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4 weeks post op - feeling great, but hungry!! Band? What band?!

I go in for my next appt June 15, and I'll get a fill then if I need it. I'm pretty sure I do - I feel like I can eat anything, and I'm quite hungry. I've been really trying to make good food choices - but old habits die a VERY slow death. I'm reading a great book on overeating, and I'm hoping that some self-discovery and motivation will help me. I worry about stretching my pouch, too. I can basically eat normal meals. The only meal that takes a while - have to go slow and chew well - is breakfast. After that - everything basically feels like it did before surgery. I guess the upside of that is that I have no yucky side effects? IDK. I'm not sore any more - at 4 weeks post op - and back to my normal exercise. My son is a competitive swimmer, so I am up at 4:15am taking him to the pool. I used to sit in the car and sleep, but now I get out and walk loops around the parking lot. Many, many loops. :smile2: It's boring, but it's 45 minutes at a good paced walk. I dream of one day being able to add running to it. Right now - I lost 12 lbs, and have gained back 3 in the last week and a half, despite upping my exercise. Or maybe because of it - adding muscle? IDK. I'm just trying to keep my chin up and try to maintain a healthy attitude. My focus right now is if sugar is in the first 4 ingredients - I'm not to eat it. Also - tons of veggies, and protein from beans and legumes, fish, eggs, and bit of lean meat occasionally. Lots of fruit. I find that if I have some juicy berries with my meal, it has quenched my thirst, b/c I've found it very hard not to eat with meals. A couple juicy strawberries or blueberries instead of drinking has been my saving grace for my dry mouth.




Lap band surgery day!

Yep, I did it! The band was put in yesterday! All went very well. I was so nervous about the IV, but they gave me a valium that morning, and then really, it wasn't bad at all. They gave me a local numbing shot before the IV, and it wasn't bad whatsoever. Then I just waited, and they wheeled me away, after some happy drugs through the IV. I remember them saying that they would be putting me under through meds in my IV and it would burn - and it sure did - but it was so fast and then I was gone. Woke up hurting, and they gave me pain meds. Then I just basically waited a few hours until I peed - their condition for going home, and then we went home. I have oxycodeine for pain and zofran for nausea, and have been taking them religiously. My port site is the most painful, and it kind of cramps up everytime I move. But water is going down just fine, and so is tea and broth and a popsicle.




insurance approved - I'm on my way....

..... and super nervous, excited, hopeful. All the things I'm sure most people go through before they make a major life change. I told my family about my decision to be banded - I was worried I'd have to really defend my position - but I didn't. They asked thoughtful questions, and I answered them the best I could.   I've had my psych visit (super easy), my nutritionist visit (interesting!) and met with my surgeon's resident. After all of that (and xrays for ankle issues, and a sleep study for sleep apnea), my insurance approved my the first time! I was surprised - I really thought they'd either flat out deny it, or it would be a back and forth issue to get there. My BMI has not been over 40 for 2 years - it's flucuated. However - I needn't have worried - it went smoothly. I feel like I've invested alot of money already with all these visits. My out of pocket was estimated at $2400 - that seems quite reasonable to me. Also, I can go on a payment plan (yippee!!).   Sorting out my emotional eating from my eating for hunger has been what I've been concentrating on. I def. eat out of boredom, stress, etc - and I hope, hope, hope I can stop doing this, in order to make the band work.   Right now, I've been eating quite healthfully, as my husband just got diagnosed with diabetes and high cholesterol. It's funny how it's easier to eat healthfully for someone else, but not just for myself. Something to ponder.   I'd love to hear back from others, and would be very interested in meeting people in the NC/Raleigh/Triangle area who are in a similar situation, or have already been banded. :thumbup:   Take care and God Bless! -Tracey



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