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My Lap Band Journey

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Well Day 3...

Today has been uneventful. Yesterday I had some broth and it just sat in my chest. I have a lot of sinus drainage that has been causing me to cough. I worry about my band slipping before it heals.   Today I had some broth and after 5 spoons I was full. I am drining water as much as possible but that even sits in my chest sometimes. Probably due to the swelling from the surgery.   All I can say is...WALK WALK WALK! Keep moving around even if it is to walk down the hallway. The only pain I have is when I get up from a seated position and that is at my port and hernia repair site. Other than that no pain. I'm not on pain meds but they said I can't drive for 5 days.   I am very excited to see where all of this leads me.




Happy Band day to Me!!

I was banded this morning. So far so good. I am sore and my shoulder/back hurts a little. They found a hiatal hernia and repaired it while they were in there. The doctor said my liver looked good. Weird thing is they sent home before/after pictures of my hernia repair.   My throat is REALLY sore and I am very thirsty. I recommend walking around or just get up and move around every hour. It really helps. I also have a heating pad for my back/shoulder. I have an ice pack for my stomach. It is sore where the hernia was repaired. I have a Q-ball that delivers continuous pain meds to my port site for two days and a nausea patch.   Deep breaths are hard but I force it and coughing which hurts my stomach a little.   All in all, I feel okay considering. Can't wait to see what each day brings. :smile:




Tomorrow is my day

I both excited and nervous. My mind is racing right now. I have got so much to do yet I don't know where to start. What shall I do first?   I have to be at the hospital to check in at 5:30 am. Dang that is early!! My surgery is at 7:30.   My hubby is staying home with me tomorrow and Thursday and then I am on my own during the day. I am so glad I took off work until the 20th.   Now I am wondering what I am going to do about sleeping. My bed sits very very high. I literally have to climb up to get in it and I am 5'6". I guess I can sleep in the reclining seat on the couch if I am too sore to make the trek into my high rise bed.   Now back to my nervousness...I am getting jittery. I have a lot of nervous energy right now but all I can do is worry about tomorrow. Deep down I know it will all be okay but part of me is still really really scared.




Struggling with pre-op diet

I am really struggling with the all liquid diet. I only have to be on it a week but I am sooo hungry. I have had to eat something. It's smalll but it helps. I am having really bad headaches where everything is blurry so I ate a small sandwich. Being diabetic I think has something to do with it. I may just have to eat a little something every day. After I ate my headache went away. I don't know what to do. I guess I need to call the dr office tomorrow and see if it would be okay.




Very Nervous...scared really

Okay so now that I am in the final leg of my journey to banding, lots of things are running through my head. A lot of "what if". What if something goes wrong?HOw will I pay to fix it since I am self pay? What if they find something else wrong inside while they are in there? What if it doesn't work? And the ultimate...what if I die?   I am finding myself dwelling on these most of the day. I don't let it show on the outside. On the outside, I am confident, calm, collected. I am so nervous on the inside that I am chewing up the inside of my cheeks. A nasty habit I do without even realizing it until it is all chewed up and hurting.




1 week until "B" DAY

Today I went to the hospital for Pre-OP testing. I am cleared for banding...paid my bills. I also started my pre-op diet today. Ran into a fella that was in my education class and is getting banded the same day. He is an hour after me. It was good seeing a friendly face. Isn't it funny how you can wake up and you aren't hungry at all but when you know all you can have is a protein shake suddenly your stomach is growling so hard it hurts? That was me today! I felt like I was starving. I had tomato basil soup for lunch with unflavored protein powder. It was pretty good but it would have been better if I had a grilled cheese to go with it.:thumbup: It was a struggle. My boss and a few others decided to order chinese. They asked me. I declined. They asked me again telling me I might want to get it out of my system. I declined. I went to my testing, came back and they had already eaten. Yeah, Me 1 them 0. Then they decided they needed milk shakes. Again they asked me. I declined several times before they left me alone. They know I am on the diet starting today. Geez, let me the flip alone. Yes I probably will be beyond foul and mean before this is over.




17 days until surgery May 12th

Time is winding down. So much is running through my mind these days. What will it be like? What does "restriction" feel like? Will I know when I need to get a fill? What will it feel like when I eat and supposed to be full? I hear all the terms and phrases and I understand them all but I don't "know" them. This has me feeling scared and nervous. I know I will be fine it's just the unknown that has me cautious. The good news is I am continuing to lose a little weight each week. I think the fact that surgery is close at hand is keeping me on track and making better choices. I am down 13.5 lbs so far and I haven't started the pre-op diet yet. I have just been choosing less starches than before. I don't drink soft drinks anymore. I never drank diets, just regular and it was nothing for me to have 4-6 a day. I have said it many times before, Vitamin water zero is my water of choice. I do drink water at restaurants. I choose a lot of salads and veggies w/out sauces, more than I used to. But, and a big BUT, if there is something I want, I will have it. I can't deny myself anything but can have everything in moderation. You have to learn to control the overeating but if you deny what you truly want then you up the chance of losing control. Control is the point of the surgery in my opinion. Taking control of my life and my eating can lead me to many new possibilities.




16 days until pre-op diet

I have 16 more days until my one week pre-op diet. I am getting so close and so nervous. I start pre-op diet on the 5th, I have pre-op testing on the 5th and band date is the 12th. I am officially down 10.5 pounds. I have slowed down quite a bit. At least I am not gaining. Of course all scales are different.   I found in the grocery store (Kroger) in the health food section a wide selection of pureed soups in cartons with screw on caps. There were I think about 10 different varieties. They are a little pricey since they are organic but I may have to give it a whirl. I plan on making homemade chicken noodle soup and puree it and then strain it. Nothing is better than homemade. I also thought about doing the same for vegetable.   I have designated a shelf in the fridge for just me. I have one whole cabinet that is just for my stuff so my mongrel family doesn't dip into it. I drank the Special K protein water, pink lemonade and it was pretty good. It has 5g of protein and 5g of fiber. Can't beat that. I am stocking up when they go on sale. They are a little pricey too. I think it was $4.29 for a box of 7 packets. That is 61 cents a bottle of water. Not bad if you think about it. Not any worse then a soft drink but certainly healthier.   I am one step closer to my new life...




1 month until "B"-day. Band date 05-12-10

The countdown commences. The skeptics come out. The rude comments continue. The supports are there but not in as large of numbers as before. The question that is on everyone's mind is "Will I succeed or will I fail?" Hmmm...dare I prove them wrong? YES I DARE!! There are a lot of things I have given up on in my life because the going got too tough. Well, this is an investment in my life. A very hefty investment. I am self pay and with that means I will bear the success and the failure heavily. More incentive to succeed. To use my tool to its fullest potential is a priority. Do I have fears? Yes. Do I have second thoughts? Yes. Do I think there will be times that I fail? Yes but I sure hope not. I am going into this with my eyes wide open to all possibilities. This is probably the hardest thing I will ever do next to child birth and raising 4 kids and raising teenagers. :thumbup: This is the best support site I have come across. There is more compassion and support than I could have hoped for. I have gotten tons of tips and advice here. I have received valuable insight into what to expect and what could happen. It is good to be in the know. I feel very prepared. No one is preaching to me or at me. It is like we are all lifelong friends. I think it is because we are all on the same lifelong journey together. We are each other's lifeline. I am looking forward to sharing each leg of my journey with you and hopefully my experience will help others as I have been helped. 30 more days!!!




The Dreaded Taco Meat

Taco Meat is my enemy!! I love to make tacos at home. I usually put my taco meat on baked scoops. Well I have been craving the heck out of them for weeks so I made it the other night and proceeded to PIG OUT on it. I was miserable but my craving was gone. Or so I thought. There were these leftovers in the fridge...Day 2 of the Taco Meat invasion. And then I was miserable AGAIN! I guess I need to start of a list of NO NOs for food in the house. I'm not sure I can make that again and not try to pig out on it. Of course after the band that would not be a good thing but I don't want to even take the chance. I don't know what it is about this meal but all my other favs that I decided to have in moderation before surgery have been, just that, in moderation. All except for taco meat. Frankly, if I had some I would eat it now and it is 9:30 in the morning. Is it just me? Does everyone have this meal or food that just drives them to inhale the food like it is the air that we breathe?




Words cut like a knife

Why is it that people think when you are doing something life altering that they have an automatic right to speak their mind? I just can't imagine opening my big trap and blurting out things that I know would hurt and then be shocked when it does. This morning my Dad said very hurtful things to me. Even when it was pointed out that it was mean and hurtful he argued, to the point of yelling, that it was not hurtful but true. At first I thought people at work were supportative but now those fake supporters have been talking about me behind my back. They say I am just lazy and taking the easy road out. They say I am going to fail again. The surgery won't help. They know people that it didn't work. Well did they know whether or not the person actually followed the many guidelines? I only ask that you don't assume anything about me because you obviously don't know me. I wonder, are you talking about me because you are jealous that I have the guts to say YES I NEED HELP and I am taking this giant leap forward? Don't judge me. I do this for me not you so stop making this about you and your obsessive negativity. :thumbup:




A good day...down 2

I weighed myself today and I am down another 2 lbs. for a total of 10 lbs. I feel good about that. The biggest change has been no soft drinks. I drink flavored water only. I am making more healthy choices. Not always but mostly. I was really craving tacos. Well taco meat that I put on baked scoops. I finally made it tonight and it was ALOT. I am stuffed and miserable but my craving is gone. I had a protein shake for breakfast and smoked chicken for lunch. I still haven't gotten this whole eating without drinking. That I guess is my next task to master. It's hard to imagine not drinking while I eat. I get so thirsty. I try to have one protein shake per day instead of a meal. Breakfast is the easiest for me. I do trade off and occasionally have an egg for breakfast. Protein, protein, protein. Protein and low carb. Got to get into the habit now. I found a food journal on bariatriceating.com and a few good recipes but was confused. Some of the recipes had 12g of FAT per serving. I expected it to be less fattening. I started a binder for my food journals and recipes collections. Getting it together a little a time. BAND DATE 5-12-10:thumbup:




46 Days and counting--Advice welcome

Ok, if I counted correct I am 46 days out from my day of destiny. I am looking for advice on how to prepare. I am getting together a list of "To Do". So here is what I have so far. 1. Get exercise room ready. I am painting a spare bedroom and turning it into my exercise room because let's face it, this bod is not going out to sweat in public. Treadmill and ellipitcal awaits me. 2. Trying different protein flavors and concoctions to find what I like and stock up. I already replace one meal a day with a protein shake. 3. Make and freeze homemade broth. 4. Stock up on Vitamin Water Zero   Please help me finish my list.




New Group--Banded in Kentucky

I started a new group called "Banded in Kentucky." If you live in Kentucky please consider joining the group. Support is key. Sometimes hearing from those nearby that are going through the same experiences you are helps just a little more. Maybe find new friends who will be your lifelong friends. After all, we have a special "band" well bond.




Had a bad food day

I was really on track when I thought that I would get an April band date. Now that it is in May I have fallen off the "band wagon". Today I just wanted to eat. I don't know why after nearly a month of eating well and replacing one meal with a high protein shake, that I didn't want any of that today. I don't want to get back into this habit. I lost a few pounds and now I am afraid I will put it back on. I think mentally I know I have more time before surgery so why start now?? I can feel my motivation slipping away. All evening all keep thinking about is taco meat. Just taco meat. Weird!:thumbup:




Got my band date 05/12/2010

:thumbup:I went to my surgeon's consult today and got my surgery date of May 12th. They had earlier dates, as early as April 12th but it didn't work with my husband's work schedule so May it is. I think I am happier it is in May. It gives me more time to get all my ducks in a row. I can make sure everything is ready. I did find out that I have to give myself injections of Lovenox in the stomach after surgery due to a blood clotting disorder I have. I REALLY am not looking forward to that. I just hope I can do it. My family is squeemish so I can't have them help me. They can't stand to see me test my blood sugar. The good news is I lost 6 pounds. I don't have to do a two week liquid diet. Only one week. Right now I am replacing one meal with a protein shake so I think I will continue that. I am getting excited. It is really happening now. :blushing:




My new Addiction

:tt2:I am addicted to Vitamin Water ZERO. I love this stuff! I had one of these about 2 weeks ago and haven't had a soda since. Grape and Lemonade are great. Berry Berry is okay. I wish my stores had the Essential one. It is like Tang. It is made with Stevia. It seems real sweet at first but then it grows on you. I really love it.




A couple of concerns...

:scared2:I really need to stop going on You Tube and looking up Lap band. I have come across a lot on complications and I can't help but check them out. I keep telling myself that the majority are patient error not the band itself but I am still very concerned. I am especially concerned because I have to pay for this surgery out of my pocket. I wonder if my insurance will cover any complications, other than actually have to do more surgery on me. I mean like if I get an infection or something like that. I am worried. I can't afford that. Another issue, is more being pissed off than a concern. I have seen postings where they say don't tell anyone. It is personal. Yes that is true that it is personal and it is your choice whether to tell people or not that you got banded but at the very least DON'T LIE about it. I know of someone who never let on that she had the band. She lost a lot of weight fast and when people asked her she said she was working out and dieting. They ooh'd and aah'd over her and bragged about her determination and success. Well then she ends up having plastic surgery for her arms because of all the hanging skin and a tummy tuck. Well it was weird because usually if you are dieting and working out then you would not lose weight so fast that your skin would hang to the point that you needed plastic surgery. Her closest friend spilled the beans last week during one of her usual ramblings that I tune out but this caught my ear and she suddenly was like well ummm she didn't want anyone to know. You LIAR!! After people started noticing her weight loss she started giving updates on her progress but all the while saying it was the workouts she did. We have a gym at work and she attended for a while but not after her plastic surgery. I am not saying who she is or repeating this to anyone else at work. I wasn't the only one there when she spilled the beans either. It is not my place to tell others her story but it just rubs me wrong that she pretended to be something she's not. There are several people at work that have either been banded or had gastric so it's not big news. Sorry just frustrated...




One Week until Surgeon's consult

Then we schedule surgery. I am both excited and nervous. I am most scared of gaining weight before the surgery. I have edema so me swelling up 10 lbs in a day is nothing and usually no apparent cause. This is day 4 without a soft drink and no caffeine. I don't really miss it but I notice I am more thirsty now that I am drinking the bottled water that I put a sugar free flavor packet in. I really don't understand why I am more thirsty. I haven't really lost any weight and frankly sometimes it is hard to tell when I swell up.




Not Sure what to do...

Ok, here is my problem. My boss decided to play musical desks and had several of us move around and I am now sitting right next to her. As her team leader it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is she has two food drawers. IN MY DESK!! Yes she has taken over 2 of my 5 drawers to put her food in because she doesn't have room at her desk. I am left with two skinny drawers and one that my file folders hang in. That is it. I have no room for the things I need to have on hand. I tried to move it but she got ticked off. When I start the all liquied diet I can't have that food in my desk. I have tried bringing it up but she doesn't want to hear it. Any advice?? I don't think it is fair to me when I am going through this but I also don't know how to get her to see it my way. Usually she is open to what I have to say.




Need Help---Pre-Op Diet

Okay, I thought I would order a couple of flavors of the protein shakes my doctor's office sells to see which flavors I would like before I buy more. Can I just say...YUCK!! There is no way I can drink several of those a day for 2-3 weeks. I am supposed to have 70-100 grams of protein a day plus it must be a meal replacement and only 800-maybe 1000 calories a day. Most of the meal replacements that are palatable only have about 10 grams of protein and tons of sugar. I also have to have one without aspartame. I can tolerate other sweeteners but I cannot tolerate aspartame. Any suggestions would be helpful. I have to go on an all liquid diet for two weeks prior to surgery so I thought I would start now by replacing just one meal a day trying out different flavors and recipes.




Beginning Journey...

Today I started going through my information received at intake to work on my diet. I figure I need to start making changes gradually so by the time I am forced to make changes I will be in the right frame of mind to do it. For me at this particular time I am cutting out caffeine and carbonated soft drinks. That is going to be so impossible for me. I LOVE my grape soda. Caffeine not so much of a big deal. I HATE drinking plain water, even the flavored is nasty unless it has sugar in it. That's a habit I need to work on now rather than later.   http://anglovato.blogspot.com/




Pre-op will probably have surgery mid April

I had my intake appt Jan 26. I have my PET scan/stress test March 10, EKG and chest xray March 12 and surgeon's consult March 25. They said surgery will be scheduled about 2 weeks later. I am hoping this surgery will be the beginning for me. I have HBP, type 2 diabetes, reflux and high cholesterol.




Just don't have the time

Wow, I find now that I just don't have the time to be on this site as much as before the surgery. It may be because I now have my own "surgery life" to live and no longer need to research what may or may not happen.   There's nothing exciting going on. Just day to day living. As I have said before I have no restriction so I can eat pretty much EVERYTHING and I am only 2 1/2 weeks post op. Kind of sad really. Occasionally I feel foods get a little stuck and that is probably the only clue I have a band right now.   I am mainly watching what I eat and making a point to stop when I no longer have the hunger feeling. That is the hardest part for me. I am so used to equating no longer hungry with the full/bloated feeling. That is not what I have to listen for. Yesterday I did and ended up eating a 1/2 a burrito from Taco bell. It was delicious and I was satisfied but didn't have the full bloated feeling. I was comfortably not hungry any more. It was a good feeling.   Well, I haven't lost a ton of weight. Not much really but I have noticed a difference in my clothes. Mainly in my hips, thighs and calfs so I will take that for sure. Just keep remembering that you can't measure your success but the scale alone. Other accomplishments are just as important. For instance, I am no longer taking reflux meds. I have been on them for 20 years. Not anymore! My blood sugar is coming down. As I said I notice the clothes fit differently. I got into shirts I haven't worn in over a year. There are other things for sure besides the scale.   For the record my scale is down 9 lbs since surgery on May 12th. It's just the beginning...



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