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I just write about whatever, I used to journal food but I've stopped doing that here.

Entries in this blog


Down A Pound

Ok so I woke up this morning and im down another pound! I was definitely not eating enough calories for a few days there and my body would NOT give up an ounce. Then I ate around 1300 and poof a pound just falls right off and I didn't even exercise yesterday. Well today im going to try to eat similar amount of calories and exercise and see what happens.   9:30 am Breakfast: Atkins + Unjury, SF chocolate pudding.   12:00 pm Lunch: 1/2 can tuna, 3-4 T. miracle whip, 1/2 avocado cubed and mixed in with tuna and mw, 15 Kashi crackers.:hungry: yumm I liked this meal, next time I think I'd add in a cubed tomato.   6:00 pm Supper: 1/2 cup pork roast, 1 c. Baby red potatos, a bite of carrot, a few bites of cooked onions.   Vitamins: 2T. liquid multi, 1 Calcium chew, 1500 mcg biotin   Water: >80 oz.   Exercise: Treadmil, 25 min 3mph.   Goal: Exercise more!!




Holy Moly! -2lbs!

Woooot woooo! Another 2 lbs. down today. Its amazing what exercise does for me. I have never in my life realized the impact a little bit of exercise has on my weight. LOL I know its common practice to say not to weight yourself daily but, my goodness how can I not? lol. The funny thing about me is that I always am encouraged by the scale. If it doesn't move downward or God forbid moves upward im like 'eh no biggie' but if it moved downward im over here doing cartwheels and ready to have a orgasm over it LOL. EXERCISE is key for me.:clap2:  




Oh boy, I need a fill

7:30 am breakfast: Atkins shake + one scoop unjury   12:30 pm Lunch: 1 cup chicken pot pie   2:00 pm Snack: SF chocolate pudding   6:00 pm Supper: Nachos about 2 cups, made with chicken, beef, beans, cheese, sour cream, guacomole, salsa, a handful of chips   7:00 pm Desert: Small hot fudge sundae from DQ, bad bad bad.. and GOOD! lol   Water: 60 oz.   Vitamins: 2 tbs Liquid multi, 1 calcium viactiv   Goal: Get a fill and soon, I think im able to eat way too much!




Another Lb. gone forever!

YES! Another lb. bites the dust. I don't even feel like im trying, its just happening now. Im sure not all the lbs are going to go like this but I've gotta remember this for when it gets more difficult.




Good Exercise, Bad Diet = no weight loss :(

I've been exercising sooo diligently, but I just can't seem to stop eating junk. I mean im not eating candy bars but last night for instance I ate some raviolies out of a can. They weren't even that good! grr im mad at me. Then I proceded to eat a bologna sandwich on cheap white bread. And then topped it off with 2 vanilla puddings. Everything I ate was completely unnutritious and pointless unless you are trying to add fat on your body which I so desperately don't want to do. On the up side I've been sooo good at exercising. Im completely unfilled and I really need to get a fill. When I can't eat much it seems to motivate me to eat better. Mostly because I love my hair and worry that if I get vitamin deficient I'd lose it or something lol. Im a mess..




Getting Ready to Hybernate!

I read someones journal (Moorless) and she mentioned this time of year your body wants to put on extra weight for the winter, and I am so feeling that today. Im craving starchy fatty foods! I will not succumb to its pull however, instead I will journal .. and exercise!   7:30 am Breakfast: Atkins + Unjury.   1:00 pm Lunch: LQ Swedish Meatballs, a couple bites of left over taco meat.   5:00 pm Snack: SF chocolate pudding.   7:00 pm Supper: 1/2 a steak grilled, 3/4 cup potatoes, 1/2 cup green beans.   Vitamins: 2 Tbs. multi, 1 Calcium, 1500 mcg biotin.   Exercise: 15 Min 3mph 5% incline, 10 Min. 3.3mph 5% incline, 5 Min. 4 mph 0% incline.   Water: >70 oz.   I just got done exercising too! Yippee, I really pushed myself today. When I got on the scale it said 207.6... then later I weighed myself it said 209. Grr tomorrow if it says anything below 209 Im changing my ticker immediately. 209:fencing:207   Goal: I kept the calories to about 1000 today. I exercised pretty hard for my abilitys. I really hope Im down at least a few ounces tomorrow!! Oh well at least im getting toned everytime I exercise.. that counts for a lot. So my goal for tomorrow is to exercise and no ice cream.





:sick Not even going to journal today, feel like crap, eating nothing good or healthy, no exercise. My head is pounding, throat is aching, ear is hurting, everything else hurts too. I better feel better soon.:sick




New Ticker

Its hard to believe xmas is already upon us. I hope that I get to change this ticker to a smaller number by xmas.




Updated Measurements

Body Part * 9/1/06 * 10/22/06 * 4/27/06* %Change   Neck * 14" * 14" * 13.5" * -3.5%   Bust * 50" * 47.5"* 44.5" * -11%   Upper Body *54.25" * 52.5" * 48" * -11.5%   Upper Arm * 18" * 16" * 14" * -22%   Below Bust * 40.5" * 40" * 39" * -4%   Waist * 45" * 43" * 38" * -15.5%   Wrist * 6.5" * 6.25" * 6" * -8%   Hips * 53" * 51" * 49.5" * -7%   Thigh * 26.5" * 25" * 25" *-6%   Knee * 16.5" * 15" * 14.5" * -12%   Ankle * 9.5" * 9" * 9" * -5%   _______________________________________ Totals *333.75* 319.25 * 301 * -10% Smaller!! :clap2:   -40 lbs, Start: 227 Today: 187




Daily Food Journal

7:45 am Breakfast: Atkins shake + 1 scoop Unjury   10:00 am Snack: SF Choc. Pudding   12:00 pm Lunch: 1 C. chicken pot pie   6:15 pm Supper: 1 Baked chicken thigh, 1/2 C. Broccoli   Water: 102 oz.   Vitamins: Biotin 1500 mcg, 2 Tbs. Liquid multi, 1 Calcium Viactiv, 1 Nioxin vitamin.   Exercise: (new entry- yay!) 30 mins. 3 mph 0-5% incline.   Goal: Exercise more!! Tonight was very weird, last night I felt like I could eat and eat, tonight I could barely get down a few bites of chicken and some fresh steamed broccoli. I was thinking I definitely needed a fill and now Im not so sure. ?? hmm we'll see.




Glad to get back on track.

I had lost interest in LBT for quite awhile. Im ready to get back on track and start my losing process again. I haven't really gained since my last entry but I haven't really lost either. The past few months have been more career oriented for me and less about my physical health. But I really want to get to where I can feel good about my appearance again. I had my daughters pictures taken together and I was talking to the photographer about scheduling a family photo session at my house and it hit me that I don't have all the time in the world to have it done. I want to be feeling and looking good. My daughters won't be little forever and with my husbands surgery date getting closer and closer, I have to have nice photos done before his surgery. I think im starting to feel like I have to get in shape and ready to be able to support our family for awhile whilst he recovers. my biggest fear though is of complications. Either way I have to get myself at my best and ready for anything.   Today I exercised, and started my day off right witha protein shake. I just have to keep it up for the rest of the day. I need to start journaling my food because it keeps me accountable. I did so at fitday.com. Im also going to keep track on here because the idea of others seeing it motivates me.   With God all things are possible, I can do this. He gives me the strength and the spirit to do this. Thank you.




Day Before Surgery and Today -18 lbs

The first is the day before surgery and the second is today -18 lbs, I can't wait until Its like -58, I can't even imagine how thats going to feel.     http://www.lapbandtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6329&stc=1&d=1157428757




Foods 4 Today

Hmm no movage on the scale today, big surprise! Well today I am going to exercise. Tonight Im having supper with my grandparents so we'll see what ends up being on the menu.   8:00 am Breakfast: 1 instant cream of wheat, 1/2 c. calorie countdown milk, 1 SF chocolate pudding.   11:00 am Lunch: LQ Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo.. my first noodles since banding.. I've died and gone to heaven. No problems eating it whatsever, I made sure to eat the chicken chunks first, 21g. protein, 280 cals., delish!   3:00 pm Snack: 1/2 avacado mashed, 10 Kashi crackers.   6:00 pm Supper: 1 c. mashed potatoes, 1/2 cup of pork chops, 1/2 cup of mushroom gravy, a few bites of creamed cucumers.   Vitamins: 2T. Liquid multi, 1 Calcium chew, 1500 mcg Biotin   Water: >64oz.   Exercise: 25 Min. 3 mph 5% incline, 2 Min. 4 mph no incline   Goal: I ate about 1300 calories today, Im curious to see if any change occurs on the scale, I may be eating too much.. Eat less tomorrow if the scale doesnt move in the negetive direction. Im going to be so busy tomorrow im not sure if i'll get to exercise.. we'll see. Ohh and btw I only had 1 pudding and I did exercise! yay.




Goodbye Pound 209

Yippee skippee, im down another pound. I was on #209 for almost a week. But today its officially 208! Yesterday during one of my many scale sessions (lol) I was at 207ish but I won't count that because it wasn't at that for long. Today I want to stay on track and eat healthy. I think I have a rib out of place so I don't think I'll do treadmil today. I want to eat something bad to reward myself.. some reward though if I end up gaining the precious pound I lost back! I won't reward myself with food anymore!   9:00 am Breakfast: Atkins + Unjury   12.00 pm Lunch: Chicken spread, 16 Kashi Crackers.   3:30 pm Snack: 2 SF pudding cups. Why did I feel the need to have 2???   6:00 pm Supper: Chicken and Broccoli.   Exercise: Walk with the family 1.5 miles.   Water: > 70 oz,   vitamins: Liquid multi, Calcium, Biotin   Goal: Treadmil tomorrow.




Strep Throat

Ended up going to the ER tonight. I just couldn't take it anymore. Bad case of strep throat. They gave me a hefty dose of antibiotic via a shot. Ughhh I cant wait until it starts working. This is worse pain than my c-section or my lap band surgery, I swear to god. I can't handle it!!! The doc was going to give me some strong pain meds but im nursing so I had to pass. I wish I woulda just taken the stuff. If someone was standing next to me and offered me morphine or heroine lol Id be sooo tempted.




Bandster Bad Girl Here

Ok, I've been totally off program for the past few days. I had a terrible cold and I just ate whatever I wanted. BAD BAD BAD. Starting tomorrow I will get back OP and do this right!! Dangit im mad at myself. I started back to work and I had to bring my baby to daycare. I don't think im an emotional eater but who am I kidding... I must be. Im totally trying to comfort myself with food. Dangit I need to give myself a proverbial kick in the butt and get back to business. I want to beat this obesity!!!! My goal is to eat RIGHT tomorrow, even though it is Halloween. I was thinking about not getting a fill but I now realize I must. I thought I could diet until TDay and then get a fill afterward, but obviously I cannot trust myself. Im going to get my fill and do this, really do this, actually put my band to work for me. Thats it! Its on! :heh:




Vacation summary

Took a 2 day vacation, I wanted to eat like I normally eat on vacation, which is large quantities of yummy delicious stuff. Couldn't do it, felt a bit controlled by my band. Not sure if I like that feeling. On one hand im happy that I didn't eat and gain a bunch of weight but on the other hand I didn't get to do something I enjoy. It makes me think of what Oprah says, 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'. I think once I am thin I will be glad, but since im currently not there yet it just feels like im going without. Oh well, im just glad to be home and back on track and in the groove and routine.




What I ate today.

8:30 am Breakfast: Calorie countdown choc. milk @ 8 oz mixed with one scoop protein powder unjury.   9:30 am Snack: Ok who am I kidding, I ate some of the breakfast left on my daughters plate.. a few bites of strawberry waffle.   1:00 pm Lunch: A peice of meatloaf, a bite or two of mashed potatoes, SF chocolate pudding.   6:00 pm Supper: Small portion of skinless chicken, 1 cup of fresh steamed broccoli/ banana zuccini from my garden.   Vitamins: 2 tbs. liquid vitamin, 3 Calciums chews   Water: At least 70 oz.   Goal: Start exercising tomorrow. I think I need it to get me more motivated to eat right. I think if I start seeing faster results I'll get more positive.




Goodbye LB 204

Yay, another pound bites the dust.   Yester day I ate:   7 am Atkins + Unjury   10 am Southbeach bar   2 pm Southbeach bar   4:30 pm South beach bar   6:00 pm Chicken leg   8:00 pm peice of salami   Vitamins: Biotin, Calcium, Multi   Water: Didn't keep track but filled my glass regularily   Exercise: Didn't have time, too much paper work. Seriously not enough time. Maybe im just making excuses but I really don't think so.  




How did I go down another pound today?

I weigh myself every AM, I know its not usually a good thing to weigh yourself daily but it works for me. Anyhow Im down another pound and I feel like I have been eating so much. Im nursing my baby still though and I suppose she's eating more now as she is getting bigger.. 4 months +1 week old and weighing about 18 lbs. A very chubby cherub baby! But nursing makes it so difficult to gage how much I can eat. Its neat that I can eat more calories and still lose weight, but its difficult because I really do need to eat more calories and I think I do feel more hungry than the non nursing person. I would just like to know how all the celebrities do it??? *hmpf*




Another Pound Bites the Dust

Wow im down another pound today!! yayyy! So now im at 211. Exercise definitely works.:clap2:   8:30 am Breakfast: Atkins shake + One scoop unflavored unjury.   12:00 pm Lunch: Skinless roasted chicken thigh, 1 1/2 peices of deli ham thinly sliced, SF chocolate pudding.. was planning on eating some steamed broccoli but was too full! yay! Will have for supper instead.:hungry:   6:00 pm Supper: Skinless roasted chicken thigh, broccoli 1 cup, 1 blueberry activa yogurt, 1 SF chocolate pudding. ( I was actually low on calories today so I HAD to have the pudding hehe)   Vitamins: 1500 mcg Biotin, 2 Tbs. Liquid multi, 2 Calcium chews.   Water: 110 oz.   Exercise: 30 Min. on treadmil 3 mph 0-5% incline, 1.5 Mile walk outside with the family.   Goal: Exercise exercise exercise.. I hope im down a pound tomorrow!!





Sam's results came back from his blood work from Monday, everything is improving but not his testosterone levels. Next appt. in Sept. will be the MRI and blood tests again. Doc will probably start him on testosterone if his levels haven't improved by then. He's looking kind of peaked this week, I hope he's not getting sicker. What would I do without the love of my life? I've got to just pray that his tumor is shrinking. I've got to believe he will be ok and make it through this. At least he is eating healthier now that im eating healthier.. thats gotta be a good thing. Ive gotta get healthy and strong so that I can take care of him and our family if need be in case he has to have brain surgery. I can and will do this! You can take that to the bank.



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