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4 weeks and down 24lbs. Ready for fill.

I lost 19lbs my first 2 weeks and 4 the 3rd week and only 2 this past week... I have been noticing that I can actully eat more lately, although I still try not to. I think i am ready for a fill. I had my surgery in Mexico, so I have to wait until I am 6 weeks post op to have my fill through the local clinic... they won't do it until then. In the meantime... any words of advice to keep me on track. I am struggling with the excercise, but have walked the past 2 days at work... problem is we walk and get chi tea... which is 180 calories I would otherwise do without... but I want the excuse to walk.




WAHHH... my insurance won't cover it!

I am sooo sick of hearing people complain that their insurance won't cover their surgery and / or won't cover their fills... did your medical insurance buy you the hoho's and bonbon's or the couch and video games that helped you get here? Suck it up, if you want something bad enough you will find a way to make it happen. I am a single mother with 3 kids and 2 jobs. I drive a used car and don't do many extra things because I put my health on my priority list a few years ago and saved for my surgery... self pay!!! I have to pay for all of my fills and follow ups myself and am sooo sick of hearing all the big babies complain that they have to pay a portion of the cost themselves...   WAHHHHHHH, cry me a river!!!




2 weeks post-op down 19 lbs

it has been hard... i won't lie, but now i see the results so soon and feel great! i wasn't getting enough protien at first and was dying of hunger, but have begun to try to correct that and am feeling fairly satisfied. not really sure i know what hunger is other than when my stomache has been growling like a lion. but the last 2 days have been good. my 9 year old daughter hugged me today and said "wow, mom you're loosing weight... i used to not be able to touch my fingers now i can do this- as she entertwined them together :thumbup: made me feel really good... i had to tease and ask "are you sure your arms didn't jsut grow?" 19 lbs in 2 weeks tho... i feel great! hoping i can keep loosing at a good rate.




14 days post-op first time throwing up

I was finally having an ok morning... had yogurt and v8 for b'fast... no snacks(not that i didn't want them), and went to lunch with a co-worker. Ordered beans and shredded chicken with pico in a bowl... took a few bites and had to run to the restroom... first time throwing up, I could clearly see (in the bowl) why It happened... I didn't chew well at all. I'm empty again now and sipping water. I am afraid to eat again. How long should I wait, or should I just do pudding and stuff the rest of the day?




12 Days Post Op and still starving!

I'm thinking this was a HUGE waste of money!!! HUGE!!!! I am starving to death, sick, tired constantly... to the point where i am afraid i could loose my job because i can not get motivated. I can't get full... I've been trying to follow all the diet rules and eat what I was told to eat, but I can not get full on 1/2 cup or even 2 cups of food... my stomache is growling constantly. I gave up today and ate about 10 mini twix bars... and am ready to have more... damn candy dish on my desk! I called my dr in mexico he says i need a fill... but i live in WA state and can't get one with NWfills until I am 6 weeks post op... i could gain a ton of weight in the next month... loose my job, become severly depressed and hide in a hole before then... which would do my 3 kids and i no good at all. I'm a single mom and thought this would help me, but it is not... it is just making life SUCK!!! worse than ever... guess i'd rather be fat than fat and starved and sick and tired all at the same time.




Tough first week

Tomorrow will be 1 week since I was banded and It has been very hard at times. I am still starving to death and can't wait to eat something that may stick with me for more than 3 seconds. The good news it I get to try creamy foods tomorrow! Yay... and I have lost some weight... but not weighing in again until tomorrow, so I will post tomorrow how I did in week 1.   The issues I had were completely my fault for trying to add coffee and a protien shake too soon, so I have learned my lesson. Please everyone be sure to follow "your" doctors orders... he/she gave them to you for a reason and just because it worked for someone else doesn't mean it will work the same for you. Be careful!   Second issue I am finding is that I have not had a BM all week... has anyone else had this problem? I think i will try some prune juice tomorrow, but not today since it isn't a "clear" liquid... not taking any chances.   Good luck to all!



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