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March 12, 2007

WOW can't believe it's been that long since the last time I posted. I've been banded 5 months now. I feel pretty good. Got my 3rd fill today. I poke, yeah. First fill was 6-8 pokes with 1cc put in. Second fill was 5 pokes with .5cc put in. Third visit was no fill. Fourth was .6 cc fill. He could only pull back 1cc out of the 1.5 cc. I had. So I now have 1.6cc in my band. I am down about 40.5 pounds since day of surgery and about 55 since pre-op diet. Went from size 26 to a 20 pant size, floating big on my hips. eally happy with my result so far. Thank you to God and my family for my support. I have the greatest husband, he supports me in this band journey.




November 5, 2006

Doing great. Just having a little trouble going to the bathroom. But just had some success. YEAH.. Feel better now. Had my check up with Dr. Robinson. Everything looked great. On the way home stopped off at my PCP to get a EKG, of course it didn't look great. I was having pains in my left shoulder, back and chest. After an ambulance ride to the hospital and a stay, I was sent home with a dx of muscle sprain and slight dehydration. All is well right know. Just pain in my shoulder when I use it or lift.




October 26, 2006

I am now on day 8. Felling better and better each day. Showers are easier, bending is ok. Yesterday, my stomach was a little swollen, had trouble sitting straight in a chair. But I am doing ok today. I think it was because I scrubbed my 2 bathrooms and was bending alot. So I think that bothered my stomach. The hunger is getting better. No more gurgling in my belly. Up to 4 protien drinks, 5 oz. of water, 1 sugar free jello, 1 mug of broth per day. That seems to be satisfying me. Monday is my first post-op appt. with Dr. Robinson. Can't wait to see how I am doing officially. Maybe I can start mushies on monday, if not I am scheduled to start on Wednesday. I don't think 2 days would matter much. My incisions are healing. The little pokes hurt more than the big incisions. Wonder why? Well, feeling great. Down about 17 lbs, the last time I weighed myself (from the start of pre-op and post-op).:clap2:




October 21, 2006

Well it has been 3 days since my surgery on Wednesday. Not too bad pain wise. Was just nauseas the next day, but really just sore near my ribs. A little hungry though. Other than that surgery went well.




October 17, 2006

Tomorrow is the big day. 11:30 AM. Getting nervous. Today I went to BWH and had all my pre-op done. Physical, blood work, EKG, chest X-ray. Then I met with Dr. Robinson and all looks ok. Got a call tonight from BWH confirming surgery tomorrow.




October 16, 2005

WOW, 2 more days.....And counting. Getting nervous and excited. I will do great, because I believe with God all things are possible. I believe that this is God's plan for my life. So I will succeed.




October 13, 2006

After 10 days, I finally got my surgery date. It will be 10/18/06 on Wednesday. If not the following Wednesday. WOW. That's quick. I am very excited though.




October 3, 2006

Great news, I am approved. YEAH!!!!!! Thank GOD!!!!!!!You are the almighty God and you are awsome. :clap2:Now just waiting on a date for surgury.




September 26, 2006

Saw PCP, Dr. Laxer. She said I am doing great also. Blood pressure was a little up though. 138/90. She didn't want to put me on anything because she said I was doing great loosing weight. She seems very excited for me. Great support is definately needed for this journey. Feeling great!!!!




September, 25, 2006

Saw Dr. Robinson today at Falker Hospital. He said I was doing great. Just waiting on insurance, before we set up surgery date.




September 12, 2006

Had a very busy day today. Met with Natalie, the Nutritionist. She was great. Very easy to talk to and she explained everything. After that me and Garrett grabbed a salad and water and then of to the info meeting. That was very informative also. Seems like I had been there already, with meeting the surgeon already and knowing so much about the procedure. Will call tomarrow to make sure they have all my paperwork in order to send to the insurance co. :confused:




September 11, 2006

September 11, wow I can't believe it is 5 years since the broken grounds. What a sad day. Been thinking alot about the losses of that day and also their families. What they must be going thru when they see it relived on TV. We all need to pray for them. Well, family is great, as usual. Can't wait until tomarrow 9/12. We go to Boston for my meetings with the Nutritionist and Info Meeting. Back again on the 25th to soo Dr. Robinson. I hope everything goes ok and that he doesn't mind about the sliding hiatal hernia. Well gotta go.




September 10, 2006

Went for a really nice walk today. Weather was awsome out. Feeling really excited about my journey to come.




September 9, 2006

Can't wait until Tuesday. I got an appointment with the Nutritionist at 4:00 PM and then I go to the LapBand Info Meeting at 6:00-8:00. Can't wait. Then all they will have to do is get the letter and fax info to my insurance. God I hope that the insurance doesn't deny my claim. I hope it goes thru without any delays and is approved.




September 8, 2006

Went to see psychologist 2 times. She is really nice. Sent letter already to me and faxed to Dr. Laxer and Dr. Robinson.




September 7, 2006

Got results from Upper GI today. Slight sliding hyaital hernia. Not a bad one though. No sign of reflux.




August 29, 2006

Have date for Upper GI already, it's Thursday August 31 @7:45 AM. Now I also have my dates for meeting, September 12, 2006 @ 6-8 PM. My Nutritionist is September 12, at 4:00 PM in Boston at BWH. On September 25 is my appt. with Surgeon Dr. Robinson at Falkner Hospital at 1:30 PM. Still waiting for Psych. to call with appt. for clearance. Dr. Laxer called on the 28th to say she would fax info from my chart to Dr. Robinson. :biggrin1:




August 25, 2006

Went to B&WH and met with Dr. Robertson and team. Were very nice. Was told I have BMI of 43 or so. Weight 286. Have to go back in 4-5 weeks. Have to attend meeting, meet with psycho, and with the dietician. Then I'll have to get Upper GI done locally. I then go back to see Dr. Robertson and go from there. Hopefully when insurance gets approved, I'll get a date for my surgery:angel:




August 21, 2006

Was supposed to go to B&WH tomarrow for my patient info session at 6:00pm, but too far for me and no babysitter. Called Dr.'s office to see if it is manditory, secretary at Dr. Malcom Robinsons' office said to come in on Friday, Aug 25 for an appt to meet with the surgeon and see what he says. Hope all goes well. I am so excited. Contact primary care physician for referral and pat. records to be faxed to his office. Dr. Laxer was on vacation so I couldn't talk to her



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