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Day after tomorrow

I went to see my surgeon on Wednesday, and Monday a.m. is the big day. I have to be at the surgical center at 7 in the morning, and it is just over an hour's drive without rush-hour traffic, so I will have to be up around 4:30 in the morning or so. It will be a long day!   I keep thinking of all the things that need to be done between now and then, so I haven't had time to worry a lot yet. I still have quite a bit of work to do so that my co-workers can complete my portion of the newspaper for me, need to do some laundry, and make a meal for my kids that my oldest daughter can just pop in the oven Monday evening. Oh yeah, and I need to try the ticker thing again!   I have had my gall bladder removed and that was a breeze, so I have high hopes for this one -- praying there are no complications with the band though -- as a single mom, I don't have time to deal with wierd stuff!   So, if all goes well, I will update Monday night/Tuesday morning.   :thumbup:




Blood sugar readings

WOw, tonight they were in the 120's. It has been a long time since that happened. But then, that is what a clear liquid diet will do for you, right? I am so not complaining!:biggrin:




Baby steps

Several months ago, my parents dropped a bombshell on me.... they are paying for me to have the lapband. I am 37, diabetic, have high blood pressure, and I am single mom to four of the most amazing daughters ever. My grandmother died from complications of diabetes, and the memory of that just kills my dad.   In the meantime, I had a little ex-husband drama and I really just could not focus on anything else until that was resolved. Now that is behind me, here I am -- 30 days away from my surgery date.   Aside from scheduling all of the necessary appointments, I have starting cutting back on the Diet Coke during this last week. The first day was rough, but I am doing OK. I have gone from several bottles/cans, to one 8 ounce bottle each night at bedtime. I know, strange timing, but the caffeine doesnt bother me and after a night of hanging out with the girlies, it is how I wind down -- for now.   I will continue that this week, and try to cut it out entirely by the end of next week -- so that when I start my pre-op diet, "hopefully" the coke won't be such an issue.   In terms of food, it has been a period of "eat, drink and be merry." HOwever, in the last week, I have been somewhat more watchful about what I eat, and next week I will step it up and just be more diligent. But, I planned on waiting til this time of year because there is an annual festival here that I really wanted to enjoy.... along with many of the usual summertime treats. Next week, most of that will be behind me.   I am not real worried about the surgery at this point.... just anxious to get on my way.




April Weigh-in

SO today was the day and I have been looking forward to it.   When I went in March, I had set a goal for around 8-10 pounds, because then I would have hit the 50 pound mark. I had been working out at the gym every day, had good restriction, and it just seems like there should have been no problem reaching that goal. ANd then, the hormones went nuts, I started retaining water, which makes me really tight. So last month, I lost 6 pounds and missed my goal. I was just mad about it. I mean, two lousy pounds after all that hard work?   So, I have been working HARDER. HAd the same water retention issues this time, but was lucky to see that go away a few days before the weigh-in.   I got in teh car early this morning, drove more than an hour to get to the clinic, got on the happy little scale, and what do you know...... 11 pounds. I am pleased with that.   So today, the grand total is 58.5 pounds lost..... from 311 to 252.5...... BMI is 42 and steadily dropping.   I am just thrilled to finally get a good number that is indicative of the effort I have been putting into this. Because let me tell you, even when your brain can rationalize it and say it is just the hormones, just the water, there is still the alter ego that wants that magic number on the scale to be a good one.




5 days post-op.... so far so good!!

Wow, what a week this has been! Surgery on Monday, two sick kids etc.   The surgery itself went well, and I am so impressed with my doctor -- he called me on Tuesday to check on me. Not so impressed with the surgical center and staff, but hey, it is done, everything turned out well in spite of them.   I definitely have some restriction going on because I have been quite happy with my broth and jello. Even half a mug of broth is plenty for me. Tomorrow, I get to move on to "full liquids." I get cream of chicken soup -- what a feast that is going to be -- I can't wait!!   The gas comes and goes, the stitches and the tape on them are starting to ITCH!! I am still a bit sore but it is bearable. My back hurts more than anything from all that time in the recliner. I made it to the grocery store yesterday, with help from one of my daughters. And this afternoon I will do a little bit of work from home.   My kids are improving and home again.... that is a relief to me. THe humidifier and the airborne are doing their jobs, so I have not had more symptoms yet, thank goodness. Coughing is still painful. So is laughing. Jeff Dunham is not recommended during early recovery, lol.   So, after 5 days of rest and too much relaxation, it is time to get back to living -- in between naps anyway. :biggrin:



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