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Entries in this blog
Went to bed Hungry!!!
Another Gastric Bypass Friend has gained back 15 lbs!!!
Dancing is Fun!!!AND great exercise, feeling Alive again!
Lots of Traveling and it is Too Difficult to eat out anymore, I just can't!
Went to Disney~Playing with Grandchildren is so much FUN!
The Flu is going around~Lapband Patients Beware!
Proud Momma Today!
I have survived!
Throwing up~~Again! Nerves?
Crazy for Corn Chips???
Enjoy the Good Life!!!
Listed Under BEST BLOGS!! Thanks to all of YOU!
What is our Standard to Compare to?
I love my life! Very happy today!
Upset Stomach is not good with the Band!
I sat on the Couch with TWO other people!!!
Success? Does 10 Sizes smaller equal Success? I think so!!!
I found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
So who Didn't watch the Season Premier of "The Biggest Loser"????
My dress didn't fit, but that's OK!
Throwing up EVERYTHING I have eaten today???
Getting Excited about The Wedding Dress!
That doggone Crunch n Munch!
Our newest Grandchild is here! Ava Born Yesterday!!!
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