I told the therapist way more than she needed to hear. It was just a lot of stuff I needed to get off of my chest and she didn't seem to mind.
I used up the whole hour and she had to schedule another appointment on Friday so we could finish.
The sleep study wasn't much fun but it beat trying to sleep with an IV in like last weekend.
I think I got about 2.5 hours sleep in the 7.5 hours I was there. I have a hard enough time trying to get comfortable in bed without wires all over the place.
I don't know what either of these have to do with lapbanding but it's good that I am getting them out of the way early.
Tomorrow is my 45th birthday and I was going to quit smoking; start an exercise regiment and watch what I was eating starting then.
As my luck goes, I suffered a couple of mild heart attacks on Wednesday and Thursday and spent the weekend being poked and prodded in the hospital.
It didn't scare me as much as it probably should have. I knew at the rate I was abusing my body that it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Needless to say, my new lifestyle started Friday morning when I checked into the emergency room.
The time off from work will be nice, I just hope I have the will power to do what I know needs to be done.