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184 ( :phanvan )   I don't want to be 184 but...I am. Still REALLY anxious. My anxiety has been SO bad. Looking forward to the weekend. Actually, Sunday. Tomorrow will be stressful. The good news is that I have accomplished some major things; however, the next two weeks will be NUTS!!! I hope I can make it. I would LOVE to just be under 180 when I leave. ONLY 4 MEEZLY pounds. I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BREAKFAST: 180 Starbucks 130 Cottage DOuble 3310 total   ***I am pretty much writing today off given the fact that I have two lunch appointments. Not good-but I will deal with it and do the best I can.   LUNCH: chips queso guacamole a little beans a little tort soup   SNACK 180 Starbucks





184.5 (where did that .5 come from???)   BREAKFAST: (REALLY TIGHT AGAIN) 130 C Cottage Double 11P 90C Mocha Frap 3.5P   LUNCH: Plate with 1/2 of it salad with avocado, oranges, 1/4 plate meat, 1/4 plate baked beans. Had second helping of baked beans.   DESSERT:eek: :cool: :) ice cream, fudge whipped cream, pecans, SO BAD!!! WHY WHY WHY WHY   SNACK: some potatoe salad   SNACK2: couple of soy crips   DINNER: smartone and 2 pieces watermelon   This was an unhealthy hard day. Once I started at lunch I did NOT want to stop. I dont know why. It so impulsive.




June 14

182.5   I finally figured out what was going on...I have ANXIETY!!!!!!!!! HELLO. Why did I not think of that...all the issues   (1) Julia (2) Michelle (3) Grandparents coming (4) Glenn   These are BIG stressors...not to mention the small things that are going on. Thank God I went and spoke to Jan. I need to remember to close my flexors/chakras. This is what I am feeding. That open hole. What I need to do is close it upa nd do healthy things to resolve the stessors.   BREAKFAST: 100C Protein shake 63C 1/2 Banana 50C Peaches 15C Psylluim TOTAL 230C




July 7th -- Back on the saddle again

179! Considering yesterday when I was 173 and I had not gotten anything down (including water for two days) I am feeling GREAT! I proud to be at 179. I feel, even without a fill, that I have a new lease on life and I am really ready to lose!!   BREAKFAST 130C oatmeal 125C banana TOTAL 255   LUNCH 197C Cream of Cauliflower soup (1 cup) 200C Salad 200C Dressing TOTAL 900   SNACK 100C Popcorn TOTAL 1,000   DINNER C510 Chicken sandwich TOTAL 1,510





182.5 (FINALLY STARTED DROPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:   Butt kicking class this a.m. BREAKFAST: 100C Protein shake 25P, 0C, OS 63C 1/2 banana .7P, 16C, ? 90C Cottage Cheese 11P, 6C, 4S TOTAL 253C, 37P, 22P, 4+S   LUNCH: one roll with butter salmon salad-not the whole thing. it was REALLY good-cranberries, corn, etc. two shrimps   had the impulse thing going. wanted to eat things that were around -just bc. DINNER: soup crackers popcorn tuna salad WANTED TO EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!!!!




June 15

184 (huh??? Must have been all that salad yesterday)   WELL HELLO ANXIETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeesterday's convo with Granny really did a number on me. I woke up as anxious as anything. Good news is that group was today and I tried to find healthy ways to release all the anger and tension.   BREAKFAST: 100C Protein 60C Peaches 65C 1/2 banana   SNACK: 70C Chicken 60C mayo   LUNCH: 260C Smartones 70C popsicle   SNACK: 50C tomato   TOTAL: 735   DINNER: 2 small potatoes 1/2 avocado fat free cheese   SNACK: 7 shrimp tarter sauce 4 glasses of wine





185 (:scared: )   BREAKFAST: 220C Protein Shake 70C Cottage Cheese 300C TOTAL   SNACK: Soup   LUNCH: 210C SmartOne w/ butter   SNACK: 200CSnickers   750 TOTAL




Aug 23

WORKOUT: Run 1.15, 15 minutes, 30 minutes eliptical   BREAKFAST: 200C Bfast omelette 160C Protein shake TOAL 360   LUNCH:




Monday, August 21

182.5   WORKOUT- 15 minutes -run 1.10, 30 min eliptical   BREAKFAST: 125C apple 36C plum 110 Cottage double TOTAL: 271C   LUNCH: 280C Smart one Cheetos, mound, bite of soy nugget 100C watermelon TOTAL LUNCH: 380 TOTAL: 651   DINNER:





184   TRANSITION DAY: trying to lean towards no sugar and no carbs Saturday through next Friday will be very low carb and sugar.   BREAKFAST: 180C Cottage 22P, 12CRB, 5F, 8G




June 13

182.5 (still after yesterday---thank goodness)   I need to figure out the emotional reason why I am wanting to eat/binge at night. Have an appointment with the counselor. Thank God for the band bc otherwise I would eat a ton more I feel certain.   I think there is a lot going on with me- rejection seems to be a theme and I suspect the new world of dating, etc. Am I trying to sabatoge myself?   this has to be an emotional issue. How did I go so long without this out of control feeling that I am getting now?   BREAKFAST: 90 Cottage Cheese 11P TIGHT   LUNCH: Seafood Cobb Salad -Shrimp, grilled scallops, diced egg whites, avocado over mixed greensSalad with Ranch, 2 pieces of bread   SNACK: 4 little bitty snickers, 200 calories   DINNER: At silent auction thing--toffee, little quiches, brie and crackes, wine





179.5 (considering the weekend and ALL of that eating I did...not too bad)   BREAKFAST 160C Protein Shake 130C Cottage Double TOTAL: 290C   LUNCH:ARG!!!!!!!!!!! 175C 1/2 a lunch lean cuisine @600C Almost the whole bag of "baked" cheetos TOTAL: 1100   SNACK: Several teenie weenie snickers C250 TOTAL: 1350   DINNER:




June 1

184 :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: EXCERCISE: Butt kicking Kyla class:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:   :cool: Breakfast: Protein shake- 100C Protein mix 20P 63C 1/2 Banana 1P 15C syllium 0P 90C Cottage cheese 11P BREAKFAST TOTAL: 268C, 32P   SNACK: 100C Slimfast Bar (1/2) 4P   Lunch: 210 C Slimfast meal 11P TOTAL: 578C, 47P   :faint: SNACK: 330C soy crisps 21P 3 teenie weenie snickers (unknown) TOTAL: 908 C (plus unknown snickers), 68P   Couple (like 4 almonds) -not counting since i laughed them off.   3/4 slimfast meal 250 calories 1/9 crabcake 2 ahi tuna crisps 1 bite chip with queso 1/2 prok nacho 2X mojitios   SERIOUSLY!!! Evenings are SOOOO bad. I have got to get control. I am so thankful for writing down everything I ate and working out.   I WILL GAIN CONTROL OF AFTERNOON/EVENING EATING!




July 12

178   Breakfast: 160 Mocha Lite Shake 130 Cottage Double 190 BTOTAL   Lunch: 300 Smartone or the like... 50 salad 350 LTOTAL   TOTAL 540   SNACK: 1 choc chip cookie 1 PB cookie 1/4 cookie bite of lemon square bite of gingerbread man   DINNER: Pay pentance for all the cookies...must eat HEALTHY...cookies not worth it... :help:




AUg 22

184   WORKOUT: 15 minutes treadmill 1.05, 20 minutes eliptical   BREAKFAST: 125C apple 100C crab meat 130C cottage double 72C plums TOTAL BFAST: 427   LUNCH:




June 5

186 (paid for this weekend) I have two days to drop at least 2 pounds so I won't have gained this week.   Breakfast: :notagree 180C Starbucks (mocha) 7P 130C Cottage Double 11P   Lunch: (having a hard time eating anything) 210C Smart one 17P   SNACK: :cool: (always seem to slip up during afternoon. I wonder what I can do to remedy this.) 280C 96% fat free yogurt 8P TOPPING -180   TOTAL: 980 plus   almonds   DINNER: 1 pc pizza 1/2 michelada couple of soy crips





184--back to ground zero :clap2:     BREAKFAST: VERY TIGHT AGAIN 130C Cottage Double 11P   LUNCH: STILL TIGHT 200C baked beans 200C potatoe salad 200C meat   SNACK: 50C 1 teenie weenie snickers 50C popcorn 100C Watermelon TOTAL: 930   DINNER: 210C Smartone 100C watermelon   C1240   **decided to start no sugar tomorrow so I binged.




June 2 through June 4

Fri-Sat weekend in San Antonio with the ACA JL'ers. Worked out on Friday and Sunday.   Did not keep track of food. Drank lots!





184 (YEAH! maybe this weekend was not detrimental)   BREAKFAST: (REALLY TIGHT):heh: 130C Cottage Double 11P   LUNCH: :cool: 150C Cup of tortilla soup 7P 100C salad-greens, totmatos, crouton crips 200C ranch dressing   SNACK: 40C tomato 100C popcorn   DINNER: PB'ed ? 3 piece of margarita pizza   *REALLY wanted a snack after dinner--mind thing--thanks to God I didn't. He blocked me at every try. I really ate dinnere becuase I felt like I had to eat. I pb'ed but still tried because of fear of being hungry. It is dinner. How will I get that emotional fill. I am not exactly sure how to fix this.   TOTAL: 720




MAY 31

184   Breakfast: 180 SBucks Shake 9 180 Cottage Cheese 22 30 Peaches 0 TOTAL for Bfast: 390   Lunch: with Warren and Jeri at Castle Hill Interior Mexican Salad. Did not stop soon enough after I was full but did not eat everything. Left 2 muffins and 1 empanada. YEAH! Would have never done that before   :faint: SNACK: got back to work and felt a little anxious and wanted something sweet. Ate 3 teenie weenie snickers and 1 string of twizzlers.   SNACK: Popcorn-small bag (100 calories) and even gave some away. :eek: SNACK: handful of almonds :straight SNACK: tall vanilla frap :straight DINNER: nachos at the movies   ANALYSIS: No wonder I am not losing any weight. Too much snacking. Not enough protein. Could have been worse though!!



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