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Silly me

Well am I good or what. I had the wrong blog address on my signature.. SO here is the right one now.   www.bandsterjourney.blogspot.com   Hug for everyone and goodnight..





I have become severely obsessed with bloggerland. I feel like I spend so much time reading about everyone else's journeys. I love it. It keeps me motivated, happy and also find I can relate to some of the stories and shed a few tears. I go onto everyones sites and continue to find new people to follow on here. I love it.   Couple questions for the pros out there. How do you know you are at your sweet spot??? I notice at 5 ccs I get full easy but also find I get hungry early and start to snack on things. Now does that mean I need a bit more of a fill?? I am going for one tomorrow. I have also noticed with some food it hurts when it passes through the band. I have learned to be a lot more careful. I have also had some food get stuck but am learning slowly what those foods are. I have also learned that I am tight in the morning and I have to take it easy in the morning and try to get water before I try to eat. I also enjoy tea and freshly juiced vegetable and fruit juices.   Another question my hair has started to fall out a lot. I know that it was like this after any of my surgeries and that it can not be food related because I have never eat so healthy before. So my question to you is how long before it quits falling out??? I have lots of hair so not worried about going bald but dang I hate getting handfuls out.   Well off to watch the rest of my soaps I got behind on blogs and on my favourite shows being away..   Just wanted you all to know that I love each and everyone one of you for all the support you share with me. I come here for the motivation. I hope that I can help everyone as much as you have helped me.. HUGZ all the way around..:rolleyes2:





Sorry Antonella goes in this coming wednesday for her band...   ALso I am down 36 lbs today. Yeah... I am 31% to my goal weight. I love lapband.com.. IT does have some pretty cool features..     www.bandsterjourney.blogger.com   Sorry in a hurry have to bring kids to the bus..




Congrats to Antonella

Well all my friends here. I have not been on here much. I have become addicted to blogger and have found so many people on there and have been trying to catch up on all their blogs..   I believe Antonella was banded today so I would like to say happy Band-day to you.. hOpe surgery went well for you... Take care and follow the doctors directions...   So if there is anyone else out there with blogs you can find me at   www.bandsterjourney.com   I have found some of you out there but hope to find more..   Hope everyone is well.. I will check in from time to time...




2 months today since surgery

Hey well I am two months since surgery. Since November 1st. 2010 I have officially lost on my scale 30lbs. I am so happy... I am down to 268 lbs. Yeah for me. Once I hit 50 lbs lost I am going shopping at Lulu Lemon.. So fun... LOL   I have an awesome green tea that I am drink 3 times a day and I am continuing with my freshly juiced juice that I do myself so I can control what goes in there.... Todays was yummy. Cucumber, carrot, tomato, spinach, celery a few grapes strawberries and blueberries.. It was great... It also fills me so I have it right when I start to get hungry in the afternoon..   I have also started back on vitamins with a stress B because I have been having a hard time. I moved from my home town to be with my hubby where he works and I do not much like this place. I did it so my six kids and I can live with their dad as a family. I just feel really lonely here.. I miss having my girlfriends and doing things outside of family time. I need to get out more but find it soooo difficult. I go for a fill tomorrow and will be taking one of my husbands co-workers wives with me. I am sooo excited about this.. Again it is the little things with me..   Anyways got to run watching biggest losers... Happy yellow team is back...




2 fill

Yeah I get to go for a second fill next wednesday,... I am so happy... I am doing a happy dance and you can't even see me... For me it is the little things..   I feel like I am doing pretty good. My friend was here for a few days and brought me my favourite Japanese green tea. It is kind of a cool mix loose green tea leaves with with roasted rice and a few pieces of popcorn in it.. It is awesome.. So I have been drinking three cups of that a day.. Yummy...   I have bought more lean cuisine meals for those days that I just want food now instead of eating the crap dinner with the kids.. I add salad to it. because I still do not have restriction.   Weigh in on friday... Crazy nervous about that.. Keep up the good work all of us..




Lots going on in this head

Well I am doing Fine.. And if any of you know what FINE really means then you know that it is not true. LOL I have been working pretty hard on losing but have slowed. This is where my weighloss usually plateus and I give up... I have vowed to myself that is not what is going to happen for me.. I am changing my plans with my personal trainer because of the pain from my Fybromyalgia... I went to one workout and was in pain for a full week plus some.. It made my symptoms flair up.. I also gained .4 lbs back.. Not biggy I am thinking it is from my time of the month. I had a hystorectomy 3 years ago but have one ovary left so still get the symptoms.. Anyways... I still would not say I am not in Bandster Hell.I am really doing my best to stay at under 1200 calories some days it may be a bit more but not many. I definatly do not have restriction but can feel some foods going through the band. I also have been trying to focus on slowing down my eating. That is the hardest part for me.. I am going to start using my phone for a timer... I put in a request for another fill so hope to do that in just over a week.. I really want to get to that sweet spot.   Well goodnight all... PS I love reading all the blogs on here. It helps me with inspiration..




Weightloss to date...

Well I am so excited today I weighed in and I am down another 2 lbs. This week I lost 4 or 5 lbs total... That is so awesome... Another thing I am so excited is I have gone on the BMI from morbidly obese to severely obese... Yeah how cool is that... The band fill went good. I had half cup of mashed potatoes for supper and was full off that.. Later in the evening to get my calorie intake up I had my bowl of cream of wheat with milk to also get my protein up for the day... I am so happy with all of this...   On saturday at 11 you may hear me groaning where ever you live because I start with my personal trainer that day... I am scared... Scared of puking and scared of being really sore later...   Well time to sign out I have to drive my kiddies to the bus... I think by spring I will be able to walk them there... That will be cool.. Only thing is I would want to bring my dogs and there is a lot of dogs on this little road so will see how that goes...




First Fill

Well it is done... It was not as bad as I thought. I had 2.5 cc from surgery and they added another 1 cc today... So I am at 3.5 ccs. Interesting... It did not hurt felt a pinch but not bad... I can handle it.. LOL SO I will see how the fill goes otherwise I think she said I can go back in 3 weeks which works out good for me because I do not want to be down there during the olympics... It will be crazy traveling the sea to sky through Whistler all the way to Vancouver. I will be staying home at that time.. LOL.. SO hope I get one more fill before the olympics..   ALso I found a new premixed protein powder at Costco. It is 160 calories and 30 grams of protein.. It is called I believe premiere protein.. I can't remember the cost of it but I wanna think it wasnt bad at all... SO I will be back next thursday to buy a couple cases it comes in eighteen pack... It does not taste like wow I love the stuff but it is good.. I just love that it is 30 grams of protein.. Makes it a lot easier to get in my protein...   Well goodnight everyone.. :cursing:




First Fill Coming Soon

I go for my first fill on wednesday I am feeling pretty nervous.... But I am down almost another 2 lbs. Official weigh in is not until friday but I cheated and jumped on the scale...   Juicing is going good getting braver have been doing tomato, celery, carrot, spinich with an apple... I may not savor every drop I basically chug the whole glass... Happy knowing I am getting my vitamins in....   Also tonight Len and I went to see Leap Year then went out for a nice dinner.. I had the three course meal that was on-sale... It was crab cakes, halibut and a chocolate torte.. I shared it all with Len... It was a good meal.. Left feeling full.. Not over full...   So I will update on wednesday after the fill.. I am scared.. LOL




Being prepared

Well I have learned a lesson today. I was unprepared and eat some foods I should not have. I did not go over board but old habits die hard and I am feeling guilty as heck about them. I had some chips and a piece of pizza. I did add them into my daily calories so I didnt really go to over board but I am wanting to be eating better more healthy. I learned I need to be prepared for situations. Carry an Isopure with me to hold me over. Buy some protein bars that I can eat and have in my car. I also am excited that the holidays are over and the kiddies will be going back to school in a few sleeps.   On another note I get to go for my first fill on January 13, 2010. I am more scared about this then the actual surgery was... I am happy to finally get a fill so I will possibly have some restriction.:   I will be starting my biggest loser wii program tomorrow. I am still getting over a yucky sinus cold but I need to start doing this. I also want all the junky food in my house gone.. :smile2: It is not helping me..   All in all though I am doing very well. I am completely happy I have my diva... She will help me succeed..   Loving Life....




Holidays be gone

Yeah I am so happy the holidays are almost finished. We have gotten rid of a lot of the jun that was brought into the house and just doing the house cleaning now as we speak.. Just a few more things to go.. I have decided to not weigh myself until my first fill which I have to schedule. I do not want to get upset with my progress. Especially if I have gained a pound. Those where my old self sabatoging behaviors gain a pound and throw in the towel.. So I have opted out of weighing in. Especially since I am in the stage where I see a lot of people gained some weight back.. I know I dont have restriction but I have cut back my portion sizes dramatically. I did well with the holidays but it was the beginning of having some soft solids. Anyways glad the holidays are over and as of new years I am banning foods like chips, chocolate and desserts from my house. My other major issue is carbs. Love them but hate them..   Anyways hope everyone had an awesome holiday...




Well the beginning of the holidays

Well we made cookies... Yes we did. We had a friend come over and we made sugar cookies and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Yummy. I did ok. I ate 2 cookies... I counted them into my calories for the day.. Tomorrow we are doing a big road trip so I will be having scrambled eggs in the am, I will stop at star bucks for a protein shake and at booster juice for another shake.. I can do this.. As long I dont get hungry I am good... I will also bring my carnation mix in case... as long as i am prepared...




Weigh in day

Yeah I am down another 3.2 lbs. I only have .8lbs to my first goal.. I am so excited.. On another note I am able to wear my bra with support with out any pain to the port site.. That was exciting I was getting tired of sagging.... Hope everyone else is doing well who has been banded this month or will be banded this month.. OR any other time.. I'm so happy with this...




Yeah Mushies

I am so excited. I am going out for eggs with my hubby tomorrow for Breaky...   Now the big question what does everyone eat in the mushy stage????   Thanks lapbanders....





Well on tuesday is my weigh in day.. I am nervous about not being down.. I have been hungry.. With being on liquids my surgeon said that i am not to focus on losing weight that this is a time to heal, but I feel like I need to be down some weight. I don't want to be stressing over this but I can't help it.. I have been keeping my calories to around 1100-1200. This has not been to hard i feel satisfied with this number but sometimes feel like I am eating to much.. How crazy is that.... Onto another topic I have a discharge anyone else have that like 10 days post op. It is a clear bright yellow... I have no fever, not a lot of pain but had night sweats last night and mild chills tonight.. I am waiting to call my clinic tomorrow morning. I am hoping it is nothing.. It is coming from the port site.. Anyways time for bed.   PS does anyone in canada know where to find this greek yogurt everyone is talking about???   Thanks for any feedback...




All I can say is hungry

Well one week into liquids post op and I can say today I am hungry. Oh to feel something crunch between my teeth.. I can do this I can do this I can do this.. I think I am going to go and get something to drink... LOL




Weigh in day

Yeah I am down 16 lbs in 2o days. I am so happy.. This is just the beginning.. I also bought a good protein powder mixed it with skim milk, half banana yogurt and an omega smoothy. I went into a health food store today and got chewable vitamins that taste good, chewable ascidofolus (sp) and macasure. The macasure is the only thing in pill form and man could I feel it going down. OOUCHY.. But I need this have been off it for months and man I am a mega Bit&^ without it. So here is to starting a new healthy life... I also found out my doctors scale and my scale are the same so I will probably just weigh in on tuesdays on my scale and his scale once a month to make sure that mine is all good..   OHHH my I just about sneezed would have been the first one since the surgery. I paniced and stopped it LOL... I dont want it to hurt..   I also spoke with my nurse my fever is gone, my bloodwork was good so I am all good. I asked her about the pain around the port site and she said that that is normal.. It is stitched to the abdominal wall. So hopefully that is gone soon cause I cant bend over very well. Had my daughter lotion my legs this morning.. Poor girl LOL...   Well I am going back to my yummy shake. Happy knowing I am getting in all my yummy nutrients..




My Little Diva

I have named my band officially my Little Diva because this band is going to help break out the Diva in me.. Something that has not shown her little face in a long long long time.. Also if there was a time spot on her you would realize that I am typing this at 3:30 am and without my glasses.. I must admit that I must have over done it cause I am sore tonight and having a hard time sleeping. (Yes Crystal and Chantal I am admitting that going to a movie was not the brightest decision) I am also worried about the fire as it is getting cold out there. I dont want to wake up to a cold house. It is so quiet in the house. All I can hear is the sound of the fire.. I am sitting here drinking a isopure drink with 60 calories 15 grams of protein and also added a 3 gram packet of benefibre on the go packet. I need to get my fibre up so that I can get my digestive system on all systems go if you know what I mean... Not sure if that is possible when you are only having liquids... Any who so I have named her my little diva. I think that is a great name. Now I am going to google how much fiber I need in a day and get to that in the am.... Goodnight all or should I say good morning..




Three days out

Well I am feeling much better today.. I crawled into bed today and slept another 4 hrs. That felt good. I have only been getting in under 500 calories a day.. Hopefully that goes up in the next few days.. Enjoying this stage of liquids but get filled up fast and then definantly have pain until I burp.. I get up regularily to get the gas out. I am still so happy I did this.. Loving my new life... Still feeling crabby and iritated easily my poor kids but I feel that as I feel better I will be better... Anyways life is good. Hope everyone is doing well...




Officially a bandster

Well I am home.. I feel good... Not great but good. Pain meds are working.... I did well doctors said I did great my Liver was good. I was released 2hrs after surgery because I was up and to the bathroom. I am so happy for Lynn and Suzanne. I got to met Suzanne so that was good. Get to keep in contact with her and have a good buddy...   Thanks for all the support... I was so excited could stop talking about all the things I will be able to do...   Thanks again will keep everyone posted...




only 2.5 days of liquids left

Well I went on a big road trip yesterday. Left from Pemberton bc all the way around the loop to Vancouver up to whistler and home again... I made it on my liquid diet. A couple fries made it down the hatch but that is all.. I was exhausted when I got home and today I feel like I was dragged behind the vehicle for the whole trip.. I drove most of the way except for an hour out of the twelve hour trip... Crazy.. It is amazing that when u are cut off all food how good all the healthy stuff sounds.. i was at a resteraunt thinking I will just eat the chicken please please please... But I didnt lol... I still cant believe it wednesday is almost here... YEah...:thumbup:




I only have 5 days of liquids left

So close I can almost feel the surgical pain... LOL Not much else is new.. I am trying to figure out my day on saturday need to do a day trip but get really burned out with only 700 calories... So I am not sure what I will do on Saturday... I have to take all the kiddies with me as well..   Today I found a protein powder that tastes like lemonaide. It is pretty good I added extra lemon to it and a neste ice tea pouch and drank it. It will be a good alternative to the other protein shakes..   I also want to buy a vitamix blender so that my shakes are awesome and I can have my flax seed and everything in there...



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