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Almost Time

I am back from my Sister's Weekend in NY. Had a blast and now it is time to start concentrating on my surgery. 2-Weeks to go. I am so excited - I can't believe it is almost here.   My husband is going to the grocery store tomorrow to pick up some of the full liquid items I am going to need to I can start tasting to see which ones I like. Cream of chicken, cream of brocoli, cream of mushroom will be the first 3 soups I am going to try.   I have purchased several different protein mixes and I find when used in conjunction with low fat milk (1%) and put into the blender for a few minutes, they are not so bad. I did purchase an unflavored protein mix from my Surgeon's office, but when I got home and read the label it said it has milk and soy. Being a breast cancer survivor I am not supposed to have soy, but I will see my Oncologist on Friday to see if the soy content is small enough. I really would love to have an unflavored protein to add to soup or to add my own flavoring to, so please keep your fingers crossed that I can use it.   Anyone have any good ideas for the pre-surgery diet?:thumbup:




On My Way

I had my final meeting at the surgeon's office today. Everything checked out just fine. I am doing well and on track for my surgery. I am off to NY this Memorial Day Weekend to visit my twin sister, and when I get back the fun begins. Blood work, medical clearance, nutrition visit and another visit to my oncologist just to make sure everything is good to go. These next couple of weeks are going to fly by until the big day arrives. I hope I don't have too much trouble with the liquid diet, seeing how I am diabetic, but thousands have lived through it and so will I. If I don't get back on this week, I wish everyone a wonderful Memorial Day.




Not a banner day

Well, I was at the gym tonight. I had a horrible day at work and my right knee was bothering me, but I got on the treadmill and walked .88 miles. I did about 20 minutes on the sit-stepper and 12 minutes on the sci-fit machine. I just wasn't able to do as much as I wanted to do. But, I will make up for it on Sunday. Got a call from my surgeon's office today to confirm my appointment on Monday at 9:15. I am so excited - I am so ready for this. Have a great weekend everyone.




Bariatric Eating

My girlfriend had her band done 2 years ago. She took me today to the only store in our area of S. Florida that sells bariatric supplies and lets you taste the product prior to purchasing.   I can tolerate the Isopur waters, which are high in protein, and Inspire melon flavored protein mix. I am not a chocolate person, I always prefer vanilla but I really disliked the vanilla products this store carried. I will have to search around to find the right blend of proteins that I can tolerate.   Any ideas?:smile:




Pre-Op Education

Had my pre-op education class tonight with RN Arlene. She was great. There were 5 other women in the class. 2 were having gastric bypass, the rest of use lap-band. One of the lap-band people was obviously not really into the whole thing. She didn't even have the common courtesy to shut her phone off, which kept ringing and playing some obnoxious child sing-song. But anyway, we got our binders to keep all of our meeting notes and handouts in one place. We discussed the protein options and what to expect the day of and the days following surgery. I am really excited and so thankful that this surgery is an option to me, even though I am paying for it. I learned how important journaling is and will definately be keeping a food diary. I have now attending 3 separate groups, but have not run into any of the same people. I would love to form some bonds with other people from my area, since we would have so much in common. The journey continues.:rolleyes2:




I love this place

Thanks to those of you who are so giving and willing to share. I am so excited about my surgery and am looking forward to a new, healthier life. I love hearing about how everyone is enjoying their experience and I have learned so much. Thanks for helping me grow and I'll keep checking in to see how you are all doing. We are all working towards the same goal and I am thrilled to have friends here to share with.




Blogging in general

I have never been a blogger. I only recently joined Facebook because my friends kept bugging me to. I really don't spend too much time at it. But, this site has been different. I don't know if anyone is interested in what I have been up to, but it makes me feel better to have some kind of log of my weight loss journey. My mom just died last year - Thurs will actually be the 1st anniversary of her passing. I am recovering from breast cancer - 4 months in remission - yea me. I am so excited about my lap-band surgery, coming June 21st - my birthday. I come here and read through everyone elses blogs to see what they have been experiencing in hopes that I will learn something. Last week someone wrote that they were cheating before they even had the surgery. I wrote to them in hopes of helping them when I got a very rude message back from the person I accidentally emailed. She could have just told me of my error, but instead was very rude. I hope never to get like that. We are a family here - albeit a family of strangers. We all have the same goals and dreams, to lose weight and get healthier. So to those of you who will be getting the surgery I truly wish you the best of luck. To those of you who have had the surgery, I hope you can keep up the same momentum you first had when you originally got banded.:smile:




Fast & Furious

As my surgery date nears, things are starting to come quickly. I have my dietician appointment set up for this coming Friday AM. Then I have a support group on the Friday PM. I have a class on Monday the 17th and my surgeon will see me on the 25th. I am really getting excited now. I've been going to the gym for 3 weeks now and I am so amazing that I didn't think I could walk or peddle or push or pull, but I am doing it all and I am so proud of myself. For all of us taking this journey I wish us all well. It is not going to be an easy trip, but I want to take the ride. :smile:




It's a miracle

I was actually able to get out of bed this morning after my first workout at the gym last night without as much discomfort as I thought I would have. I know if I keep up the hard work, my surgeon will be very happy with me come lab band day. I will go back tomorrow night and perhaps I will be able to walk the treadmill for more than 15 minutes. Keep your fingers crossed.:smile:




Boy am I sore!

First night at the gym - an hour and a half. Felt good to be working out, slowly, but boy am I sore already. I am afraid of what I will be like tomorrow. My surgeon is very happy I will have 2 months of exercise under my belt before my surgery. No one said losing weight was going to be easy.




Journey Classes

I just got the prescription orders from my surgeon's office for my blood work on June 3rd and my PCP's release for my surgery on June 8th. I will have to take some classes called Journey 1 and 2. Has anyone taken these classes? Since I am self-pay, I do not need a psych eval, but will meet with a nutritionist. I am not a veggie person, so I am a little nervous about what they will say I have to eat post-surgery. Any suggestions from any of you who are veggie-phobes like me?




So many LapBand friends

I am so glad I found this site so I can read and learn about other people's experiences. I know each of us are feeling the same anxiety and excitement about getting banded or being banded. I can't wait for my turn. I just found out I have to take 2 one-hour classes called Journey 1 and Journey 2. Anyone else have these classes?   Since I will be starting the gym next week on the 28th, I had to go out to purchase some gym attire. Thank goodness for WalMart - who wants to spend money on new clothes when, with any luck, I will lose a lot of weight rather quickly and the stuff will be too big. I am so looking forward to my new and improved body and self esteem.   bye for now




South Florida

Are any of you from South Florida? Has anyone used Dr. Thomas Bass as their surgeon?




I can't wait

I was originally scheduled for my lapband this past December 21, 2010, but then I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had to undergo a mastectomy on January 5th. I am so fortunate the cancer was found so early and that I don't need chemo or radiation.   My lapband has been rescheduled for my birthday, June 21st, which I am calling my re-birthday. :tongue_smilie:   I am a little nervous but so excited. Anyone have any suggestions?




Joining the Gym

I have joined a gym that is attached to the hospital I will be having my lapband surgery. My equipment orientation and nutrition orientation is on the 28th. I have been a couch potato for many years, but am excited about starting this change in my life.





I just received a message from a soon-to-be bandster and she mentioned she was scared of the surgery. I thought it was important to mention that even if you are scared of the surgery, it is scarier to go through life without it.   I never mentioned, but I was not heavy all of my life. 22 years ago, just before marrying the man of my dreams, I had an accident at work. I was a Code Enforcement Officer and was removing an illegal sign that was nailed to a tree. The sign was very high up and I lifted my arms, pulling the sign side-to-side until the nails came out and the sign came down. The sign was extremely heavy and when it came down, it bent me in half. I rolled the sign over, end over end, and put it into my car. When I started to get out of the car, I could barely move. It turns out I hurniated 2 disks - one in my neck and one in my lower back. I also caused some nerve damage in my neck. The pain was and still is remarkable.   I went to several doctors who said I should stop going to the gym and not lift anything heavier than a loaf of bread. That surgery would be my best option, which I opted not to have.   Believe it or not, but I wore a size 3/4 to my wedding, that needed to be taken in.   Sitting around, doing absolutely nothing caused me to start gaining weight. Then I quit smoking, which added about 45 lbs to my already growing mass. I became very depressed and ate myself into oblivion. I was not allowed to exercise, which did me a huge disservice. So even back then I knew exercise would help me, but I listened to the doctors and kept growing and growing to a size 26. And of course all of the co-morbidities jumped on board for the ride and it became difficult to walk.   Well, I am on my way to a healthier, better life. I still have neck and back pain, but I push through them. I work out like an animal at the gym becuase I see how much better I am doing with this small weight loss and I can't wait until I lose all I need to lose. 35 lbs since my surgery, 14 prior to surgery and about 70 lbs to go. So trust me when I tell you I will get there. I am down to a size 18 pant and an XL top. People are really taking notice of my loss and telling me how good I look. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel.   I am already looking forward to my October picture in my green shirt!   Have a great night everyone.




My Journey At Last

Tomorrow I start the process and I can't wait. I have a 10:30 appointment with the nutritionist. Then at 5:00 I will be attending a group support meeting entitled "Relaxation into your Journey". My exercise plan has been working out really well at the gym. I didn't want to join an LA Fitness or one of those other types of gyms, so we joined the fitness center affiliated with my hospital. It is wonderful - I am actually up to 1.25 miles on the treadmill and 30 minutes of cardio on other machines. I know I can do this. I know the lap-band is going to change my life. I am so happy today - I am cancer free and getting banded. Wow, who would have thought.:smile:




Day 2

2 days of the full liquids so far. I will continue on this "diet" until Sat. Sunday I get to have clear liquids in preparation of the surgery on Monday.   I must say that yesterday I was starving all day long. Loud grumbling noises that I couldn't control, even after a Jello snack. Today, not so much. I brought a Jello, 1 cup of beef broth and 1 bottle of Isopur Apple Melon, plus I drank around 25 oz of water and another 25 oz of water w/Crysal Lite. While the Apple Melon was not my favorite, (love the Grape Forest), I drank the entire 40g protein drink. I didn't finish either the broth or the Jello and I am feeling fine. Would I love a hamburger? You bet, but I want the lap-band more.   I am so happy to have found this site. Everyone has been so helpful, friendly and encourging. I get so excited when I see that someone has responded to a blog I wrote. The ideas and recipes I have received are priceless and I can't wait to start using them when on solid food again.   Hearing how well so many of you have done, I know I have a real fighting chance to do the same.   My husband paid the surgery bill today, so the only thing left to do is stay on track with the liquids and get through the surgery.   More tomorrow...




On my way

Today's nutritionist meeting went very well. I learned a lot about the 70-80 grams of protein I will be allowed each day and the 64 oz of water I will have to drink. I also found out I had lost 3 lbs.   Tonight's support group meeting surprised me that there were only 3 other women at the meeting. 3 of us are having Lap-Band, while one very nice woman is having the sleeve. I understand that journal writing, or in my case blogging and reading other people accounts of their journey are very helpful. So, if you have any good suggestions, please make them.





Hubby and I were at the gym tonight. I am up to 1.28 miles on the treadmill and 1/2 hour on 2 other machines. I feel exhausted, excited and just so happy I started this process. While I know the exercise will help in the long run, without the lap-band I know the weight will not come off. The diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, knee and back pain, etc., etc. will continue. But with the lap-band, eating the correct way and the exercise - I have a winning combination. Has anyone got any good Protein smoothie recipes?




So, here we go

Tomorrow I will be at my doctor's office at 9:15am for my blood work and pre-surgery clearance. One week from today I start my full liquid diet and on Sunday the 20th my clear liquids. The 21st is my re-birthday and I am so exicted, nervous, anxious and ready to go.:eek:   Tomorrow night's dinner will consist of different cream soups so I can see which ones I like. I don't like yogurt or custards, so I am hoping to find some good soups to keep me full.   I wish you all good luck and hope we can all share our stories of weight loss and great success.




Memorial Day Weekend Getaway

You call it Memorial Day Weekend, I call it Sister's Weekend. I am making my annual trek to NY to see my twin sister. I will be back on June 2nd and will have my blood work on June 3rd in preparation for my surgery. On June 8th I am having my medical clearance and then on the 21st my life-saving surgery. I am so happy that after being diagnosed with breast cancer last year (October), having a mastectomy on Jan 5th, 2010, now being cancer free, I have some wonderful things to look forward to. There is life after breast cancer and with my new Lap Band, it will be a long, healthy life. To everyone out there who reads my blog, have a wonderful long weekend. If you have recently been banded, I hope it was easy for you and you are doing great. For those of you planning and waiting for the day, as I am, WE ROCK!



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