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3rd fill 4/10/07

Gretchen did my 3rd fill, it was approx. 1/4 cc. She found it right away but it has been sore and she bruised me. I can feel the port so much more. I think the fill is great right now. I was just reading lap band talk and it said that even when you hit "sweet spot" you will need to be filled more as you lose weight. Gretchen wanted to see me in 4 weeks but I made it for 5 weeks.I had lost 6 lbs.




2nd fill

I just got back from my 2nd fill. Dr. Gould had alot more trouble finding my port. I had lost 11 lbs so he would only put in 1/2 cc of saline, might be a blessing. I met with Diane in the AM and she is utterly useless. I have learned nothing from her and she always yawns while she is talking to me. I went out afterwards and got some new clothes. I totally deserved it. I got four tops for SPI for $60 and 2 pair of convertible pants for SPI that Linda had told me about. A got a top at Gordmans that I have on now. And a pair of jeans at Herbergers that are to big but were on sale for $14 and atleast they aren't as big as the other ones I had before. Oh my god, the tops...all the tops are XL. Not 3X, not 2X not 1X but XL. They are tight but they won't be for long. My convertible pants are 18!!!!!! I listened to IL DIVO on the way home and I was sooo happpy. I want to have this weight off before Brandon's wedding and dance with Jim. That is my ultimate dream. I dont' see Diane again for 6 months so I hope to be below 190 when I see her again. I have an appt with Dr. Gould for 6 weeks incase I need another fill. IF I don't need it I will have to call and see if he still wants to see me.




pre 2nd fill

I am going for my mtg with the nutritionist tomorrow and then my 2nd fill. In between I am going to go shopping for SPI. I have such mixed feeling on what to say to both of them. I feel restriction sometimes. It is never when I eat certain things and other times I can eat and eat and it never feels like I have restriction. I know I am eating to fast and with to big of bites. I ate so much at the restaurant a couple of weeks ago that it scared me. I ate tuna a week ago and had maybe 1 Tbsp with mayo eaten and I got the worst pain in my chest and was really sick for several hours. I really cannot figure it out. I want more restriction as I do belive I am eating more than I am suppose to. I don't know how the weight loss has gone as I have been going more by how my clothes feel. I think I have lost. I want to get my weight #s from each time I was at the doctors tomorrow so that I am more accurate. I know my scales are way off from the doctors. I have settled on 172 as my start as I know I was atleast that when I originally went to Dr. Millers. Actually I think it was 176 but I am not going to go there. Last time I weighed here I was 132 but I have been eating more this weekend as we are snowed in. I wish I would of gotten busy and went to the gym today but it is closed now. I will try and get there tomorrow and I also tan Tues AM.





This week I had the monster of all stucks. I ate almonds at work and when I started getting the full feeling I quit. Well it grew and grew and so I wnt to the frig at work and gulped cold water. It was like having brain freeze in my esophagus. I broke out in a sweat and didn't have a clue what I was going to do. I finally stuck my finger down my throat and the water came up and then I felt so much better.




First Fill

I went to Madison and got my fill. It was very simple, the numbing shot burned for a short period of time and then I had to lift my head and tighten my abdominal muscles while he filled. He had a student with him so it was kinda kewl listening to what he was telling him. He said that he knew he was in the port because it almost pulls the saline in without pushing the plunger. He put in 1cc. I have not tried to eat since except for a mozarella stick. I'll write more later about how that goes as I have time. I am going to join the fitness center tomorrow as I know I need to get some exercise. I didn't hear from dr. Brooks office today so I am assuming I won't have a second interview. Hopefully I can learn MaryAnn's job and spend most of my time up on Warren Street.





1/8/07 and 1/9 Went tot he support group on Monday night. Jim went with me. the first hour was a group mtg on setting goals. I didn't learn alot I didn't know and like most mtgs a few people spoke, some intellingent with good ideas and some just plain dumb. The 2nd hour was more interesting with a break out group of just lapband people. The furthest out from surgery was about 9 month, then some of us just out, and several preop. I sat next to a really nice woman and gave her my email address looking for a friend but she hasn't emailed me. I am anxious for my 1st fill as I am hungry now and can eat anything. The next day I went back in to see Diane and I could of saved the drive. She gave me some sheets and told me to start eating solids so my pouch learns to work. I seem to be stuck weight loss wise at 240 or so. I know I need to exercise.




Surgery and 2 days after

Had to be in Meriter at 6:00 AM for 8:30 surgery. Found our way and after the registration grinches everyone else was very nice. Kathey was our beginning nurse. She explained the procedures, got me in my gown, signed papers, gave me a shot of heparin. Dr. Garren came in and went over a few things, nothing really new. They wheeled me to pre op surgery area. I had to say good bye to Jim here and that was very very hard. The nurse, Bonnie was nice but unorganized and talked to herself. Did not instill confidence. The anesthesiologist came in and she was nice. Offered to put the IV in as Bonnie was struggling. The anesthesiologist tried 3 times on my left hand and finally got it on my right upper arm. Hurt like hell. I really thought about bailing out. It made me feel like when you are having a baby and you want to call it off in the middle of the process but know that you cannot. Went into the operating room and everyone was busy. Dr. Garren helped get me on the table. I was just about to get panicy and she put the mask over my face and told me to breathe. That was it. I woke up in the recovery room and hurt. The nurse told me she was sorry but she could not give me pain meds as my bp was low. She rotated the table to try and help and paged the anesthiologist. I really hurt and finally she got the okay to give me some pain meds. My bp stayed okay and she could give me more. Then I went to my room on floor 9. I was with another cantankerous lady for my roommate. She gave everyone probs that came in to help her. I went down to xray for a swallow test and even stood up. After that was okay I was given water. Before I could leave I had to get off the oxygen and pee. I did both and we headed home around 6:00. Had to go to Walgreens for the liquid pain meds so that wasn't planned but worked okay. Did not sleep worth a hoot and hurt but made it through the night. Nothing sounds or looks good but I am trying. The protein powder makes my stomach turn so I ordered some protein powder that is suppose to be less thick and more fruit flavored instead of vanilla or chocolate. I got to take a shower on thursday AM. that felt good and I got some of the goo off my stomach. I went for awhile with only tylenol for pain but took some of the rx later in the afternoon. I have been blue and feeling discouraged about eating but I am sure I am just being inpatient. The cold pack on my belly and the heating pad on my back is helpful. I am going to walk tomorrow for sure. If nothing else I need to get out and get the stink blown off. I am very surprised about how depressed and bad I feel but I also know that it will be better in a couple of days.




Call From Peggy

12/1/06 I got a call from Peggy, Dr. Miller's nurse. She said Gretchen had called her and told her about the xray. she asked me if she had said anything to me about why they wanted an old xray. I told her no. She said they had found a cystic area on the lung and since there was no old xray. Dr Garren would not do surgery unless I had a chest CT. Peggy set it up for 12/6/06. So I got the creat done and I have a CT Scan on Wed. The radiologist at BDCH wanted to see the xray they took in Madison to compare. I have been on the liquid diet 5 days. I do okay with it I guess but will be glad when it is over. I want to chew.




Saw NP and Dr. Garren

11/27/06 I went to Madison and finished my Christmas shopping. Then went to UW to the Learning Center first. They just confimred my insurance information and then I talked to an RN C.J. about getting ready for surgery and what I needed to do. I bought the prep before surgery and she gave me two packets of antibacterial wash to use the night before surgery and the morning of surgery. Everyone was nice.   Then went to 3rd floor and Susan RN took my bp and wght 267.6. I then met Gretchen Beverstein NP. she was very nice and I asked her my questions I had written down. Dr. Garren came in next and asked me why I wanted to have the surgery and talked to me about what to expect. I asked him about a couple questions that he said those were "game day" decisions such as how long I wiill stay in the hospital and what size band. I aksed him about celebrex and he wasn't thrilled with that but said if I must take it then I can with prilosec. Both were nice. Then I had to go get a chest x-ray.   Gretchen called Tues am wanting to know if I had a current chest xray for comparison. I told her I didn't remember my last chest xray but if I did it would be at Skiff in Newton.




Stress Test

Had the stress test 11/20/06. It seemed to me to be more involved than others that I talked to about a stress test. I was in the office a little over 2 hrs. First I got an IV, after 2 tries and they put in some kind of nuclear medicine into my blood stream. I had a camera take pics of me ( somewhat like an MRI) for 16 minutes of holding still. Then went into another room and did the stress test on the treadmill. It was hard but not terrible. People were very nice. Then the last 1 minute of the treadmill they put more radioactive fluid in my IV. I rested for 10 min and more camera. Got dressed and left. I was nerved up about it but glad it was done and they said from what they could see my EKG was good. Said if there were probs they will call me and if not I will get a letter. Jim was a sweetie and drove me even after I told him several times it wasn't necessary. I think he wants to feel like part of the process. I got a pm from a person who is having surgery the same day as I am and that was fun.





I went to see the nutritionist Diane today. Basically she went over the things to do postop and preop and what to eat. Gave me a pep talk on the fact that I may no feel restriction for 3 to 4 months and therefore may not loose during that time...NOT. She then told me that I'd need to have lab work done. I assume they don't tell us ahead of time so we can't "hide" any results. They drew 8 vials of blood. Next step is Stress test 11/20/06.




My Journey

I went to a Meeting June 06 to see what was involved with getting a lapband at UW Bariatric Center. I got information and immediately made an appt with Dr. Miller for an letter of referral. I went to the next support group and gave Deanne my insurance info and the letter. She contacted me and told me a possibility my insurance would need verification of a medical supervised diet so I started WW.   Went in July to see the psychologit associated with the clinic. A 3 hour appt with a never ending multiple choice questionaire and talked to Gretchen for about an hour.   August went to see Diane the nutritionist. I really didn't learn much I didn't know about nutrition (just wasn't practicing it). I did learn about intuitive eating. She did pick up on alot of old "Dieting" mentality of good and bad behaviors.   Went to see Gretchen (psychologist) again. She gave me the okay to pursue the insurance aspect of the process.   First preauth information sent to Lumenos July 26th. I waited until end of August to contact them as they had said 30 days. They claimed they had never rec'd anything. I called DeAnne (administration asst) at Bariatric Center. She said it had been sent. I got a fax # for her and she sent it out end of September. I called a couple days later to insurance to confirm they had rec'd it. They told me another 30 days. So I waited. I received a letter from them end of October asking for verification and dates of what I had attempted in the last 2 years to lose weight on my own. Luckily I had the WW book to send and a letter from Dr. Miller that I had lost weight during the 3 months interim that he saw me. This was sent to Lumenos. On November 6th I received varification from insurance that they would cover the insurance.   I was so excited I called DeAnne right away and she hadn't gotten the Letter yet so couldn't schedule my surgery. I ran to a place that had a fax and called her right back. We schedule my surgery for 12/12/06. I see the nutritionist 11/14 for a group meeting of what I can and cannot eat and what I need to buy to be ready for surgery. I then have stress test done November 20th and one week later I meet with the Nurse Practitioner and then the surgeon.   I am excited and scared. I got a living will all done just incase. My knees hurt so very much that it is almost impossible for me to walk. I do whatever I can to not have to walk with one of my co-workers as they leave me in their dust or else slow down to a crawl to stay with me. My husband never leaves me behind and I love him for that. I want so much to be a fun healthy wife, mom, and grandma. I want to wear stylish clothes. I know that at 52 I am never going to look fantastic and I am to old and not financially able to have plastic surgery but I want to be healthy. I want to get off my meds. I have also always had poor posture to try and hide my big boobs, so I want to work on those muscles to stand up straight.



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