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Totally in my feelings...What a day!!
small slice cheese pizza
1/2 grilled chicken quesedilla w/low fat cheese
1 fudge pop (a surprisingly good treat @ only 60 calories!)
fresh apple juice
I feel pretty full, but my daily diet leaves alot to be desired. I’ll have to consume more food/healthy snacks spread out over the course of the day. But seriously, just looking at it – this is a STELLAR performance for me considering… I definitely need to work in more water, alot less juice, and add some veggies. No problem. Today was just one of those kinds of days. Btu I’m proud. *yawn* It’s been a long day. I’m calling it a night… Maybe my outlook will be better in the morning. Time to take it to God in prayer! What’s meant to be…WILL!
To help pay for surgery...
There's a [thin] line between Love & Hate...
The Fat Mommy [@ the playground]
The Break Up *sigh*
The Battlefield of the Mind
Still here! And still making progress...
Sometimes i wonder... (excuse the jumble - posting via crackberry)
Sick & Tired. In that order. Literally...
Ready...Set...Eat?? NOT! *lol* P.S. The REAL journey begins!
Phine, RE-defined... (cross-post. original date 2/25/2010)
Out of Sorts
Last tango in Fatvile...
Goalllllllllllllllllllllllll!!! (a long overdue update!)
Gettin my groove back (a quick update)
Get outta my belly! (and reduced fat cottage cheesy thighs)
Feeling some kinda way...
Fatty Girl Recipes
Fatty Girl Food Journal
Are you ready? Nah, I don't think so...
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