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The (No) Sleep Lab

Checked in at 7pm and immediately had to get into my PJ's. Thought it odd until the whole wiring process began - took almost an hour. Nice room - set up like a hotel with a half bath, but way too warm for me. And since I usually go to bed between 11:30 and 1:00am, 10:30pm was tough.   Barely slept - too warm, two fans going was unbelievably loud - sort of felt like a hot summer night when the A/C has died and you dooze at most. I'm punchy now and ready for bed - it's only 7pm!




Nutrition Meeting

I have my own nutritionist who I've been working with for a while, but I was required to meet with a nutritionist affliated with the hospital. Guess I expected more from the meeting. I wasn't weighed or asked how the Medifast was going. The nutritionist was a recent grad with little personality. The only way I caught her name was by her ID tag. She acted bored and as if she was dealing with an idiot. Let me guess - if you're fat, you're probably a dunce. She had all her required checklists all lined up in a rack and was whipping them out like a well-oiled machine. We went through the same questions I answered before my first visit with the surgeon, and during my psych consult. She read the Post-Surgical diet to me and told me to call if I had any problems. Meanwhile her phone line rang and rang. Methinks I'll be calling my own nutritionist.:redface:




The No-Progress Zone

Lost 10 pounds the first week after surgery; lost 31 in the three months prior. Have gained four pounds; then dropped two. My husband asked me what the point of the surgery was, since it was my own efforts that made the most significant change? Good Question. I have no restriction, and can eat normal foods, although the oddest things make me queasy - today it was two pretzels I ate as a precurser to my Oracea. The first fill is next week...I haven't been doing as well as I should with my protein shakes, so I actually had to force myself to work in a few extras yesterday which helped on the scale. A lot of the time I'm not hungry, so I find myself going too long between meals and then being ravenous.




Good Info & Good Eats

As anyone who reads my blog can guess, I love to read. Working my way through Before & After by Susan Maria Leach. When you get past some of her waxing poetic about her wonderful life and how magic everything is now that she's lost weight, there's some substantially good info - like how to figure out your protein needs. There are also some great recipes. Someone in my local support group recommended BariatricEating.com which is Ms. Leach's company. I got the book when I ordered some product samples. Here's a shameless plug - the IsoPure Grape Frost is great as is the Believe Italian Cappuccino!




Post Surgical Follow Up

Wow - it really blew me away - the sheer number of people in the waiting room for post-surgical follow up, but I guess if they're doing 5-6 a day, 6 days a week it makes sense.   Healing okay - first fill will be 4/14. Getting real tired of puree. Nurse was running an hour behind schedule so by the time I got out of there, I'd driven an hour down, been in the office for two and a half hours and face a rush hour drive home. I was starving! Went to McDonalds and got a small coffee, small fry and a snack wrap. Coffee and fries went down okay - snack wrap made a grand reappearance. Definitely a learning experience!




Diet Fatigue

I'm within three pounds of my goal weight for surgery and not really hungry. But I am so tired I can hardly muster the energy to do the laundry. As a rather fanatical housekeeper, this ain't good. Big snow storm coming and my husband is going out of town on business. Since he's refused to buy a snowblower(he prefers to shovel our 90' driveway by hand?!!) he's suggested I just get an early start tomorrow shoveling. Had to so say no to that one - like I could shovel this monster on under 500 calories??:rolleyes2:





I started my journey on January 14, 2010 with my initial appointment with the bariatric team. We reviewed surgical options; GB -v-RNY etc. and the decision I made was GB due to the fact that I'd had breast cancer in 2000 and if I were to have a reoccurence, the band could be unfilled if I weren't getting the needed nutrition. So here I am, 50 pounds thinner and feeling good, when my yearly breast MRI shows an area of concern on the right breast(my original cancer was on the left). My gyn had me see a surgeon, who ordered an ultrasound and the biopsy done on 1/13 is postive for breast cancer. Just found out today - oddly, exactly 10 years to the date of the last day of my chemo. Of course, I cried but now I'm a bit angry and some what resigned. Kicking myself because I should've had preventative mastectomies 10 years ago and been done with it. Pissed that just as it seemed my life was improving I'm facing the possibility of debilitating surgery, chemo and radiation. Worried that it's spread and I'm not going to see my niece grow up and how will I get everything organized so my husband will be able to stay on top of running the household and caring for our pets. Saddened that I just may die a fat girl who didn't accomplish much. And just a little weirded out that what I said came to pass...and this isn't the first time!




Sleep Lab Part Deux

What a surprise - despite no hallmarks for sleep apnea I was forced to go to the sleep lab and attempt to sleep in a hot room with two loud fans and wires all over my head and face plus two tight elastic bands across my chest. Now I have to go back to be fitted for a CPAP(cha-ching$$$). I keep hearing this scenario from other patients - that it's almost pre-decided you have sleep apnea...:rolleyes2:




The Psycho PsyD

Here's a laugh...a gal from my baratric support group and a family friend both saw the same PsyD as I did and we all came to the conclusion that this woman was nuts or just doing it for the money.   In my case she asked me over the phone for my insurance info so she could confirm my coverage. At the consult she told me since I hadn't met my deductible I'd have to pay her out of pocket then and there. When I told her this wasn't the way my plan worked she had a mini-meltdown and I ponied up rather than to reschedule what turned out to be pointless.   She wasn't able to finish the survey and had to call me one night the following week to finish up!?! Then she emailed me my invoice and told me she'd also file it with my insurance company. When she didn't, I sent her a reminder note and she told me that since she'd sent me the invoice it was my job to handle reimbursement!?!?   I called my insurance company to find out how to do this and they told me it was her job and that she'd overcharged me - i.e., not the negotiated rate for my carrier. They're planning to review her contract and advise her that she's in the wrong!:rolleyes2:




Not Hungry

(Must be boring everyone to death - no one has any comments...)   Two weeks from surgery. I found I was allergic to the MediFast shakes with the soy so I changed to the MediFast "cold drinks" (per the nurse - "no soy"). I'm to have five shakes a day plus add'l protein as needed. I've now had "the runs" for two days and just the thought of eating anything makes me feel sick. Still 3 pounds from pre-surgery goal weight.




Surgery Day

Left the house at 5am to get to Ellis by 6am. Within 15 minutes I was in my gown and slippers give yet another blood sample. The anesthesiologist, the surgeon and all the nurses attending came in and introduced themselves. I was wheeled in to the operating room at 7:50am and awoke in recovery at 9:30am. The surgeon advised my husband that everything went fine and that she'd repaired a haital(sp) hernia. Left the hospital around noon and slept all the way home. Then I slept off and on for the rest of the day. Wasn't hungry and the pain was not too severe - actually it was the CO2 that was causing the most pain. The Kicker: The CPAP that I had to have and had to bring with me - WAS NOT USED.




It's a New Dawn, a New Day & a new Me...but not just yet

Getting up and moving around. Folded some laundry and emptied the dish washer, but I'm very light headed and the surgical area is very sore; difficult to bend over. Ellis gave me scripts for Loratab(Liquid), Prilosec and Flexirel(sp) - all of which are sleep inducing. Having a hard time even typing today - I'm signing off and going back to bed!




Day II - Post Surgery

Got through most of yesterday with minimal pain, but by about 8pm I was feeling nausea and pain in my neck and shoulders from the gas. My mouth was dry all day - tongue stuck to the roof dry - possible side effect to the muscle relaxer and not being able to drink in more than little sips. I can hear/feeling the liquid move from my pouch to my stomach - strange, but not painful or distressing. Was up off and on all last night - finally ended up on the couch with my CPAP, heating pad and pillows - got about an hour and a half nap in. Been up since 7am - last Loratab was at 5:30am; trying to see how long I can going between doses as it makes me very sleepy. Not surprising, my sister-in-law has told everyone so the phone has been ringing off the hook. One "well-wisher" called and during the conversation told me that it, ..."was a shame you didn't have the will-power to do it on your own..." Charming - but I'm too tired to push back at this point nor do I feel the need to explain myself to idiots.




Thoughts on Insurance

There was a forum question re; doctors "scamming" patients which got me thinking. I have a commercial insurance background and stay on top of my medical insurance claims as I've had a number of denials over the years which were actually mistakes on the part of the carrier's claims adjustor.   Sadly, turnover in insurance companies is high. Burnout especially in the claims area is understandable due to the stress. Often the people hired have minimal experience in the field and no medical background. It really is in your best interest to know your policy and ask questions.   I don't think the United States needs universal health care, but we sure do need reform and oversight. Here are some great example from my own claims generating from the pre-surgical process:   *Basic Bloodwork $832(Billed to BCBS); $104 (BCBS - Allowed) - Required although I'd just had bi-annual labs with my primary two months prior.   *Medifast Nurse (15mins) $82.22(Billed to BCBS); $22.93 (BCBS - Allowed) - Didn't even include the Medifast product   *Pulmonologist (30 mins) $263 (Billed to BCBS); $134(BCBS - Allowed) - Wow; he asked the same questions already asked by another dept at the same facility and available online. Listened to my heart and lungs and told me that despite no flags for sleep apnea I had to go to sleep lab and have another "pre-surgical" appt with him.   This is why I love the Mayo Clinic. Their doctors are salaried and while their services are not cheap, they test because it's necessary not to gin up charges.




Insurance and the Psycho PsyD

Still no adjustment to my claims re; the PsyD I had to pay out-of-pocket, so I called BCBS for a status report. Oops - It was "bumped back" for lack of a service date. "That's odd?", I said - "It's right there in the invoice...". After sending me an email telling me their going to give me full credit toward my deductible for this out-of-pocket payment, now they're telling me that since claims have already been posted and attributed toward my deductible, the PsyD has to submit the claim, reimburse me and wait for the EOB to see what if anything she can bill me. Apparently BCBS left a lengthy message for the PsyD today...a week after I call in the incident. Want to guess how long this is going to take?:smile:




Meeting with the NUT

...not the one affiliated with my surgeon's practice. Got some concrete instructions, calorie goals and a framework which will hopefully get me moving in the right direction. Still seeking a therapist who specializes in eating disorders and child abuse as I realize that's the true root of my problem.





Drove 45 minutes through a driving rain/snow mix to my mandatory CPAP fitting/sleep study. Dutifully put on my PJ's at 7pm and had wires attached to my scalp with what looked like balls of lard. Add to this 2 EKG moniters, an elastic sensor belt around my chest and another on my waist, moniters on each leg and a pulse-ox moniter on my finger. Gee - don't I feel snoozy? Then put me in a too warm room(again) where the hospital's over head central heat system sounds like the runway at JFK and hook up a miniature torture device complete with a built in bubbling humidifier - the CPAP. Started out with one that covered my entire nose attached with straps around my head. It felt like an octopus was attached to my face. Not good for a claustrophobic like me. I tossed and turned for a good 2 hours before begging them to take it off. I was feeling stressed out, heart racing and panicky. A trip to the bathroom revealed a big red ring around my nose. The nurse insisted that because I was doing this for surgery I had to put it or an alternative back on. The alternative - what looked like two mini button mushrooms; one in each nostril. Again strapped to my head - this thing was pushing air up my nose to the point it felt like it was breathing for me. Attempt to open your mouth or pull it a bit away from you face to adjust it and it clamped on like an alien life form. Laid awake for another three hours before asking to get up to use the bathroom. Since it was 5am the nurse said I could just go ahead and get up - she'd unwire me. I asked her if she got what she needed and she said that she hadn't since I didn't sleep. I apologized, but I am a serious life-long light sleeper who needs a cool, dark room and quiet. I asked if this would hold up my surgery - she told me I'd have to discuss this with my doctor. Odd thing is - earlier in the evening I asked her if everyone having elective surgery has to go to sleep lab. She told me that it's pretty much standard that all bariactric patients go...Interesting, considering I have no markers for sleep apnea. Does make me question how much of this testing it just wheel spinning and profit driven.:smile:




Baby Talk?

This is a big "yuck" for me and I'm noticing it more and more - women who are either obese or have had WLS and are in the losing process or at their optimal weight - who insist on using infantile behavior, verbalizations or facial gestures. My latest support group meeting had a fine representation of this...and I'm spelling this as it sounded so my readers can get the vibe: - "I ate too much yesterday and I'm a aufwade my widdle pouch got stretched!" - "I've sooo much weight my pants are too big!" (Lower lip stuck out and shoulder shrug - not unlike my 5-yr-old niece) - "You people just don't understand - foot stomp - I can't resist ice cream and my husband ate it in front of me so I told him "I hate you!" and I ran to the bathroom in tears!"   I've also noticed it on TV too - Ruby - God bless her for her courage but really - do you have to hang all over your guy friends whining and trying to get them to focus only on you? Are you that insecure?   I don't see big guys doing this so I wonder - is it a coping mechanism? Sort of like - "Yeah - I'm severely over weight so to make you either like me or feel sorry for me, I'm going to act like a cutesy little girl!" It's not cute when Pamela Anderson pulls that crap on Dancing with the Stars - in fact it's not cute when any woman over the age of 17 plays this angle!:thumbup:




The Cookie Jar

When I was a little girl, my grandmother had a "tattletale" cookie jar. It was what Grandmama called a "German Hausfrau" - the part that held the cookies was her full skirt of dotted swiss and the top was her head and torso. She was a plump lady(the cookie jar - not Gran) with a kerchief over her curly hair; rosy cheeks and her mouth was an open "O". One arm was raised and held a rolling pin the other hand was raised with one finger caught mid-wag as in "naughty - naughty". When you lifted her torso to get a cookie, a voice box in the torso would cry out "Mama! Mama!". That cookie jar came to mind the other day when reading some of the comments other bandsters post. If you're a doctor, nurse or other bariatric professional, please say so. If not, if you're just like me - banded and providing your anecdotal account of what you're going through, please - for the sake of your readers - drop the preachy, holier than thou, dogmatic, goody-2-toes, "I always do just what my doctor, nurse etc say to do delivery of your message. Reading it can be a real burn-out:w00t:!




New Drawers!

So - I'm down from a size 24/26 to around an 18/20 and my underwear was just too big, so I had to go buy some new big girl panties. The experience, though a positive (smaller size) was some what daunting. Why? Well, all the winter clearance sales are going on and there are some sweet deals but as I cruised the racks I realized that by this time next year I have no idea what size I might be. Will I have lost significant weight or just a couple of sizes? So I comfort myself by remembering that I've spent the past 10 years getting to be this big all while continuing my career so whew - I'm covered...I have clothes of all sizes! That is until I remember that a few years ago in a fit of "let's get real - you'll never be anything but a 3x " I donated all those clothes to Dress for Success. What's the problem? Even years ago when I was an 8/10 I HATED shopping and still do. Over the years I've built a wardrobe of quality classics - "investment pieces" so that at most I buy a new item or two with the emphasis on that which always fits - Shoes & Purses. Now I'm going to have to see just how much my tailor can alter what I've got and push myself into the dreaded - FITTING ROOM w/ MIRRORS:eek:




Are You Kidding Me?!?

Still smarting from the verbal slap from my surgeon and PA. "Why didn't you come in sooner if it was that bad?" has been an earworm in my brain and I've been beating myself up...maybe I've not tried hard enough...maybe it's all in my head...   Like a lot of women I put myself last before all my other "gotta do" responsibilities.   Since even with the daily hurl, my weight pretty much stayed the same from July '12 until December '12 and other than annoyance of being sick, not being able to eat in public etc., I was otherwise healthy I dragged my heels on going to the doctor. Face it - after 2011's trip down breast cancer lane, I'd had enough doctors appointments. Going to my WLS cattle market with it's deli counter vibe - "Number 86", "Number 87"...was not something to look forward to.   So I had to laugh when I got home yesterday to find a message on my voice mail advising me that my WLS,"Wasn't going to be in on X date and we've rescheduled your appointment to X...". Three weeks from now. So I guess it's okay for the Doctor to have other commitments arise but not for thePatient.   In hindsight, yeah - it is "that bad". My weight is creeping up which only half surprises me. The list of what I can't eat gets longer and longer, but we all know the slider foods work especially when you're starving, on a short deadline...   Yesterday was what I like to call "classic"...   Even my thyroid medicine which I take first thing in the morning gives me the 'stop & drop' feeling. End up throwing up six times during the course of the day on food previously "safe". Often have a delay of 30 minutes or more following eating before getting sick which can be triggered by sitting down, or bending over. Often feels like it's not only food in the pouch, but food in my stomach coming back up. I so love having to not only make sure I'm still in my pj's to eat(bra and anything fitted on my waist and nothing's going down) but also having to wait to jump in the shower. Gee - if it's a day when I need to shave my legs, gotta make sure breakfast stays down as just bending over to shave could be lethal.   Ah yes, totally normal and likely all my fault - she said, sarcastically!




Full Liquids Start Today

Not hungry, but had to start on full liquids today, so I made a yogurt shake w/protein powder and skim milk; managed to down 1 cup. Still not hungry. Largely off the Loratab but the other drugs are a must and they make me quite dizzy. Unfortunately, the nutritionist neglected to tell me how often to eat(every 2, 3, 4 hours? When hungry?) and how much? All I got was, "take in 1000 calories and 65 grams protein a day". Still trying to figure out how I'm going to manage to get the right balance of fruits & veggies in when I'm on real food.




I See No Difference

I see no difference when I look in the mirror despite 35 pounds lost. What I do see already looks saggy and I'm wondering if I can afford the plastic surgery I'll need to look normal or if I'll spend the rest of my life never wearing shorts or a swimsuit. I guess I should just be thankful for 3/4 length sleeves and capris - my go to since reach 3X!




Out & About - OUCH!

Feeling pretty good five days out and down to 1 tbsp of Loratab a day, so I agreed to go to Best Buy with my husband. Let's just say regular jeans in lieu of sweatpants was a big painful mistake.   This is the first day I've felt remotely hungry but a cup of soup took care of it.   Blood glucose number are normal so I'll have to call the doctor tomorrow to see if I need to keep on with the metformin.



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