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Waiting for the insurance approval

It's been almost a week and still no word on my insurance approval! Grrrr!:drool: I think I have probably gained weight. Stressing out! I will work on getting back on track. If I do get approved I don't want to have to start over with what I've been working on for the last 5 months.... smaller bites, chewing longer, exercising... Hope everyone is having a great day! Well wishes and God bless. :sad:




Updated pictures

I Added some updated pictures. Still working toward my goal of 160 lbs. I am getting a fill next week. I am hoping it doesn't get too tight! :thumbup:




Update - Meeting with doc

I had a fill a couple of days ago and it's going great. I am really working on slowing down when I eat and drink. That is probably my biggest downfall. I did get stuck the night of my fill. I had chicken, baked potato and steamed veggies. Not so Good! I ended up having terrible pain in my chest, sliming & spitting until I threw up. Then life was good again and I think I learned my lesson to slow down! For now anyway...:smile: I went to a support meeting that my doctor set up and attended for post-op banders. It was very encouraging to here all the stories of weight loss. My doctor also talked a little about addiction as he feels food is an addiction much like alcoholism. I can see his point. I know I eat for "head" hunger more then real hunger. Seems like so many people do. It is all a learning process. The number one question that came up was "What are you in this for? What is your goal and how will you know when you get there?" Maybe we should all take some time to consider these questions... Hope all is well and have a super day! PS: down 26 lbs since 2/17/10 :biggrin:





I am down 2 more lbs since my last blog on 6/16. I weigh 191 as of this morning. I have tried to walk daily as it seems like my weight loss has slowed down even though I still don't feel like I eat that much! I need to walk anyway. So I started at 228 and that is a total of 37 pound in 16 weeks! An average of 2.3 lbs a week, not so bad. I always get worried when the weight loss slows down, especially now when I know I don't really have any more room for fluid in my band - well there is room it would just be too tight. My next goal is to get to 188 lbs by 7/5 - thats two weeks. I think I can do it. I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July weekend & for those in southern MN may it be a dry weekend for a change!





2/17/2010 Starting weight: 228 lbs 6/2/2010 Weight to date: 195 lbs TOTAL LOSS: 33 lbs! in less than 4 months - not to shabby! Some times I think this is going a little slower than I would like. Then I do a little self inventory... I know I need to eat better, make better choices and I should be getting my 10,000 steps in a day (at least). These are my issues not the bands. The band has done everything it has promised. I need to step up to the plate and do my part! I do have to say I look great in my new jeans though!! :smile2: Have a great day!!





Had an appt. today. In Jan. my information will be submited to the insurance company. I think I have all of my things done so hopefully the insurance company will be cooperative!! Possible banding in Feb. or the 1st part of March! :cursing:




Surgery Tomorrow

I am very excited! Surgery is scheduled for 6:30 tomorrow morning! Last day of pre-op diet although I am certain the post-op won't be much different. Wish me luck!! :thumbup:




Still Waiting

Almost two weeks and nothing from the insurance company! Maybe this week will bring good news. I am starting on a new unit at work and preparing for a RN entrance exam that I have to take on the 9th so I should be pretty busy and hopefully not dwelling on hearing from the insurance company! Anyone know the process if your denied by insurance? I hope I don't have to go through that! Have a great week!




Slimming, gagging & trowing up

The other day I took my pills and the one capsule must have turned sidewise and wedged in my band. I slimmed, gagged, & threw up for 5 hours felt better, ate a cheese stick and it started all over again! It was horrible and a 1st for me. After 7 hours of this feeling like throwing up and throwing up I called it a night and went to bed! Boy was I sore the next day. I had a protein shake and water that day. Definatley will cut that pill in 1/2 from now on! Down a total of 28 lbs from the start. I put on a piar of my bigger pants and had to change because they looked like a parpchute! :confused: Guess it is time to give some more clothes away! Better yet buy some new clothes!!:rolleyes2:




Pre-op Diet Day 2

2nd day of pre-op diet, so far so good! I have had a few people ask me if I have been losing weight! So far, as of last friday, I am down from 228 to 222 lbs. That was before I started the liquid diet! I have been trying to go to the YMCA 3X a week and I think I must be toning up some. :redface: Have a fabulous evening and a great day tomorrow!




Post-Surgery day 2

I have been having a lot of the shoulder pain that I've heard about. Hopefully it will pass by tomorrow. My stomach hurts a little but I was able to splint it with a pillow and sleep pretty well last night. I do feel like there is some slime caught in my throat but nothing comes up when I cough. My goal today is to shower and to get enough protein in today. So far I have mostly been taking in water. Stats: Pre- surgery 228 lbs 2 week liquid diet 211 lbs :tt1:




Post LapBanders' Please Read

So sometimes when I eat I get a horrible pain in the left side of my eck. It feels like the muscle on the left side is twisted or tight. It goes a way when I am not eating. It doesn't matter what I am eating. It sometimes happens when I drink too. Anyone else have this happen? I haven't contacted my Doc yet, thought I may get some answers here first. Thanks! Kandy




July 2010

Went to a wedding this weekend and had the best time ever! I added a couple of pictures. I have to say I felt disapointed when I saw the pictures because I feel like I should look better than I do in the pictures. I guess I jsut need to be patient. I know I am a lot healthier then I was a few months ago.   I did meet my last goal. I am down to 185 lbs as of today. Next goal is to walk everyday for about 1/2 an hour a day for the next week.




Issues with the fill

I had another fill on tuesday of this week. I was worried that I would get too much fluid and be throwing up all the time. The first night went good but Wed. night I was eating chicken, without any dip or anything, not smart! I ended up sick in bed by 8pm. Then Thur. I was at work and ate 3 tbls. of yogurt and it started all over again! I ended up going home from work and laying in bed all day! Sucks! Today is a much better day. I had scrambled eggs and some toast for lunch and soup for supper. So far, so good! I think maybe I have rested my band enough so I can get back to normal band eating. I told my husband to remind me to go on a liquid diet for a day or so after a fill. If it wern't for that darn chicken I think I would have been OK. My weight as of today is 193. :bored:




Insurance Appoved!

A great day has come for me! :confused: My insurance approved surgery! March 3rd is the date but I have a ton of appointments to get to first. I feel very blessed. This is my year and yours too! :drool: Vios Con Dios!




End of August Update

8/28/10 I have joined a fitness club where I have a trainer working with me & several other ladies when I work out. I really enjoy it. My trainer keeps me challenged and using different muscle groups everytime I work out. I can see the definition forming in my legs which I LOVE :sleep: My current weight is 183 lbs. I have finally moved from my platue! I signed up to work with the trainer for 12 weeks so I hope to keep losing and gaining (muscle) at the same time! Have a great day everyone!! :scared2:




Eating out of bordem

I have a question for all the post band surgery people. I am wondering if the emotional attachment to food goes away? I have been keeping a food diary and trying to watch my portions but I eat when I am not hungry a LOT! How will I ever keep myself from eating for the sake of bordem? HELP!




Easter & 1st fill

HAPPY EASTER! Hope everyone is feeling great today! I am currently down 23 lbs since pre-op diet. I am having my 1st fill on monday and it is definaltely time! In the last week we have had 3 birthdays (cake included) in the house! I have to admit the cake got the best of me a time or two (or maybe three). Now Easter brunch tomorrow but we are hosting at our house so that will make it a little easier for me to stay busy and be more diligent about what I am eating. I'm hoping that I am carefull after the fill, I've haven't been stuck yet, but I haven't been following the rules very well lately either. I haven't been planning my meals and then when I'm starving and I eat too fast and not chewing well enough. Time to start taking more time for the important things! Back to the Journey!




August Progress

So it is Augst, 6th... the scale is not moving as I would have hoped it would so I have a new tactic. I am writing down my foods and exercising at least 3X a week! GEE~ What a concept! I am in a size 14 jeans so that is one accomplishment! I haven't been in size 14 for at least 6 or 7 years I bet. I am feeling better. Less aches and pains for sure! Hope everyone has a great day!!! Keep up the good work! :tt2: (wt. 186 lbs from 228 lbs)




Appointment #5

So yesterday was appointment 5 with the dietician. My request was sent to the insurance company today!! Please send your good vibes my way! :confused:




50 lbs GONE 4-EVER

Yes~ You read it right! 50 lbs gone! :ohmy: I added a couple of pictures today but only of my face - it is too hard to try to get a full body shot by myself! I think you can tell my looking at my face that the second chin is gone. At least thats what I have been told and it is nice to hear! My ultimate goal is to weigh 160 so that is about 18 lbs or so. I am hoping to keep my nose to the grindstone and make it happen. Slipping up pretty good today though... Pizza for brunch? Only one piece though. Hope your all having a sucessfull day! :smile:




4 days post-op

Grrrr! My husband doesn't let me break any rules!:tt1: Been laying in bed for what seems like forever! Did take a little walk around the grocery store yesterday which turned out to be a BiG mistake! :closedeyes: Spent the rest of the evening layed up... Sucked! No way I can get enough protein in yet. I just keep sipping away at it. Hope everyone is doing well:smile:




2nd Fill

So I gained 2 lbs. since my 1st fill. I was hungry ALL the time! I was able to get in a week sooner for my 2nd fill. I am up to 5cc in my band. I can definatley feel the difference! I am a little worried about how I will be in the morning if it will be tighter. I did have a good talk with my doc and his nurse today about what to eat when I'm rushed for time; Hard boiled eggs, string cheese, greek yogurt, chicken breast if moist, carrots, apples with PB, single serving fruits for a few ideas.   My goal is to lose 10 lbs by my next fill in 3 weeks. Heres to eating slowly, chewing fully, and planning ahead so I don't eat on the run!



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