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I just write about whatever, I used to journal food but I've stopped doing that here.

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Yep Im back in action. I ate a salad for lunch. And a peice of chicken for supper. Exercised for 40 mins this morning and im gonna go do a couple miles on the treadmil right now. Yayyy me! skinny here I come!!




Down to Business

Im back with renewed vigor. I exercized REALLY hard for my abilities TWICE today!! whoooo hoooo yayy. I ate really well today. I wish I knew how to post pictures in here so I could show a before and current, but lol Im not that skilled. I feel so optomistic today. My period just ended today so I feel confiedent that I can do this at least until my next pms which is 28 days away.




Good Exercise, Bad Diet = no weight loss :(

I've been exercising sooo diligently, but I just can't seem to stop eating junk. I mean im not eating candy bars but last night for instance I ate some raviolies out of a can. They weren't even that good! grr im mad at me. Then I proceded to eat a bologna sandwich on cheap white bread. And then topped it off with 2 vanilla puddings. Everything I ate was completely unnutritious and pointless unless you are trying to add fat on your body which I so desperately don't want to do. On the up side I've been sooo good at exercising. Im completely unfilled and I really need to get a fill. When I can't eat much it seems to motivate me to eat better. Mostly because I love my hair and worry that if I get vitamin deficient I'd lose it or something lol. Im a mess..




Updated Measurements

Body Part * 9/1/06 * 10/22/06 * 4/27/06* %Change   Neck * 14" * 14" * 13.5" * -3.5%   Bust * 50" * 47.5"* 44.5" * -11%   Upper Body *54.25" * 52.5" * 48" * -11.5%   Upper Arm * 18" * 16" * 14" * -22%   Below Bust * 40.5" * 40" * 39" * -4%   Waist * 45" * 43" * 38" * -15.5%   Wrist * 6.5" * 6.25" * 6" * -8%   Hips * 53" * 51" * 49.5" * -7%   Thigh * 26.5" * 25" * 25" *-6%   Knee * 16.5" * 15" * 14.5" * -12%   Ankle * 9.5" * 9" * 9" * -5%   _______________________________________ Totals *333.75* 319.25 * 301 * -10% Smaller!! :clap2:   -40 lbs, Start: 227 Today: 187




Glad to get back on track.

I had lost interest in LBT for quite awhile. Im ready to get back on track and start my losing process again. I haven't really gained since my last entry but I haven't really lost either. The past few months have been more career oriented for me and less about my physical health. But I really want to get to where I can feel good about my appearance again. I had my daughters pictures taken together and I was talking to the photographer about scheduling a family photo session at my house and it hit me that I don't have all the time in the world to have it done. I want to be feeling and looking good. My daughters won't be little forever and with my husbands surgery date getting closer and closer, I have to have nice photos done before his surgery. I think im starting to feel like I have to get in shape and ready to be able to support our family for awhile whilst he recovers. my biggest fear though is of complications. Either way I have to get myself at my best and ready for anything.   Today I exercised, and started my day off right witha protein shake. I just have to keep it up for the rest of the day. I need to start journaling my food because it keeps me accountable. I did so at fitday.com. Im also going to keep track on here because the idea of others seeing it motivates me.   With God all things are possible, I can do this. He gives me the strength and the spirit to do this. Thank you.




New Ticker

Its hard to believe xmas is already upon us. I hope that I get to change this ticker to a smaller number by xmas.





Last Monday my husband and I had the consult with the neurosurgeon. It went as I was expecting. They want to surgically drain the tumor, hoping that it wont refill with fluid. I wasn't that impressed by the doctor however. I mean he seemed nice but his nurse seemed to butt in and over talk him somewhat and that just really irked me. I just think as a 'brain surgeon' he would be a bit more confindent and exude a control/command persona. He seemed more like a meek mild type of a person. Anyways I emailed a neurosurgeon on the east coast on Friday and he actually emailed me back that very night. Im going to send the MRI's to him and get a second oppinion. I need to get a date and plane tickets purchased. I know expense wise its going to cost me thousands more but I would sell the everything down to the house we live in and the clothes on my back if it will give us better odds on having a successful outcome. I hate that my husband has this freaking tumor!!! Grrr. I try to think on the positive side, like it has helped me to appreciate all that I have with him, and it has brought us closer together in a way that probably wouldn't have been possible without experiencing the fear of 'death do us part'. If we didnt have children I honestly would not want to continue living if soemthing were to happen to him. We just feel like an extension of each other. He's like the other half of me, he's as much a part of me as my own body, as my own mind, as my own sight. He will be ok, I will do everything in my power to make sure of it.




Another Lb. gone forever!

YES! Another lb. bites the dust. I don't even feel like im trying, its just happening now. Im sure not all the lbs are going to go like this but I've gotta remember this for when it gets more difficult.




Back At Work

Well I finally went back to work after a 6 month period of working from home. Boy its a mess! Im glad im finllay back. My baby is now going to daycare, and luckily she seems to be doing just great. I pick her up and she is happy and bubbly and her normal self. So at least I don't have to feel guilty about that. I planned on working 3 days a week but once I got there I realized I need to work 5 until I get my office back in order. I just really really want to get it running like a fine tuned machine. I can totally visualize the way I want it, I just have to keep plugging away at making it happen. Having employees is so difficult at times. I always feel like such a bully making people do what I want instead of what they want. But I realize that I have to navigate the ship or else it will be chaos. I pretty much made 50 % of my employees pissed this week, im sure the other half will be mad by the end of next week or the beginning of the following. Im implementing new procedures for efficiency and job tracking. For two months im going to have to police what I want done until it becomes standard procedure. I know im going to face a lot of grumbles and greif.. ugh! But I will carry on and make it happen. Ive been through this before and in the end everyone is happier because when the business runs good everyone benefits, customers and employees. I've been going out to lunch daily, having either cheese sticks or hot wings. Luckily I can eat these items easily. I love that when I eat cheese sticks im STUFFED after about 4. I need to check on fitday.com to see how many calories that is. For now, Im just making sure to get my protien and not be pigging out. I haven't been focusing on calories and such. I just have too much on my mind to have one more thing I have to calculate. Along with my business I also have 2 major construction projects Im tracking and keeping finances straight for. Also 1 other major one that is just wrapping up. And in addition 2 minor building projects. When I sit back and think about all that I am responsible for it makes my head spin. But I have time to sit here and journal so I must not be too over-extended. My husband has his Neuro-surgery consult the end of this month, im so busy I haven't been able to stress over this. If anyone reads this entry please say a prayer for my husband. Thank you.




Bandster Bad Girl Here

Ok, I've been totally off program for the past few days. I had a terrible cold and I just ate whatever I wanted. BAD BAD BAD. Starting tomorrow I will get back OP and do this right!! Dangit im mad at myself. I started back to work and I had to bring my baby to daycare. I don't think im an emotional eater but who am I kidding... I must be. Im totally trying to comfort myself with food. Dangit I need to give myself a proverbial kick in the butt and get back to business. I want to beat this obesity!!!! My goal is to eat RIGHT tomorrow, even though it is Halloween. I was thinking about not getting a fill but I now realize I must. I thought I could diet until TDay and then get a fill afterward, but obviously I cannot trust myself. Im going to get my fill and do this, really do this, actually put my band to work for me. Thats it! Its on! :heh:




Holy Moly! -2lbs!

Woooot woooo! Another 2 lbs. down today. Its amazing what exercise does for me. I have never in my life realized the impact a little bit of exercise has on my weight. LOL I know its common practice to say not to weight yourself daily but, my goodness how can I not? lol. The funny thing about me is that I always am encouraged by the scale. If it doesn't move downward or God forbid moves upward im like 'eh no biggie' but if it moved downward im over here doing cartwheels and ready to have a orgasm over it LOL. EXERCISE is key for me.:clap2:  




Back on track and exercising again!!

Yep second day in a row, did the treadmil!! Yayyyy! Nothing makes me feel better than exercise. Honestly I can be losing pounds but if I don't feel like im toning myself I just feel flabby. My toe is doing fine. It hasn't gotten any worse so Im going to keep on doing it. :clap2:




Sick Baby

My little Luciana is sick for the first time. She's 6 months old. I think she might have croup. Poor little thing. She has a check up on Wednesday, I wonder if she can get her vaccines when she's sick? I guess I'll find out. I hate taking my kids to the pediatrician lol its so dang germy! I always say if they aren't sick when you bring them in they will be when you leave. I bet it was nice in the olden days to have the doctor come to your home! :sick     Well I finally bit the bullet and exercised on my treadmil for 30 mins. Yeahhhh! I bought new shoes that are 1 1/2 sizes bigger than my usual and it did the trick. I don't think my sore toe is any worse than it was before exercising. So if it doesn't look worse tomorrow, I have no excuse to not exercise again!




Updated Measurements

9/1/06 - 10/22/06 Change Neck 14" 14" 0 0% Bust 50" 47.5" -2.5" 5% Upper Body 54.25" 52.5" -1.75" 3.2% Upper Arm 18" 16" -2" 11% Below Bust 40.5" 40" -.5" 1.2% Waist 45" 43" -2" 4.4% Wrist 6.5" 6.25" -.25" 3.8% Hips 53" 51" -2" 3.8% Thigh 26.5" 25" -1.5" 5.7% Knee 16.5" 15" -1.5" 5.7% Ankle 9.5" 9" -.5" 5.3%   Totals: 333.75 319.25 :clap2: -14.5" :clap2: 4.3% smaller!!




Journal Entry

I really don't like titling my journal entries lol. Anyways things are going ok for me. Im eating less than I ever have in my life. But Im still having this nagging toe issue that just won't go away. I've stopped wearing heels, and been donning wide clunky shoes that don't pinch my toe or bother it. I've been putting hydrogen peroxide on it to clean it out twice per day. Today my five year old accidentally stepped on my toe and I thought I was going to pass out! LOL it hurt. I know I should go to a podiatrist but my husband had an ingrown tonail one time and went in and they cut half his tonail off... it looks ugly and I like my cute toes lol. I get pedicures all the time and keep my feet looking super cute. Im fat, so my butt looks hideous and lumpy but hey at least the feet are cute! Ughh I really want to start exercising. Tomorrow I should just try the treadmil and see what happens. Grrr. I have this weird little callous on my thumb too that just is irritating. Sometimes I think maybe my body is retaliating about having a foreign object (my band) inside it and making me suffer lol. Hmf maybe?




Journal Entry

Everthings going pretty good for me. Im down another pound .. YES! I even ate some cake at a baby shower yesterday and two bowls of chili. Weird lol. My life is so busy these days, we have multiple building projects going, a business expansion, a six month old, a five year old, financing procurements, holidays approaching, birthdays... my head is a whirlwind. I just haven't had time to even focus on my weight or diet. I think thats just a testement to the band, im sure that in the past I'd have put weight on right now instead of losing another pound. I know that if I had more time to just be focused on my weight I could probabaly be losing faster but I guess I just have other things higher on my priority list at the moment. I feel like im so lucky right now, it kind of makes me scared because in the back of my mind I always think you can't have everthing for long. Its like im waiting for something to come along and knock the wind out of my sails. Maybe thats a bad way to think, but I guess I only think about it when im journaling so whateva.  




Just Another Entry

Well, My husbands hormone replacement therapy is working well! He is extremely energetic, its crazyyyy. Yesterday he was up and gone by 6am and worked all day on our business expansion. He arrived home at about 6pm, he had picked up some delite pizza so I didn't have to make supper . Then he popped it in the oven, we all ate together. He ran a bath for our oldest daughter while I took care of our baby. Then whilst she was in the bath, he cleaned the entire kitchen, picked up the house... I was getting dizzy just watching him lol. Then he made a pot of tea, and we all sat in the living room and visited until 8:30 both kids were put into bed. Then we sat on the couch for about a half hour and spooned, the next thing I knew he was carting me into the bedroom for a very long and fantastic romp. LOL its like he's 20 again omg. :clap2:




Goodbye LB 204

Yay, another pound bites the dust.   Yester day I ate:   7 am Atkins + Unjury   10 am Southbeach bar   2 pm Southbeach bar   4:30 pm South beach bar   6:00 pm Chicken leg   8:00 pm peice of salami   Vitamins: Biotin, Calcium, Multi   Water: Didn't keep track but filled my glass regularily   Exercise: Didn't have time, too much paper work. Seriously not enough time. Maybe im just making excuses but I really don't think so.  





7:00 am Breakfast: Atkins + Unjury   3:30 pm Lunch: South Beach Bar   6:00 pm Supper: Chinese Food, a little bit of everything, but nothing fried or battered. Some pork, some meat out of a steamed dumpling, Some shrimp, Some broccoli and cauliflower, some chicken broth to start out with.   Water: I didn't keep track but I drank a fair amount.   Vitamins: Calcium, Multi, Biotin   Exercise: I haven't been exercising, its really bumming me out, I have a toe issue, from stubbing my toe really hard and now the nail hurts. I think its getting better so hopefully in a couple days I can start exercising again.   Goal: Exercise!! I have to meet with my new doctor again in a month to check my progress and see if I need a fill. I would be mortified if I don't lose a fair amount of weight!! lol:omg:   Today Lucie, my 5 1/2 month old said ba ba and ma ma. She's a genius lol.




Boy I missed having my journal.

Well I had my fill last Wednesday, Im not noticing much differance. But I have been babying it a bit and not eating anything too solid. Tomorrow will be a more regular diet and we'll see how that sits with me.   I haven't publicly journaled about this yet I don't believe. But something that Im currently experiencing in my life right now is that my husband is sick. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the beginning of this year. Its been such a hard thing to deal with. We recently learned that his tumor is not the kind they thought it was so the medication they have been giving him has not shrunk it like they had hoped. The neuro-surgeons don't want to operate at this point because there is a chance that it won't continue to grow, so we ahve to keep a close eye on it and my dh has to stay intune with his body in case he starts to feel differently.   He started hormone replacement therapy today. It will be interesting to see how that affects him. Its supposed to make him feel better, and sure hope it works. My hubby is only 32 years old. Im sure he's going to be alright. He has to be, theres just no other option.




OHHHH yayyyy MY journal!!! its baAACkkk!! yesss!!

Oh my gosh im so happy to have this journal back. I thought it was gone forever. I didnt even realize how much it was meaning to me until it was gone. OMFG yes! lol.   Im just sitting here staring at the journal entry screen with the biggeset grin lol.   Ok so back on track, gotta start journalling all my food again. I just got a fill on Wednesday so I've been on liquids. I can start eating more regular foods tomorrow. Tonight I blended up some soup with noodles in it, Im not sure if it was in my head or for real, but I seemed to get a full feeling quicker.. Or was it the soup?? or was it my band?? or was it.. lol. I'll find out tomorrow when Im eating regular food again.   Exercise well Ive got a toe issue. I had an ingrown toe and it grew out now but my toe is still swollen on one side. Dangit. Im going to give it unti monday to feel better and then decide what the heck to do. I really want to exercise. Im taking this new way of life seriously. I wanna be hot soon! lol well sorta soon, I don't want to lose all my hair. I have a funky neck, I keep my hair long to hide it. I just think my neck is fat. Once I get down to about 170, it doesn't bother me though. I think if I end up having plastic surgery I'll have the surgeon look at my neck and see if he can do lipo on it.   :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: Kissing my journal:kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2:



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