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The first day of the rest of my life.....

Tuesday, February 23 was the day. I arrived at the hospital around 11:30 a.m. and the show started immediately. The took me right in and the games began. IV in, gown on, TONS of anit nausea meds administered and one last trip to the scale before going under the knife. Woke up in recovery and was doing okay. INCREDIBLY sweet nurses taking care of me, making sure I was okay at all time. Up to my room, settled and then Shawn went home. I did okay. Pretty tender throughout the night, but I had a pain button to help with that. Didn't really sleep at all that night. Next morning they came to get me, went downstairs for the barium swallow, and got to see my band on the big screen!! Looked pretty bizarre, but everything looked great. Came home Wednesday morning and have been pretty much in bed or on the couch since then. Slow to move, but know it'll get better each day. I'm moving as much as possible and have been taking in as much as I can.




Day 3...not so much fun.....

I've been home for 2 days and today I don't feel great. Lot of pain I'm assuming where the port is, but I can't be positive since everything is still covered up. No real desire to eat anything, had a protein shake earlier and a few spoonfuls of mashed potatoes. Went to the store with my husband and kids so I could walk around a little. Walking is supposed to help. Done with pain meds, just taking Motrin for discomfort at this point. Feel like I can feel something in my chest, but I know that between the gas they fill your belly with and the band, there is nothing to worry about there. Looking forward to tomorrow..... New day....new adventures....



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