Made friend on here that turned out to be a jerk...makes me sad in my heart. I know there are jerks everywhere online but really? A weight loss support site?!?
There is just no reason.
Got the call today that I was approved. Took less than a week (Highmark).
Now we have to do one more test that I forgot to get done (scope).
Omg omg omg
I have one more appt before I can apply for approval, I am down 17lbs which I am proud of, and now I am getting....
"can't you just keep doing it on your own?"
Uh. No. Or I would have a LONG time ago.
I don't know how to make others understand.
Hehe - here is my belly 1mo post-op and 1 day post-fill. There are 7 cuts.
As an extra bonus, you get to see the elastic marks from my bra and jeans. And NO - my left boob is NOT purple/bruised...just must be the lighting.
Not too shabby huh?? I show them off like battle scars to anyone that will look. Dr. asked me if I'd come to support group and show them - SUUURRREEE!
First fill at my first follow up. Easy Schmeasy. Although, I am glad my port incision is still numb because if I had had to FEEL what I SAW out of the corner of my eye I would have passed out. lol
So, down 37lbs from when this all started last fall.
So - for a split second I forgot I had a new belly and shoved a piece of deli ham in my mouth. Chewed about 2 times and swallowed as I hurried to do something. Then I remembered and was like, "noooooooo!" Even asked hubby to reach down and pull it out!!
OMG. I thought my stomach was going to rip thru my chest like an alien. The pain was excruciating and the retching was horrible.
After about 30 min I made it onto chat and Crimmy and the folks told me to walk, jump up and down, and put my arms in the air. So I did - around the block. Neighbors were LOVING that I am sure.
But it worked!! I am still alive and no ham came UP so I am assuming it went DOWN. I am told to have pineapple juice and papaya enzyme on hand for next time.
PLEASE don't let there be a next time!!
Thanks everyone!!
Are you freaking kidding me? I haven't eaten a thing (okay - I did suck one potato chip until it disintegrated) for 9 days and now I am sick.
Horrible sore throat. Am I going to have to postpone my surgery that is scheduled for Wednesday?? I am fixin to snap a hard trip.
EMMI code to watch video on
Realize vs Lapband?
Program fee?
Fill costs and coverage?
Corrective surgery costs and coverage?
Restaurant card?
Single vs multiple incision?