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August 22 Day after surgery

:clap2: Today is first day after surgery, very sore , very difficult for me to determine if Im having hunger pains or am I full from eating at this point.




Wilsonjw23 lapband Journal

2001- Well I went to my first seminar on lapband surgery in Las Vegas. I then attened another one that same year and was able to see Carni Wilson after she had her surgery done. I thought to my self at that tiime maybe this was to invasive for me and I just need to try harder , try another diet.   2003- I have finally come to the decision that I need some help. Wen to another seminar on Lapband surgery. I saw one of my high school friends she had Gastric bypass about 1 year ago and she looks and she says she feels great. She also just had breast augmentation completed.   May had psych eval done , chest xray, blood work found out that I have hypothyroidism.   July Was seen by the surgeon today was told that I needed to make the decision on what surgery I wanted to have. Was discussed on the pro's and con's of both surgeries. I have choosen LapBand. Set Surgery date for August 21 2006.   August Day before surgery very, very nervous , everyone here at the site has been very supportive. Trying to be positive about the whole thing.



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