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2 YEARS late and I am still fighting the the FAT fight!

My 2 year anniv came and went. I am very dissapointed in myself, i have managed to GAIN weight since last OCt i have gone up almost 15 lbs!! It is not the BANDS fault. It is mine all mine! I am grassing all day and not notice all the calories i take in. Also, during the summer i pretty much stopped going to the gym. WHat did i expect!???     OK so now that i have said it. I NEED TO GET BACK ON TRACK. I have given myself till 2015 ( i turn 40) to losse 65lbs to reach my goal. It doesnt sound like to much to most of you but it seems i am hardheaded and i finally came to realize that my habits have been keeping back.   I have not had a fill since Dec of 2010 AND I DONT PLAN TO HAVE ONE TILL I LOOSE THAT 15-20LBS ON MY OWN. The Dr told me that i have 8.5 CC and that i am almost at my limit. That is scary since i dont have much restriction.   Any advice, suggestions, motivation would be great!!   Hope everyone is reaching the goals in life!




6 months and no weight loss...band practically full

OK last fill i had was dec 23 2010, the Dr told me i had a total of 8.5 CC and i pretty much have reached my limit.... really? I do have restriction but 90% of the time it happens at stressfull moments . I have given up breat and soda since i got the band. bUt i can practically eat everything else. I am LAtina so i make a lot of rice, as long as i have a sauce it will go down. I workout 2 times a week and dont get off the elliptical till it tells me i have burned 500+ calories. I am always on the move at home, running behind two 5 year old boys and doing housework. In no way am i blamming the BAND for not loosing any weight in the last 6 months or so. I have realized that i am grazing all the time. I spend so much time in the kitchen that i dont realize how much food i put in my mouth...so i dont count those calories.   My big goal is to loose 100lbs or fit comfortably in a size 14 jeans. right now i fit in a size 20 What bothers me the most is my stomach. I dont expect to ever have a flat belly after having twins. bUt i look at myself and i see a woman that seems 5 months prego. I have even had people ask me how far along I am.   Anyways i just needed to vent.... I know i am not the only one with Issues. But it help to vent and read other blogs. My next step is to get myself in the gym and especially get a hold of the grazing.   Anyone have any suggestions??? thanks




cooking Easter lunch for 12 people..what was i thinking!?!?!

After having my kids home all last week, now i have to clean the house and plan a meal for 12 people. Ofcourse my husband has put in his request for Asparagus and for desert Chocolate & Coconut cupcakes...yeah so that means i have to make atleast 16 of them. OH and i am working the weekend....   I plan on making - SPiral ham with sweet & Spicy pinneaple Sauce - Mash potatoes - Roasted Asparagus - GReen beans ( for those who dont like Asparagus) - Salad   I am pretty sure i will not be eating, i have leaned that my band does not like it when i have people over and limits ehat i can eat...specially meat...and i sure want to make sure i do not get stuck. Thakfully the people coming over are family members that are low key and if anything goes wrong thay will not judge... alto can go wrong with 3 small kids on a sugar high thanks to the Easter BUnny!! lol   I am hoping a can get back on track..i have not lost any weight in the last 5-6 months and now i have a wedding in Aug and it would really be nice to feel comfortable in a summer dress   HOPE everone has a great week!!!




i need someone to relate...

Hi, is there someone out there in their mid 30's with smalll kids? stay at home moms? stressed over being surrounded with food ( kids constantly asking for meals/snacks/juice/treats)? I have become a bird..picking at food here and there. If i am home it seems i am 70% of the time in the kitchen preparing something for someone and while i do that i eat with out really being hungry. I have a 7 year old daughter and 4 year old twin boys that are handfull and seem to always be hungry. I am being very carefull of what i feed my kids because i do not want them to feel deprived but i also dont whan them to grow up overweight. I want my daughter to see me at a healthy weight, we do not use the word FAT in my house. I want to be around for my kids graduation from high school and college. I want to be there for their weddings and i want to be able to hold my grandkids....   Wow it seems i am getting way ahead of myself. Today im feeling a little emotional i guess and i just need to vent. What better place than here.   Summer is just around the corner and i want to make a change. I know i wont reach my Goal this year. BUT what i do want is to see the #s on the scale go down even if its 1/2 a lbs a week. My kids motivate me and stress me out at the same time...does that make sense??/   Hope everyone out there are doing well!! VIc





it has been a while since i logged on...much has changed. I am not sure how to navigate!!   Ok it has been 15 months since surgery and i NEED SOME MOTIVATION!!! HELP!!!!   I have lost about 50lbs...i know i could have lost alot more if i would of been more aggressive with my workouts and my fills. So far i have 7.6 CC ( i think) as of Sept 16th and just now i am starting to feel restriction. it is not constant, it comes and goes...so one day i am ok eating wild rice and the next i get stuck and the pain starts.   Since sept i have been going up and down ... my goal for New Years was to get below 230 lbs...i dont see that happening since on MOnday the scale said 235lbs. I have a Appt coming up pn the Dec 23rd...just in time for the Xmas feast. I am hoping for a small fill and i know i wond be eating any yummy pot roast, roasted chicken...ect   I need some advice... some motivation. Something to stop me from reaching for " crunchy carbs"       I have been going to the gym 2 times a week and doing some weight at home.I am focussing on my abdominal area since the SudoPrego belly has got to go! Winter is here and i kow i will be getting Cabin fever at home with my 3 young kids...so i need to keep busy ...staying away from teh kitchen   I know that i should be proud of what i have acomplished so far...after all it took me 10 years to gain the 100lbs that i am trying to loose in 2 years.   Hope everyone is well !!!    




just thinking..

Suday..im at work. I am meeting some friends that i have not seen in more that 5 years (before having my twins) They dont know i have the Band, funny think is that i think right now i weigh the same than when we saw eachother last. So maybe i will tell them, or maybe not.   Have a great week everyone.   Oh yeah... still not lost any weight:sneaky:




finally a little restriction...

for the last 2 days while eatinning my dinner i have had to stop, get up from the table and go to the kitchen sink with the feeling that my last 2 bites are stuck and getting ready to come up.... the episodes last 15-20 mins. I know it is a good idea to eat your meals at the table but when you are surrounded by 3 small kids that are doing anything to get your attention ( playing with their food; requesting more juice, demanding more ketchup...ect) i think i cant relax and pay attention to what is on my plate and how i chew my food.   Anyways im excited that after 9 months i know have a little restriction....hopefully it is a sign that i am getting closer to my sweet sopt. I have nto weighed myself in almost 2 weeks...the scale has not moved in almost 2 months...so i think i will wait till next friday to do it.   I went to the gym 4 times this week...it wasnt easy. But it got done. On sunday i am seeing family that have not seen me since last July. Since then i have lost 40 lbs..im sure they are thinking i should have lost more. I will be wearing a bathingsuit ( yuck) I know they will see a difference in my legs, just because my skin is loose.   Ok...hope everyione has a great 4th of July!!!




i love making list....

What i am doing right: - I am drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day - I gave up soda , caffeine and BREAD - I am working out 2-3 times a week. Usually before the 3 kids wake up and i dont get off the elliptical/treadmill till the machine tells me i have burned atleast 500 calories - I am realistic! - i keep a food journal - I weigh myself only once a week, on Mondays   What i am doing wrong - I can eat well over 1 cup of food per meal...ususally more like 12-14 oz - i am a "crunchy carb" junky and that has been hard to to give up I still eat chips, crackers, gramcrackers, corn chips...all the junk that slides right through - i have 3 small kids and it seems i spend more that half of my day in the kitchen fixing up meals, snacks and treats...so i end up graissing on bad food choices. - i have 2-3 alcoholic drinks per week ( i need it after a day with teh kids!!) -Just cant give up Rice... it must be a Latina thing! - I forget to take my vitamins, calcium and vitamin D 50% of the time - I am eating well over 1200 calories per day -I look at myself and see no real changes. I still look like i am prego. My list could go an and on...but i have to go do my 3rd load of laundry.... just needed to vent i guess. goodnight




9 months--- 5th fill--- 40lbs--restriction?

It has onmt been one month since my last fill...but after 10 days i knew i was not going to feel any restriction so i called and made an appt to get a fill. The dr gave me 1.2 CC so i have a total of 7.8 CC. He also gave me some pointers in regards to my food journal. I was drinking a protein drink of having fruit for BF and he said to change that. That i need something bulkier in the AM and to try to stay away from the "snaking" between meals. That is hard. Right now i am potty trainning 2 boys and i am constantly going to the kitchen for treats, snacks, meals Oh and my 6 years old daughter is out of school...so she is 'trying " to help   my next appt will be in sept, that will be my 1 year annv. but if i dont see any real change in my band and my diet i will be going back to the dr.




there is hope at the end of the tunnel...

On my last blog i was fustrated over not being able to get ahold of a human at my Dr office.. Well yesterday i finally got a call back and the lady told me i could go in 10 days from now @ 10:15am take it or leave it. SO i said yes!!! I sure hope my husband can work from home that day. It takes me about 1 hour to get there but if there is taffic it can take much longer...so basically for a 20 min visit it will take me the whole morning to go and come back.   I sure hope my Dr doesnt give me any grieff over coming in early for my 5 th fill... why should i wait another month if i know i am not even close to my sweet spot and i am not loosing any weight... Sept 30th will be my 1 year...so my goal by then is to have lost a total of 60lbs.   Yesterday and today i did 1 hour on the elliptical...i basically dont get off till the machine tells me i have burned 500+ calories I like that machine better that the treatmill..it gets my hart pumping muvh faster and it is easyer on the knees   Hope everyone is doing well.




All I get is a voice mail....

OK so since i had my 4 th fill on MAy 20th i can officially say that i dont feel my Band. I still have zero restriction and can eat well over 10-12 oz of food at a meal. In 3 weeks i have lost 2-3 lbs..... so i called my Dr office to ask to come in for my 5 th fill...but all i get is a recording!!! Last friday i called 3 times..... thank goodness it is not a real emergency. I will keep on calling this week till i get a human on the phone. I do not want to wait till july 24th for my fill.   I am fustrated..... but still happy i have lost a total of 40lbs. I have realistic goals. Unfortunally in the last 7 days i have overdone it with the food. Tomorrow is weigh in I am thinking of skipping it cuz i am not going to like what i see,,, Ofcourse i am sure my husband will step on that scale and see another 3 lbs gone.   have a great week everyone




8 months--- 4 fills --- 40lbs lost --- Zero restriction

I got my 4th fill last thurs (total 6.6 cc) Surgeon made a appt for my 5th fill for July. I could alreay tell by Sat that i was having no restriction.It felt exacly the same! So the way i see it i will just stop weighing myself, keep working out, eat my 1200 calories and PRAy that in 2 months i have lost some weight. My goal will be 10lbs.   It doesnt help that my husband finaly got on the train and is eating better ( gave up soda) and working out and in 4 weeks he was lost 15lbs.!!!:cursing: i am very happy for him, but now he is looking at me like"why can you loose weight like me??":blink: Family and friends are very supportive BUt i can tell they are wondering why i am not loosing weight quicker. my father lives in South America and has not seen me in 2 years (278lbs) he seems to think i have lost a huge a mount and is asking for pics... i have none to send. One friend put it as a positive " you are loosing slowly and that is giving your body/skin time to adjust..."   Anyways, I will keep going. Love this website. I read the blogs and it gives me hope.   Have a great Week !! Ciao




People do notice..

it felt good seeing these women from work. I look at myself everyday and dont see much change...specially in the belly area. My boss was a little over the top with the compliments. Last time i saw her(about 1 year) she was doing the "cookie Diet" and she said it was working...in my head i asked myslef how long can you eat those cookies without getting totally sick, well it seems she stoped that and gained the 20lb she lost. everyone complimented on my "pretty face"...maybe it was the make up, cuz i only use it 5-10 times a year. Anyways, hopefully the next time i see them i have more progress. I am still stuck at 35lbs. I have my 4th fill on the 20th. till then i will keep doing Zumba, treadmill and eating 1200-1500 cal a day. yes i am still fustrated BUT i am tankfull for the band and do no regret it.   Hope all is well...




..will anyone notice?

i just realized that on Tuesday i am going to a work related meeting where i am going to see people i have not seen since i weighed 276-280lbs:unsure: These women are very jugmental and i am sure they have been giving their opinion about my surgery and im sure their expectations are high ( none are Obese) I now weight 243lbs... I cant really see a big difference when i look at myself but i am kinda hoping my coworkers do...is that stupid? i know that what comes outof my bosses mouth is usually not sincere..so that will bug me. Anyways... i know come tuesday i will be looking in my closet for something slimming..black always works.:wink2:




fustrated #3 nothing has changed

Ok so i had my 3rd fill one month ago. I now have 5.6CC and in the first week i lost 4lbs.....and that is it!!:smile2: Once i started eating solids i have maintained.In total i have lost about 35lbs..in the last 7 months. i am only 1/3 away from my goal and i have ZERO restriction. One night i was able to eat about 10oz of MEAT! and to top it off i had about 2oz of mash potatoes.   I have been keeping to 1200-1500 cal per day and about 65+ grams of protein. I am working out 2-3 times a week. I just started going to Zumba classes and at home i work on tummy crunches. It just seems my body is refussing to give up any FAT. I have not been perfect with the Diet.... with 3 small kids it seems i am always surrounded by food and so i find myself eating cookies, crackers, godfish, chips... and ofcourse those things go down well:sneaky:   I have my next appt in 4 weeks. I would be somewhat happy to be able to loose a total of 10 lbs before then. I am guessing my Dr will give me another 1CC... I read alot of blogs and hear people say that they " are at their sweet spot" I would truely be happy if i could loose 1 lbs a week...more importantly to see iches come off!!   I hope soon i will be able to have a more positive Blog. thanks for hearing me out... its good to vent!:wink2:




third times a charm..so they say

I am getting my 6 month eval and my 3rd fill tomorrow. I sure hope this time it works. I have had ZERO restriction since Jan. I am pretty sure i am eating the right things but just to much ( quantity). Im working out 3 times a week.. i can now be on the bike for 1 hour and sweat my ass off...the machine tells me that i have burned 300+ calories but im not sure if i should believe it.Mu nect challenge is to try the step machine and gett into a aerobics class with out fainting or making a fool out of myself.   wish me luck. I am dreading getting on the scale tomorrow...i have lost only 5 lbs since my last fill in Jan.




Fustrated part #2

its 5:45 am-- i am on my way to the gym. I became a member of the YMCA this week to see if getting out and doing cardio out side the house will work better that doing it infront of the Tv. Getting up before the kids is the only chance i have to do a work out.. why am i fustrated??? well after almost 2 months since my 2nd fill i have lost olnly 3-4 Lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a HELL!!:eek: I will admit i have not been perfect with my intake of food. I have ZERO restriction. But i have been keeping up with the 64 oz of water a day and excersising 2-3 times a week. I see my surgeon next week for my 6 month follow up...he better be prepared to give me a aggressive fill. right now i have 5CC and the is not doing much and i have lost a total of 35 lbs since Feb 2009. Still have 70lbs to go.   have to go burn some FAT!   It seems all my post are negative...but believe me when i say that i am greatfull for my BAND and i do not regret it. Hopefully soon i will have apmething positive to report.




... I need to VENT!!

So many things that fustrate me right now   1st-- Since my 2nd fill (Jan 28th) i have only lost 3 lbs and have NO restriction.Plan on joinning the YMCA to see if i get motivated to working out...ofcourse that is if my back/leg cooperate.   2nd-- My Sciatica is still bothering me. After 10 days of Celebrex and not working out (dr's orders) i decided to just get 2 work outs on thur and friday...and now i am limping. I dont want to be on Tylenol for the rest of my life. And i dont have the time to sit an heal...have 3 kids to take care of.   3rd-- TAX season... granted that we let H&R Block do it, i still never manage to get all the right paperwork for them and the ask questions i dont really know how to answer.I just hope the refund can get help us out.   4th-- Im eating WAY to much!!! my 3 year old twins seem to always want to eat. I spend way to much time in the kitchen and that just gives me axcess to "cruchy munchies". Bad habbits are really hard to break!!!   5th-- I have lost about 32lbs and have only gone down one pant size...where am i loosing the weight?   6th --- Husband is not beeing very understanding. did he forget that i got the Band?? I still cook the same way but he is bringing home a lot of crappy food and offering it to me...what a hell!! maybe he doesnt like the fact the i am about 7 lbs lighter that him now :redface:   7th -- still loosing my hair!! i have been keeping my protein intake over 70 gms a day. I have also been taking Biotin for over 1 months and got myself a hair cut. It is freaking me out!   8th-- KIDS are driving me crazy. My 6 year old daughter is talking back and being very ruff with the boys. Time outs dont seem to affect her much. But at kindergarden she is a ANGEL!! The twins are destroying the house, we have just a few pieces of furniture in the living area.Their room only has beds cuz the climb and jump off anything. THey are fighting over everything and one bites, the other one pulls hair or with whatever he has in his hand he will hit the other on the head. There is alot of helling...crying..:frown: I also failed at potty trainning this boys. they are not interested and Im so sick of diapers!!   :wub:I love my family BUt i know see how it is that food has come into my life as a lifesaver for so long... I want to change ... i need to change.   CAn anyone relate!??????!   I feel a little better now.... i realize this process takes time.




Sciatica--- a real bummer!

Ok so it has been a week since my sciatica appeared and on Tues it will be a week since i have been on the anti-inflamatories (celebrex) and the Vicodin...wich i can only take after my husband gets home since it makes em loopy :lol:and i really cant stay awake. So i take Tylenol during the day. I still have pain, i can not go more that 15 mins without feeling the pinch/shock go down my left leg. it is really fustrating because i want to get back to doing my workout at 6am but i get up very lame and i know i have a full day ahead of me with the kids. To TOP it off...i have gained 3 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused: i am still not feeing any restriction and i have 5 more weeks before my next fill. i am bumming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Agervated my sciatica:crying: on Friday when i took my kids up to Maine for the day. I can nearly go 15 steps without feelig a sharp pain go from the lower back to my left knee!!! i wont be doing much Cardio this week. I will focus on Abdominals and arms. I will keep taking Tylenol every 6 hours to help during the day. I dont have the option of stopping since i have to take care of the house, my 6 year old daughter, and my 3 year old twin boys!!!.Im feeling down, just needed to vent. My husband is clueless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and a gained 1 lbs...what a HELL!??!?:biggrin:




#%&^* hair Loss #3

Ok so i have been reading up on hair loss in relation to rapid weight changes. It seems that when you have weight loss surgery your body focuses on recovery and healling. This means that whatever protain it is taking in it is using it to heal your affected areas. So the body stops "caring" about hair growth for a while. I also read that the body goes into "shock" from all the changes from surgery and at some point it will recover. Till then, i am eating lots of protein, taking Biotin 1000mg every day and staying away from vitamin A. Also Found out that having to much vitamin A can encourage hair loss... So i think i have been overdosing on it since 4 of my favorite foods have a high amout of it : red peppers, broccoli, carrots and mangos!! i will not stop eating them, but i will make sure i am not eating them all the same day. I have my 2nd fill on thurs.. i will talk to the nutricionist about it. I also plan to get a hair cut, just so that i dont freak out every time i wash my hair :thumbup: The report i read also said that hair regrowth can take anywhere from 3 months to 12 months!!!   hope everyone is doing well!




@$%*^ Hair loss #2

Ok..I looked for shapoo that had Biotin in it. But instead 3 days ago i started taking Biotin 1000 gm. I found it at Target and decided i need to try it. I m tired of seeing so much hair go down the drain:ohmy: I am planning on getting a haircut ( new look) soon but i need to stop the hairloss. The pill is small enough to be swalloed easily. I hope Biotin helps me with my hair on my head and not in the growth of it anywhere else hahaha!




Almost 3 months out and already stuck!

:blink:I did not weigh myself in over 10 days...but this morning i just had to check. I was sooooo dissapointed to see the scale say 250!! i did not loose any weight and granted that started working out over 2 weeks ago. I can blame some of the food i had during the holidays but, i did not go to crazy. My second fill is coming up on 1/21. I want to be below 250!!! Im trying to get fustrated...and hungly. that is a deadly combination. I will keep with the morning work outs 3 times a week and try my best to stay away from yummy temptations. Is amyone out there 3 months post Op, :crying:stuck after only loosing 25 lbs??




now i know what restriction and slime mean...

Holly Cow...On Thurs while making dinner i felt the urge to try my rice (with out sauce)..after the 2-3 try..:eek:BOOOM! i felt my chest getting tight, my stomach constricting...i could hardly take a breath...i kept trying to swallow...but "slime" kept coming up (gross) All i could do was keep spitting it out and try not to freak out. Finally some of the rice came up..and then i got Hic ups wich stangly enough helped alot. The whole episode lasted about 35 mins...by that time i felt soar from my stomach all the way up to my throat, i was sweaty and scared. I have only had 1 fill so far...and for a while i had been thinking that my band was not working like i hope it would. Well, after this i Know it is working and that probably after i have my 2nd fill i will REALLY have to be carefull what i put in my mouth...cuz that feeling of restriction is no fun.Thank goodness i was at home and alone with my toddlers. THey had no idea why mommy was acting so strange. I decided i will not weigh myself till 12/31. Hopefully i will see good results. I have been working out 3 times a week.




*^#@! HAir Loss!!

PLease tell me i am not the only one thinking i am going bald!?:confused: For the past 3 weeks i have been noticing that every time i wash my hair, there is way to much of it washing out with the shampoo. I am even afraid to comb or bush it. i can really tell when im getting it up in a pony tail. SO, any suggestions? advice? Im going to have my yearly physical next month, I hope i still have some hair left my then:sad:



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