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Successful Surgery Complete

Well folks, I am officially banded for life!! I had surgery yesterday and all went very well. I am sore a bit in the abdomen area which is normal, some slight gas pains but not near what I expected and can get back on regular liquid diet starting at noon today for two weeks. They have 3 cc's in my band currently doc told me. I am only drinking water till noon in small amounts. That was very difficult last night as I felt it going down the whole way and chest felt very tight. I gues this is normal as I know your insides are all swollen from the surgery, so don't think anything is wrong. This morning I am able to swallow water a little easier so that is a good sign. Will try one of my shakes later today and see how that goes.   Anyway, overall so far so good and the healing process has begun. Talk to everyone soon. Have a Great Day!!:wink2:




Alot of Will Power

Last night my wife and kids came home from the High School playoff game where they were working concessions. They walk in with two boxes full of hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, pickles, chili and start eating them and I had to help pack and freeze some of the burgers and dogs. I did not say anything when wife asked me to help, but I got aggrivated and very snappy. I felt I could not walk away and not help, but standing there wrapping up this great smelling food after being on my liquid pre op diet now for 5 and 1/2 days I was dying inside. It took every ounce of strength I had not to take a bite, but I didn't. I helped and walked away and went to bed. These are the times I struggle with. I am strong and ready for this lifestyle change. Surgery on the 1st of Dec. Just had to vent about this situation as it is boiling inside me. I will not give in!!!!




Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Just wanted to wish everyone and their families a wonderful day tomorrow. Hope you all have a "Happy Thanksgiving". Eat healthy and stay focused on your long term goals!!! :cool2:




Less than 48 hrs away!!

Well my lap band surgery is less than 48 hours away now, yeah!!! I have been on my liquid diet now for 15 days now as of today for pre op and am now down 20lbs. It has been a little tough at times, but not near as bad as what I thought. I believe it was because I prepared myself mentally pretty well prior to starting and that really helped me as I believe it will through every step of this journey I have begun.   I am excited about Tuesday, yet still very nervous as I assume everyone is. No one likes having any type of surgery, however when you know what the possibilities are and the likely outcome if you do what you are supposed to do, it all becomes very exciting. So I focus on the long term changes this will bring to my health, my life and my future with my family. It all seems to me to be a wonderful choice and the right decision.   Well one and half more days and then I am in it for life. Will post something again once I am out of hospital and home feeling up to getting back on computer which hopefully will be quickly. Only one night stay in hospital due to my sleep apnea and doc wanting to watch me overnight due to that. Talk to everyone later.. Have a good one!!:thumbup:




19 Days Post Op

Hello Everyone,   Well I am now 19 days post op and feeling great. I started my journey and life change back on 11/15/09 with my pre op liquid diet. I had surgery on 12/1/09 and just went to pureed and mushy food diet on 12/16/09 after having stitches removed and getting ok from doctor. As of today I am 40 lbs lighter and I feel really great! I have stuck to doctors orders religiously and have not faultered. I am walking up to 2 miles several times a week and waiting for clearance to get back in the gym which should come mid Jan. My doctor is very strict and I can't have much right now even on pureed diet but I am good with that. I have 76 more lbs to go and I am knocking off and determined to not let anything stop me!!!




6 Weeks Post Op

Well, I am now 6 weeks out from my lapband surgery done 12/1/09 and including the 2 week pre op liquid diet, I am officially down 59 lbs on doctors records as of today!!!   Needless to say, I am pumped up and determined to stay the course and not falter. I went to the doctor today and chose not to get a fill as I have not been very hungry, I am excercising several times a week, eating properly and weighing each meal. I do not eat anything not approved by my doctor, I don't eat more than I should. I continue to excercise. I focus on protein and vegetables. Very little carbs, low fat, low calorie food. I eat alot of tuna, baked fish, baked chicken, scrambled eggs, veggies, drink lots of water and that is about it. I am going back in two weeks to see if I need a fill yet, but so far I am good.   I have another 52 lbs to go and will not get off course. I am glad I have taken this surgical step. It was the boost I needed and the begining to a new life. :cursing:




Day 4-Post Op

Well it is now day 4 post op lap band surgery and all is well overall. I have not had alot of gas pain or any other pain really. Some soreness of the abdomen area from the incisions but that has not even been too bad. So overall the pain was alot less than what I was expecting. I am on liquids till the 16th when I go for my follow up with my doc and get my stitches out. Then I should be able to go to mushy foods for a couple weeks on my way to solids finally. The liquids are getting old, but I am sticking to it like I was told. I have been on them 3 weeks now and am down 29 lbs. I just stay focused each day on what it will be like when I reach my goal. I have been walking around the house a good bit, looking forward to getting outside and walking a couple miles a day again, but don't want to overdue it too early, so will probably wait till middle of next week when I go back to work to start trying to get out and walk more for excercise.   Only thing that bothers me is that all liquids feel tight going down from my mouth down to my stomach. I am told it is from the swelling of the surgery and all and that it will only last a couple weeks, or at least I hope so. I doesn't hurt but it is uncomfortable sometimes trying to drink. Feels like I am trying to get down a whole egg down my throat sometimes with a sip of liquids. So anyway I am dealing with that some, but otherwise all is good and I am on the right track for sure.:thumbup:




Countdown is on!!!

I am just over 13 hours away from surgery time. Very nervous, but excited. Hope all goes well. I am down 20+ lbs from 16 days of liquids and ready to move on with my journey to a new me!! Will post an update as soon as I can post op.:thumbup:




1st Post-New Life Journey Has Begun

Well I started my lap band actual journey this past Sunday the 15th of November when I started my pre-op liquid diet. It has not been as bad as I thought. Smell of food however is tough, so I try to escape that when I can. Yesterday the 19th, I went for my EKG, Chest X-Ray, blood work, urinalisis, visit with respiratory and also internalist for medical clearance for upcoming lap band surgery. All went well!!! YEAH!! Today I went and had the EGD done and all is well. So I am a GO for the 1st of December, report time to hospital 6:30am. I am now 115lbs away from my goal and on the march to get there!!





Today I started my excercise program, just walking today, but it was a start. Walked this evening for a mile. Will continue to walk a mile a day for a week and then get up to 2 miles a day till surgery on the 1st, then I will have to start building back up again. Want to eventually get to walking 4-5 miles a day and when doctor clears me after surgery hit the gym again on a regular basis on top of the walking. I am determined to make this the best decision I have ever made.




One Month Post Op Update

Well it is now 4 weeks and 1 day since I had my lap band surgery and about 6 1/2 weeks since I started my entire pre op liquid diet and everything. Diet wise and weight loss wise it is going very well. I have been following doctors orders to the tee and not doing anything I am not supposed to be doing. I am physically feeling great, I am down 50 lbs as of this morning. I started at 326 and am currently sitting at 276 lbs. So I feel great about that. Christmas holidays were very tough with all the food, snacks and all. I made it through it without cheating a bit!! It took a lot of will power, let me tell you, but it was worth it and I feel stronger for it in the end.   I have to say stress makes it so hard to stay focused on your diet. I am currently having some marital problems with my wife of 12+ years and man it is so hard to stay focused on my diet. I am so down in the dumps and that is a huge trigger for me to just pig out on anything and everything. So that, more than the holidays is really putting me through the ringer. I am determined no matter what the outcome of all that is going on in my personal life that this lapband and my goals are going to have to carry me through these tough times. Some days it is the only thing lately that is positive besides my 3 beautiful girls. I have 66 more lbs to go to reach my goal of 210 lbs. I will get there one way or anther!!!:tt2:




Support Group Meeting Cancelled

Well I was looking forward to my first local support group meeting tomorrow night since I have had my band (Dec. 1st), but it was cancelled for this month with the holidays and all. Kind of disappointed. Was looking forward to going and talking with others on their bands and progress and do's and dont's. Well guess it will have to wait another month.   Overall I am feeling pretty good. Liquids are going down much better now. I am drinking my 8 oz shakes over about a 45-69 min period nice and slow. I feel some restriction I think but not much. I know I only have 3 cc's in my band now and with liquid diet only I am sure it is even that much harder to tell if you have restriction I guess. Hell I don't know. I am not really hungry and am on schedule with vitamins and liquids daily. I am down 30+ lbs since the begining on 11/15 when I began pre op liquid diet. So I can not complain. I am staying on course as doctor ordered and determined not to get off track. :thumbup:



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