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Reached another big goal!

I finally reached the # 2 in front of my weight. I couldnt be more happy. The last time I posted I had hit a stall and was going back to basics. It worked I am now down 138 pds. woo hoo. I have around six weeks till my one year mark. I really want to have lost 150 pds. by then. I hope every one is doing well . I will check in later. Rhonda




stalled out !!

Hey everyone!! Just needed to remind myself of how well I have done so far. I have stalled on losing weight . It is the first time since my surgery that I cant seem to lose . Im not gaining but not losing. I think I may be to tight right now but Im not sure. I cant eat in the morning which is not a problem because I dont really like to eat breakfast anyway. I try to eat lunch and the first few bites come back up . The dinner does the same thing. I wind up snacking on peanuts which are not all that great for low carb diet I have been following. I started exercising more and still not losing. I guess this will pass also. I have lost 130 pds but still need to lose 120pds. I am going to go to full liquids again to see if that will bring me back to losing again. My one year mark will be April 8 and would love to be lost 150pds by then. Well I guess I will go and do some exercise or something. I hope everyone is doing well and losing weight. God bless everyone and keep on keeping on.




still trying to figure this new stuff out.

wow !! I am not very good with the computer in the first place and now I am learning all over again. I havent posted in a while so I thought I would let every one that I am still here and still losing weight. It has slowed down some but that is my faught I am sure. After this last fill I think I was to tight. I couldnt eat much at all and I think my body was in starvation mode. I would get sick and the bite or two that I would get down would come back up. Then I had to learn how slow and how well chewed the food really needed to be. I am just now getting where I can eat a little more. I have lost 117 pds now. which is 16 pds in the last six weeks. So I cant complain. I am 8 months out tomorrow and I can honestly say that I am still learning. I no one thing I need to work on is getting more exercise. I am working on that one. I hope every one is still here and still doing well. God bless every one and I hope every one has a blessed Christmas. Thanks for reading. Rhonda    




Finally reached a 100 pds down!!!

I cant belive that I am down 101 as of today. I was banded april 8,2010 . I just had a birthday this past week and that is such a great gift to myself and to my family which I can do so much more stuff with. I love my band. I hope everyone is having a great day and keep up the great work everyone.:w00t::smile2::smile2:




fill number five a no go.

Hey every one!! just got back from the dr. and he says he dont think I need a fill because of what I was eating and how I was feeling. I am down 12 pds making it a total of 83 pds since April 8 . :tt2: I pray the weight keeps falling off. I know it will prob. slow down. I did have a week I didnt lose any this month. I am so happy I had this band put in. Hope everyone is doing great.




just checking in!

Hey everyone, Just thought I would check in and let everyone know how I was doing since my fill. I am having some trouble still eating. I do ok in the evening and with soft food. I cant eat any thing in the morning because it is just to tight. I am confused though because I have not lost but five pounds and that is when I was on the liquids. I know for a fact that I am eating less food since this fill and increased my exercise. I guess it will start coming back off again soon. I also have been sick with a saliva gland infection. The PCP put me on antibiotics. With the fever and swelling I have not really been wanting to eat. Never thought I would say that. LOL . I know with Gods help this to shall pass. I just have to keep the faith and keep doing what I am suppose to. Hope everyone is doing good.




fill #4 today

Just got home from the doctor and I have lost a total of 71 pounds since April 8.:thumbup: I am so happy ! I just hope the fill is not to tight. The water the doctor give me to drink in the office went down fine. The water I have been drinking since I got home has not been going down so easy. I can feel it kinda girgling going down. The doctor did tell me it wound probably swell some then go back down. I am still glad I got the fill . I am so glad I got this band and so glad it is working for me. Hope everyone is doing good and thanks for all of your support.




The third fill my be the charm

I weight my self today because I like to weight in on tuesday. I am down 12.8 pds. I had my fill this friday so I have been on liquids till today. I love that part to getting a fill because You lose so good. That 12.8 is since friday but is not from doctors scales. I have to wait till the 27 of this month for my next fill if I need it. Im still happy with it. :rolleyes2: I am loving this LAP-BAND®. Hope every one is doing great and keep up the good work.




Third fill today!

Wow what a difference the third fill made. I cant even drink a whole bottle of water. I also have lost 60 pounds in three months. I really love this band. I also couldnt have done this without the good Lord giving me the strength to change my life. I want to thank everyone on here for all of the good advice and encouragement to keep going when Im having a bad day. It really helps to read your blogs and no that Im not going through this by myself. Keep up the good work everyone. Have a great weekend.:smile2:




stress and old habits

Well I am still learning with the band. I guess that is a never ending process. I have been under a lot of stress here lately with my son. I know he is 24 but he is my baby and its hard to let him learn things the hard way. I have always been there for him with what ever he needs and now I just am not able money wise to help him. I cant keep from feeling guilty about spending so much money to get the LAP-BAND® surgery.   I do feel that if I didnt get the LBS done that I wouldnt be around much longer. I was having so many problems health wise. I have noticed that with all the stress and guilt that I feel a little sick to my stomach and at the same time I want to eat something sweet all the time. I have not give it to that though because I know it is just the old way of trying to feel better.   I go this Friday for my third fill. Just in time I wasnt able to go on june 18 because my doctor was out of town and then on june 25 I was suppose to go and they said he still wasnt back in town. Then they asked me to come in on my next schedule appt. on july 9. This is suppose to be my fourth fill.   I guess Im still doing good though because I have lost 56 pounds so far and on july 8 will be my three month bandiversery. Thanks for letting me get all this out. I know what I need to do it is just hard right now.:frown:




a little down today

Hey every one. Well I got a call from my drs office today and they said the dr would be out of town for another week and I have to come in on the 9 of july . They have changed it twice now. I was suppose to go in on the 18 of june but he was going out of town so they changed it to the 25 of june which was not to bad but then they called and said he got delayed and that he was so backed up that it would be july 9 which by the way was suppose to be my 4th fill which now will be my third. I guess I have to just grin and bear it. I am doing ok but I am getting hungry way to quick. I am trying to keep my self busy so I dont think about food so much. I think some of it or alot of it is just in my head. Does any one else have any suggestions for the head hunger. Well I think I will go and walk for a bit. It seems like I am watching the clock so I can eat my next meal. That is so sad isnt it. I really have to work on that. :thumbup:




Back from my cruise

Well Im back from my cruise. I am already wanting to go on another one. I did really well. I managed to lose 2.5 pounds while I was gone.:smile2: It was really not to hard except for the fruity drinks lol. I ate at the buffet every day and stayed away from the dinning room. That was better for me because I could get what I knew I could eat . I was walking so much more than I am able to do at home and they have a gym and a track on the open top deck. I was supprised at how much walking you do ashore. Now I find my self trying to make sure I get the walking in now that Im home. It wasnt like exercise on the ship lol. I cant wait till I go to get my next fill this friday and see what my total weight loss is. Wish me luck. Well thats all for now. Hope everyone has a great week.:laugh:




times does fly

Wow it seems like yesterday I was wanting to get this surgery and now it has been two months. I am down 50 pds and 2 sizes in my clothes. again wow! lol Well I am leaving for my cruise tomorrow and I am worried because I dont want to mess up and gain weight. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice on how to handle the trip. I hope everyone is doing well and we all have a good week. :bored:




2nd fill on friday

I cant wait till friday. I will get my second fill. :cursing: I am also going on a cruise in June. I am really nervouse about that because I have never been on one and dont Know what to expect. I am also worried about what Im going to eat to stay on track . It is a five day cruise and when I come back the very next day I go to the dr. to get my third fill. Dont want to be gained. If anyone has any suggestions let me know? I need all the help I can get.




two weeks in

Today is a very hard day. I had my LAP-BAND® put in on april 8 and I have been doing real well but im starting to get hungry and I dont seem to be losing as good as I thought I would. I lost 13 pounds the first week before sug. and seven pounds the week after. Now I have to wait till this friday to see how much I have lost in three weeks. I pray it is good. I dont want to weigh myself because I dont want to get discuraged . I have been on a no carb diet and have been staying in ketosis so I would say that is a good sign.




today was good!

Today was pretty good. My DH was home, he didnt have any work to do today.:tongue2: It seems to be harder to stay on track when he is home because he is bored and wanting to eat all day. I try to get the kitchen work done the night before so I dont have to spend to much time in there. I did manage to stay on track today though. I am trying to learn to take one day at a time right now and that is hard for me. I just have to pray and trust the Lord to help me get though the day and weeks. Well guess that is all for now. Hope everyone is doing great. :smile:




Glad the weekend is over

Man Im glad the weekend is over. I cooked such a big meal on monday. I couldnt have alot of it. I smoked a roast and ribs in the smoker and made potatoes and corn muffins and cut up some vegi s . I love to cook for the family but it is hard to fix what they love and not be able to have any. I did manage to stay on program and I feel better having done so. :smile2: I even managed to stay away from the banana pudding and cup cakes.I am having to learn how to reward my self for doing good. The old way would have been food . Now I dont quite no what to do.




one of those days

Ever have one of those days you just are not able to be in control or it feels that way anyway. I want something sweet so bad. I know I dont need it but... So far so good I havent give in. I think I just need to get outside and get busy doing something. I just have to much thinking time. I wish I could find some low carb candy. Well I guess I will go and find something out side to get some exercise in and food off my mind. Hope everone is having a good day.:thumbup:




I had my second fill today

Wow today was great. I lost 10 pds. in three weeks. I am down 41 pds. now. The doctor said I was doing great. He had a little trouble with finding the port so was stuck twice. I had to wait three hours to see him but that is turning out to be the norm. to wait.lol I just keep doing what he tells me to do and he said not to focus to much on the numbers on the scale but how well I am following the program. It still helps to see the progress on the scales though. It really does motivate me to keep going strong.




first fill

This past Friday May 7 was my first fill. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I really was expecting more though. I have been so hungry. My doctor told me to stay on liquids for three days and then soft food for five days. I have been so hungry. I have stuck to the liquids though. I fill like I have to lose good because I have so many people watching me and I dont want to let them or myself down. I hope I get to the sweet spot soon. I have lost 31 pds. But most of the people who know I had the surgery which is family make me feel like I should have lost more. Maybe its just in my head? I was told by my doctor that it would prob. be three or more fills before I get to the sweet spot. Well I can make it and will make it. Happy late mothers day to all.:smile:



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