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Finally Seeing Results

I was banded on 3/9/10 and got down to 222lb before being diagnosed with breast cancer on 1/17/11, Spent 90% of 2011 going through surgery, recovery and chemo and ended back at 243lb. Joined Weight Watchers on 10/20/11, Joined the "Y" on 1/3/12 and started the FitLinx program along with 30 minutes a day of cardio. Just hit my first WW goal of 10% of my weight lost - down to 218!   NSV 1 - Although I'd heard all the talk about how exercise helps you have more energy, sleep better and relieve stress, I always was "too busy". Well, I'm still "too busy", but realized that there are things that can wait, like housework and catering to my hubs needs. Putting my health first needs to be a priority especially if I want to be around for the long haul.   NSV 2- Last band adjustment was Nov '11 - any further adjustments were understandably nixed by my WLS until after I finished treatment and got the okay from my oncologist. I got that okay back in October, but haven't felt the need to go back. My restriction is good but more importantly, I've learned to realize what true hunger is and what's emotional eating.   NSV 3- Kudos from my trainer: Jill - Congratulations you've reached a milestone with your Strength training lifting 100 000 lbs! It is your commitment to regular strength training that got you here. Great job! Adrian   2012 May just be the year I finally reach my goal!       <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/waosz4T/"> <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/waosz4T/weight




Finally Regular?

Started on pureed foods yesterday - first veggies in how long? Had my first real BM in over two weeks - Whoo Hoo & gross - I know.





In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle, "Shazam!" Made you laugh didn't I!:tt2: So Fill #5 - I had been scheduling my appts for Friday afternoons think that especially in the summer, things are a little less busy and surely I'll be back before 3pm...but for the last four visits, my surgeon's practice is always running late and I never make it back to the office at a decent time, or have waited so long to eat that I end up with a migraine... SO...this time I took Monday off and scheduled a mid-morning appt. What a refreshing surprise..no crowds, no stressed out nurse or PA - I was in and out in 20 minutes. The "fill" ended up being an Unfill - saw a different PA this time and she actually listened to what I was telling her...how my incidents of vomiting have increased including throwing up sipped liquid...how I'm not losing but feel like all I can eat is safe(very crunchy or soft and melting) and dangerous(calorie-wise)...how I am always hungry and my stomach is growling so loudly it's embarassing...how at a family dinner the other night I had three pinky tip bites of med-rare filet mignon, two small slices of baked zucchini and a teaspoon of corn and felt uncomfortable with pain in my throat and upper chest. An awful feeling coupled with the fact that my lower stomach was telling me, "Eat - I'm hungry!" while my brain was saying, "God - please don't let me spit up at the table!" Half an hour later, I was able to eat...dessert - which was a texture I could manage, but not an appropriate energy source on it's own. I guess I should've realized something was off when the night before my fill, I was getting ready for bed, took my Crestor(very small pill) with a couple sips of water on an empty stomach, went to brush my teeth, felt nauseous and tossed my cookies - except there were no "cookies" - it was all water.   My hide is still chapped with regard to my surgeon's practice...the PA would not tell me how much was in my band, "A little over 5cc's..." or how much she took out. I live over an hour from my bariatric center. In an emergency I'm going to my local hospital which is less than five minutes from my house. I also travel quite a bit on business. I'd think that in an emergency I should be able to tell the responding docs what I've got in my body in case they need to take it out. If they'd tell me what's in the band, I'd even put it on a sticky flag with the band card in my wallet in case I was incapacitated. Just seems like common sense to me. Couple that with the $485 the practice just billed my insurance carrier for my last fill...billed as "surgery" ?! and I am moving forward with looking for another bariatric practice for my follow up care.   Why the Unfill? Well, I guess even with as little as I had in my 11cc band, it was too much and the vomiting, the pain after a few bites, the slight cough should've been a tip off. That afternoon after my unfill, I felt the best I had since Fill #4 - other than the extreme belching and burping. I'm eating what I should, feeling a bit more in control(thanks in part to my self-directed therapy), and haven't felt sick and fatigued! :thumbup:   I have to go back in two weeks...




Feeling Stupid...

Attended a luncheon award ceremony for a co-worker yesterday. Whole group of us got together to go. Most know I had lap band surgery and know about the problems I've had plus the corrective surgery.   Since the problems have come back, I've been reluctant to say anything as even to my own ears it sounds stupid to have undergone another expensive surgery to end up right where I was before.   To be safe I ordered the vegetarian option as that's generally safe and soft. Thought I'd be okay with a couple of small bites of salad. One grape tomato and a piece of curly endive the size of my thumb nail and I was off to the bathroom hoping to find it empty.   Got the problem resolved and had a cup of coffee - sometimes the heat helps especially when I'm wearing a bra. Managed half of my veggie lasagna(blando) and dessert(nice, soft mousse) and got to appear normal.   Keep trying to convince myself that I'm fine and that the surgery had to have fixed the problem. It must all be in my head and if I just don't think about it everything will normalize.   Been up since 8am - working from home today. Finally decided to eat. Bowl of raisen bran with skim milk. Three bites and blocked. Man do I feel dumb.




Family Gathering Miracle

Went shopping with the s-i-l on Saturday and no comments about my weight etc. Victory! Except for a question about whether or not I can eat asparagus as I was invited to a "cook out" at her house on Sunday...   What a surprise to arrive at my s-i-l's on Sunday to find a variable crowd of people there including my hardly ever seen b-i-l and his wife. Gee - on Saturday is was just me, s-i-l, and my three nieces. Kinda felt like I was being paraded out like a trick pony! Even more interesting - not a word from anyone re; the surgery/weight loss - but you should've heard the tongues wagging whenever I left the room and seen them checking out my plate! I managed a well-chewed half of a burger, a teaspoon each of beans and pasta salad and two asparagus spears. Hey - whatever as long as the endless comments stop. I have no doubt the phone lines are burning up today and it was par for the course to hear my b-i-l comment as they were leaving, "Jill looks like the same fat-ass as ever!" Sweet - good times!:thumbup:




Exactly One Week Out

Down to 246, so I've lost six pounds since my surgery. Having a hard time getting in 1,000 calories, but doing better with the protein - about 60g a day. Over did it a bit yesterday with chores and by 6pm was down for the count. Off the Loratab and finish the muscle relaxer today - good thing as it makes me dizzy and I can't focus to read. Positive side effect to all the protein - my nails look amazing! Working at my desk on the ongoing sage of the "Psycho PsyD". Despite numerous calls from BCBS she has yet to reimburse me what she over charged and incorrectly collected, so I'm having to file the claim myself and hope for a positive outcome.




Endoscopy on Monday

Scheduled for an endoscopy on Monday. Never wanting to assume that my insurance will cover just anything, I called to make sure. It is, as is removal of the band, but "revision" requires pre-approval. The person I spoke with couldn't clarify for me what encompasses "revision"...replacing the band with a new band? going for the full monty with a bypass? Not required to, but I emailed my surgeon's PA to reinforce the need for pre-approval if "revision" gets tossed around. Why jump the gun since this is only a"look-see"? Well, I this is what I told him and his response...   Me: "The endoscopy has been scheduled for 2/18. Just to let you/surgeon know, the same "rules" we discussed before still apply. Definitely can't eat while wearing a bra, though I can eat small amounts of "safe" foods while seated. I've largely given up on any food that isn't the consistency of yogurt. I haven't been able to get down more than a tablespoon of vegetables and even the smallest amount of meat/fish/chicken will be making a reappearance. Tried again tonight - single slice of thin deli ham, chewed 45 times - stuck and likely coming back. The area around my port is tender but not consistently so.   Checked with my insurer endoscopy is covered without preapproval, so is band removal if needed. Any revision surgery will need preapproval."   PA: "Hopefully the egd goes well and gives us some answers, but the longer this persists with difficulty swallowing, and keeping down, foods that you should be able to tolerate, especially without any fluid in your Band, the more likely it is we will need to take a look with a diagnostic laparoscopy as we have discussed."   Guess what a "diagnostic laparoscopy" is? It's the same procedure used to go in to place the band, except this would be another "look-see"...if there's a problem, they'd take out the band. I'm guessing that any revision options would be agreed upon before this procedure, which is actually surgery but the thought of the surgeon leaving me on the table while they go off to get pre-approval has crossed my mind! LOL




Easter Dinner

My turn to host the Easter dinner - after I had to convince the "fam" that no, the gastric band procedure did not remove my abilities in the kitchen! Par for the course - despite the fact that I had a whole dinner arranged, my m-i-l had to bring not only the scratch rolls(which I asked her to make - but not enough to feed 20 people), but also a pie and two dozen sweet rolls - for six people?! My s-i-l brought a salad(which I asked her to) but also a pasta salad and a fruit salad in heavy, sugary sauce - again, we're talking 5 adults and a toddler. Of course my s-i-l has DMII but doesn't "believe" she's a diabetic and doesn't like to eat the "healthy stuff" I make. That's defined as veggies you can recognize, not hidden in over sauced cassoroles. So she has to bring her own "contributions" which load up most of her plate.   Upon arriving my m-i-l says, "How's your little diet going?!" (still clueless no matter how many times I've explained the procedure) and my s-i-l; aka the MegaPhone Mouth from the Motor City starts the questions - "How much have you lost?", "Are you going to eat?", "Can you eat this?", "Can you eat that?" I just about lost it!   So, when everyone arrived and was hanging out before chow time I said something to the effect of, "This is it - get your questions in now, because I'm not going through this at every family get together nor am I going to give you material to gossip to any and everyone about me, my procedure, why I had it, what I eat, don't eat, wear/no longer wear etc! It's getting boring for everyone and since some of you can't respect my privacy, I simply am not going to put it out there." No sooner than I left the room, my s-i-l is grilling my husband! God love him - I could hear him tell her, "You heard with Jill said - let it go!" Later my nephew caught me in the kitchen and thanked me for having the "balls" to stand up to the "gossip girls"!:thumbup:




Dining Out

We've been roped into a family dinner celebration at a very pricey and intimate restaurant tonight. This will be the first time I've eaten out since the operation and my stomach is already roiling in anticipation. I'd have prefered my first meal out to be somewhere noisy and crowded so that if I need to make a quick trip to the restroom, it won't be so obvious...think I'll have a protein shake before we leave and just pick at an appetizer....




Diet Fatigue

I'm within three pounds of my goal weight for surgery and not really hungry. But I am so tired I can hardly muster the energy to do the laundry. As a rather fanatical housekeeper, this ain't good. Big snow storm coming and my husband is going out of town on business. Since he's refused to buy a snowblower(he prefers to shovel our 90' driveway by hand?!!) he's suggested I just get an early start tomorrow shoveling. Had to so say no to that one - like I could shovel this monster on under 500 calories??:rolleyes2:




Day II - Post Surgery

Got through most of yesterday with minimal pain, but by about 8pm I was feeling nausea and pain in my neck and shoulders from the gas. My mouth was dry all day - tongue stuck to the roof dry - possible side effect to the muscle relaxer and not being able to drink in more than little sips. I can hear/feeling the liquid move from my pouch to my stomach - strange, but not painful or distressing. Was up off and on all last night - finally ended up on the couch with my CPAP, heating pad and pillows - got about an hour and a half nap in. Been up since 7am - last Loratab was at 5:30am; trying to see how long I can going between doses as it makes me very sleepy. Not surprising, my sister-in-law has told everyone so the phone has been ringing off the hook. One "well-wisher" called and during the conversation told me that it, ..."was a shame you didn't have the will-power to do it on your own..." Charming - but I'm too tired to push back at this point nor do I feel the need to explain myself to idiots.




Day Before Surgery

Began the pre-surgery prep yesterday with my last(yea!) Medifast shake and a shower using Dial(anti-bacterial - required). Boy does that soap make my skin itch. Also had to take MOM but was smart and took it in the AM so I wasn't up until the wee hours going. My husband cooked me a steak for dinner last night - probably the last I'll have for quite some time.   Today it's clear liquid only. Exciting breakfast of coffee and orange sugar free jello and an ice pop - Mmm..Chewing gum helps keep me from putting anything real in my pie-hole. Almost time to take more MOM in prep for giving myself and enema tonight. Who-hoo big fun!:thumbup:





Drove 45 minutes through a driving rain/snow mix to my mandatory CPAP fitting/sleep study. Dutifully put on my PJ's at 7pm and had wires attached to my scalp with what looked like balls of lard. Add to this 2 EKG moniters, an elastic sensor belt around my chest and another on my waist, moniters on each leg and a pulse-ox moniter on my finger. Gee - don't I feel snoozy? Then put me in a too warm room(again) where the hospital's over head central heat system sounds like the runway at JFK and hook up a miniature torture device complete with a built in bubbling humidifier - the CPAP. Started out with one that covered my entire nose attached with straps around my head. It felt like an octopus was attached to my face. Not good for a claustrophobic like me. I tossed and turned for a good 2 hours before begging them to take it off. I was feeling stressed out, heart racing and panicky. A trip to the bathroom revealed a big red ring around my nose. The nurse insisted that because I was doing this for surgery I had to put it or an alternative back on. The alternative - what looked like two mini button mushrooms; one in each nostril. Again strapped to my head - this thing was pushing air up my nose to the point it felt like it was breathing for me. Attempt to open your mouth or pull it a bit away from you face to adjust it and it clamped on like an alien life form. Laid awake for another three hours before asking to get up to use the bathroom. Since it was 5am the nurse said I could just go ahead and get up - she'd unwire me. I asked her if she got what she needed and she said that she hadn't since I didn't sleep. I apologized, but I am a serious life-long light sleeper who needs a cool, dark room and quiet. I asked if this would hold up my surgery - she told me I'd have to discuss this with my doctor. Odd thing is - earlier in the evening I asked her if everyone having elective surgery has to go to sleep lab. She told me that it's pretty much standard that all bariactric patients go...Interesting, considering I have no markers for sleep apnea. Does make me question how much of this testing it just wheel spinning and profit driven.:smile:




Conflicting Info

From the beginning, I've been getting a different story from the various members of my Bariatric team. Yesterday I had my first post-op visit. I thought it would be the surgeon, but instead it was a nurse. Now, two weeks after surgery they tell me not to twist at the waist as I might get a muscle spasm(yes, thanks - did that the other night in bed), that for the first week after surgery I was to eat 2 tbsp at each meal(Pre-surgery it was 1/4 -1/2 cup), that I should not drink while eating and for an hour after(Pre-surgery it was no liquid 30 min before and 45 min after), no fresh veggies or fruit for 4 months(Pre-sugery it was 5 weeks) I'm getting so mired in the rules that it's almost easier not to eat!




Clinical - Cold - Cattle Call?

Finally made it back to my WLS for the follow up to my endoscopy. Had to reschedule twice - once due to a funeral and oncedue to a severe snowstorm. Figured since nothing had changed for better or worse, other then dealing with what I've already been dealing with, no big deal. Figured after the total $5,500 procedure where allegedly, "biopsies" were taken, if there was a problem, the surgeon would have called. Actually, I thought regardless of the results, someone would've called, but no one did.   My WLS just moved their office to a new location and with the gray-green paint, super-wide doors and chairs, no magazines and their brusque, unfriendly check-in staff, it was just sooo warm and inviting! It was entertaining watching them shuttle one after another new patient in, with that 'I'm doing you a favor...let's move it along...sign here, here...' eyerolling, heavy sigh annoyed attitude which was delightful.   As usual I'm taken in for the prefunctory weigh in, blood pressure, temperature nonsense and left to sit for 45 minutes past my appointment time. Finally, in trots the PA. I've never met her before and she clearly has no idea why I'm there, so I have to go over the whole deal again. She then asks me what I want to do and I have to explain again that that's why I'm here - to find our what the surgeon noted on the endoscopy and what her thoughts were. "Didn't, umm the doctor, umm talk to like whoever brought you to umm the procedure?" So I recap for her what the surgeon told my husband hoping that'll jog her into disclosing any additional impressions/recommendation/biopsy results the surgeon noted, but no, she comes back with, "well, that's about it...". So I ask the PA what the surgeon suggests we do and she tells me the surgeon was hoping that by scoping me and writing scripts for Prilosec, the problem would've resolved itself?! WTF!   Note that a no time has the surgeon come in to speak with me, although he's there - I saw him in passing.   The PA steps out into the HALL and discusses me and my case in the HALL with the surgeon. The PA comes back in and says to me, "We have one question first - why did it take you so long to come back in?" . I was polite when I said, "Pardon? Do you mean when I first had problems, or for my post-endoscopy follow up?" She's confused(again!) so I have to explain the whole deal from July '12(see my earlier entries) again and then explain that I can't just blow off a funeral and I'm not dumb enough to ignore the local authorites telling me to stay off the roads with a fast falling foot plus of snow!   Long and short of it - I have to go back AGAIN(Chach-ching) to meet with the surgeon to discuss removal, revision... Interesting to note - you can have mastectomies and immediate reconstruction(same time), but apparently you can't have your band removed and have a new band or other surgery. You must "heal" and come back to be opened up again for a second time. Why? According to the PA, it's to ensure your insurance company will cover it!!!




Checking In Four Months Post Band Removal

Definitely over-enjoyed my band freedom and regained 17 pounds eating without abandon. Some problems persist: Pills are still tough to get down. I can eat raw carrots and radishes, but they do get a bit stuck if I'm not careful. Had to give up tomato juice - acid reflux. Have to take an antacid before eating something with tomato sauce or anything remotely greasy - surprise! turkey bacon is a bit too fatty for me. Still feel banded when I eat with a bra on   The weight gain gave me that out-of-control feeling and I started considering the gastric sleeve or the full bypass until it dawned on me that neither restricts your eating persay. It might take you longer to get it down and you might end up vomiting or dumping, but if you're an emotional and/or binge eater, you're likely to press on. Actually started missing my band with the thought that at least it kept me from blossoming back to 283. Then I started listening to myself and it sounded like I wasn't taking any responsibility for any of my weight issues, but I still decided I couldn't trust myself.   I mentioned to my husband that I was thinking of going to an informational seminar at a new bariatrics practice which just opened locally with a highly respected surgeon. He said he thought I was, "nuts" but he'd go with me if I really wanted to go down this road again.   Still on the fence when I got a call from an old friend who was aware I'd had the procedure, but not the complications. We got to talking. He begged me not to go through another surgery - he and his wife just lost a good friend who'd gone in for the sleeve and died several days later from a blood clot. Yes, I know, all surgery has risks but it sat in the back of my mind...   About a week later, I had lunch with a new friend who didn't know I'd had the procedure, but was aware of my apparent inability to eat much of anything. When I ordred something besides my usual soup, she mentioned it was good to see me actually eating something. This opened the door and I told her about my band experience. Her response surprised me - she commented that I was "lucky" to have made it!? Apparently, she has a friend who'd used the same surgeon as I. Her friend also was banded, and ended up in the hospital for over a month with complications. She survived but continues to have troubles. Again, Yes - I know, all surgery has risks but it sat in the back of my mind...   Yesterday sealed the deal. One of my business associates had sleeve surgery about six weeks ago. He seemed to be doing fine. We were schedule to meet yesterday afternoon to discuss a proposal. When he didn't show, I called his office. His assistant told me he'd collapsed at work in severe pain and they had to call 911. I'm still waiting to hear what happened - all I know is he's, "stable". Maybe it has nothing to do with his sleeve surgery - but is that likely?   That old saying about things happening in threes got me thinking that maybe this is a sign and I should pay attention.   I've decided it's time to parent myself. If I won't feed my nieces and nephews crap, why am I feeding it to myself?   I've begun working through various self-help books on disordered eating. One amusingly but perhaps accurately pointed out that a binge is an adult form of a temper tantrum. I'm scared, angry, not getting my own way. I'm too old to throw myself on the floor kicking and screaming, so what can I do? I'll stuff myself with the kind of food that sooths the child in me - Candy! Ice Cream! Junk Food! until I stuff down the fear, anger or disappointment. Interesting idea.   I've gone back to Weight Watchers and am embracing a more vegan diet. Not a bad idea as a cancer survivor with a family history of heart disease. I'm finding that by focusing on whole grains, limiting processed food and added sugar plus nixing coffee after 3pm, I'm not feeling bloated and sluggish. With meals in the 300-400 calorie range, I'm able to go about four hours without needing to snack. If I do need a little something, I've got string cheese, carrots, celery, fruit on hand. I don't feel guilty when I eat and I'm not skipping meals so that I get to the point that I'm ravenous and looking for candy and fast food.   Am I a saint? No. Will I slip? Of course. But when I lay the cards out on the table, I realize it's up to me to save my health.   So far, I've lost seven of the gained pounds. I'm taking it one day at a time.




Checking In

LapBand + bad cold = weight loss! Just kidding - but it's too bad no one ever came up with a non-surgical solution to over eating.   Still hate shopping, but made myself go. Found a pair of great chocolate tweed lined slacks - size 18. Figured they wouldn't fit but they did. Needless to say I did a lot more shopping. Am now a L/XL(misses) on top and 18/20- maybe 1X on the bottom. Finally got rid of the sweatpants my husband said made me look like I was channelling MC Hammer. Another big step for me - actually wearing colors other than BLACK!   Visiting with my RD the other day. She attended a conference where I group of bariatric docs were talking about the "disappointing" success rate with WLS and how gastric banding can serve as "training wheels" for the new gastric sleeve procedure. Very expensive set of training wheels!





Well, I'd was holding out hope that maybe just maybe sticking to soft(but nutritionally sound) foods would result in a miracle and I'd be able to start working in some normal foods and not need surgery. Alas...attended a party yesterday where I managed a couple of tablespoons of guacmole, a teaspoon of corn salad and two mini empanadas - or so I thought.A half hour after my last bite I was in the bathroom - SIX times before leaving for home. It continued after I got home and removed my "second band" - my bra. Later that night I barely got down a cup of hot tea.   Amusingly enough a friend who is also banded was at the party. She's had several fills, and had no trouble eat small amounts of all the different foods served - and there I am with no fill barfing to beat the band.   Pretty much decided that when the band comes out, the surgeon would do a vertical sleeve - after all that's what we'd talked about. Called my insurance carrier and they were okay with this - no additional hoops to jump through. Imagine my surprise when the case coordinator called to tell me that before a removal/revision, I'd have to have another psych consult, testing, nutritional counseling, attend a class about WLS and two support groups. It took some back and forth for me to finally get her to tell me that while my insurance carrier does not require this, their practice does!? Really - did you tell your surgeon this 'cause he was planning to do the full monty in a couple of weeks. Now my choice is to try to run around and get all these additional "requirements" done in a couple of weeks before a 6/15 surgery date, or have the band out and then go through the whole set of hoops again for another surgery in a couple of months OR wait to have the removal/revision after I fulfill these requirements again. Seriously?





Spent five hours yesterday at the cardiologist. Had a nuclear stress test. They inject a radioactive isotope wait and hour, do some films(like a mini-CT), hook you up to the EKG/Treadmill, bring you to a target heart rate and then have you sit for another hour before doing a second set of films. Then I had an echocardiogram - mostly because I've had chemotherapy and it can damage the heart. No word yet from the doctor but the tech said that if they'd seen anything they'd have had me stay so...no news is good news.




Cardio/Pulmonary/Sleep Worries

Having anxiety has led to a number of "cardiac" incidents over the years i.e., palpatations. Coupled with a family history of heart disease, I've had echocardiograms, stress tests, Holter monitering and other than some trivial valve issues and a slightly irregular heartbeat, every cardiologist I've seen has told me I have nothing to worry about. Last Friday's pre-surgical clearance with my doc had my BP at 110/74. Today - after the BiPap fitting, I drove an hour to meet with the pulmonlogist - for 15 minutes. When I got there my BP was 138/84 and he expressed concern. Nevertheless, my pulmonary function tests were fine - lung capacity and oxygenation well within a normal healthy range. The pulmonologist didn't even feel that my SA issues were that severe that if the BiPap didn't work for me, it wouldn't be a big deal...but the Resp Therapist told me my poor sleep quality and oxygen levels could lead to a heart attack or stroke. Apparently I shouldn't sleep on my back either. Okay - except that I have arthritis in my neck and any other position is uncomfortable, coupled the carpal tunnel which make my hands go numb when I lay on my side. I still have to wonder about the accuracy of the sleep study, when none of these issues are addressed. Beyond dealing with my weight, I have to say getting older sucks as it seems it's a juggling act of trying to balance life's responsibilities with managing health issues.




Breaking Up...

...With the Band!   If I had to write a letter to my soon to be "ex" I'd have to say,"Baby, it's been a long and expensive three years and while the 34 pounds I lost since the day we got together is progress to a better, healthier me, the price has been a bit steep.   Each of those pounds cost about $2200 - thank God for insurance or you'd have bankrupted me!   The vomiting, the socially inappropriate talking stomach yelling, "Nnnow...ow.ow..." in meetings, the hair loss and breaking nails, the three bites and bolt for the bathroom aerobics, making sure not to bend over least lunch leap out of my mouth, the double band aka my bra, the conveniently locate port-o-pain just so situated so as to be like the toe you just keep stubbing...on the door to the dryer, the edge of the cart at the grocery store and don't even mention how it appears to be a magnet for the small child or pet climbing into your lap.   Ah yes - thanks for the memories, but I've got to end this relationship as it's cramping what little style I have left!   Lunch interview for a job - forget it! Ditto for lunch with the girls or a family dinner. What with everyone watching to see if my trip to the bathroon is to pee or to puke?! It's become the only thing some family members talk about. How can Jill still be so big - she doesn't eat anything!   I will give you this - you have definitely changed my relationship with food. Having puked up so many different foods, there are things that just the smell of now makes me nauseous. Last night's two bites of tuna noodle casserole crossed another off the lengthy list.   Sure - I'm afraid I'm going to pack it all back on, but perhaps the memory of this bad relationship will help keep me focused.   I got the big song & dance from your pal, the weight loss surgeon, who told me how great you were and all you could do for me. Now even he's telling me you're bad news. Of course that's not stopping him from trying to hook me up with either of his other friends - Mr. Roux-N-Y or Mr. G. Sleeve.   For now though, I think I'm going to hanging with a plain jane kind of pal - Ms. W. Watchers and see how things go!




BiPap Update

I have to admit that I was wrong - while my "Sleep Apnea" quiz indicated I wasn't likely to have SA, the actual test yielded some surprising results. I probably would've grasped the reality better if my pulmonologist had called me with the results of the initial test(2/18). Instead, I got the full picture today(plus copies of both test results) from the Lincare respitory therapist. I only had one incident of obstructive apnea, but 161 hypopneas(shallow breathing) resulting in a drop in my blood oxygen level which means that even though I get a full night's sleep, my oxygen level dips too low, so I'm not sleeping as deeply as I could. So, I've got the BiPap and I wore it today while reading. It was okay - we'll see what happens tonight.




Bad Case of The Mondays

WTF! got up in the middle of the night(as usual) to use the bathroom. Without thinking, got a drink of water and drank it as I did before I had the surgery. Guess what - no restriction, no back wash??!   Healing fairly quickly and enough swelling has gone down to be able to tell that my port appears to be in the center of my abdomen? Since my surgeon uses both the Lap-Band and the Realize Band I left the decision as to which to use to her - she's the expert.   Apparently I have a 11cc Realize Band...




Baby Talk?

This is a big "yuck" for me and I'm noticing it more and more - women who are either obese or have had WLS and are in the losing process or at their optimal weight - who insist on using infantile behavior, verbalizations or facial gestures. My latest support group meeting had a fine representation of this...and I'm spelling this as it sounded so my readers can get the vibe: - "I ate too much yesterday and I'm a aufwade my widdle pouch got stretched!" - "I've sooo much weight my pants are too big!" (Lower lip stuck out and shoulder shrug - not unlike my 5-yr-old niece) - "You people just don't understand - foot stomp - I can't resist ice cream and my husband ate it in front of me so I told him "I hate you!" and I ran to the bathroom in tears!"   I've also noticed it on TV too - Ruby - God bless her for her courage but really - do you have to hang all over your guy friends whining and trying to get them to focus only on you? Are you that insecure?   I don't see big guys doing this so I wonder - is it a coping mechanism? Sort of like - "Yeah - I'm severely over weight so to make you either like me or feel sorry for me, I'm going to act like a cutesy little girl!" It's not cute when Pamela Anderson pulls that crap on Dancing with the Stars - in fact it's not cute when any woman over the age of 17 plays this angle!:thumbup:



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