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The Journey

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All is well with the earth.

Okay so things have gotten better..way better. I'll do this in chronological order: 1. I call the doc's office they are closed...can't reschedule..ugh bummed. 2. Talk to a former co-worker, same surgeon did her banding 2 weeks ago....no pain at all.....everything great with her!!!! Yay. (still freaking thinking the doc won't bend for me) 3. Another pre-bander emails me to tell me about her doc. I look up the hosp in my insurance...covered ...yay!!! The doc I want is not covered...boo-hoo. 4. My sis calls to finally give me the emotional support I need...I called her at 10am and she was still out cold. Anyway she tells me take the time off from school-I am smart and get good grades, she reminds me -its no worse than being out sick for the day...duh I forgot that...see why I needed her support?--she knows just the right words to use...lol. 5. I forgot to mention--I got my sleep machine...OMG the guy was on his way to my house and THE POWER GOES OUT...omg someone somewhere doesn't want this to happen for me...he calls to say he is on his way..i do not tell him about the power...good thing...right as I hang up the power goes back on---yeah--someone IS looking out for me!!!:eek: 6. I call the doc's office today-returning a call i didn't know i had because it was on my cell which was out in the car. They change my date to the 27th...totally do-able...and...guess what I was wrong about my schedule...I only have two classes on Wednesday's not 4...whoo hoo! So I will have surgery on Sept 27th....and only miss 3 classes....omg this is awsome! (I will not have to drive into a tree after all-see prev journal entry...lol) I am so excited I think I will go clean the kitchen!!!!! Ha ha ha...odd thing to say I know, was too upset to do anything...feel like a great weight (ha ha) has been lifted...now feel normal. TTFN!!!!:confused:





Okay the Pulmonary Doc called today to discuss the outcome of my sleep apnea test 10 MINUTES BEFORE I GOT HOME TODAY....do you think any of my family members told me!!! No, I found out at 5:45pm......he called at 3:30pm...now ya know had they told me, I could have actually spoke to him and then called my surgeon to discuss my surgery date!!!!!! Agghhh they are all fired at my house.....no more message takers, they are slacking on me!:help: So now i have to wait till Monday and ya know I am gonna have to talk to nurse-zilla..........ugh shoot me now please:laser: :Cry: ....lol. :eek: To get even with my family i made sad "poopy" face for the rest of the day...lol :Banane20: Okay that was enough whining :faint: for now ......gonna go do my spanish homework. :ranger:




15 days and no sleep yet

:angry OMG still no sleep. 15 days I can't take it anymore! Hubby thinks I should do housework and then i will get tired and fall asleep....he totally doesn't understand sleep apnea! I even tried rum and coke last night....still no sleep. I feel like a zombie! I called the sleep people....finally my report is on the doc's desk, he reads it, and faxes it to my doc. I called my doc 2 days ago, talked to Nurse-Zilla again.....bitch! She said ya know it takes two weeks (mind you I hadn't even asked her anything yet..that was her greeting) ......and i said...yeah but there is a rush on this and I haven't slept since July 19th.......I told her I can't take it anymore and that it was affecting my health and my personal life. Did I say bitch? I meant Uber-Bitch. If anyone ever hears that I wrapped my car around a tree because of lack of sleep.....please tell the authorities it was the U.B's fault. Maybe U.B. could use some homemade brownies to cheer her up (who cares if I lace them with Chocolatey Ex-lax!!!!)...ugh i feel like I am gonna whig.....gotta log off! :nervous



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