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Ok..so here I go beginning my journey with weight loss for the umtenth milionth time! I have had my consult with my doctor and am now waiting to schedule the first of several appointments. The next 3 months or so will be really difficult but very exciting. I have tried everything for weight loss! was even successful a few times! But..it always "found" it's way back..and then some! So, with that said-I decided to start researching the Lap Band. My dad is having it done soon and my mom...so atleast I will have them to ask questions to! I am just afraid my insurance will not pay for it as I am righ ton that BMI "cusp"...but I will do everything I need to and can to make it work! Needless to say, my hubby is not so thrilled. He thinks "you can do it with diet and excercise"..what world is he living in! I am hoping he comes around! Anyone out there in my boat? Thanks to all



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