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GIBY97, What to eat while on a trip visiting relatives...

Thought I would let everyone know what I ate on my recent 3-week trip to the states. The mornings I either had an omelet or a shake with a multivitamin. While at the airport waiting for my departure I had an egg and cheese sandwhich. For Lunch I either had a tuna salad sandwhich, or I ate baked chicken and mashed potatoes. Dinner was a pre maid microwave meal high in protein-get them from the grocery store. I managed to eat out at Sharky's once-a terryakki sandwhich and fries. At my relatives I ate a variety of meal choices, but with caution-lapband limits in mind. Had pizza, spaghetti, meatloaf, trout, baked pots, patti-melt, salads, ham sandwhiches, cheese burger and fries at the airport. Of course on the plane ride, the meals were balanced and just right for any lapbander. All meals were eaten slowly, chewing 30 to 40 times with limited fluid intake at each meal. I actually ate untill I felt full then I stopped eating, yes stopped. Just about had one episode with the patti melt, but I refocused and did not have an incident at a restuarant. One evening while visiting relatives I had pizza twice, but only ate a part of a slice-afterall can't let my relatives down. Anyway to moral of this post is simple--EAT SLOWLY, CHEW, CHEW, CHEW, and ENJOY. I did this and had a wonderful time. Now I am back home, with a weight loss o 2 to 2.5 kg's-down 50#s. This was my goal during my trip, but I did not weight myself while on the trip-only afterwards. I heard that if you can hear your stomach growling, your loosing the #s, well it's now growling at 2 am. Breakfast this morning will be two eggs, toast, and a sip of coffee. Lunch will consist of tuna salad and crackers, and dinner will be baked chicken, baked potatoe and a salad. Keeping it simple, afterall I want to loose more #s. This is a summary of what I ate on my trip to the states. Enjoy your lapbands, I am....:cursing:




Giby97, vacation ends 10-10-10

Good morning all bandsters. Stepped on the scales for the first time in three weeks-behold, down to 100 kg's from 103 kg-50#s loss. :thumbup:Great things to pass along: 1) safety belt for bus and plane fit with inches to spare, 2) Ate the prepared meals on the plane-no problems, 3) Visited Restuarants and had fish-trout with baked pot's, spaghetti and salad, meatloaf and pots, pizza not once but several times, 4) my shakes and vitamins, tuna salad sandwhiches etc. JUST ATE PROPORTIONATELY.:cursing: Very fullfilling. Followed the diet as far as not drinking with meals--it works. I did splurge and had a small piece of pumpkin pie and chocolate pie. Now my belts are in need of some drilling more holes-yes more.:thumbup: I managed to by some pants the next two sizes smaller, I am at 48 from 54, so I purchased 46 and 44. I know in Jan 2011 I will be buying new clothes again. Feels wonderful. I currently have 7 cc's in my 10 cc band. In Nov I might go and get another fill, but will see after I begin my exercise program this week. No pain, no gain. Now it's time to perk up and get these unwanted #s off. When I ate out I always ate untill I felt full, once that was achieved, I stopped, I left alot of food on the table too. I figure my weight loss was due to my control over my behavior and knowing the limits of the lap band. Always maintain your control and know your limit. I am proud to have received my band and am very happy and content with my progress. To all bandsters, don't get discouraged if you have a bad day, just regroup, and stay the course, after all it's a long term weight loss program, not a short one. Happy Holloween All.:thumbup:




Giby97, vacation in virginia sep - oct 2010

Hello All Bandsters. :thumbup: I'm on vacation to Virginia from South Korea. Enjoying some time with the family. What joy it is to fly and use the seat belt with "2.5 inches" to spare plus the table tray not resting on ones stomach.:thumbup: Another good thing was the food on the flight was tailored for my diet-all of the meal choices--ate very comfortably. Have been eating out at restuarants- eating fish-Trout with veggies. Only had one episode and it was when I choose to eat a patti-melt with fries.:confused: I stopped eating in time and saved face- in front of my two son's and their families. Amen to that. There are no scales here at my sister's but I am maintaining my eating habits for my lapband. I went to WalMart's and sat at the Subway shop having just water and I sat in a booth that had the table bolted to the floor-not much room but behold I slide in the seat with 1/2 inche to spare---what a feeling!:thumbup: Meals this trip included-fish--trout, spaghetti, a hot dog, a patti melt, flounder etc. Ready to return home to Korea and begin my vigorous exercise regime. yes only 4 months to go to reach my lapband anniversary--plan on being down 100 #s. Already down 50 #s. Feeling great, happy, and excited because I have bought more clothes, I am down to size 44 pants from 54. Believe that. Words of wisdom: stay the course, be positive, and be patient--the way of the lapbander!!!:thumbup:




Giby97, traveling to the states, 18 sept 2010

Friends and Fellow bandsters, oh what enjoyment it was using my seat belt on the airplane since my surgery.:smile2: MY BELT FIT WITH 2 INCHES TO SPARE. :thumbup: I will share the pic later after my trip- a Stewardess took my pic. And upon not eating anything from 0215 that Saturday morn unitill the meals on the air plance--what fantastic feelings- food was Great and of the correct menu for a bandster, first meal baked fish, pots and carrots; I drank water for the first two thirds of a 13 hour flight.:thumbup: Second meal was rice and baked chicken; finally the last meal was a slice of pizza. I ate it slowly without drinking during the meals--NO PROBLEMs. After 17 hours of traveling and getting set for my school class this week, I purchased my normal frozen meals high in protein for dinner's, lunch will be tuna salad and crackers, and breakfast will either be a shake or an ham and egg microwavabel omelet. Lots of water to drink. Will not weigh my self for one week:biggrin:, waiting untill I get to my sisters or a two week vacation. In three weeks will be back in South Korea with my family and ready for another FILL, my sixth- to go hard on the next few months to loose prior to my anniversary date. Feeling great about myself today and hoping to do well. Have a great day fellow bandsters.:thumbup:




GIBY97, Advice for Traveling Request for all bandsters

Hello All Bandsters, I am solicitating any advice on traveling-mainly meal choices. What did you do on your trip? I will fly to Florida next month and return Oct. Going to feel nice sitting in my seat and being able to buckle up EASILY, hehehehe. Any advice on eating while flying, and once at your destination, what choices are recommended. Would like to know how you adjusted to this situation. Thanks Ken.




GIBY97, Feelings after 4th FILL, 7.0 cc's Total 10cc band

How does one feel after a 4th "Fill". At the Doc's, it only took about three minutes, and shall I say PAINLESS as expected. I did not think about being injected at all during my trip, especially when one bandster knows how it's done anyway-pull shirt up, lay on table, let Doc find port, wipe off first, inject, wipe off again, get up and see if you can drink some water. Once that's done, pay your bill and leave. Of course this time I did not have to pay anything, but we were expecting to pay this time since I passed the three month mark, (7months now). Feelings within an hour after are: a sense of fullness, not wanting to eat, even though you are really hungry cause you did not eat anything all morning. I did manage to eat 12 bites of soup, veggies, some meats at a restruarant right after the doc appointment, and then on the bus ride home, at a rest stop, had 5 or 6 potatoe snacks(korean style) nothing to drink. Was full still. Upon returning home I worked outside for a while, had two sugarless popsicles, and about an hour later had a tuna salad sandwhich. Felt satisfied. My next morning, as usual up early, had coffee, and weighted myself, 104.2kg-a loss. Now at nearly 8 am on Sun I am not hungry, feeling full and content. I feel the pressure around my stomach of fullness. My mind is not thinking about food. I think this 4th "Fill" is my "sweet spot". Will see. Hope I loose 10 to 20 #s by 18 Sep-my date I am scheduled for a trip to the states-3 weeks. Going to be Cool on the airplane- buckling up without an extender-hehehehe. I had to use it once on a small plane ride. Today, is special, my birthday, the big 56. Start exercising on the stationary bike too. Up till now I was not exercising like at a gym, but only in the garden. Now it's time to press. Feelings are: Happy, content, satisfied, positive attitude, no stress, taking one day at a time. I want to thank the Lord,Jesus Christ for guiding me on my straight and narrow path in life. I was baptized 4 July and today I celebrate a new beginning on my Birthday. My purpose in life is real close, I can feel it as I am still wondering what it is. Hope my thoughts and experiences helps others and I wish much success to all my fellow bandsters and those new ones. God Bless.




Giby97, my trip results, 7 aug 10

Fabulous results at the doc's. Staff and doc was happy to see me. Traveled 4 hours to get there in Seoul, Korea by 1030 am. Doc was busy with more surgeries and in-between them he talked to and gave me a 1.0 cc added to my already 6 cc's in my 10 cc band. He also used a scope to see my band, which I thought may have moved, so he took a look and he found the reason why I was hearing a thump sound in my chest when I lift things, it turned out to be the top of the band unit brushing against my sterndom--nothing to worry about. Glad to hear that. My statistics are: Obesity Rate: 4 Jan 10-210%, now 179%; my BMI was 44.7kg in Jan 10, now 38.1kg; my Weight was 123.1kg in Jan 10, now 105.1kg. I am on a gradual loss pattern and should be able to reach my goal in Jan 2011. One great aspect of my visit was my "Fill" cost. It was "ZERO", my DOC said I was good to go. My 4th Fill was free. Good news as tomorrow, Sunday 8 Aug, I will celebrate my 56th birthday. What a gift! I love my lapband.:tt2:




Giby97, Traveling to Obtain a "FILL"

How does one get a "Fill". Traveling, sometimes great distances. For me it's up early like 5 am. Ride in a car to the bus station, and find a parking slot. Then its purchase a ticket for a 3.5 hr bus ride, where at the end you change mode of trans for a subway, then a briskly walk say 10 minutes to the Doc's office. All this for a 20 minute "Fill" a weight-in. Before departing the doc's office, try to drink some water to see if your ok from the "Fill". Then it's a reversal of the travel back home. Practically a full day, and I am thankful I can do this on a Saturday. After the doc's appointment may with my wife stop at a restuarant like we always do and have a light lunch-soup for me, maybe alittle rice. After a few bites as in the past, that's it. Restriction. Yes that's what it's all about, more restriction, and eating less. Once home it's liquids for a few days, tomatoe juice, chicken noodle soup, and water, maybe a shake or two, and possibly a sugarless popsicle. This will be my routine for a week. Yes very demanding and strick but necessary for me to guarantee my loss by 18 Sep of a few more unwanted #s. This is my story. and on 17 Sep you can hear the rest of my story-my results on this particular journey. Have a great day all!!:tt2:




Giby97, One More Time "FILL" for 2010

Headed to the doc's this weekend to get one more "Fill". This will be my 4th, maybe a 1.5 cc which added to my already 6 cc's will give me a 7.5 cc in a 10 cc band. This will help me maintain as I head to the states, for some training and a short vacation. Down to 105.8 kg from 121.1kg since Jan 10. Pant's size now is 48, down from 54. Shirt size down from 3x to 1x, all at the 7 month point after my surgery. Feeling great, always happy, lots of energy, enjoy work, fishing, gardening, and my dogs all six. Once heard in a movie, "Stuff is Getting Better" and that it is, I'm Loosing these unwanted #s. It's gradual like 1.68#s per week, but that is ok. Sometimes the weight lingers and holds on for a long while, but then out of the blue, it begins to drop. I have not routinely exercised, but will do so beginning tonight. Going to ride my stationary bike for 40 min to 1 hr. Time to get moving as my anniversary is approacing, 4 Jan 2011. I want to be at 100 kg. This is my GOAL for one year. My next goal will be to shed the #s to be at 170 #s. Ultimately I will try to reach 165 or even 160, then it's well, NEW CLOTHES for the NEW ME. One more goal will be to go to the pool and swim-my ultimate dream. Goals are reachable. To all bandsters, stay positive, be patient, and relax and enjoy the ride, it's fantastic, and unbelievable. God Bless.




Giby97, DOWN 41#S, 6" waist in 6 months

Have not posted in a while, it's 30 Jul 10, and it's been six months since my surgery. Weight-Loss 41#s, Waist-Loss 6" in six months with a monthly average of 6.6#s loss. I have 6 cc's in my 10 cc band. With a trip to the states planned in Sept, will hold off on the next band fill, untill Oct. One good thing is learning control, and being patient. I am down on my waist size from 54 to 48, and my weight from 270 to 229. I am maintaining control of my eating habits now, no discomfort with eating oversize foods, ALWAYS CHEW 30 to 40 times and eat right, PROTEIN and TAKE YOUR MULTIVITAMINS.:cool2:My Goal is to loose 100 #s by Feb 2011 which means a rigorous exercise program is in the forecast. Yep Goal is Attainable. Good luck to all Bandsters, take one day at a time and if sidetracked, step back and regroup-Go back to the beginning, soups, mushies and solids for a few days---it works. May God Bless You All!




Bass Fishing in May10 in a float tube

Went fishing in my float tube for the first time this year, on Saturday in the rain. I was determined to go.:cursing: Once there I began to set up and finally entered the water and fished for three hours. What I noticed about this trip was my LAPBAND which has helped me loose weight has brought back my ability and agility to move quicker, faster and able to put my diver's fins on comfortably and quickly.:thumbup::thumbup: Last year my weight caused me to be very slow and cautious and out of breadth.:mad: Plus my now small stomach, which is very noticeable has enabled me to have more flexibility while on the water in my tube.:thumbup: FANTASTIC and FABULOUS.:crying: I am happy to say that my weight has decreased each week by at least one kg. There are days during the week that there are some ups and downs, a gain of one # here but the next few days, it's off and still decreasing. I have had 3 Fills in my 10cc band. It's still working so I am on hold for my 4th Fill. It's warming up so I will see how my exercises do for a month or two prior to deciding to get my 4th Fill. Happy with my results and feel great, with lot's of energy. May the power be with the LAPBAND.:crying:




GIBY97, DOWN 33 #S (123.1kg to 107.8kg-12 wks)

Great Scale News: Today, 18 Apr 10, down to 107.8 kg from 123.1 kg. 33 #s lost. Goal is 100 #s lost by Jan 2011. Ready for my 4th FILL, having it on 24 Apr 10. That will be 8 cc's in a 10 cc band. RESTRICTION, RESTRICTION, RESTRICTION. I welcome it. Weight was maintaining for a week then all of a sudden, weight loss. Breakfast: Shake and 2 Vitamins, or Eggs and Toast; Lunch: Tuna salad and crackers, or Lasagna with meat sauce(Stouffers 350 cal, 24g protein); Dinner: Rice w/chicken, or steak or fish (4 oz) and a vegetable--peas, peas and carrots. If Hungry in the evening two popsiciles-sugarless, or a hand full of cashews and a 1/2 glass of milk. When I am out with the wife and daughter, I have eaten a Big Mac-taking out the middle pieced of bread--I eat it very slowly--30 to 40 chews per bite, one sip of Diet Coke. Then while out at the store, walk for an hour. I don't feel I am cheating the sytem, I just adjust my schedule for the oversight. Only do this sparingly like once a month. With the 4th Fill I will resort back to soups for one to two weeks, you know back to the basics. Start fresh and have fun loosing these unwanted #s. Will provide an update one week after my 4th FILL. Good luck to all bandsters.




Giby97 T-Bone Steak, NO Sides Week 12

Prepared T-Bone Steak for the family and baked it. Remembering the rules of lapbander's, eat small amounts, so I brought out the trusty scissors and cut mine cup of steak into bite size niblets. Ate slowly and chewed eat piece about 30 times. I was challenging my band, and behold no problems, but that's without any veggies or sides. I have been on soups and mashed potatoes, peas, and pork and beans so i wanted to try something different. I am full and satisfied. In two hours will drink nothing but water prior to retiring for the night. My progress for weight loss is about 2.84 #s a week. Just Sunday I dropped a kilogram (2.2#s) and have maintained it. I was due for my weight had maintained at 109 kg for a week. I am ready for my next FILL too. On 24 Apr 10 I am head to the doc, three hours away for my 4th FILL. Others who have had their 4th have been satisfied and had great restriction, and that's what I am searching for. Thought I would share my experience with you. Wish all lapbanders much success.




Update Giby97, 12 weeks Ups and Downs w/Scale

Well it's been 12 weeks now, and I am averaging 2.83#s loss a week. Of course there are days that the scale moves down and then back up again, but that's ok if the end result is a loss at the end of each week. Concentration is the key for me so now I am contemplating a vigorious routine beginning this weekend--even in the rain. Stress is a factor too that must be dealt with, and the past two weeks I did that. Now that I am through an inspection-passed, and caught up on planning the next three months at work, I am relaxed and relieved and will concentrate more on my weight loss. Currently I am at 109 kg's from 123.1 kg. 24 Apr will be my date of my 4th FILL, making it 8cc's in a 10cc band. Yes I planned my 4th FILL, I acutally delayed my FILL from May purposely to see if i could loose more on my own, with two weeks to go, I am sure I will loose some, but it's time to get my next FILL. Probably this will be my last FILL for a while as I will go through the spring and summer months with much activity. 100 #s loss goal is attainable in one year--will honestly try. Good Luck to all other bandster's, stay positive and let's help one another with our progress reports.




Giby97, update at 11 weeks from surgery

Today, Sat 27 Mar 10 I was expected to go for another "FILL". :biggrin:This will be my 4th Fill, which I have 6cc's in a 10cc band.:sad: Weight was maintaining a constant setting, but this week began to drop, so I decided to wait untill the 3rd or 4th week in Apr 10 for my next "FILL". Plan on adding a vigorous exercise program for the next three weeks.:blushing: My status since my surgery is: 11 weeks with a loss of 2.73 #s a week. Beginning wt was 270 and now 239, netting a 31 # loss.:w00t: My goal is to loose 100 #s in one year-61 #s to go.:w00t: With the summer season upon us, I will be enjoying outdoors more, particulary bass fishing in my FLOAT TUBE. Tha'ts fishing in a lake using legs and bass fishing for 6 to 8 hours-fabulous exercise and enjoyment--plan is to fish all day on Saturdays. I realize that "Self-Control" is the KEY to being successful at loosing weight.:w00t: Exercise and eating right go hand in hand, so to all my fellow banders, Congrats for joining this successful program for building each one's self-esteem and improving behaviors:thumbup:. I feel fantastic, lot's of energy, confident, and enjoyment in each day. :w00t:




Giby97, 9 Weeks Since Surgery 123.1kg to 110.3 kg

It's been Two months and one week, 9 weeks since my surgery. :glare: Two more weeks to go before I will get my 4th Fill, another 2 cc's.:bored: Currently I have 6 cc's in my 10 cc band. :tt2: Started exercising everyday and should have some good results in two weeks.:tt1: Eating habits are controlled and maintaining water intake. :rolleyes2:Drank too fast today, Water and had some trouble, MUST REMEMBER TO DRINK SLOW, SIPPING, NOT GULPING. :tt2: But I was thirsty for something cool to drink.[ATTACH]322[/ATTACH]




Giby97,3rd Fill Feelings, Results-27 Feb 10

What a day! Traveled to Seoul, and had some training from the wife on using the subway-preparing myself to make the trip by myself--I got the subway system down now. First the bus ride, 3 hrs for $12.00. Then a short walk to the subway,paid $2.00(subway), could have spent (for a $10.00 taxi ride). The subway company gives you $1.00 back-cool so it actually costs a buck to ride the subway. Made it to the doc's and weighted in. 111.3 kg. Good News as doc was impressed. Next came the injection phase. Went to a room and laid on the table on my back. Next came the video picture of my LAP-BAND®-all was well. Two days ago I had my first episode of pain in my stomach-food pain--hurt so bad, thought someone was hitting me in the chest with a sledge hammer. After two days the pain resided. The doc said all was ok and that I was ready for my 3rd-2cc injection. Immediately upon injecting me, I felt the tightness. I got up and went to the waiting room to confirm I could drink WATER. I could drink so I did not have any complications. Now I have 6 cc's in my llcc band.Tight feeling too. Went to eat lunch-soup/fish and could only eat one half of a cup, I was going to explode. We made it to the bus terminal and shopped around for two hours before we made the trip back to our home,3.5 hours drive. At home Ihad another cup of soup and rice--1/2 cup and full again. Guess the next few days will be soup city and water. Where I am at is: started at 123.1 kg and now I weight 111.3 kg. BF loss since 4 Jan is 5 percent. :thumbup:Weight loss since Jan has been an average of 4.35#s a week for a total of 7 weeks. Last two weeks I averaged 2.3#s specifically. This 3rd Fill should enable a good weight loss for the next three weeks, untill my next doctor's appointment.:smile:




Giby97, 3rd "FILL" on Saturday 27 Feb 10

It's time for a my third Fill. :thumbup: Traveling to Seoul Korea again early Sat.:smile: This "Fill" will mean I have 6 cc's in a 11 cc band. And liquids for a few days.:smile2: Can't Wait as I am sure the weight loss will occur. Weight has decreased to 243#s from 270, 4 Jan 10.:smile: Not bad with some exercise thrown in.:thumbup: Feeling more energetic everyday, wearing old clothes stored away during the past few years and feeling great about myself is the positive results of having lap band surgery.:thumbup: Glad I did it.:thumbup:




Giby97, Another weight loss progress report

Three days of contstant weight loss after my 2nd FILL. :thumbup: Amazing, as this morning,9 Feb 10, I lost .3 kg. :wub: Not significant but still a continuance loss since the doc's appointment. Today's meals will be: 0630 B-shake and two vitamins. 1100 L-tuna salad and crackers. 500pm will be fish and mash pot. :biggrin: Will consume water while at work and late evening.:thumbup: Workout on stationary bike will be one hour - 630 pm to 730 pm.:smile2: This is my schdule for today. My start weight was 123.1 kg on 4 Jan 10 and now it's 111.6.:eek: My excess weight was in my mid-section (stomach) which is slowly disappearing now. Started digging into my closet for clothes I have never worn or it's been years since I tried them on. End of this year will be a great time for a new wardrobe, and I can't wait.:mad: To be able to buy suits of the rack at the store will be my greatest reward and no more special orders.




Giby97, Update How I Feel after my 2nd FILL

First I had my 2nd Fill on Sat, 6 Feb. Now I am at 4cc in a 11cc band.:thumbup: How I felt immediately after my injection-tight. :eek:Tried eating but knew there was a new thrushhold there. Sun, 7 Feb weight in-dropped 2 kg's. 114.4 to 112.2.:wub: Ate light on all three meals and rode the stationary bike 34 min.:thumbup: My dinner was salmon cake with 1/2 c pork/beans.:biggrin: Mon, 8 Feb weight was .5 kg less-another loss. :thumbup:My appetite has diminished in the evenings, and I try to drink water 1/2 glass prior to bed. Mon meals were a shake in the morn, 4 hours later mash potatoes 3/4 c, another shake two hours later. I walked for 1 hr and a half. For dinner was 3/4 c mash pot and 1/2 c pork and beans. Feeling very comfortable now. I am feeling afraid of eating chicken or beef because I know the band has made my stomach smaller. I feel the difference and I am more aware of it. After my workout tonight I may get to loose yet another kg. Will see in the morning. I am having a great time but I miss the other foods, drinks were not suppose to have. I have noticed that I have lots of energy in the mornings as I get up around 2 or 3 and stay up. I have this surge in energy all day-must be the change. The lap band surgery was the most positive thing I have ever did in my life for weight loss. It's working and I can see the changes already on week 5. I am eating mushy foods (soft) but that's fine, will squeeze in some tuna, chicken and beef real soon. Last week I was eating lunch at work and could eat tuna salad and 5 crackers, and a small microwavable dish of chili beans and just felt full. Today is a different story, just the tuna salad and crackers, fills me. I like that. Feels wonderful to shop too, as I have already been buying some summer clothes. My recommendation to anyone on the lap band diet plan is to make your diet schedule and stick to it, make it work for you, after all you did not pay all that $$$$$$ for nothing. Oh one last thing, I got my surgery one month after the initial visit, no pre stuff, just show up with my $$$$$ and have the surgery. $$$$$$ well spent too.:eek:




Giby97, Day After my 2nd FILL, 7 Feb 10

It's 1:30 am on Sunday and I woke up, wide awake too.:mad: Decided to have some coffee after letting my two dogs outside. :wub: Weighted myself and was surprised-112.8 kg, down nearly two kg's since yesterday. :thumbup:A new beginning for the next three weeks. My goal now is to be below 100 kg by the next doctor appointment which is 27 Feb 10.:biggrin: Drinking my coffee slowly so I can savor the aroma. I love coffee.:eek: My breakfast prior to church will be a cheeese omelet-two eggs and cheese. After I return from church around 1 pm today, I plan on making salmon cakes (3oz)-my first time. Should be tasty with a veggie at supper time(1/2 c). When I feel any hunger today, I will ride my stationary bike for 1 hour, then sip on water for the remainder of the night. :thumbup: That's my routine for today. Feeling great this morning.:thumbup:




Giby97, Received my #2 FILL today, 6 Feb 10

Up early this morning and traveled by bus and subway to the doctor in Seoul Korea. :thumbup:Arrived there about 10ish and weighted in at 114.4 kg. :thumbup: Then it was time to head to the room where I was to receive my FILL. I laid on my back and pulled my shirt up, while the doc prepared the solution. Another 2 cc's for me. I watched him fill the needle, which was 5 inches long-WOW! :wub: I kept saying this is a piece of cake, just hold my breath and whammo he will be done. Guess what bandster's I did not feel the needle pierce the skin this time--no pain.:biggrin: Within a few seconds it was done. I proceeded to the waiting room so I could drink some water. Before I left for my long trip home I wanted to be sure I could drink water comfortably. After three drinks, I could not drink any more for a few more minutes. :eek: I felt RESTRICTION.:mad: Yes this is it. I waited for about 20 minutes to drink more water and all was ok. I then headed out of the office for my journey back home. At the bus terminal we decided to eat lunch, I order beef soup with rice and the wife had noodles with rice and egg. She gave me the egg. After about 15 min eating I was full. Could not eat anymore--knew it. I am my wife did about 4 hours of shopping and walking around before we went home. The bus driver made a 3.5 hour trip in 2.5 hours, great for us, as we got home by 6:20 pm during daylight. I am ready for my next 20 pounds for the next three weeks. Bandsters, I have a 11cc band and now I have 4 cc's in it.:thumbup: Feeling comfortable and tight right now, drinking water slowly.:thumbup:Newscast: There were 4 new bandster's at the doc's office today.




Giby97, Today's the day for FILL #2 DOWN 21.1 LBS

Today, Sat, I am headed to the doc for my second FILL-just 22 days after my first FILL.:confused: Down 21.1 lbs and feeling fantastic, more energy than ever. :biggrin: Been getting up at 3 to 4 am everymorning, just ready to begin a new day. I look forward to my trip today, nearly 10 hours traveling by bus, taxi and subway in the crowded city of Seoul, Korea. :thumbup: One could get lost you know cause every place looks the same, but I have a fix for that, I am taking my Korean wife with me, Yes. :drool: She is also my interpreter if need be. I am not nervous, but excited, cause I want that feeling of fullness again. I guess when it wears off you tend to be more hungry-which I have been fighting some the last few days, but maintaining. I want to succeed and will, I can see 165 to 170 lbs in sight. :cursing: I am prepared for this journey. Feeling great mentally, and physically now, lots of energy in the a.m. Not winded going up 3 to 6 flights of steps either. Love my LAPBAND!!!:thumbup:




Giby97, Week Four Post, Meals for Me

Well I am comfortable now with my meal plan.:cursing: What I do on a given day? :cool2: Up at 3 am-just wake up and make coffee- drink black. Around 5 or 6:30 I have either a cheese omelet,but small-cause my dogs (3) want some too. :drool: Sometimes a shake and two vitamins. About 9 I either nibble at some nuts-handful, or a banana or apple.:thumbup: My appetite feels like I am full so a 11:30 to 12 noon small tuna salad and six crackers-kits at grocery store. Then it's water, water, water, untill 5:30 when I am at home. I either have chicken noodle soup with chicken and a little mac and cheese.:confused: Another meal is baked chicken or fish and potatoe baked or mashed pot. :tt2: Two hours later if I am feeling the urge it's a sugarless popsicle. Some days I try to have a half glass of skim milk and a slice of cheese between meals.:biggrin: This was yesterday's Wed meal and I lost 1 kg.:thumbup: This weekend is my second FILL appointment-liquid diet again for three days for me-soups. :thumbup: Ready for another session of weight loss-next three weeks.:thumbup:




Giby97, The Journey Continues One Month Post

Well I feel great every day now. :thumbup: I feel it's time for my second FILL.:cursing: My doc wanted me to come at the two week point but I felt I could go to three weeks. Well my weight has continued for the past four days to linger at 114.3 to 114.6 kg.:confused: Looking forward to getting my second FILL on Saturday. :thumbup: Yes another journey on the bus for four hours up and then back again, all for a 20 minute appointment.:biggrin: But it's worth it. Planning this time to do some shopping with the wife for a few hours and then we will return late, since it's a three day weekend for me, you know got to watch the SuperBowl Game. :thumbup: After I get my FILL I will stay there about 20 to 30 minutes to see if I can drink water comfortably-I like to drink my water. :tt2: I will post how I felt upon my return home. To all LapBand friends, just maintain a positive attitude and you will succeed.:drool: I have read about some who have already reached there goal weight and are fabulous looking, unbelievable. To Success!:thumbup:



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