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Need some help!

Okay its been a while since I last posted. Things are going well, 40 lbs since my surgery (90 days). 2 fills (3.5 CC's out of 10). I find myself still very hungry and though I eat healthy food, I struggle to keep most of it down. So first question, is there a a cookbook or website that recommends meals? When I am able to keep food down, it feels so wierd. Like a lump at the top of my throat. Not like there's a top stomach that just fills up quick and you're no longer hungry. Liquid goes down smooth though. So question number two, is that what it feels like to others and is that the way it's suppose to feel? And last I am terrified of flabby skin once I hit my goal weight. Any advice to limit that besides to drink lots of water? Special exercises? I need to be checking this site more often as I get so much out of it. Good luck to all and thanks for your responses!




Post Op Day ONE

Alright so the easy part is over right? Now comes the hard work? Isn't he weight supposed to just fall off now? Surgery went well though I would have thought the doctor could have made a stait incision? I'll have to start drafting my knife fight story I guess. Its weird drinking something and then feeling like I would imagine a clogged drain pipe would feel as you can feel the fluid kind of just gurgling down the clogged pipe... Tomorrow starts the gym. I actually like working out. I lost 6 pounds just on the Pre op liquid diet, so I am excited about what's to come. Any words of encouragement are welcome! Good luck to all!!



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