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Dietician gave me an assignment - almost ready to qualify

Hi there, getting ready to qualify or submit to insurace and dietician gave me an assignment so please respond. I am supposed to post on here   How do you get the bulk of your protein   have you had a protein deficiency   are you consuming more then an ounce (how long after your surgery)   or   Are you on a liquid diet   how many grams of protein did your doc tell you to consume     ( I have submitted to insurance once but was denied. Two of the dietician months did not count and I have to re-do them so we are getting ready to re-submit on April first but I have to have this information posted on lapband talks blog and get the answers from bloggers before my last appt.)




1 ounce meals

I erased the other blog simply because I was afraid that the surgeon was going to see it and he is the closest to me being 2.5 hours away.   Please I have another question for myself, not my dietician. . .   how do you fit a cup of food into a one ounce pouch?   This particular surgeon (DR Fox in Richand Washington), he places the band then pulls the stomach up around the band and stiches the stomach to itself wrapping the band. this makes this surgery ir-reversible. Further, he measures and makes certain that the little tummy is less than one ounce. (so you folks that fit one cup of food in, I dont know how you do it)?   The stack of one ounce cups we are given are for use with social settings only as we were instructed at both orientations that we do not need any solids, now later or ever - we are to drink a protein shake in the morning (no milk) and one in the afternoon, and chew two flinstones vitamins - that is all we will need for now and ever.   After I read all the posts I was perplexed - do I, find the next closest surgeon more then four hours away (what about follow ups) do I continue with this surgeon and find a more sufficient diet plan or figure out how to work this blog and ask you kind folks, do I - well what do I do.   I did not misunderstand the one ounce meal. I has been covered at not one but two orientations and there are one hundred potential clients asking questions like how long is the one ounce meal - forever how many one ounce meals - up to 2 what do you eat in your one ounce cup - first protein then - well just fill it with protein. etc.   Further, he actually bragged about a former patient who collected shot glasses and set them as dinner plates at the table.   Again, now I am nervous, but I am also relieved.   It is no wonder the dietician gave me this assignment in the first place, she too was probably questioning how I was supposed to get all of my nutrition in a one ounce cup -(I just thought the doctor was accurate) -   we live in a very small community and I highly doubt there is another bander withing 45 minutes of me.



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