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3 Days after Surgery...

So this is all new to me. I have the support at home but it is really nice to read what everyone else has to say and see how everyones journey is going!   So i had my procedure on the 16th of october. I have no idea how much i weight at this moment i actually don't keep a scale in my house. I need to but it is a fear i need to get over. Anyways my check in time was 11:30am. I didn't get into surgery till almost 4:30pm (my husband was a little pissed and so was my mom) I got out at about 5:45pm and woke up about 6:00pm. The nursing staff in the front was horrible. I told them i wanted to talk my husband and they said well whats his number. i gave them his number and they went to call hiM!!!! i got upset and told them he is in the waiting rooM!!! They were pretty stupid....well anyways after that they gave me some meds for some nausa. I turned down the pain meds (which i shouldn't have) I didn't really put two and two together before it was too late. We were in LA and it was friday night. We were in traffic for over 3 hours. We got home at 9 and my mom came over and went and got my perscription. The first night was rough. I was up every two hours.   I eventually got up at 6 the next day. My husband and i went for a walk to the grocery store for some popsicles. (it's right down the street) I walked 3 times that day. I went to walmart and took a walk later that night with my neighbor. I was still sore and things i wanted to do i couldn't. I was hungry it felt like all the time. and it hurt too drink fast. My doctor told me ONLY CLEAR LIQUIDS till Thursday. I called them on saturday night and told them i was hungry and they told me to tough it out. So i am stuck i have to go back to work tommrow and am afriad that if i dont get more in my body i am not going to be able to survie my 8 hour day.....   Sunday....I took a drive i had to see how i felt. Which i felt pretty good. yesterday was one of my better days until about 3. I started to feel sick to my stomach like i had pushed myself too hard.   Monday...I am at home today working on some paper work i need to get done by tommrow :wink2: but other than that i am relaxing today . I need to...I need my energy for the rest of the week....   We shall see i am going to go get some brooth or something.... stomach is talking to me right now...   talk to you all later!



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