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i had a horrible nightmare!

ok so i worked nights at the hospital last night and day 2 on my liquid diet was good, i had a few weak points but overall goo. then i went home went to bed and had some horrible nightmares! i was dreaming about eating krispy kreme donuts and imos pizza,,,,in fact i woke up from a dead sleep and screamed "SHIT" my husband freaked and...."What what is babe" I said "I cant believe i just ate those donuts!" he responded what donuts were i want some" it was then i realized it was just a dream. so then naturally i was starving....and have been ever since. day 3 liquid diet horribly hard but on a positive note i have lost 3lbs in the first 2 days and day 3 is almost over in face as of 40 min ago i cant have anything to eat or drink because today is my new birthday! in less than 12 hours i will be in preop!




coworkers ordered takeout!

aaahhhh....so i usually work a very busy orthopedic floor and tonight i was pulled to a medsurg floor well the girls up here ordered take out. aaah the smell was to die for then my gallbladder said oh no u dont! thank goodness! lol so before i came into work i went and had my preop lab work done and i am sporting my nifty red blood band bracelet. i must admit that day 2 liquid diet hasnt been so bad. besides all the trips to the bathroom! made it hard to sleep to prepare for night shift but, seem to be coping just fine. so i cheated...i work at the hospital i am having my surgery at and they are suppose to call with my surgery time the day before....well i looked the wednesday schedule up and woo hoo i am scheduled for my lap band/gall bladder removal at 3pm having both done secures me a night in the hospital but..i will be on my floor with my coworkers and as long as they dont have to put in a catheter i am good lol! my husband just had back surgery 10 days ago and wont be able to come to the hospital for reassurance but i am havin a friend come to keep everyone updated my husband is kinda disappointed but very understanding and anxious for me to come home thur am. well the ladies room is calling again. hope all is well for everyone talk soon!




preop diet day 1 down along with 1.2lbs!

:w00t:wow so that was hard but with only two days left and then surgery i know i can handle it. i have to go get blood work done today befoe i go into work ....work ugh...that is gonna be difficult but i know i got the support of my fellow nurse there so they will help me through! i had a friend come over and last night and take some preop pics in a swimsuit i fit in a few years back and would like to fit in again....goodness i hope ididnt look that bad in it then. lol..ugh that was gross but i needed it!




started preop diet today!

alright so i weight on my scale this am at 246.6 and then i started my liquid diet. wednesday is the day i cant believe just 3 more nights and i will be celebrating my new birthday! my lapband day and the start of my new life! i am so excited and anxious. so far though i will admit making food for my family on this liquid diet isnt exactly easy. i was hoping the protein shakes would be more filling. but thats alright i will do it!




liquid diet starts in the am

ok so i am gettin so nervous i start my liquid diet in the am, 3 days of liquid diet then i have surgery! screammin and doin the hokey poke ! ah my heart is goin a mile a min and its not even surgery day! wow focus focus on something but what ahh breath breath deep calm relaxin breaths....aaahhhh scream what the heck my i am about to be reborn!




surgery in 1 week from today!

wow so here i am at work at the hospital i will be having my surgery and instead of working like tonight i will be a patient after having my lap band ...and my gbladder removed! i am way excited! i will be starting my liquid diet on sunday omgoodness that is like 3.5 days away at this point! i am not sure why but i am starting to get nervous and it is a good type of nervous an excited type anxious type.. like when u were a kid and u knew ur birthday was coming up! and in a way this will be my new birthday, my new way of life! i am ready!




the date is set! 2-3-10

hurray i got my approval letter today and called dr minkin and my tentative date is 2-3-10. they will be calling to set up the time in the am! then blood work on friday! i am soooo excited!




ab cirlce pro workout

ok so i got my abcircle pro machine today and love it! feels great on my abs this is gonna be a great workout! my bad though today i did slip and have 20 mt dew half filled with ice. so i feel that i have done really good with this challenge and i am not going to let this set me back! i know that seeing as i am starting now i will have little to no problem after i do get my band staying away from soda. keep thinking positive! i dont need soda and compared to my previous 5=8 sodas a day i am doing amazing!




getting there

:blink:alright so i said i was gonna start workin out today and i did in a sense i did some physical labor outside helped clean out the barn and the future horse barn(we just moved)so if it would have been warm out i would have worked up a sweat but man my lower back and left hip is hurting soooo bad. but that isnt gonna stop me from getting in shape. and hurray still no soda.





doing well with no soda it still something i have to think about but practice practice and then it will be second nature for no soda!




time to put some goals in place

alright so i went for my egd on 12-22-09 and hurray no hitial hernia before i went i did make it by the dr office and gave them a copy of my new insurance card.   but now i feel i really need to get myself ready for getting banded. i am hopeful for a late jan. early feb surgery!   so i did it i stopped today- i stopped drinking soda. i didnt realize how much of a habit it is to just grab a soda pop. i will admit i did have a mt.dew this am and that is when i realized after the fact of course that i is simply to easy to do it. i was at work tonight almost did it, well i did do it i grabbed a soda pop but caught myself and put it back. so hip hip hurray. it will be difficult but i can do it i just have to slow down and think!:drool:   so now i have started on this goal i am setting a date to start my next goal. yep i am gonna start a workout routine:crying:. i feel more confident that i will actually start it because i am writing it down and putting it out there for everyone to see. i feel like i am having to answer to someone besides myself i dont feel it will be so easy to make excuses this way. so 12-28-09 will be my first day of excersizing my way to lap band day.




one step closer

:thumbup:alright today i went for my pre op tests.   chest xray stress test ekg nutritionist consult psychiatric eval.     hurray! i also got my new insurance card in the mail so i can get that over to the office for my approval. i will drop that off before my appt in the am whooot now i have to go for my egd in the am!




ok my process has began!

alright so i go for my preop testing on monday 12-21-09 and then my egd on 12-22-09. them my insurance will change over on 1-1-10! hurray! so i really wanted to set some goals and write them down but.....it is kinda hard to do seeing as i dont have a surgery date. but my first major goal is to get next week done and then...on 12-28-09 i plan to start my exercise wii game. your shape! i am so anxious!




my journey

hello all i have started my journey a little over a year ago when i began my research in gastric surgeries. and now i have less than 24 hours until my first appt. i am ready i am excited and wish i was having surgery in the am instead but it will happen i will have a lap band soon and i will feel amazingly healthier and more energetic by this time next year!:confused: i am on my way!



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