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Strange, but I'll take it!

I have been sick for about a week with a sinus infection, ear infection, and tonsillitis. Before I got sick, I definitely felt as though I needed another fill. I was hungry and 4 ounces did not ease my hunger at all. However, since I have been sick I of course did not have much of an appetite. Luckily, the antibiotic has kicked in and I am hungry, however, now feel as though I may not need a fill on Wednesday afterall. It is very strange! I can now eat 4 ounces and am not hungry anymore, and have been sticking to 2 or 3 meals a day. I wonder what caused this? Has anyone else experienced this? I've read of folks feeling tight after a fill and then loosening up, but not the other way around!   However, I am not complaining. I will keep my appointment on Wednesday and see how I feel then.   On an awesome note, I am now down 55 pounds!!!




Today is a Big Day

I can finally say that I have 50 pounds!   I have been sick as a dog, and didn't really expect to still be losing this week, but it happened! Now I have passed my first big milestone and cannot wait to get over the next ones. I am well on my way and couldn't be happier!




48 Pounds Down!

Well, I am now 3 months post-op and feel great! I am down 48 pounds, 15 inches from my waist and hips, and know that I am well on my way to goal. I still have a long, hard road ahead of me, but I feel much better about the journey than I did even just a month ago. I still have issues with eating just 4 ounces. It just does not fill me up. But, I know that I am not yet in my "green zone" and hope that once I get there it will be easier to eat only 4 ounces. I am making much healthier food choices, though. I have also been working out with a personal trainer and LOVE her and the workouts! She is so inspiring and enthused about her job that you can't help but have fun! I have also started working out on breaks at work. I am lucky to work in a building that has a decent free gym. The elliptical and weights are my fave. So, do I have a long ways to go? Sure. Do I still struggle with hunger? Absolutely. Do I obsess over the scale? Oh do I! But, you know what? I have come a long ways thus far and things can, and will, only go up from here! I am a LOSER and am proud to admit it! :smile:




Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!

Yesterday was a very unpleasant day in my band land.   I got a fill on Wednesday, and immediately felt too tight. As I said before, I went from too loose to too tight in a matter of minutes. So weird! I called the nurse Wednesday night because I started having heartburn and acid reflux - without eating! She advised to come in Thursday afternoon for a deflation.   I didn't sleep at all that night because was afraid to lay down; I cannot sleep sitting up. 2:30pm FINALLY rolled around. Went to the doc and he took out 0.5cc's. He said if I did not feel better to call.   I started to feel somewhat better, but not completely. The acid was still there, but not as bad. I did, however, get hungry. So, I took MAYBE 6 small sips of a protein shake. Felt great!   A couple of hours later, I found myself nauseous and having really bad heartburn/acid reflux. Soon thereafter I started dry heaving - violently. My fiance called the nurse and she said to stop all liquids. I complied.   However, my body also complied by continuing to dry heave! He called the nurse again, and she called the doc. By this time it was almost 7pm. She immediately called him back, and said that the doc wanted me to go to the surgery center right away.   So, here we go with my barf bucket (by now it was not always dry heave, but also swallowed saliva...yummy). The doc got there a bit later and did an "aggressive deflation" until I feel better. Let me tell you, immediate relief! I feel somewhat better today, but not completely. I am not hungry, but am still burping. Hopefully that is just because I am still swollen from yesterday's events. Hopefully! I just am so scared to have this thing slip.   In better news, I have lost 2 more pounds! 41 gone!:thumbup:




Sigh of Relief!

Yesterday did not start off much better than the day before.   I was still feeling sick, with acid reflux and vomiting. I was not eating, only drinking. I called my nurse and she called the doctor. He wanted to do a barium swallow.   Both the nurse and the doctor were confident that I had no slipped, but wanted to make sure due to my symptoms.   I had heard horror stories about the barium swallow, but it was not that bad. It was chalky, but not disgusting.   It was really cool to see the liquid travel through my esophagus and through my band. I was relieved when my doctor said "well, perfect band placement. And, you are wide open after the deflation yesterday."   Thank God. No slippage.   So, my symptoms were likely caused by a virus. Not surprising, considering a couple of my employees have been out sick with it. I must admit though, I immediately feared the worst.   I feel much better today. No more vomiting, but still in the bathroom a lot.   I am so thankful to have such an awesome doctor and nurse. I felt so bad to keep calling, however, I was scared! I have read so many stories of people having these symptoms with the band and I feared that was happening to me. I am lucky that they care and put up with me! :thumbup:   Now I guess I will have to start all over again with the fills. I guess that I may not have even ever been too tight, but the symptoms were caused by that nasty virus. Oh well, better safe than sorry!




Not Enough and Now Too Much!

I had my fourth fill yesterday. Before the fill, I was STARVING! Even with eating my protein I was still hungry. I could not stick to only 4 ounces 3 times a day. Luckily, I was still eating healthy so I managed to lose 3 more pounds (39 lbs, 7 weeks post-op) so I am happy about that! Yesterday I had 1cc put in. I immediately felt tight, but thought it would still be okay, considering how not restricted I felt the week prior. About an hour after the fill, I started having HORRIBLE acid reflux. I can drink just fine, but find myself taking very small sips. I am not hungry, so a plus there. However, not being able to sleep all night because of the reflux was not pleasant, especially since I am at work now. Needless to say, the nurse agrees that I am now too tight and need to go for a bit of a deflation today. I am hoping that this gives me some relief, but still have some good restriction. I just find it funny how finicky my band really must be. I never thought I would get tight enough, and now find myself too tight! :thumbup: Oh well, still would have done it all over again!




Where Oh Where is My Sweet Spot?!

I have had 3 fills so far and my 14cc band has 4.5cc's in it right now. In between my second and third fills, I felt less hungry and more satisfied with 4 ounces and 4 ounces only. Now, after my third fill I am starving most of the time and 4 ounces just makes me angry. :thumbup:   I am still eating very healthy, except for the sundae I let myself indulge in today. However, I am training with a PT and exercising on my own, so hopefully that will help me continue to lose.   Oh well, let's hope that I can get in for a fourth fill next week and get even closer to the ever elusive sweet spot!




I'm Bringin' Sassy Back!

I am LOVIN' my new life!   The program that I chose to go with for my LAP-BAND®®® is called LifeShape Bariatrics in Melbourne, Florida. The AWESOME team is led by Dr. Mark Fusco, and I could not be more happy with any other support system. They are so caring, attentive, supportive, and motivating. I know that they are a big reason as to why I am doing so well post-op.   I have lost 24 pounds since surgery and 36 pounds since I started this journey. My clothes, especially my pants, are falling off of me. I was trying not to shop, but I have to give in. My slacks are falling down and look ridiculous with a belt. They are so big now that they make me look even bigger. I am losing pounds and inches, but still do not require help in that area, thank you very much!   I feel so much better about myself. I am no where near my goal, but you know what, I am working toward it and that should mean something!   I am getting so many compliments on how I look; man, what a motivator! It feels good! I actually enjoy taking pictures again (obviously, see my album lol)   I started working out with LifeShape's personal trainer last night and will go twice a week. I will also be working out at least 2-3 more times on my own.   What a difference 36 pounds makes! Best of luck to all of you - keep at it and reach for the stars!





I realized yesterday that I must be doing better than I am giving myself credit for. I noticed for the first time that my face is looking less fat. My jeans that were once tight are falling off of me. And a favorite shirt that was once too "clingy" to be remotely flattering now fits as though it should.   I guess 30 pounds really does make a difference!   I am struggling with not getting on the scale every day. I know that it is bad and not very productive, but I have trouble with breaking this habit. I got yesterday and it said I had gained a pound. I got on today and it reported a loss of four. So, beginning this week I am not going to jump back on a scale until my next fill, which is 1/16. Besides, I am sure their scales are much more accurate anyhow!   I hadn't really set smaller weight loss goals, but I think that it is a good idea. Something to keep focused on during the "rough spots". So, my first goal is 50 pounds. Let's see how long that will take me! :drool:   Good luck to all of you and best wishes for good health and weight loss for the New Year!




Christmas Day...Whoops

Yesterday marked the first Christmas that I cooked dinner all by myself. I was proud, but it was bittersweet. My mom usually makes the dinner and I assist, but this year she was not feeling well. She has a rare autoimmune disease and has been in remission for several years. However, it has reared its ugly head again, leaving her weak and depressed. I only hope that we can get her back into remission quickly and that she bounces right back.   I had my first fill last week, and can definitely tell a difference. I really can only eat the 4 ounces at a time now, however, it does not stick with me for more than 1.5-2 hours. After that, I am starving again. Needless to say, yesterday probably was not one of my shining moments in weight loss tendencies. Because I cooked, I tasted. I also had dinner at my fiance's parents' house and then back to my parents' house. So, two dinners (4 ounces each), 2 deserts (really small slices, but still), and who knows how many "tastes".   Oh well, today is another day, right? :drool:




First Blog Post!

Well, it has been 24 days since I had LAP-BAND surgery, and I am doing great so far! I am down 30 pounds and I just had my first fill yesterday. I can definitely feel a difference already with the fill. I have been on shakes and yogurts all day and tomorrow can go back on mushies, but have been pretty full since the fill. Before the fill I was HUNGRY and definitely not satisfied with only 4 ounces. Hopefully when I start eating again I will continue to feel restriction and continue to lose weight!   I am so excited to be on this journey. I only hope that I am strong enough to see it through. I have tried so many diets and programs in the past that it is difficult for me to really see the future on this one. Although, I must say that I am motivated and cannot wait to see where 2010 will put me weight wise!



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