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Weird dreams - nightmares if they were real :(

Hi guys, Just thought I would share this and see if any of you have had a similar experience.   I took a nap last night when I got home from work (I have been trying to fight off a cold). I woke up from my nap frustrated. I had dreamed that I went to my surgeons office and I had gained 11 lbs. 11lbs! So I was talking to the nurses and dietician and begging them for a fill. The nurses were telling me that he didn't have any appointments open before my next appointment. All the while my Dr. went by carrying a box of pizza and then back by carrying a box of donuts. A big box of donuts. He then sat down on a couch in the room behind them and started eating and watching football. Finally they let me talk to him and I talked him into giving me a fill after I had to prove to him that I had been doing 5 miles a day on the treadmill. Yes there was a treadmill in the office. Is that weird or what. Needless to say I had to get up and go way and Shew! no weight gain. Anyone else had weird or crazy dreams? :drool:




Water retention???? Help!

Ok guys, I need some opinions. I am experiencing major water retention. I used to go up anywhere between 5-10 lbs anywhere from 5-7 days before I started my period then once I started my period it would leave. So I have currently been swollen for 3 weeks. My ankles are kankles and I can't get my rings on.   I thought this started because on 4/17 I did a 30 mile bike ride. I ate some rice and a little pasta 2 days before so I would have some carbs to burn off. I don't tolerate pasta to well anymore so only had a tiny bit of it. Anyways I thought oh I am a little swollen becuase of the carbs holding water. Did my 30 mile bike ride.   The next week still swollen. Then this past week still swollen but it was period week. Well period has come and gone and I am still swollen. Maybe not as bad but still bad enough that I still don't have ankles and can't get my rings on.   Does anyone have any suggestions/home remedies? I have tried several and even over the counter diuretic. It didn't help just turned my pee blue(color of the pill). Should I talk to my Dr. about this?




Size 14 baby!!!!!

SO last night the bf and I had a usual date night and we went to the mall. I was in need of some new dress pants. My presurg pants are just too big. So I was trying on pants and I started with a size 16 hoping they would not be to little and you know what they were too big!!!!:smile: I was so excited. So I went and got a 14. They were a little snug around the waist for me (probably just me though cuz I don't like things to touch me) but hopefully they won't me to tight for long. So I had them order me a 14 tall in 2 colors cuz they didn't have any talls. Plus I had a coupon so I got 2 pairs for $60 where they had been $60 each! It just shows that even though I have only lost 40 lbs in the last 9 months I am losing inches.




Frustrated!!! Argh!

Hi guys, I am so frustrated. I am 2.5 weeks post op. I am back on mostly regular foods with the exception of some foods. Haven't tried lettuce or anything besides ground meat with the exception of a piece of chicken I had on my bday. Well I had lost 23 lbs. That includes the weight I lost on the liver shrinking diet the week before surgery (12.5). I was stuck at 23 lbs for about a week and then in the last couple of days I have gained 3 lbs. Is it normal to gain a couple of lbs when you go back to eating regular food? I felt restriction until about a week ago and now I am starving. I am sure that is because the swelling is going down but it doesn't make it any easier when I am so hungry I could eat a horse. I keep telling myself not to be so hard on myself. That is has been less than a month and I am down 20 lbs. I would have never been able to do that before but I would just like to see those 3 lbs I regained go away! I am supposed to get a fill 1/14. Hopefully this will help. Does the 1st fill usually give you restriction again? If so, does it last for a while? Sorry for all the questions I am a newbie and frustrated, scared, worried...you name it. Any answers and words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.




First fill today

Well, I had my first fill today. It was no biggie. I thought I would freak when I had to stand up and drink with the needle in my stomach but it really didn't bother me. I ended up getting 2 cc's. I am nervous and anxious to see how the next few days go. I have only had water so far but I plan on having a protein shake here in a bit. Anybody have any fantastic smoothie recipes? Hopefully I will start losing weight again since I have gained a few lbs. :cursing:




Feeling defeated

Hi guys, I am having a rough time and it doesn't help that I have a dr that doesn't seem to care. I had an appointment yesterday and for the 3rd time he told me that I was just an enigma to him. He called me a freak of nature last time. I am losing weight very very slowly. I knew I would lose it slower than most because I have PCOS(Polycystic ovarian syndrome) but I am creeping. Does anyone have any suggestions on helping me shed lbs a little faster...not way fast but 1-2 lbs a week? I am teetering between 33-36 lbs down since Dec 20, 2009. I have lost 22 inches though. I workout 4-5 times a week. I slime everyday and not always the same things...it is pretty much hit or miss but meat usually comes back up unless it is a good day or it is very very very moist like in some kind of sauce or ketchup or something. Any advise would be appreciated. I am just feeling defeated and asking myself why I had this done in the first place. I have more medical issues now than before surgery.:bored:




BodyBugg anyone?

I am looking at purchasing a BodyBugg. Does anyone have one? Do you like it? Is it hard to wear....like could I wear it to work and it not be extremely noticable?





Well, As of Saturday I am down 40 lbs! Whoohooo! :smile: It only took me 8 1/2 months but finally I am there and under 250. Slowly but surely right? Now Time to start working on the next mini goal. :smile:




2nd fill and metabolic testing

So I got my second fill last Wed. So far I can't really keep anything down but liquids. I did manage to get some chicken noodle soup down...barely. I am going to give it a few days cuz I don't really want to have an unfill. On Friday I went in and had an REE done which is a basal metabolic test. To everyone's surprise as well and mine my metabolism is in the normal range...actually a little bit above normal. I know this is good and I should be happy about it but it is really hard for me to wrap my brain around it. Basically they told me I am not eating enough calories. I have been trying to stay between 800-1200. Days I am bad I eat 1300. They want me at at least 1800 everyday. More if I work out more than normal. According to the REE my body burns 2174 cals a day to just live. An extra 651 for daily activities and 250 for 30 min of aerobic activity(I usually do an hour to an hour and a half a day). So basically I am burning ~3000 cals a day. They dietician who takes the body pump class that I teach patted me on my leg and said this is fantastic...it is because you have so much muscle. Ok, with all that said I need some advice.   1. Has anyone else had metabolic testing? 2. How do you think I should get in 1800 cals? I don't think I can get that in with only 3 meals a day. Should I add in snacks or do 4 or 5 smaller meals? Or add extra protein shakes? Thanks in advance for any suggestions :thumbup:and sorry this is so long.




1 month post op! Good news!

Hi guys! I am one month post op and I am down 23 lbs! Whoohoo! I was getting discouraged because I have been sitting at 22-23 lbs down for a couple of weeks now. Last night I had my mom measure me just like we did when I was pre-op and I am down 9.5 inches overall. That made me feel so much better. :confused: Hopefully my body will start letting go of a little more weight now. Have a great day guys and remember....WE CAN DO IT!!!!



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