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Nutrition Meeting

I have my own nutritionist who I've been working with for a while, but I was required to meet with a nutritionist affliated with the hospital. Guess I expected more from the meeting. I wasn't weighed or asked how the Medifast was going. The nutritionist was a recent grad with little personality. The only way I caught her name was by her ID tag. She acted bored and as if she was dealing with an idiot. Let me guess - if you're fat, you're probably a dunce. She had all her required checklists all lined up in a rack and was whipping them out like a well-oiled machine. We went through the same questions I answered before my first visit with the surgeon, and during my psych consult. She read the Post-Surgical diet to me and told me to call if I had any problems. Meanwhile her phone line rang and rang. Methinks I'll be calling my own nutritionist.:redface:




Not Hungry

(Must be boring everyone to death - no one has any comments...)   Two weeks from surgery. I found I was allergic to the MediFast shakes with the soy so I changed to the MediFast "cold drinks" (per the nurse - "no soy"). I'm to have five shakes a day plus add'l protein as needed. I've now had "the runs" for two days and just the thought of eating anything makes me feel sick. Still 3 pounds from pre-surgery goal weight.




Haven't Posted in Ages...

Probably because like everyone else I get tired of talking about food, my procedure, how much I have/haven't lost...especially in light of all the other things I have to do. I need a 36 hour day to stay on top of everything else in my life! I still can't figure out the appeal of Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn - although I have accounts with all three, it's a major effort for me to check in, update, post. In some ways it feels very high school and it's all the same attention getting, self-serving brown-nosers as way back when - except now they're the jackasses you either work with or deal with professionally OR the people you hoped never to see or hear from again from high school or college knocking on your virtual door to play the old "look at my fabo life" one-ups-manship game. God - and I thought the sorority sister whose Christmas brag letter was over the top was bad!?! Couple that with the need to censor yourself, and the lack of privacy - I'd much rather send a personal email one-on-one than put myself out there. I've read a fair number of posts re; who to tell - yet another reason to keep your social network settings as limited and private as possible - I had someone from one of my support group meetings attempt to "friend" me and frankly, there are some people with access to my professional life who don't need to know my personal business and some people from my past I'd rather maintain a casual(at best) relationship with - i.e., not out crowing to the old hometown crowd, "OMG - did ya know Jill had weight loss surgery!?!?" Makes going home for the holidays even more dreadful!:rolleyes2:





Spent five hours yesterday at the cardiologist. Had a nuclear stress test. They inject a radioactive isotope wait and hour, do some films(like a mini-CT), hook you up to the EKG/Treadmill, bring you to a target heart rate and then have you sit for another hour before doing a second set of films. Then I had an echocardiogram - mostly because I've had chemotherapy and it can damage the heart. No word yet from the doctor but the tech said that if they'd seen anything they'd have had me stay so...no news is good news.




Full Liquids Start Today

Not hungry, but had to start on full liquids today, so I made a yogurt shake w/protein powder and skim milk; managed to down 1 cup. Still not hungry. Largely off the Loratab but the other drugs are a must and they make me quite dizzy. Unfortunately, the nutritionist neglected to tell me how often to eat(every 2, 3, 4 hours? When hungry?) and how much? All I got was, "take in 1000 calories and 65 grams protein a day". Still trying to figure out how I'm going to manage to get the right balance of fruits & veggies in when I'm on real food.




**Warning - Off WLS Topic -Weasels from the Past

My senior year in college I dated a graduate student. It was my first head-over-heels love affair. I was 21; he was 26. Never was the line, "Hindsight is always 20/20!" more true and now more than two decades later I Thank God for the un-answered prayer titled, "Oh please let us get back together...".   Right from the start, my friends could not stand Alex. As one pal put it, "His arrogance is only exceeded by his condescension"...or was it the other way around!?! His "friends" had a similar vibe and would ask me what I saw in him. Several weeks into dating me he was let go from his internship at due to a "personality conflict" - of course according to Alex it wasn't his fault; they were against him. I had an uncomfortable feeling then as I would several weeks later when he roughed up a fellow lacrosse player who ribbed him for a missed goal.   Alex played into my insecurities with ruthless skill. Based on my old photos, I would've been considered "cute" maybe even "pretty" and I weighed about 125-130. At that time though, I didn't think I was any of those things and agonized over my weight.   We'd probably been going out less than a month when Alex dropped me off at my dorm after a date. I still remember stepping out of his car as he made a comment along the lines of,"...if you think you're the most beautiful girl in the world, you're sadly mistaken...!". Of course he'd already informed me that he hadn't found me that attractive when he first met me, so this comment while a real kick in the gut wasn't that surprising.   My nieces can't believe I didn't "kick'em to the curb" then and there. Goes to my lack of self-esteem at the time.   As it was, we dated for about six months. I put graduate school on hold because he didn't know where he'd(we - as he implied)get a job. I starved myself because he had no problems advising me at intimate moments that he'd seen me, "looking slimmer in that teddie". I cooked and baked for him only to have him complain that boxed brownie mix was so much better and on one memorable occasion, throw a fit because there were bones in a piece of fish I'd broiled.   Stir into this pot my meddling mother who between trying to live my life for me and engineer our break up was telling me she'd never forgive me I "screwed up" this relationship(she thought Alex was a "catch") and telling him he wasn't good enough for me(well - that was true:w00t:).   Right around graduation time, I found a faux-diamond ring in a Tiffany box on his desk. Since he only bought the best for himself I don't know whether he was going to try to pass it off as the real deal or if it was left there for me to find and either get upset about or give me a clue. I never acknowledged finding it. This was a guy who told me he'd never send me flowers, because then I'd "expect it all the time".   He broke up with me three weeks before graduation. Looking back, I can see how he'd planned the whole thing. There was no concrete "reason" ... he "didn't know what he was going to do with his life", and he "couldn't stand my family"...   Oh he wanted us to stay "friends", but he "too busy" attend my graduation ceremony. Me being the doormat I was back then - went to his. His parents didn't even know he'd dumped me! One of his classmates made the comment to me that "...you don't realize it now, but you dodged a bullet..."   I moved home to Virginia and from the day after I got home he was calling me and sending me job notices from the city he landed in - but never came out and said he wanted us to be together again. Like an idiot, I got a job and moved in with one of my sorority sisters who lived in the area. Quasi-dating lasted three months and we split up again. A month or so later I'd realized I was better off without him and had been accepted to grad school at UVA for the fall term, so I was packing to move back home when he called and wanted me to pick up some things I'd left at his apartment. I should've never gone over.   He'd been drinking and wanted to know why I hadn't called in over a month? Who had I been seeing? You can guess where it went from there - I got to see the same side of Alex that his former lacrosse teammate saw - and a trip to the ER from my roomie-sister - though I had only minor physical injuries.   So jump ahead twenty some odd years. My 21-year-old niece is home from college for the summer and I'm telling her this tale. She wonders if Alex is on FaceBook. I'd prefer not to think of Alex so I never looked - but to amuse her we did. Oh - he's on there and guess who one of his Facebook buddies is - my old roomie-sister..who only knew him because she knew me...and knew what he did and said to me...Two Weasels from the Past!




Wow - Am I surprised!

Last night was the second night I wore the BiPap. I managed to wear it for about five hours and I vaguely remember taking it off to get up to use the bathroom so I must've just left it off. NTL I am surprisingly rested and clear-head. Thinking of this machine as a "spa treatment" i.e., my "beauty" sleep has helped.




Out & About - OUCH!

Feeling pretty good five days out and down to 1 tbsp of Loratab a day, so I agreed to go to Best Buy with my husband. Let's just say regular jeans in lieu of sweatpants was a big painful mistake.   This is the first day I've felt remotely hungry but a cup of soup took care of it.   Blood glucose number are normal so I'll have to call the doctor tomorrow to see if I need to keep on with the metformin.




The (No) Sleep Lab

Checked in at 7pm and immediately had to get into my PJ's. Thought it odd until the whole wiring process began - took almost an hour. Nice room - set up like a hotel with a half bath, but way too warm for me. And since I usually go to bed between 11:30 and 1:00am, 10:30pm was tough.   Barely slept - too warm, two fans going was unbelievably loud - sort of felt like a hot summer night when the A/C has died and you dooze at most. I'm punchy now and ready for bed - it's only 7pm!




Name Change

Yes - Changed my screen name. Thought I was being clever "JaxNole88" refering to the last vacation (Jackson Hole, WY) I enjoyed before I was really plus sized (1988). Got too many strange inquires so I decided to go even more obscure.   RavenClaw779 - Was it my "house" at Hogwarts:tongue2:? Or is it a part of a line from a poem(song) by a famous singer? Did I weigh 779 pounds? Things that make you go "hmmm"!   Ponder on dear readers...




It's a New Dawn, a New Day & a new Me...but not just yet

Getting up and moving around. Folded some laundry and emptied the dish washer, but I'm very light headed and the surgical area is very sore; difficult to bend over. Ellis gave me scripts for Loratab(Liquid), Prilosec and Flexirel(sp) - all of which are sleep inducing. Having a hard time even typing today - I'm signing off and going back to bed!



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