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hey hey hey! good news!

In my last post I was complaining about my exersize woes, and now I have great news! I started water aerobics 2 weeks ago, and am doing the exersizes that I was given by the physiologist, and I feel great! I love the aerobics, they have really motivated me to keep going and even go to the pool on the off days just to walk laps! I never thought that this would happen! Horray for me! Life is good..... :smile:




diet update and exercize woes!

Modifying mt diet and eating habits has been an interesting experience! It's made me see where my problem areas are, and what to really work on changing. Saw the dietician on the 20th, and according that scale I weighed 253, which was 7 lbs less from initial weigh in on the 6th, so we both think it wasn't really accurate (it was a different scale at a different clinic), so I am waiting to see if there's been a change on my next appointment on the 18th. Exercize has been the pebble in my shoe though. I went to the exercize physiologist and her gave me some things to do at home, I went all gung ho and bought myself an exercize band and a mat, but have I done them? NO! I went to a trainer at the Y, and she gave me some more things to do like walking 30 minutes every day (what a joke, I can only handle about 5 minutes at a time right now!) and gave me some weight lifting goals. Water aerobics were going to be my big thing, but all of a sudden our normally warm AZ weather has been too cool for me to go! So needless to say, I have been a bit disappointed in myself. But, I am going to stop making excuses, and start doing what I need to do. I have been to the Y once so far, walked a bit on the treadmill, and did a few weights. Walked the dog for about 5 minutes the other day, and today I did a little bit of my Walk at Home dvd by Leslie Sansone. Had a hard time keeping up, had to stop and rest a couple of times, but at least I gave it a shot! I will get over this slump!




a little NSV!

Yesterday I went shopping, and walked right past an angel food cake, and went and got a protein bar instead!!!




diet and exercize!

I started my "diet" two days after my consult, and found that it's more of a behavior mod diet that one to lose weight on! My guidelines are to eat at least 4 times a day, lots of protein, eating slowly, drinking lots of water.... etc. The dietician says it's not about weight loss, mostly practicing to eat like a bandster. If I lose weight, thats great, but I just can't gain it! I can live with that. I've been on it for 4 days now, and am finding it hard to being eating "so much", as I usually don't eat much during the day. Not drinking with meals has been fine, but eating slowly and taking smaller bites has been a challenge. I guess it'll get better with time and PRACTICE! As for exercising, I haven't started anything yet, I need to start walking at least a little bit though, just as a start. I need to make an appointment with the exercize physiologist to get a routine made for me, that will help! I know that I need to get moving for all of this to work!




consult was a bit disappointing

Found out that because of an insurance issue, I can't get banded until after January 2011. Was really bumming for a few days, but am over it now, knowing that this just gives me 2 more months to learn how to bandster style, and to learn and meet more bandsters who can share their experiences with me!




tomorrow I start a new life...

My 1st consult is tomorrow! It will be an interesting day, since I will be getting all of my insurance info, as well as getting my psych eval, and labs drawn and meeting the whole team at the clinic! I am stoked at finally getting started!




At the beginning.....

I am really horrible at keeping up a blog, but I am really going to try to with this one, because this is an important journey I am about to embark upon! So many things will start to happen once I really get started, and I want to keep record of it. I had heard about the LAP-BAND® when I saw the commercials on tv, but never really gave it much thought. I was once thinking about having a gastric bypass, but the idea scared me so much that I never pursued it. Last October 2009 I was at my Dr's office, and I saw that there was going to be a seminar about the LAP-BAND®, so I decided to go and see what it was all about. It was a really informative seminar, I got to see and hold a real LAP-BAND® in my hands, and I learned about the differences between gastric bypass and the LAP-BAND®. That really cemented the idea that a bypass wasn't for me! But.... when I found out about the cost of the durgery, ($16,000), I was thinking that there was absolutely NO WAY that I could pay that on my SSDI income. So I went home kind of dissapointed. I again put the idea at the back of my mind. In January, I found the folder that they had given me, and I started reading the information inside....my interested renewed once I saw that there was a way that I could pay by CareCredit. I talked to my SO about it, because he would have to be the one to sign up for the credit, but he was not at all receptive to the idea because of the cost of the surgery. I kept bringing it up, but to no avail, he wasn't going to listen! Then last week, he was reading our insurance benefits, and saw that surgery for morbidly obese people was covered (at least hospital costs) and the other diagnostic procedure would be covered like regular benefits. At that point, he has been supportive of my starting this process. I have even convinced him to go to another seminar with me on April 1st, so he can get the information on the LAP-BAND® himself! I have made an appointment with the WLIA already, for the 6th of April to go over with them exactly what the insurance will cover, and I imagine they will tell me what the precertifications are that I will need to complete. After I know all that, I am going to hit the ground running.!



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