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What I eat...

I see a lot of questions about what people eat, so I thought I would post my usual menu selections.   Breakfast is usually 1 of 3 things. 1) 1 egg and 1 piece of bacon 2) EAS low carb Protein Shake 3) Jachut's Green Smoothie (1 cup water, 1 cup fresh spinach, 1/2 banana, 1/2 apple, 1 scoop Unjury unflavored protein powder pureed in blender)   Snack, If I am hungry I have either 1) 1 Cheese stick string cheese 2) Laughing cow light cheese wedge with 6 crackers 3) Greek yogurt 4) EAS shake   Lunch 1) A piece of fish (4 Oz by weight) 2) Leftover meat from the night before, (2 Oz if beef) 3) If I am busy at work, Starkist Lunch to go or a can of sardines with 6 crackers.   I add a veggie to one of the meats above either leftovers from the night before or canned that I can heat up easily at work.   Afternoon Snack I choose 1 from the snack list above   Dinner (usually cooked on the grill) 1) Beef 2 Oz 2) Chicken 4 Oz 3) Fish 4 Oz 4) Pork 2 Oz   I measure my meat by weight and my veggies by measure cup. We cut up fresh veggies and put them on the grill too. I make sweet potato's in the microwave and eat 1/2 of it with butter. I usually have 1/2 cup veggies and 1/2 cup carb.   I try and keep my breakfast, lunch and dinner at 250 calories and snacks under 150 each, this gives a grand total of 1050 per day max. Plus anytime I am trying to see if a snack is appropriate, I use the rule of thumb of 1g protein per 10 calories. I hope this helps someone, I will be happy to answer questions. :thumbup:




Day 22 of 27

It was overcast this morning so even though it was only 77 degrees it was 96% humidity. The last couple of days I almost wish summer was back, at least the sweat would evaporate and cool you off some.   Here is what I was suppose to do: 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps of push ups and sit ups, with a 2 minute run/walk with a purpose between each round.     Here is what I did: Slept too long to ride my bike to the park, sat around drinking coffee until I had to go and then did my workout in the yard instead of the park. Lazy, Lazy, Lazy   105 push ups 105 sit ups 12 min running 1.03 miles   The push ups and sit ups are actually getting easy. (I cant believe I am saying that!) So I am going to start doing at least some of the push ups on my feet instead of on my knees. I am also going to start really trying to run faster on these short runs. I think I have been kind of dawdling and not pushing myself to max potential. That is the draw back to working out by yourself, however, I have such an aversion to being bossed around that I don't do well with others. So I am going to start pushing myself more.




1 year ago today...

I was banded one year ago today. I can only think of 1 other year in my life in which everything changed so much and that was the year I was pregnant with my son, the year my weight yo-yo began.   This time last year, I had to hold my breath when I bent over, I was getting too big for all my (big) clothes again, never exercised and I was always physically hungry.   Now I am a size 4, I can run 3 miles without stopping, I can do 100 sit ups and 100 push ups in a 30 min period and the best part, I get hungry when its time to eat but once I eat a small amount of food it goes away!   Now I am smack in the middle of normal BMI, and the best part is, I have hope that I can sustain this weight loss! In the past I NEVER stayed at the same weight without a struggle. Staying the same weight required the same struggle that dieting did.   When I decided to stop losing at 132 I had .2 removed from my band so I could eat more, that was August 19th. Now I have been in the same 132-135 range for 2 solid months with NO EFFORT! (Except one time when I was eating chips and my homemade salsa every night for a week, I gained all the way to 137! GASP! I cut back to eating it 2 times a week and lost the extra weight in 3 days.)   It has not been easy, I had to learn to stop when my stomach was no longer hungry even when my mouth was. I found out that I have a compulsion to finish what is on my plate. But its all been worth it, even if I did trade my boobs for being thin, I can always buy new boobs. :thumbup:




Day 20 of 27

I was suppose to work out on Tuesday but I pushed it to Wednesday. It was only 77 degrees but the humidity was 95%! Come on fall!   Here is what I was suppose to do:   As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 8 minute run/walk with purpose
15 body rows
15 tuck jumps
5 plank holds for :45 seconds
30 squats
Here is what I did:   Rode my bike to the park 1.49 miles I ran 17:31 min for 1.47 miles 30 body rows 30 tuck jumps 10 :20 sec plank holds (huge improvement from my :05 max hold time at first) 60 squats And then rode home.




Day 23 of 27

Whew! Today was something else. It is only 77 degrees but the humidity is killer.   Today I was suppose to:   Run/Walk with a purpose for 40 minutes with 20 squats every 5 minutes.   Here is what I did:   Since it was a 40 min run, I started at the house and ran to the park, then kept running for 18 min (only stopping to do the squats) walked 2 min and then turned around and ran back, and walked some too. I went 3.2 miles and did 160 squats.   When I got home I was beat, my face was red for an hour and it took forever to stop sweating. I have really adapted to these workouts and this one was so much harder than the ones I have been doing. I am looking forward to finishing this beginners program and start on the intermediate (after the half marathon 10/10/10).




Day 14 of 27-Hump day!

Today marks the half way point of my cross training. I have improved my ability to do push ups, sit ups, and squats. I could barely do 10 when I started and now I am doing 100. But my running has not improved, I am a little disappointed by that. I am considering hiring a running coach for a few pointers.   Here is what I was suppose to do: Run/Walk with a purpose for 40 minutes, with 5 push ups every 5 minutes.   Rode my bike to the park. .97 mi Ran 5 min, 6 times 30 min 2.24 mi 30 push ups. Rode home   I guess I didn't pay attention and see the 40 min time that I was suppose to do. :mad: Or I "conveniently" missed it and only worked for 30 min.   OK now its update time. I took measurements when I started and on Sunday.   Weight from:138 to:134 Neck from:13 to:13 Shoulders from:37 3/4 to:37 1/2 Chest from:37 to:36 3/4 Biceps from:11 3/4 to:11 1/2 Forearms from:9 1/2 to:9 1/2 Hips from:37 to:36 1/2 Belly from:36 1/4 to:35 1/2 Waist from:29 to:28 1/2 Thighs from:21 1/2 to:21 1/4 Calves from:14 3/4 to:14 3/4   So the big "loser" is a tie of 1/2 inch off the belly, hips and waist. I will take measurements again at the end.




Day 18 of 27

The heat wave finally broke here in East Texas, today it was a lovely 77 degrees with only 45% humidity when I went to work out. You would not believe the difference 10 degrees makes.   Here is what I was suppose to do:   Today you will be doing the following: 30 push ups
30 sit ups
30 squats
30 body rows
Run/walk with purpose for 15 minutes
Here is what I did: Got up late, sat around drinking coffee too long. Rode my bike to the park 1.59 miles 30 push ups (without stopping!) 30 sit ups (20 without stopping) 30 squats (20 without stopping) 30 body rows (5 at a time:mad:) 12 min run .98 miles (I had to get back home to get ready for work) Rode my bike home.   Only 9 days left in my cross training I will finish just in time to do this: http://www.runthejailbreak.com/ its on my 41st birthday.




Day 2 of 27

I can't believe they call this a beginners plan! Whew! If I had not done C25K before, there is no way I could do this. I am having to modify the moves as it is. So yesterday, when I did day 2 here is what I was suppose to do:   As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 4 minute run/walk with purpose
5 body rows
5 tuck jumps
5 plank holds for :15 seconds
10 squats
Here is what I did: Rode my bike to the park 2.04 miles, 15 min.   I did 5 rounds of the exercises and covered 1.4 miles during the running part. I can not hold a plank for :15 seconds so I changed to :05 and did 5 of those, I also can not do a full pull up on the body rows so I pulled up about half way. So in total I,   Rode my bike 4.08 miles, 20 min of running, 25 (half-a**) body rows, 25 tuck jumps, 25 :05 second plank holds, and 50 squats.   Day 3 is tomorrow. I am scared to see what it holds, but I am excited because I then have 2 days off until Friday. :rolleyes2:




Day 9 of 27

The end of week 3, and I have to say, I am glad that I have 2 rest days coming up. However, (drum roll please!) I did manage to lose another pound! Now I am 7 to go!   Here is what I was suppose to do this morning:   25 push ups, 25 sit ups, 25 squats, 25 body rows, run/walk with purpose for 10 minutes.   Here is what I did:   Rode my bike to the park 1.44 miles. Did a total of 50 push ups 50 sit ups 50 squats 50 body rolls 20 min. of running Ride my bike home 1.44 miles.   And now I am off until Friday!




My new 9 week cross training

I am going to blog my new cross training, that I started yesterday. Here is what I was suppose to do:     Today you're going to do as many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 2 minute run/walk with a purpose
5 push ups
10 squats
10 sit ups
So here is what I did:   I walked to our local park, then did the 2 min run, 5 push ups (on my knees), 10 squats, 10 sit ups (really more like crunches since I was on the grass) X 10 so a grand total of:   20 min. running 50 push ups 100 squats 100 crunches Walked for 39 additional min.   Covered 3.73 miles. Plus my husband went with me, we had a blast! :thumbup: But I forgot to wear my Body Bugg! :thumbup:   Today, my thighs are killing me and I gained a pound, so I consider this a successful workout! When I really work my muscles they hold water for a day or two and then when that water leaves it usually takes a pound of fat with it. :frown:   Here is what is on tap for tomorrow:     As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 4 minute run/walk with purpose
5 body rows
5 tuck jumps
5 plank holds for :15 seconds
10 squats
BTW:   Body rows are where you lay under a bar that is a few feet off the ground and pull your self up, like a laying down chin up.   Tuck jumps, jump straight up and tuck in your legs.   Plank hold is where you are laying face down on your forearms and your toes and hold your body up straight, no sagging.   Wish me luck. :laugh:




Day 7 of 27

Day 7,   This is what I was suppose to do:   20 seconds "on", 10 seconds "off" for 8 rounds. 1 minute rest between 8 round sets: Push ups
Sit ups
Tuck jumps
This is what I did: Ride bike to park .99 mi 5-8 round sets of 15 each so a total of   150 push ups 150 squats 150 sit ups 150 tuck jumps   Ride bike home .99 mi finished in an hour.   I just wish I could jump more than 12" off the ground, I am glad I cant see how dumb I look doing the tuck jumps. See there is a benefit of not being at the gym where you can see yourself in the mirror.   I was just finishing up when a guy I know walked by, I said Hi to him and he nearly jumped out of his skin, he had no idea who I was until I spoke. That is the second time that has happened to me this week.




Day 8 of 27

This morning I was suppose to:   Jump rope for 5 minutes, then run/walk with purpose for 5 minutes. Repeat for 30 minutes.   Here is what I did:   Rode bike to park .99 miles Jumped rope 5 min./ ran 5 min. repeated four times for a total of: 20 min running, 1.55 miles 20 min jump roping (If you call jumping 20-30 times, hitting myself with the rope or landing on top of it and having to start again jumping rope for 5 min. :closedeyes: Then rode home .99 mi.   Now for the crazy part, yesterday my husband suggested that we go to Dallas and spend the night in a hotel and my first reaction was "I cant I have to work out in the morning!" So we stayed home worked out and then went shopping for new clothes for me. And then as a reward everything I bought was a 6 or 8. I haven't worn a 6-8 since I was around 23 and I will be 41 in September.   And for those who are trying to convince themselves that they should work out. In 2000 I weighed 139, I had lost weight with diet pills and I wore a size 10. Now I am 138 from working out and eating right and I am a 6 or 8, 10's are huge on me.




Day 15 & 16 of 27

For those of you paying close attention, yep I skipped day 15! On Tuesday I was suppose to get up and work out and I just laid in bed and didn't do it, I told myself I will go tomorrow. HA! I didn't go Wednesday either! Major case of lazy ass. Oh well. Here was what I was suppose to do: As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 8 push ups
10 sit ups
Jump rope for 3 minutes
Here is what I did: Lay in bed. :biggrin:   OK so on to day 16, here is what I was suppose to do: 20 seconds "on", 10 seconds "off" for 8 rounds. 1 minute rest between 8 round sets: Push ups
Sit ups
Tuck jumps
Here is what I did: Rode my bike to the park .96 mile I can do 12 push ups and squats in 20 seconds but only 10 sit ups and 10 tuck jumps So a total of 12 rounds. 144 push ups 144 squats 120 sit ups 120 tuck jumps Rode home.   I feel pretty good today. I went yesterday and got fitted at a real running shoe store in Dallas for a new pair of shoes and I am hopeful that they are going to help with my heel spur pain.   Plus, while I was in Dallas I had .2 of a cc taken out of my band. I had told my husband that I would stop losing weight and then promptly lost 2 pounds in 10 days so I need to be able to eat more since I don't want to cut down on exercising. So this morning I had an egg on a piece of toast! I haven't had bread in months.




Calories = Money

I have noticed a new way that I look at calories. I equate them to money. Before the band, I had a vague idea about needing to eat around 2000 calories a day to maintain my weight but I never really counted them, it was like a checkbook with an unlimited supply of money.   Now when I get up in the morning I think about how I have 1200 calories in my "account". If I eat (spend) more than that my account gets overdrawn. I can make a deposit by exercising, if I choose to. Or I can just "live within my means" and choose my food wisely. Obviously the band helps tremendously in this with portion control, but I often look at something and decide it just isn't worth the "cost".   Just like if I were shopping, I would never buy something without seeing how much it cost, now I would never eat something without seeing how much it "cost" in calories.   So here is my food budget, 250-300 for each of my three meals, and 150-200 for my snacks. If I want to spend more, I have to work harder (exercise) and make more.   So keeping a journal of my food is similar to keeping a checkbook journal for me, and equally effective.




Day 13 of 27

Today was really great! Here is what I was suppose to do:   25, 15, 10, 5 reps of push ups and sit ups, with a 2 minute run/walk with a purpose between each round.   It usually says to do as many as possible for 30 min but it didn't say that this time but it only took 15 min to do so I did it twice.   So I rode my bike to the park .97 mi. Did a total of 110 Push ups 110 sit ups Ran 16 min. for 1.38 miles And rode home   That is an average of 11:38 min per mile so I am improving there. I signed up for a half marathon on 10/10/10 so I have to get serious about my running. This program will be over 9/14 so then I will just practice running until after the half and then sign up for the intermediate cross training.   Sunday will be hump day for this program and I am going to take my measurements and record them on my blog. See y'all then!




Day 10 of 27

Day 10 really sucked. I ate the last of the cottage cheese last night and I was already out of Greek yogurt so this morning I had the idea that I should have a bagel thin with peanut butter for breakfast. BAD DECISION! Then I had an argument with my husband (stress really tightens my stomach) then I got on my bike my food started swelling in my stomach and I started sliming, when I got to the park I had to throw up slime. So its hotter than hell, humid like you wont believe and I am throwing up in the bushes. Now its 4 hours later and I am sitting at my desk spitting in my trash. :smile: The pity party is on.   Here is what I was suppose to do: As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 4 minute run/walk with a purpose
10 push ups
20 squats
20 sit ups
Here is what I did: Ride my bike to the park .99 miles Puke in the bushes (Any ideas for calorie burn?) Ride my bike home. :tt2:




Day 4 of 27

What a difference 2 days of rest makes! WOW. My last workout was Tuesday so I had 2 days to overcome the soreness and my workout seemed much easier today. My pulse stayed in the 160's instead of the 180's like it had been.   Here is what I was suppose to do today:   Today you're going to do as many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 15,12,10,7,5 reps of push ups and sit ups, with a 2 minute run/walk with a purpose between each round.   I am not sure what this meant so I interpreted it to mean run 2 min, stop do 15 push ups & 15 sit ups, run 2 min., do 12 sit ups & 12 push ups run, etc.... rinse, repeat.   So here is a recap of what I did:   I rode my bike to the park .99 mi. 6.52 min Ran a total of 22 min. 1.76 mi. 98 push ups 98 sit ups Rode my bike home .99 mi. (Who the hell decided to buy the house on the top of the hill?) For a total of 50:47 min., 3.73 mi.   Havent lost a pound! :mad: But my upper arms are getting definition. Now if something would happen to these pads of fat on the insides of my knees!




Day 17 of 27

I can jump rope for 5 min! I can't believe how strong I am getting with this program, only 10 workouts left. When I went to the shoe store the guy said I should stop my cross training and just train for the half marathon that I am going to do but I just can't stand to quit anything so I will finish this and then train for the half and then after the half I will start the intermediate cross training program.   Here is what I was suppose to do:   Jump rope for 5 minutes, then run/walk with purpose for 5 minutes. Repeat for 30 minutes.   Here is what I did:   Rode my bike to the park 1 mile Jumped rope for a total of 15 min. Ran for a total of 15 min 1.2 miles. Rode my bike home.   I didn't go until about 8 am so it was already hot, boy I will be glad when fall gets here.




Day 19 of 27

I am behind on posting, Sunday was day 19, it had cooled off and was so much easier. I slept in and didn't start until 8:30.   Here is what I was suppose to do:   As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 4 minute run/walk with a purpose
15 push ups
30 squats
25 sit ups
Here is what I did: Rode my bike to the park 1:09 miles Ran a total of 16 min. 1.51 miles 60 push ups 120 squats 100 sit ups and rode my bike home   I was able to run the 1.51 miles in 14 min which means I have gone from 12:30 min mile to 10:30 min/ mile. :tt2: On to tomorrow which will be day 20!




Couch to 5K process applied to lapband....(No running required)

This is a cut and paste from the C25K website, I have adapted it for the band lifestyle by just changing the words running to banding.   "Too many people have been turned off of banding simply by trying to start off too fast. Their bodies rebel, and they wind up miserable, wondering why anyone would possibly want to do this to themselves. You should ease into your banding program gradually.   It's easy to get impatient, and you may feel tempted to skip ahead in the program, but hold yourself back. Don't try to do more, even if you feel you can. If, on the other hand, you find the program too strenuous, just stretch it out. Don't feel pressured to continue faster than you're able. Repeat weeks if needed and move ahead only when you feel you're ready."   So here is my new banding program, I designed it for beginners but if you are starting over just start on Week 6:   Weeks 1&2 -- (Pre-op) Diet start Dr recommended preop diet and follow to a "T"   Get banded   Week 3&4 -- (Post-op) Liquid diet, once again do exactly as Dr prescribed. Do not try and lose weight during this phase.   Week 5&6 -- (Post-op) Mushie weeks, practice weighing or measuring everything, eating off a small plate, eating slow and chewing, no trying to lose weight. Learn to eat less than 1 cup of food at any given meal. You should not be trying to lose at this stage, just trying to improve your eating habits.   Week 7 -- Continue with the things you did in weeks 5&6 but also start on soft foods, start journaling everything you eat or drink on an online calculator like fitday.com. Make sure you are getting enough protein. (Specified by your Dr)   Week 8 -- Get your first fill, 1 day liquid, 1 day mushies and then soft foods. Now you are going to start trying to lose weight. Continue doing the things that you learned in weeks 5-7 but now that you have a weeks worth of food journaling look and see if you are staying in the 1000-1200 calories a day, with the amount of protein your Dr wants, if not change what can to get it in those ranges.   Week 9-- Continue the things you learned in Weeks 5-8 plus add 1 hour of walking 3 days a week. (If you cant make it an hour, do what you can) Journal this exercise as well as your food.   Now every week from now until you get to goal you will continue the things above but also think of 1 thing you can do to improve your results and then add that 1 thing. Continue tweaking the program until it is perfect for you.   Now if only I could think of a cute name for my program like Couch to 5k!   *If there is anything I have recommend that goes against your Dr's instructions, do what he/she says!




Day 3 of 27

The only good thing I can say about today is that I am thrilled to have 2 days off before I have to do this again on Friday!   Here is what I was suppose to do:   As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 6 minute run/walk with purpose
50 jump ropes
10 push ups
10 sit ups
Here is what I did:   Rode my bike to park (1.1 mile and 8.26 min) 2-6 min runs and 2-run/walks (2 min run, 2 min walk, 2 min run) for a total of 20 min running and 4 min walking for 1.82 miles. 200 jump ropes 50 push ups 50 "crunch" sit ups Rode bike home for another 1.1 mile   I was not thinking properly last night and I didn't eat any carbs with my meal, so the result is zero energy this morning even though I got up early to eat a yogurt before I went. I did not have the energy for the runs. But even though I am having to modify these things I am still feeling the workouts are really going to give me improvements.   I forgot to mention that I took my measurements Tuesday morning so that I would have a baseline to compare them to when I finished the program. I had not measured since May 25th and I had "only" lost 4 pounds but by losing that 4 pounds I had taken an inch off of each thigh, 3/4 inch off my hips and an inch from my waist. So that might be my favorite 4 pounds ever!   See y'all Friday!




Day 12 of 27

Yesterday was day 12 of my new cross training program, yep, 4 weeks are done! You should see my arms, well wait a minute, I will go take some pics in the bathroom mirror with my phone. (Please ignore the fact that I have no makeup on and my hair in a ponytail, I am going to get my hair done in an hour)   [ATTACH]374[/ATTACH]   How about that for a 40 year old woman? (41 next month!) I took measurements when I started this but I am waiting until next Sunday to measure again that will be exactly half way through the program.   OK here is what I was suppose to do:   As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 6 minute run/walk with purpose
50 jump ropes
10 push ups
10 sit ups
Here is what I did: My bike had a flat so I took the car to the park (too late to walk, I had to get to work) Ran 6 min 4 times so 24 min. 1.77 miles, with some walking. 200 jump ropes 40 push ups 40 sit ups Drove home   Pretty half-assed if I do have to say so myself. I promise to do better Friday!




Day 21 of 27

Fall is here. I was able to sit around until 8 am drinking coffee before I went to work out. Usually I have to get out as soon as possible to beat the heat, I wasn't even as sweaty when I was finished.   Here is what I was suppose to do:   As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 6 minute run/walk with purpose
100 jump ropes
15 push ups
15 sit ups
Here is what I did: Rode my bike to the park 1 mile I ran for 24:25 min, 2.03 miles 400 jump ropes 60 push ups 60 sit ups Rode my bike home   I was able to do all 4 sets of 15 push ups and push ups without resting in the middle, plus I jumped the first set of 100 jumps without missing and jumping on top of the rope or hitting myself on the feet. :smile: That only worked on the first set. Sometimes I wonder if I jump on the rope on purpose so I can rest. Jumping rope is incredibly hard.




Day 5 of 27

Yesterday I did day 5, I didn't get up as early as I should have so I didn't get to the park until around 8 am and it was already 85 degrees. But it was an unusually easy workout.   Here is what I was suppose to do: Run/Walk with a purpose for 30 minutes, with 5 push ups every 5 minutes.   Here is what I did: Rode my bike to the park .97 mi. 6.23 min. Ran the 5 min with 5 push ups 5 times and then walked back to where my bike was 3.11 miles, 49.24 min. Then rode my bike home a different way 1.6 mi. for a total workout time of 1:08.   It was a fairly easy workout and I didn't spend the day hungry like I have been after these workouts. I didn't go to bed at 8:30 like I had been, either.   Tomorrow is Day 6, I am suppose to jump rope for 2 min, do 10 push ups & 10 sit ups and repeat for 30 min. I am nervous about that.




Day 11 of 27

Well what a difference a day makes, well actually 2 days. I was prepared for day 11 and I did so much better. I ate properly the day before and had my usual Greek yogurt 30 min before and I did really well.   Here is what I was suppose to do:   As many rounds as you can do for 30 minutes: 8 minute run/walk with purpose
10 body rows
10 tuck jumps
5 plank holds for :30 seconds
20 squats
Here is what I did:   Rode to the park where the body row bars are 1.43 miles 3-9 min runs (that is how long it takes to run the course) for a total of 2.25 miles 30 body rows 30 tuck jumps (I can really jump higher and tuck my legs much better now) 15 plank holds (only :15 seconds each ) 60 squats Rode my bike home   Total of 5.11 miles, 1 hour, 2 min.   I can really feel the increased strength in my muscles and it hasn't even been 4 weeks yet. I still have 5 weeks to go and then I will start the intermediate program and then I will finish with the advanced in mid-January.   My middle run was almost effortless. Almost. :thumbup:



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