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Everlasting Stuck Episode

Yesterday at work I was eating cornish hen and mustard greens for lunch (11:30am). I was talking with co-workers and apparantly not chewing well because I was talking too much. Anyway, got stuck....drank water, the water sat on top of the stuck food....water came up and food came up. Later that day, 4:00, I decided to eat on an apple even though I wasn't hungry. After maybe four bites at five minutes apart, I could not eat anymore. I felt super tight and full. Dinner that night (8:30pm) tried to nibble on a pork rib....was unsuccessful (too full to eat) and not hungry. This morning I drank coffee and tried to eat my dang cornish hen (not at the same time). Again, after a few bites, I was too full to eat. Same thing at lunch...too full to eat. At lunch I forced ore food and had to go to the school's nurse because my chest began to hurt (indigestion- took a pepcid). I served my familiy dinner tonight (6:00pm) and again had no appetite. I think I may have some food hung, partially blocking my band opening. I haven't slimed or thrown up anything more, but my last decent meal was yesterday morning. Has anyone ever experienced this? Is it possible to be partially stuck and not have any signs besides barely being able to eat.




Happy Bandiversary to me!

Tomorrow (2/25) marks my day of surgery. Last year this time I was getting ready to go in for surgery. This year I am happier than ever. My heaviest has been 260. I am currently at a standstill of 190. I am still, however, happier than ever....happier, healthier, sexier,...and everything else.




Blue Monday?, it is now!

This morning I was watching the news and it was reported that today January 17th, is known as Blue Monday. The broadcast said that this is the saddest day of the year for the majority of people for the following reasons; 1) People are depressed from holiday bills, 2) People are depressed from not being able to follow through on New Year's Resolutions, and 3)....well I forgot number three. I have the blues for a different reason entirely. I had eggs for breakfast (3:30) ....coffee a little later (6:30)..... and cereal w/ milk (10:00). For lunch I had a little chili (3:30pm). Next, I decided on some sourcream chips which I bought Friday. I haven't eaten potato chips in like forever. Well after about the fourth chip. I did it! Yep, I slimed and pb'd. My first time ever! oh no, oh yes...............Now here's my question. I'm ready to eat, but how soon after the yucky stuff can I eat....and what can I eat...a shake?




9 compliments in less than two hours

So, I returned to work today after two week winter break. Within my first 20 minutes of being there, 5 different people approached me at different times; each saying how great I looked and asking if I had eaten over the break. In the hours to follow, 4 more people said similar things to me about how I am constantly losing and managing not to even gain over the holidays. I admit, I hardly eat cause I'm at my sweet spot, but I swear, although I can't be sure....I've only lost about 7 pounds in the last month (I made a habit to weigh myself less frequently). What are these people seeing??? They saw me three weeks ago and I am not much different. Anyway, any compliment, I'll take. My mother told me today that I appear to be 170 instead of 191....then, I couldn't help but to get on the scale tonight....and it said 193. Whoa, I gained 2 pounds!?!?!?!




Is it just me?

So, I was banded February 25,2010. I knew wanted to be a success story. 10 months later and I'm sixty eight pounds lighter. My first goal was to be at 199. I met my goal without realizing it. I am now at 193. I am 32 pounds from my final goal. I remember feeling like, "If I can just make it out of the 200's". Now I'm like, " I want out of the high 100's". Weird isn't it? Shouldn't I be satified? I have not been this small since I got married back in 1997, but it's like the more I lose, the more I want to lose.I want to lose 100% of my goal weight by February. My family thinks I should stop and should be happy right were I am. I am happy and I also am back to thinking about my weight too often. What is with that?




My update...what happened to this site...and onederland is here!

I am dearly sorry! I have fallen off the train when it comes to visiting this site. I love this site but this semester of school and work has completely consumed me. On a good note, I am still extremely happy with my band. I have reached onederland!!!! It seemed like a dream but I'm here. Plus, over Thanksgiving, I learned that I can eat cornbread dressing:rolleyes: . In fact, I have tasted a bit of everything and have not had any problems. I still have not slimed or PB'd. Although I feel like I can eat whatever (rice, pasta, bread) I simply choose not to except the occasional pinched bite of one of these things. Okay so now I have to go read blogs and see what my bandsters have been up to. Later    




The best thing about losing weight

:thumbup:Even when I'm feeling down because the scale isn't moving, I get excited everytime I get out of the shower, knowing that the towel can completely wrap around my body. It also makes me feel good to know that I can sit and cross my legs completely....and look sexy doing it. Yay band!!!! What is your favorite thing since your success?




fallen off the earth.

I just wanted to say that I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I have returned to work and school so my I am unable to be on as often. I still log on a read a few blogs every night so keep posting the good stuff. Later.....oh and the weightloss is good, I feel great and I think I am still losing even though I haven't step on the scale (Can you believe it?) Happy blogging.




To weigh in or not to weigh in?

I have moved my scale out of the bathroom and into the closet's top shelf. I am battling hard not to pull it out and weigh in. How much longer can I hold out? It's been a week and a day since weighing in at the fill center.




Learning my sweet spot

Since learning last Tuesday that I am in the green zone, I have had to spend the week re-evaluating my food patterns, choices, etc. I usually guess at my calories and journal my food choices about four times a week. Since I no longer use weight watchers online, I decided to use sparkpeople.com. I like it better than the lapband journey site. Reading the daily report with the pie graphs that break down the nutritional aspect is really an eye opener. It allows me to ask myself, "Was that food choice worth it?" or "Could I have done something different to up my protein?" It usually suggests more carbs intake but I am not worried about that. I find that the protein stays on target only if I add a protein shake to my daily food intake. The most astonishing area is my fat intake. It proves that I eat within my limits but most choices contain too much fat......The results show this truth especially when I eat out. My home prepared foods leave better results. Also, I have not weighed myself since last Tuesday. I am a scale whore and have been trying to kick that habit. I hope that the scale results bring me a big smile when I do get on.




Dr. Hollis' Fast Track for Weight Loss Guidelines

breakfast: Protein shake (do not mix with any citris/bananas)   lunch:Protein shake (do not mix with any citris/bananas)   dinner: (for women) 3 oz protein (fish, chicken or lean beef) 1oz of green veggies (no sweet peas)   Throughout the day, you may have one cup of fresh fruit: strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, or pears   Avoid: bread, pasta, rice, carrots, corns, beans, bananas, sweet peas, sweets, fried foods, all dairy products By following this 6 days out of 7 with the 7th being a free day you can lose weight. This would be a jumpstart on your weightloss!




Green Zone Update

Here is my update: I just left my fill appt and returned with no fill. I explained that I recognize the restriction but I rarely feel satified. My doctor's office does fills under flurocoscopy (or however you spell it) so they can see a person's restriction. They loved my restriction on the xray, they loved my weight loss success thus far. The NP was afraid that even a tiny fill would put me into the red. I told her I felt like I was on the low end of green so she scheduled me to come back in two weeks. A few reminders that she gave me were more water, more protein (lots more protein than my journal indicated) less corn, carrots , sweet peas, and potatoes. I thought I was doing good in the veggies but apparantly they want more green veggies. They gave me some interesting printouts that stated some other suggestions including a jumpstart plan that looks like the pre-op diet. I'll type them up if you'd like. So now I have my answer and now I know what to do to step up my loss. I guess I'm at my sweet spot.......for now....oh yeah.... the NP thinks the lack of satiety is in my head.




Green Zone

Well, I have an adjustment/fill appointment today. Since I am divorced now (as of 05/03/10), I no longer have the insurance that covered the fills, so I have to pay $120 for it. The price doesn't really bother me because I've spent that kind of money and more on appetite suppressants, lipo injections, and diet fads in the past. What I am struggling with is having to pay the fee and when I go in, no fill is needed. I know I need to go though because I haven't been since June. My doctor's office recommends going every 2-4 weeks for the first year. The NP didn't want to fill it last time (although she did add .2cc and asked me to do liquids for 3 days instead of 2). Plus I know that I am sorta in the green zone because I have been watching my food intake and feelings of satiety very carefully. I just think that I am on the low side on the green zone (if that is such a thing). Of course, I don't want to be too aggressive and tip myself into to red zone. As to whether I can eat foods like bread and rice, well I haven't really tried so I'm not really sure about my restriction/tolerance level. I have taken a nimble of the above mentioned stuff here and there. When I say nimble, I really mean nimble/crumb/ant bite/pinch. I have eaten spaghetti before but just a small amount because I just don't like the texture and taste of the pasta anymore. I haven't experienced stuck/sliming/vomiting episodes as described on the site by others so I second guess my restriction all of the time. Enough with the babbling. I'm just trying to say... I just wanna be in the dead center of the GREEN ZONE!




Strange way of eating

Yesterday, my schedule went something like this: I woke up at 5:00 am, put on a pot of coffee for the dh and cooked him some eggs and toast. I didn't eat because I am usually tight in the morning. Once he was gone off to work. I play FB games for about half an hour. At   6:00 am: I did the Biggest Loser workout. Finished that close to 7:00: showered, and woke up the kids. Fed and dressed them and drop them to daycare. I scrambled two eggs for me but only ate three bites (if that). Then I headed to CPR class. Around 10:15: I ate an 130 calorie nutrigrain bar. 12:30, had a half cup of watermelon 4:00: had 3oz of catfish w/ 2 tablespoons of greenbeans 9:30 pm: had 1 oz of grilled catfish w/2tablespoons of mix veggies.   I didn't think about food, was barely hungry, and loved it. I am scheduled for a fill 08/13 and have been thinking of canceling it. But after yesterday, I am really, REALLY unsure. Now this morning went the same except I had left over fish and mixed veggies for breakfast. It's 9:30 and I am HUNGRY!!! So, do I need a fill or don't I??? I want the feeling I had yesterday. I had never experienced that. I kept thinking "THE SWEET SPOT DOES EXIST". Tell me what you think.




Pictures posted

Message to self. I had to post new pictures of myself to remind myself of the progress. Self, don't be discouraged because the scale is not moving. You look great as you can see in the pictures.....everyone else check out the pictures.




Blowing it out of proportion?

I visit this site about three times a week. It provides support and inspiration. Well last week, I was on here and I decided to comment on someone's blog. I don't comment too often but I felt compelled to because I completely understood the person's discouragement and I wanted to motivate her/him not to base weight loss on pictures taken. Anyway, my would-be husband became upset and acted a fool because I was blogging. First, he started accusing me of being on FB, when he found out I was on this site, he became more upset and started ranting about chatting with unknown ppl and beginning unhealthy/flirty relationships on here. He said they (these relationships) begin with a sob story response. On and on....... I don't get his anger? I don't think I come on here too often and I need the support. I told him that I would not visit as often but I will not give it up...not even to save our relationship? Don't I have the right? I'm not doing anything wrong on here and I don't like feeling like I have to sneak on when I'm not doing anything wrong. Has anyone experienced this?




A Good way to Stay on Track

Goodmorning bandsters and prebandsters. I just wanted to say that I live on this site because it helps me stay on track. I read others experiences and it reminds me what to or not to do. Thanks everyone for all of your posts.




Another video

This is a video where I took weight progression pictures and posted them in a photostory. Tell me what you think.   Thanks Jess




Biggest Loser Videos

Yesterday, I took a trip to Walmart to buy some curtain rods for my living room. I ended up purchasing the rods along with a bunch of other stuff. Among the stuff, I purchased a Jullian Michael workout DVD along with three Biggest Loser videos. Does anyone use any of these? I usually walk at the track and do Wii Fit/Wii Active but I am still starting to have wobbly skin. Is it too late to start tightening up? I hope not.





So I went out of town with some of my sisters, my mom, my children, and my nieces and nephews this past weekend. I didn't realize how much our daily schedule centered around food until now. The activities at the ranch could barely be completed because many minds drifted to the next meal and menus. Well now I do. Because I had just had a fill Thursday, my diet was liquid and then mushies this weekend. I didn't mind cause I'm used to the routine and plus, I was barely hungry. I think I found my sweet spot. :thumbup: Well my family indulged in making fun of every food choice I made. My mother criticized me for not eating things like bread, pasta, and rice. Don't get me wrong, I've gone out to eat with them before like at habachi grills and they get a kick out of me not being able to eat rice. My family loves rice. I remember a time when I cooked a pot of rice everyday. Rice is a big deal in this family. But deleting these carbs has helped me lose weight before the surgery and has stopped the inflammation from arthritis. As a matter of fact, I haven't tried to eat it nor do I intend to. So I'm good! The ridicule seemed magnified this weekend more so than usual. I guess it was because we were together day and night as they could zoom in on me more than when we're are at restaurants and family gatherings. I have actually been trying to convince my mother to have the surgery. Anyway, her verbal spill the whole weekend went like this: "Oh no, I am not gonna be denied my favorite foods. You're eating like a bird.....Are you really satisfied with that pinch of tuna and lettuce?" She even went to a local Dairy Queen and returned to the ranch to flaunt her banana split in front of me. I told her several times that I can eat what I want but I choose to eat what I eat. I am not upset. I have my eyes on the prize. I am just surprised that the situations described in my LAP-BAND® book are slowly but surely happening. At the end of my trip, my mother praised me for not giving in to her taunts and said she was hitting the gym first thing Monday morning because she wants to look like an older sister and not a mother (shallow, right?) Anyway, she did go to the gym yesterday. As for the band, she is right, the band is not for her right now because she doesn't want to be restricted. She likes being able to eat whatever, whenever, and how much of whatever anytime. She would prolly force food even after satiety is reached if she had the band. I just have to wait for her to be ready.




day after surgery

I had my surgery yesterday. I got to the hospital at 6:00 am and was in the pre-op area until about eight. My surgean team came in to see me before time. they were awesome. A bariatric representative came in to inform me of local groups to join. When the surgery started I was unware. I only remember them taking me into the surgery room. When I woke up, I had to keep asking if the surgery was over. I couldn't believe how great I was feeling. I thought I was going to vomit when I made it to the restoom but only a big burp came up. They took an x-ray of me swallowing some chalky like liquid to ensure that everything was in place. I experienced no gas pains, only soreness at the port and other incisions. The only thing that caught me off guard was the fact that I have about six incisions. On the first day, I drank some water a an eighth cup of broth. Today has been similar, but I will make a shake to drink some time today. It's what my doctor wants. I will see my surgeon in a month. I don't know why I was so nervous. It was a breeze and overall I feel pretty great. :smile:




The countdown is on!

My surgery is scheduled for the 25th. It seems I've been waiting forever. I have already signed everything at the hospital and gave up my coins,.....clock is ticking. Today I stayed in the house and was tempted to do some munching as I studied. Everytime I got the urge to go into the kitchen, I just grabbed my water and went to town. I had 2 shakes today, and a salad and some greenbeans with tuna. I made my family mac n cheese with meatloaf and spinich and almost plucked a macaroni in my mouth that fell on the stove. Whew that was close. I usually feed my daughter but my fiancee has had to contend with that job....I'm strong enough to withstand food but not strong enough to feed the baby without temptation.Isn't that a shame? Well, I'm gonna excercise now and get ready for my week. Three more days, then I'm banded. Still tryna find the chewable citrate....no luck in stores here in Houston.




Pre-op Easy

Well it's not easy but it is alot easier than last week. Now, I don't think twice about the shake. And the SF jello has became quite tasty. Most of the food that my family eats doesn't tempt me. I've got my eye on the prize. A thinner me. I did alot of rigorous excercise today. It including walking my neighborhood and working out in the wii fit. According to the Wii Fit, I've lost another 9lbs since Thursday. But I want to see the doctor's office scale before I count my victory. I can't wait. Four days left before I'm banded.



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