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27 -
173 -
Entries in this blog
Yes, I'm still alive
My Heart Attackiversary
I'm banded and don't feel any different
Pet Peeves
Last pre-op post, Today's the day
100 pounds left to lose
NO longer morbidly obese!
I want to thank everyone on this site (except of course the idiots that told me I know nothing and shouldn't give advice because I'm not banded). I don't wear my feelings on my arm and may come across as I think I know everything but I wouldn't know a thing without reading about your experiences, questions and answers. I don't ask a lot of questions because for the most part, you've all done that for me. Pre-Surgery ticker! Post-Surgery ticker!
A year in review
Back on for March 2nd!
Pre-op shake 1
Getting closer!!
Ready to call it quits!
Yep, the band is there and working :(
Having slight second thoughts
A third of the way there!
Post-op instructions tomorrow
Don't know where this is taking me but I am along for the ride
On the final leg of my journey to bandom
Just looking for an excuse to brag
Pre-op day 4 of 21
Bodybugg - useful or just another expensive toy?
Getting frustrated!
Panniculectomy done and the healing has begun
Best responses ever
Waited a little too long
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