Harass the Insurance company until they let me in the "I CanChange" program :thumbup:



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