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Hiiiii everyone :thumbup:.... soooo, I told my husband 10 days ago that I wanted to have LAP-BAND® surgery in Mexico...he said NO WAY...so...I took my savings (it's ok, I'm the breadwinner around here), and went ALONE...was banded 5 days ago. I'm only about 40-50 pounds overweight so I'm sure nobody will question my weight loss...besides my unsupportive husband, only my BFF knows, and she's far far away...I am pretty isolated and have so many fears and concerns, so I thought I would reach out to you all...since I've been reading this board all day obsessively.   1. Please don't tell me you feel sorry for me that I can't tell anyone...I don't feel that way, I could tell people and I'm sure I would find some support but I have chosen to keep this to myself. My family members are all total health nuts and would disapprove and I really don't feel like being subjected to their judgement.   2. I've been really good about clear liquids, juices, broth...all week and I am starting to go crazy and crave real food again...did anyone else feel this way and did anyone CHEAT? Cuz I just ate a nacho and a bite of a cookie...I KNOW...BAD...somebody keep me on track!   3. The gas and shoulder pain are starting to go away, but I have no energy and I am really just wanting to take a nap. ??? Does this get better?   4. I can REALLY feel my port, it's still pretty swollen and bruised in that area, but I'm afraid it will stick out...doctor told me post surgery that it would...yikes! I didn't know that...I'm into surfing so that's really going to BLOW if it hurts to paddle out on my board :eek: Is there anyone out there who surfs?? :tt1: I mean :tt2: :smile2: I really hope I didn't make a big mistake.   5. I AM HUNGRY!!!!   Ok, that's all for now...please write back!!!   Storm   PS- Due to the SECRET nature of my little escapade across the border, I probably won't be posting any pics but by private email if I happen to make some friends.



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