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First Bandsters Support Group Meeting
Riding the rollercoaster.
...the day after.
Struggling with control
OMG moments (not positive)
2 or 3 fruit serves
1 cup salad
1 cup vegies
1 serve dairy OMG moment #2 - Vanilla Optifast tastes FOUL.:faint: I was a bit worried about its dubious yellow colour when I mixed it up... ...I didn't quite retch when drinking it - but was close. I'm trying to be positive and enjoy the experience as part of my pre-op, but that stuff is not the best. I'll add some dissolved coffee or non-joule flavourings to get through the packages I bought, and only get the choc stuff next time.
Starting pre-pre-op diet today.
Thurs 31/8/06, 5:30pm - dietician group session, Mulgrave
Wed 27/9/06, 8:00am - pre-admission nurse, Mulgrave
Fri 29/9/06, 9:30am - specialist surgeon pre-op review, Mulgrave
Thurs 5/10/06 - surgery, Mulgrave
Mon 16/10/06, 3:30pm- post-op nurse review, Mulgrave
Mon 23/10/06, 5:00pm - dietician group session, Mulgrave
I have my date!!!! 48 days to go!
2 weeks - full pre-op Optifast In the next five weeks, I also need to: pray and to prepare my road to recovery and success with the Lord's help,
organise for annual leave during post-op week,
reduce credit card down to zero, so the hospital bills can go straight onto it,
clean out and restock the pantry and freezer,
plan post-op diet for recovery weeks - for myself and family,
rearrange and recommit to my exercise and fitness schedules,
renew gym membership (due to expire on 25th Sept)
update my workout plan with the gym (update the current long plan to suit our home equipment, and add various short routines to target different areas - abs, arms, butt, legs etc),
finalise as many large work projects as possible,
finish the spring-time gardening jobs,
buy post-op presents for Mike & James,
let Paul know dietary needs for the wedding,
plan one or two post-op outings - both child free recovery days and special family days. *********************STOP PRESS************************* Wow - a Truly amazing day - my Dad called (they are in Carnarvon today) to say that the has got a redundancy package from his work, and therefore will be retired within a week of them coming home from their trip - by Friday October 6th (day after my banding!)!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!! It's exactly how we've all hoped and prayed his retirement would be for him for years. After all his years working there, he deserves to go out with the bonus of a redundancy package. With Dad retiring, and me getting banded - that WILL be a notable week in our family's life! Mike & I will organise a surprise retirement party for him - late October looks good for that at this stage. That will give us something very happy to look forward to - and something to distract us from the banding and the adjustments it will bring. Ooooh goody, a party!! Even better - a free DAD!!!
Up too late...
Auditioning for the band.
The story so far...
Weight Records
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