Day 6 of 27
5 sit ups
jump rope for 2 minutes
Here is what I did: I did 10 rounds of the jump rope/ push up/ sit up combos. However, I would like to state for the record that the more tired you are, the less co-ordinated you are, the harder it is to jump rope. I can not jump for 2 min without stopping its more like 30 seconds, stop and hack in a few breaths and then start back. So in recap, here is what I did, total. Rode my bike to the park where the sit up bench is 2.87 mi. Jumped rope for 20 min. 50 sit ups 50 push ups and rode home 2.87 mi. And now I have been hungry all day! But I am back down to 138 so maybe tomorrow will be 137 day!