I was banded on Wednesday 6/16. I am feeling so weak. No Energy at all. I understand it has only been 4 days, but will this go away? I have read so many posts saying they have so much more energy, so I do not know why I feel so weak.
I have been taking my mulitvitiamin, and Calcium. I have been drinking my protein shakes to try to keep my energy up. I walk at least every 30 minutes and it takes all my energy to do so.
I have very little pain now. All of the pain in my shoulders and throat have dissipated. My only complaint so far is that I have not been able to have a bowel movement since Tuesday 6/15. I hope this goes away soon.
I can deal with alot, but not feeling weak. I can't stand that. I have to go back to work tomorrow and do not want to feel this way.
Am I not taking everything I should? Is there anyone that had this same issue that can give me advice? Please.