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Getting ready for 4-30-10!!

Well, 6 days and counting till my surgery (4-30-10).   Liquid diet has not been that bad, but still craving. Every time this happens I just down another yummy chocolate shake. (I have to tell myself they are yummy :smile2:).   This weekend I also, said my goodbyes to my favorites and it went something like this;   Dear Cookie: Thanks for always being there, but I need to say goodbye.   Dear Bread: You are so tasty with butter, but quite frankly you have made my thighs look like butter. Good ridden!   Dear Popcorn: Oh how I will miss you the most. We have had such good times together. Remember that time at the movies or that time you got me through the heartache of the one I thought was the one. Well, my friend it's been good but our relationship must end now. Besides, you get stuck in my teeth!   In addition, I have started to make nice with my new friends; exercise, lean meats and chewing, chewing, chewing.   Can't wait to see what the rest of my journey has to offer :wink2:




I think I'm ready....

Am I really going to do this? In just 11 days I will be going in for elective surgery. I'm starting to think I might be nuts. I only had my first appt. a week ago and suddenly I'm scheduled for surgery. I think this is the right thing to do and I know I need to do something, but geez so fast!   Will be starting the liquid diet on Friday. Think I might start today just to get in the practice of not eating as much.   Well, down the hatch to my first liquid shake.     Surgery Date: 4-30-10



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