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Excerpts from the life of a woman on a mission

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California Omlette - Banded Style

One of my favorite omlettes is what's usually called a California Omlette or a Santa Barbara Omlette.   Typically it has bacon, jack cheese, spinach, avocado, tomato and sour cream/salsa.   Today I made a band friendly version in a scramble that was delicious.   2 eggs 2 pieces turkey lunch meat 1/4 cup fresh baby spinach (half a handful) 1 slice Jack cheese Fresh diced roma tomato Fresh diced avocado   First dice lunch meat and put in pan to warm,as it's warming add preferred method of cooking agent, evoo, butter, etc.. If using a spray, spray the pan first.   Next add baby spinach and allow it to cook down, mixing with the diced turkey meat.   Once spinach is soft and wilted add 2 eggs and scramble the mixture as it's cooking (or pre-scramble eggs in bowl depending on your cooking level) stirring/scrambling constantly will insure soft light fluffy eggs.   Once the eggs are about done add cheese and turn off the heat.. eggs will continue cooking while you mix the cheese into them.   Once cheese is melted plate the eggs and cover with desired amount of diced roma tomato and avocado. (about a table spoon of each is good) mix into eggs and serve.   You can add milk to your eggs for protein, or you can serve with fage plain yogurt as a sour cream subsitute.   Eggs should be soft and moist, not dry and hard.   It will look like a alot of food, but in reality it's about 6oz total. Eating that puts me right at my limit for food and being full.   You can also cut in half and make with 1 egg, 1 meat, 1/2 cheese etc...   Let me know if you try it, and how you like it! :biggrin:




Note to self:

Starbursts do not count as "Gummies".   Pasta especially covered in cheesey fattening goodness, in even a small bite or two are NOT your friend.   Sugar cookies dissolve in your mouth before you even realize you put one in there and you're REALLY not supposed to be eating them.   No those ghirardelli chocolate and caramel squares will not just melt and slide...   Christmas parties and potlucks are the devil when you're a day short of being a week out of surgery.   All of the above results in gas, and gas pains coming back even though you've been pain free for a week.   Today I will do liquids all day, until dinner and then I will be VERY VERY VERY careful and then go back on to liquids to repair any damage I did last night... UGH...




Apple Pie Protein A'la mode Smoothie

Ok so it's wishful thinking, but in my quest to find non-dairy smoothies I came up with this one last night... Took a lil' more agave nectar than I would have liked to use but it was good tasting. Not my strawberry shake smoothie good, but still good.   So here we go..   ICE- lots of it (juice only smoothies require more ice than dairy ones) I did 1/2 of the blender, but you could do less and just pour over ice.   1 serving of organic applesauce (unsweetened) I just dumped a serving single cup in there.   2 scoops of vanilla designer whey protein powder (the ala mode lol)   8oz -10 oz of healthy balance apple juice   1 tablespoon (ok it was probably more like 1.5 but I don't measure anything) of agave nectar.   Blend....scrape down sides, blend...and serve.   Enjoy




Who knew???

SO.... who knew LBT showed up on places like google, as far as what we post, etc...   So just a warning for those of you who want to keep your surgery or blogs private... if someone were to google your username or email, it comes up.   On the upside you can change your username if necessary by going to the USER CP section and at the very bottom it gives you an option to change your name.   So good deal!   Anyways happy blogging...




When reality strikes...

So last night I spent my NYE at church. We had a great time and as usual a potluck, we tend to have sandwiches as the main course because they're quick, easy and people can do what they want with it, add mayo, etc...   Being banded I now see how much we as a society over eat! Let me explain...   The deli didn't have enough time to make our order but they did have some ready made footlongs, you know the ones made piled high on a whole loaf of french bread? This is the same sandwich we usually order but it's cut in 3 instead of slices. We usually order a 6 foot sub and it's gone within minutes.   So last night we got 6 sandwiches to equal the 6 ft sub we usually buy. They brought it into me to prepare and I looked at the huge hunks of sandwich and now in my banded eye and mind cut them into reasonable portions.. I took every third and cut it into 4 mini sandwiches.   Wouldn't you know, we ended up with 3 unopened sandwiches and leftovers from the first 3.. this has NEVER happened in all of the gatherings we've ever had.   To go a step further, I kept the bread from my mini sandwich, ate the meat, cheese and lettuce and kept the bread. I purposely mashed it and balled it up to see what it would look like chewed and in my stomach.   I was disgusted... me, the bread lover. The person who would get a hot loaf of french bread with some butter from the store and would eat it as a meal. I was so disgusted by the ball of dough now sitting in my hand, to realized that it came from just that lil' mini sandwich and was about the size of my upper stomach/stoma.   I thought about before how I, like everyone else, would take a thick slice of sandwich or two and eat them. I never realized just how much I was putting into my body..   And reality struck me... Yvette THIS is why you're fat. Your whole life you've loved breads, even meals that come on breads, burgers and sandwiches have been the mainstay of my diet. Going upscale? Beef Wellington please... that's right I like my beef wrapped in dough..   Pizza, I don't even like pizza, but I do like the crust covered in parm and pepper flakes.   You name it and if it was doughy deliciousness I've probably eaten it. Carbalicious doughy deliciousness. If it was sugar or frosting coated or filled even better.   I have a completely new outlook, but it's going to be a struggle. Even after being disgusted by the ball of bread, I let out an excited fat girl scream when someone came in with Hot Krispy Kremes... I limited myself to one and enjoyed it, savored it. This must be how the other half lives, because never in my life have I nibbled and noshed on something that tasted so good. If it was good I ate it, ate it quick and as much of it as I could.   Prior to being banded, I have and would have eaten a dozen of hot glazed krispy kremes by myself. Then justify it by not eating anything else the rest of the day or saying "they're just so good and like air, they melt in your mouth"   Gone is that person, it's physically impossible for me to do, but I've also renewed my mind to food, it's purpose and it's effects.   Disgusted by the memory of me going to Krispy Kreme and ordering a dozen or a dozen and half. Eating 6 and feeling full, looking down to see the icing mess on my shirt. Going home or to work with the rest and some how losing track until they were all gone.   Ugh.. seriously it makes me feel a multitude of emotions, sad, disgusted, pathetic, angry, etc.. How do you do that to yourself and not even realize what your doing. What is so wrong in your life that Food is your only comfort? I know the answer to that question and it's not something to put here for all to see but WOW.. Really Yvette???   How far gone do you have to be where you're in relationships with men encourage you to eat like that, or have fights with your husband about food and donuts, and other food related nonsense. What a site that must of been, wolfing down donuts in the parking lot of the Krispy Kreme, I remember that look he gave me, and now 7 yrs later, I get it. It was disgust.   On the upside I've done something about it, so the past can never be again... That's the new reality and it's definitely struck me, whether I was ready for it or not.   2010 here we are....Let's make the most of it. This was my last fat christmas, my last fat NYE, my last fat anything... Life solutions, not resolutions. Do everything in excellence or don't do it at all.




Well Duh...

I had a "Duh" moment today at my fill appointment. As much research as I did for 5 yrs prior to getting the band, and all the things I've read I never thought about, or put together the fact that the reason our fills work and don't, then work again is fat loss and shifting.   When my Dr said this today I was just like Ooooooohhhhhhh DUH!   The reason we get fills - fat loss around the band makes the band looser, hence the fill to tighten, then fat shifts, especially as you lose it, so there's days it'll seem SUPER tight and days it'll seem SUPER LOOSE, same thing with various times of day.   WELL DUH! How I missed that one I didn't know. For some reason it never "clicked" to me that our stomaches have fat around them.   In other news my total weightloss since Surgery on 12/18/09 is 47lbs WOO HOO! Got another CC put in today, bringing me up to 4 cc's.   1 cc at install Dec 18th 1 cc Jan 18th 1 cc Feb 8th 1 cc Mar 5th   And in other other completely random news... I had Maple Bacon Ice Cream tonight.. Yes I said Bacon Ice Cream - and it was SO good! If you live in AZ be sure to try Sweet Republic - SO good, but that Bacon One.. WOW



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
