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First vacation after surgery

I love to fly...I really do. I did not like having to put my seatbelt on while flying, though, since it barely fit and when I managed to get the belt buckled, it was so uncomfortable. I was ashamed to ask for a belt extender - I would rather be uncomfortable than call attention to my largeness. However - last Thursday, I boarded a plane to Dallas, and as I buckled the belt, and tightened it in, and had about four inches of slack. I literally sat in my seat with tears of joy rolling down my face. My daughter managed to snap a photo of the seatbelt for me, and every time I look at it, I am in awe of this transformation of me.(I attached the photo below) I still look like me, at least I think so when I see myself in the mirror, but the me I see on the scale is most certainly a lighter me. I think my brain forgot how well the belt fit on the way down to Dallas, since on the way home, I stretched it out to the point where it is all folded over (right at the very end) and then had to pull it tighter....ahhhh. I cannot even put into words the joy in my heart. My flight was four months after my surgery - 52 pounds lighter, and so much happier.




It's Always Something

Sitting here on a beautiful autumn Sunday morning, and just got off the phone with a well-intentioned friend, and I just had to put something into words. My friend asked why I would have surgery so close to Halloween? CLOSE TO HALLOWEEN??? OMG - well, lets take a look at the calendar--- Yes, Halloween is 10/31 then Thanksgiving and then Christmas quickly followed by the New Year and then my birthday and then it's Valentines Day and then St Patricks Day and then Easter and Mothers Day and Memorial Day and Fathers Day and Fourth of July and then Labor Day and here we are - right back at Halloween!   Why is my friend so hung up on why I did this so close to Halloween? I guess she is more worried about missing out on candy than I am!   There is always going to be something right around the corner that could impact when surgery is right for any of us. HOWEVER, I know that I can celebrate Thanksgiving ANY DAY because it's really not the food that the celebration should be about - it's about the people you celebrate with. I cannot become hung up on the things that I will miss for a short time - I have to focus on the long term results. I have not been happy in my own body for so long. This is my chance to finally be ME - the me that I know has been hiding inside my fatsuit - my safety net - just waiting for the opportunity to come out and shine. There will always be an excuse if someone looks for it - OR - there will be opportunity. I congratulate every single person who took the opportunity to make their life better. This is not taking the easy way out - This is taking control and making a committment to change- for the better!




scanning the room....

Come on, I know you do it......I think we all do.... You walk into a room (any room) and you scan, non-chalantly of course, to see if you really are the biggest person in the room. Or you see a photo of yourself, and you scrutinize everyone in the photo to see how you "measure" up..... well, have you done this since you had your surgery? Are you still hiding behind objects thinking that you look smaller, or are you really smaller? Are you no longer the biggest person in the picture? I go to Florida every year with with the same group of people - and yes, I have always been the biggest of the bunch, that is, until this year. 6 months after surgery, I am no longer the big girl, I am more in the middle of the pack....and what a strange feeling! I still find myself migrating to the back of group photos, or positioning myself behind objects, however, there were some out in the open photos, and I could really see the difference. It is strange tho....I still walk into rooms and scan....




Home Sweet Home

I have been home from the hospital for just over 24 hours....and so far, so good. I arrived at the hospital at 9:30am, 15 minutes before my scheduled arrival time, and I went back to pre-op right on time. My surgery was scheduled for 11:15am, but after changing into my lovely jonny, the nurse told me there was going to be a 'little" delay in my surgery time. Well, after watching the noon news, and then the show that came on after, I finally headed into the OR at 1:10pm...I cannot say enough good things about my surgeon, and the people who assisted in the banding - they are awesome. Then it was off to recovery - and Martha, my nurse, is definately going to heaven! My mom and dad were allowed to come and see me around 4pm, and we headed out the door for home right around 6....and then the hour ride home. I have never been so happy to see my front door! Slept in the recliner last night - so much easier than trying to get in and out of bed, and I seriously think I will spend tonight there as well. Got up today and already was walking better but need to remember that I am one day post-op! So, if I could share any words that were shared with me, it would be to remember to take your meds on schedule, walk walk walk, and thanks to whomever recommended the gas-x strips (they really work). Tomorrow is another day - and I am still SO happy to be home.




oh dear.....STUCK....for the first time

Here I am....happily banded almost five weeks ago on what appeared to be a normal Saturday.....normal for when I work on Saturday. Off to work I went - and in such a rush to get there today, I forgot to grab my lunch out of the fridge....hmmmm....someone always orders lunch out, so, I knew I could get something....BIG mistake! It seemed as if the entire office was ordering chinese food today, so I joined that bandwagon, and ordered steamed veggies with white rice. I thought that would be my most healthy choice. When lunch arrived, I made sure I cut up my lunch into very small bites, and chewed every bite into mush.....and then.....I guess I forgot....and my lunch was STUCK....the pain in my chest was unreal! I tried to take a sip of water and it stayed right in my throat, and I knew I had done it! To make a long, and yucky story short, and I think chinese food is a part of my past. The pain was terrible and after lots of slime and pacing the office with my hands raised above my head, I finally got some relief. I am still a bit uncomfortable, and decided on a protein shake for dinner and lots of water tonight. I guess it was going to happen sometime...sooner or later...whatever. And I am know wiser and have a little better understanding on what to do if this ever happens again (which I hope not!!) :cool2:




11 months out....wow!

I think back to a year ago, and I had just gotten approval from my insurance company, and scheduled my sugery. What a difference a year makes! I walked into surgery weighing 277lbs - this morning on my scale, I weighed in at 193lbs. 193 lbs in 11 months - holy smokes. I always wanted to be a thinner woman - and not be the biggest mom in the group, and cringing when boarding an airplane hoping the belt would buckle. I wanted to fit in the desks at back to school night, and wanted to stop undoing my pants on my drive home, since I had stuffed myself into a too tight pair of jeans rather than buy a larger size. I wanted to look in a mirror and not cringe, I wanted to buy clothes in the regular ladies section, not the plus sized section of the stores. I wanted that - and went on so many diets in an effort to acheive it - but always failed. I wore a 26/28 shirt, or a 3XL, and squeezed into 24 jeans, but really should have been in 26's. I muffin-topped out of every single bra I owned. Not now - October 19, 2009 was a day that will forever be noted on my calendar as a second birthday, if you will. My rebirth - the day the NEW me came into being. I have joined the gym, I walk several times a week, I don't just sit on the couch anymore! I wear a large t-shirt, and bought size 16 jeans today (whoohoo!) and they fit comfortably (meaning no unzip on the way home from work!). I bought a sweatshirt in a large, too, since the XL was just too big and the arms way too long (why do clothing people always think heavy people have REALLY long arms!!!) I have new goals - such as hitting the 100lbs down mark by the time 2011 arrives - and trying to figure out what to do with my boobs, which now look like two deflated beach balls, altho they easily stuff into anything these days. I also would really like to see what buying size 12 jeans feels like! THAT would be awesome! 11 months...and I am happy with my progress so far! This has certainly been a journey - but one I wish I had the courage to make years ago, instead of waiting so long! I cannot wait to see what the next 11 months have in store!




10 days to go

It's already the 9th of October, and I have 10 days until banding - today was my endoscopy...and it was not as bad as I had prepared myself for. Pre-Op testing is next....then surgery on the 19th - somehow, time seems to be flying and creeping along at the same time!





6 days until banding. Time seems to be slowing counting down until surgery day, but I also feel like I have so much to do, and so little time to do it in! Today was my Pre-Op testing - 2 hours in total in the office between bloodwork, chest x-rays, EKG, talking with the anesthesia nurse, and finally my exam. I am ready to get this show on the road! I am still nervous, however, I am confident that this "intervention" is what I need to get my life back on track. and the clock keeps on ticking.....




It's back to work for me!

I am two weeks post-op, and time to go back to work! I work in an inbound call center for a telecommunications company, so my job is not physically demanding. I walk in the door and realize that the whole office is having a baby shower for one of my co-workers, which means FOOD is everywhere! You name it, it was there...meatballs, baked ziti, salad, baked ham,red beans and rice, chips, and desserts galore! Oh dear.....to top it off, it's a full moon, and we all know that the full moon brings out the best in us all (LOL) and we were so busy today. I was happy I had brought in all my own food for the day, as well as my heating pad - I am not used to sitting for such long periods without moving around! However, I made it through the day, although I am really ready for bed! What an exhausting day! But I will say, that getting back into my routine is good for me!




My New BFF!

I have come to realize that in order to get the most out of this journey, I need to get moving - really moving. So, I joined a gym. Seriously, I JOINED A GYM! It's really is funny! Who knew! Me in a gym, and the best part is - I LIKE IT! I walked in the first day and I am sure I looked like someone who did not belong there. After a tour of the center, and some careful instructions from the trainer who made me feel so welcome, I started on a machine. Little did I know then that this machine was going to change the way I look at exercise. This machine - the elliptical - is truly my new BFF. Don't get me wrong, I use other equipment in the gym, but the elliptical...it calls my name. It makes me stronger, it makes me believe again that this change in me is possible and is real. After struggling the first several times and managing to get through 8 minutes on level 1, I am now chugging away for 30 minutes daily at level 7, and that is after I ride the bike for 30 minutes, or before I do the 30 minute circuit workout....and sometimes, I do all three in the same visit. One of the other good things about the gym, is that I bring a friend with me...and not only does it make the workout go that much faster, it's even more fun. I have a list of people who want to go with me - seriously, AND four of my friends have also joined the gym since going with me! Here I am...me...the woman who has lost 55lbs since surgery, and now, I go to the gym...5 days a week. and I like it! I never ever EVER thought I would be talking about my new best friend and having it be an elliptical machine - however, this life I am leading has changed more than just how much food I can eat and what I can eat - it has literally changed ME, and changed for the better.




nervous....excited...anxi ous - all at the same time!

This feels a little surreal, this whole journey toward banding. I have been thinking about this for a long time, but finally decided that NOW is the time for ME. I attended an informational session on July 1, 2009, and walked out of that meeting feeling as if I had found HOPE. That session was followed by my first appointment with my surgeon, and then the psych consult and nutritionist. The day that I had gotten the approval of my insurance company , I cried tears of joy. I knew this was going to change my life for the better! I have just finished Day 2 of my "liver shrink" diet, and my surgery is set for October 19th. I still have not found a protien shake that tastes ok, but I will continue to do what my Doctor tells me to, since I know this is the intervention I needed to get myself back on track and back into life. I have told my family, my co-workers, and friends of this decision of mine, and the support I have received back from all has been so heartwarming. I know that with so many people cheering me on, I will make it! This is NOT taking the easy way out - this is making a committment to myself to become a healthier person. And this is a committment I intend to keep.




first Post-Op appointment

I had my surgery on Oct 19, and went back to see my surgeon today. I have to say I was pretty excited to step on the scale, probably for the first time in my life. Day of surgery I weighed 266....today I weighed 252...the day I started this journey on July 1, I was 277. So....I have lost 25 lbs??!!! OMG - but where? I look in the mirror and I see me, the very same me that has been staring back at me all of my life. Yes, my clothes look baggier, and yes I have people telling me over and over how great I look, but I want to see it too! I want to feel lighter. I want to feel "normal" whatever that is! LOL




Happy Bandiversary to me!

One year later! and who knew how great I would feel 365 days after surgery! 108lbs down...wearing a size of clothes I never thought would be in my vocabulary again! Would I do it again - absolutely! I wish I had done it sooner! Here is to another 365 days of living with the band!!!! :thumbup:




6 months out

Tomorrow is my 6 month "bandiversary"! I cannot believe it! In some respects it feels like yesterday, and in others, years ago. I visited my surgeon for my 6 month check last week, and he was very pleased with my progress - I currently have 6 cc's in my 9cc Realize band, and I do have restriction. After losing 12 lbs since my last visit to him in February, the good doctor decided to leave me alone this time around, and I will see him again in July if I am consistantly losing between now and then. He was very happy that I am working out 5-6 days a week, and said that getting moving really does make all the difference in the world, and he is right. I feel better after hitting the gym, and every time I reach a new gym milestone, I know all the blood sweat and tears that went into it. So, now it's onto the next six months of this journey - I am very excited to see what changes will be coming!




my name is not GRACE for a reason!

You never know where you are going to find someone who understands.... This past Saturday was my youngest daughters high school graduation party, and toward the end of the party, I tripped over a root of a tree (a root that I had warned people about over and over about through the day,but failed to heed my own advise) and after getting the party all cleaned up, I really had a chance to check out my foot, and then I decided on a quick trip to the emergency room, since I could no longer get my foot in any of my shoes, and the top of my foot was a beautiful shade of purple. The emergency room was quiet for a Saturday night - and we got in pretty quickly. Several nurses asked what I had taken for pain management, which was nothing, since I recently had a fill, and pills and I are not getting along very well. The doctor who first checked in on my ordered 400mg of childrens Motrin, and pretty soon a beautiful nurse knocked on the door and said "can I ask why childrens Motrin, and not adult Motrin?" - I explained about my surgery, and my recent fill, and my nurse gave me a hug, and said she, too, is a bandster, and that she understood perfectly what I was going through! It was such a comforting situation, and I knew that no matter what the xray showed, I was in good hands. This nurse checked on me several times, we compared stories, shared experiences, and bonded over our bands in the ER - and not only do I have a new friend on this journey (she is already at goal) but I hobbled out with no broken bones, just a severe sprain of my foot. You just never know where you are going to find support....and I am so happy that I found this nurse, who took the time to double check orders, and make my visit to the ER easy!




3 weeks post op

I will be three weeks post-op on Monday...three weeks! In some ways it feels like yesterday, and in others - it feels like a loonnggg time ago! Going back to work has given me back my routine, and although I am tired, I do sleep well at night, and I really needed to get back into my life. I really feel like these past few days I am feeling like me again - almost "normal" or whatever that is. I still have some twinges in my port area...which I understand is normal. I did take a quick trip to the surgeon's office this week, but all is well....guess my incisions are healing very slowly due to an odd reaction my body is having to the dissolving stitches - but it still put my brain at ease to know that all is well! I still cannot see the changes in my body - down 29 lbs since I started this process - but everyone I see tells me how great I look, which is nice. I did have to buy a couple of new shirts...have some functions this week that I need to dress up for, and although I have pants in the next size down, all of my shirts seem to suddenly look like I am swimming in them. They are ok for work, but....it was nice to buy the next size down! and I still have a long way to goal.....




la di dah!

I am almost 4 weeks post op....and I am feeling really good today! I realize now that I have not been consuming enough protein - which had been making me very tired, and just about putting my weight loss at a stand-still. After talking to a friend at work (who had this surgery about 15 months ago and has lost over 115 lbs) I am getting more protein, and I feel sooooo much better. My friend suggested putting protein powder in sugar free pudding as well as making sugar free jello with isopure plus protein drinks, just as a way to make sure that even during my afternoon snack, I was giving my body what it needs to get back on track....and today.....VOILA! I feel like a different person! I am not exhausted to the point of falling asleep in my chair at night, and instead of looking as pale as Casper the friendly ghosts sister, I now just look like a distant cousin. Thank goodness....with each day out, I am more and more like me! I had to work today, and when I came home, I took my youngest to the mall with me, and we both got new haircuts! We went all out - wash, cut and blow dry (with a little flat-iron tossed in for good measure!) and what a great feeling! A new look for the up and coming new me!




Is there a mute button on this thing?

I had my second fill in my band last Wednesday, and I have to say I am now the noisiest girl on the block! No matter what I eat or drink, it seems to bring loud gas bubbles up from my stomach that rivals any beer drinker! I have again started taking Gas-X after lunch, since I cannot imagine what my co-workers are thinking....but I cannot help but wonder....where is the mute button on this band! On the other hand....I am down 45 lbs since I began this journey - down two pant sizes, and two shirt sizes. I cannot tell you how nice it is to try on clothes TWO full sizes down from where I was.....I really look forward to shopping!




sooo...THIS is what a fill feels like

Today I am six weeks and two days post op....and today was the BIG day! I was ready for my first fill! My weight loss has stalled....hanging tough at 30 lbs since my journey began, and I am ready to get back on track and start losing again. The office was packed when I got there, and I was so happy to see a familiar face - my friend "Dan" who had been through all of my pre-op classes with me - he was in for his two week check up, and he looks great! Finally, it was my turn....and I hopped on that scale (after shedding my shoes, of course!) and there is was....30 lbs down...and I really am very proud of losing those first 30. Quite a milestone for me. Finally, in the room, and able to chat with my doc - have to say, I think this is one of the nicest people on the planet. Even tho the place was sooo busy, I did not feel rushed, or as if he was too busy to talk to me, and take his time with me. Next thing I knew, I was sitting back up, and my fill was over! No drama, no pain, just done! I drank some water, and felt pretty full after a couple of sips....and off I went. Back for another recheck in January! Tonight, I feel very full...not sure if this is "normal" or not. Still on liquids today...tomorrow I move to pureed ....Friday is soft food, and Saturday back to real food. I am ready to start this next step of the journey!




back to the "band"wagon for me!

There is no pity-party here! I seem to be in a holding pattern with my weight loss, but I know why....IT'S ALL ABOUT ME! The scale is not moving...and why might that be? Well, lets talk about it.....my hours have changed this month at work, making it harder to scheduled in gym time ( I am down from 4-5 times a week to 1-2), I am eating later at night (since I am home now at 8 instead of 6pm) and some of my food choices really are not the best for me. So, NO pity party for the scale not moving, no blame on my band, no blame on my doctor (who is wonderful by the way) - the responsibility for all of this falls directly on MY shoulders. I have one more week on this horrible schedule - and then my life will be back to normal, as will my gym schedule. I am committing to returning to the gym 4-5 times a week, and I am also promising myself that I will eat at a regular time, and eat the foods that are best for my body. I had this surgery for me...and I have to lose weight for me. No one else is going to be impacted by my good and bad choices, and I need to get back in control of my diet. Gastric banding is not a magic wand....it's a life changing journey that only works if you work with it, and for the last few weeks, I have not been a good bandster. I am getting back on the "band"wagon, and re-committing myself to this way of life.




36 hours until banding

WOW - I can't believe that I have 36 hours until I am banded. 36 hours! Today, my youngest and I went on a tour of UMASS Amherst (she is a senior in high school this year) and the tour of this beautiful campus was lead by an enthuastic 20 year old, someone who could run up and down the hills of this university with no problem. Me, on the other hand, I was out of breath halfway up the first hill! I stayed with the pack, kept going, and toured the campus on this picturesque autumn New England day. I wanted to make sure this day was all my daughter wanted it to be, and I did not want to embarrass her. So, I kept going....and going...and going. I just know that if we tour this campus again, I will be in better shape, thanks to this surgery, and going to the gym faithfully. I did not have the cider and donuts provided, I, instead, bought a water from the vending machine for $4! It would have been easy to cheat on my two week "liver shrink" diet, but I owe it to Me to stay true. I know this is the right decision for ME. I have heard people say "oh, just eat better and exercise more"....thanks....if that worked for me, I would not be in this spot! However, all of my family, and most of my friends/co-workers are all so supportive of my choice, that words sometimes are not enough. As I left my office yesterday, I carried a gift bag from my friends - a "good luck" bamboo plant, gift cards to our local Stop & Shop (Peapod delivers, which means my daughter will be thrilled) and Lysol (I am addicted to Lysol!!) What awesome co-workers I have! We even went to the local restaurant for Happy Hour, and my water with lemon never tasted so good! Happy Hour is happy, when sharing it with people you enjoy, even when partaking in H2O only. So, tonight, I finished the shopping, bought Halloween candy for the trick or treaters in two weeks, and now to finish the laundry. Tomorrow I will shampoo the carpets and finish up all the last minute things I may have forgotten ....and then Monday morning, at 9:45, I report for my surgery. 36 hours. That is why my life changes for the better!




just when I thought I was stuck in neutral....

It's been almost 9 months since my surgery, and just over a year from when I started the whole band process. Lately tho, I thought I was stuck in a holding pattern, a plateau of a huge magnitude. I went to my regularly scheduled appointment with my surgeon yesterday, and dreaded the walk to the scale. I even told the PA that I knew I had not lost one pound over the past 7 weeks. and he agreed with me.....since I had lost 3! I am not going to disparage the weight loss, since every single pound I lose is another one off of me. I talked at length with my doctor over my eating habits (and it helps that I track my food intake daily online) and I was totally honest with him - including a stop at Dairy Queen over the weekend - and my exercise routine. We decided to up the cc's in my band ( I had 6 since February) and now I am at 7 cc's in a 9cc realize band. Today, I feel full. Really full. I am following my doctors 4 day after fill diet, and I am ok. I know this weight loss plan is a journey - and not short one at that. and I am so happy I really did lose weight over the past few weeks....so here I am....keeping up with the "band"wagon!




Putting the fork DOWN!

This journey back to health means so much to me...sometimes, it's hard to find the words. I am seven weeks post-op, and 6 days out from my first fill. This past week has been an eye-opener....was my fill too much, why could I not swallow, OMG what can I eat, and at one low point, what have I done? However, I am learning so much about myself, too..... I am not a quitter, I can follow this diet, I will succeed, and I will put down my fork when I am full. I do not have to eat everything on my plate....I do not have to try everything in front of me, and most importantly, I am starting to see just where 30+ lbs have left my body. Today was a pretty normal day.... my youngest left for school, I took the dog for a walk, and then got myself ready for work.....worked and came home....had some errands to run, and let me daughter drive (she has had her license for a week) and off we went....just a normal routine for a busy mom. Arrived back home, and thought as we pulled into the driveway "whew - time for a sugar free jello, and then some relaxation..".....however.....as my daughter parked the car, I guess she did not put it into park, and as I was headed to the door, I looked over my shoulder and witnesed my car, rolling down the driveway and headed directly toward a tree. Oh yes....it hit the tree, and with quick an impressive thump, too. My daughter, meanwhile, was screaming at me to do something.....and what could I do? I walked over to the car, afraid to look at the backend, and peered at the trunk.....all the while envisioning the tree trunk embedded smack dab in the middle, but, lo and behold, no dents in sight. So, I carefully got in the car, and pulled it forward, got out and looked again....no significant damage to the car, just a small scratch on the bumper. The tree, however, has a more impressive mark on the trunk, but it is still standing upright. I have to remember that if this is the worst accident my daughter ever has, then she is a lucky girl, and I am a lucky mom. So, here is to living and learning, and taking something with me from that lesson....gratitude, happiness, and the ability to put down my fork.




Home Sweet Home

I have been home from the hospital for just over 24 hours....and so far, so good. I arrived at the hospital at 9:30am, 15 minutes before my scheduled arrival time, and I went back to pre-op right on time. My surgery was scheduled for 11:15am, but after changing into my lovely jonny, the nurse told me there was going to be a 'little" delay in my surgery time. Well, after watching the noon news, and then the show that came on after, I finally headed into the OR at 1:10pm...I cannot say enough good things about my surgeon, and the people who assisted in the banding - they are awesome. Then it was off to recovery - and Martha, my nurse, is definately going to heaven! My mom and dad were allowed to come and see me around 4pm, and we headed out the door for home right around 6....and then the hour ride home. I have never been so happy to see my front door! Slept in the recliner last night - so much easier than trying to get in and out of bed, and I seriously think I will spend tonight there as well. Got up today and already was walking better but need to remember that I am one day post-op! So, if I could share any words that were shared with me, it would be to remember to take your meds on schedule, walk walk walk, and thanks to whomever recommended the gas-x strips (they really work). Tomorrow is another day - and I am still SO happy to be home.




is it just a cold...or swine flu?

Stay well everyone and I hope this helps! Difference between Cold and Swine Flu Symptoms       Fever   Fever is rare with a cold. Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu.   Coughing   A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough).   Aches   Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. Severeaches and pains are common with the flu.   Stuffy Nose   Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu.   Chills   Chills are uncommon with a cold. 60% of people who have the flu experience chills.   Tiredness   Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu.   Sneezing   Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. Sneezing is not common with the flu.   Sudden Symptoms   Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains.   Headache   A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases.   Sore Throat   Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu.   Chest Discomfort   Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu.     RECOGNIZE SWINE FLU SYMPTOMS! DEFEND YOURSELF     High Risk Groups ·Children below 5 years ·Senior persons above 65 years ·HIV infected persons ·Diabetic patients ·Pregnant Women ·Lung & Heart patients ·Obese persons Warning signs for children ·Troubled or abnormal breathing ·Bluish skin color ·Lessened intake of water/fluids ·Extended sleep or lack of interaction ·Irritable ·Fever with rash ·Flu-like symptoms recede, but return with fever and worsened cough Warning signs for adults · Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath · Pain/pressure in chest/abdomen · Sudden dizziness · Confusion · Severe or persistent vomiting · Seasonal flu vaccines or past immunizations DO NOT provide protection against the H1N1 virus · Please visit a qualified physician if you suspect Swine Flu symptoms. Avoid self-treatment   * Persons infected with the H1N1 virus may be able to pass it on 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 7 days after infection



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