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Totally in my feelings...What a day!!
small slice cheese pizza
1/2 grilled chicken quesedilla w/low fat cheese
1 fudge pop (a surprisingly good treat @ only 60 calories!)
fresh apple juice
I feel pretty full, but my daily diet leaves alot to be desired. I’ll have to consume more food/healthy snacks spread out over the course of the day. But seriously, just looking at it – this is a STELLAR performance for me considering… I definitely need to work in more water, alot less juice, and add some veggies. No problem. Today was just one of those kinds of days. Btu I’m proud. *yawn* It’s been a long day. I’m calling it a night… Maybe my outlook will be better in the morning. Time to take it to God in prayer! What’s meant to be…WILL!
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There's a [thin] line between Love & Hate...
Phine, RE-defined... (cross-post. original date 2/25/2010)
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