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Pre-Op Anxiety

If I make it through the next 48 hours without hurling, it will be a miracle! haha. My surgery is the day after tomorrow. I thought I wouldn't be nervous but MY OH MY...woke up this morning with my chest in my throat. hehe. Nervous, excited, scared to death....all at once. It's important to understand how I REALLY came to the decision of having lap band surgery. Ya see, my daughter (who is 10-years-old) has a very rare metabolic disorder that literally damages every organ in her body. She takes 10 medications every six hours, along with eye drops (to prevent blindness) every waking hour. Since her father & I separated in 2005, 95% of her care has rested solely on my shoulders. About 4 months ago, her nurse called to inform me that her kidney function has dropped to 40% - when it gets to 20%, we will start donor matching and testing for kidney transplant. The nurse also informed me that even if I was a perfect match, they would be hesitant to take my kidney since I am morbidly obese and have high cholesterol, sleep apnea, etc. So that's how I came to this decision. A friend had mentioned lap band to me and I knew this wasn't something I could do alone. I have got to be healthy...whether its to give my Emily a kidney or its simply to take care of her.... failure is not an option at this point. Back to being nervous though... what if I DO fail??? How embarassing would that be!!! I need to do my preop photos and measurements...but I hate to even see that visual image. :thumbdown: For so long now, I've hid behind big clothes... cropped fat rolls outta pictures ... and lived in denial about my weight. Reality is hitting home now! How did I let myself go so much !?!? I've babbled enough. Yall keep your fingers crossed for me. Within 10 hours of having my surgery, I will be fixing dinner for my kids & helping them with homework. I hope I haven't bit off more than I can chew. :ohmy:




In the beginning...

Where do I even start?   About a year ago, a friend of mine mentioned something about the lap band procedure. Until then, I had never heard of it. I thought the only WLS option was gastric bypass. Watching my mom post GB, I knew that wasn't something I was willing to explore. However, the lap band sounded like a great idea. After doing some research online, I began the process.   Here I am at 218 pounds, only 5'2" with a BMI of 38, high cholesterol and sleep apnea...and only 31 years of age. Most days, I feel like I'm trapped in an old woman's body. I have no energy at all and could sleep for 12+ hours.   My surgery is scheduled for 09-09-09 (12 twelves away)!!! While excited, I'm also nervous.   I think my biggest concern right now is being alone through the process. I'm single and I know it is going to be tough trying to take care of my two kids by myself immediately following surgery. I'm determined though and I can't wait to come out on the other side of this whole ordeal. I can't believe how many appointments I've gone through just to get here.   So, that's a very short, brief version of "my story." Will write more later. :blushing:




I'm Banded...Now What?

So my surgery was yesterday morning and I'm thinking I need a new pain med. Everyone says that the pain wasn't that bad...mine is terrible. It's all I can do to get up from the sitting position. Doc has me on liquid hydrocodone every 4 hours. Problem is it's only controlling the pain for about an hour and then its back full force. I'm wondering if my pain is greater because of all the scar tissue in my abdomen from previous surgeries.?.?.? Oh well... this too shall pass. Good news is that I haven't had a bite of real food since Monday (three days ago) and I'm not hungry at all. I was pretty nervous that I'd wake up from surgery and instantly start craving a cheesburger. hehe. Again, receiving lots of good advice & support from this group...which is a God Send. My mom stayed last night to help with the kids but she fell asleep on the couch at 8pm and I woke her up in time for her to take my daughter to school. Emily (my daughter) has to be given meds every 6 hours through a feeding tube (she has a rare disease called cystinosis) so I was up at midnite & then 6am...got my son on the bus at 6:45....got Emily ready for school at 7:15...woke mama up at 7:30 and saw them all off as they left for their day. I've been snoozin on the couch since...until I woke up hurting. Time for pain meds & another nap. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. :thumbdown: ~ Annie n Carolina ~




Count Down is On!!!

Holy Moly!!! My surgery is in less than 12 hours!!!! It's taken me a lifetime to get "morbidly obese," half a year to get approval for the surgery, and in less than half a day I'll be BANDED!!!! My insurance company did not require a pre-surgery diet...but my doctor required me to only take in clear fluids today. I would gnaw my leg off right now if I thought Blue Cross Blue Shield would cover the expense of a prosthetic. hehe I'm excited...and terrified...all at once. Not worried so much about the surgery itself (I've had my share of abdominal surgeries)...I'm more so worried about feeling hungry (like I do right now) and of failing. I want to be one of the success stories...not one of the "it didn't work for me" blogs. I want people to look at MY pictures and say WOW (like I have done with so many of the photos on this website). Jerrica has been a HUGE help ... especially considering I have no real support system away from this website. Thank GOD for post-bandsters like her!!! By the next time I blog, I will have my band!!! ~ Annie in Carolina :thumbdown:



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